"Flora of Doe Mountain Recreation Area, Johnson County, Tennessee" by Benjamin McCullough

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Foster Levy

Committee Members

Timothy McDowell, Thomas Jones


A botanical inventory of Doe Mountain Recreation Area (DMRA) in northeastern Tennessee was conducted to help guide conservation-based management. A total of 484 species were found in DMRA, comprising 94 families, and 285 genera, 10 species listed in the state rare plant list, and 76 exotic species. Two species, Liatris virgata and Lycopodiella inundata, were new state records. Water in the Lycopodiella seep was an order of magnitude more acid than at other sites. An analysis of the wildland-urban interface showed that only 13% of the area was classified as uninhabited. The inventory-invasion index, introduced to quantify the relative degree of botanical uniqueness, was indicative of an under-explored or unique area but less so compared to some other botanically-rich regional sites. Management should aim to protect acid seeps, arid roadside slopes, curtail mowing a roadside that supports a state endangered species, and avoid herbicides in the biodiverse power line corridor.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by Benjamin Adam McCullough
