"A Phenomenological Study of Contributing Factors and Common Trends Rel" by Preston Clarke

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

William Flora

Committee Members

Stephanie Barham, John K. Boyd, Pamela Scott


A phenomenological approach was used to identify contributing factors and common trends related teacher attrition by conducting interviews with teachers who decided to exit a North Carolina School District located in Western North Carolina. A qualitative approach allowed the researcher to gain valuable insight into the decision-making process of the 15 research participants. Data collection involved conducting one on one telephone interviews with participants by asking a series of open-ended questions that allowed for probing and follow-up questions. Analysis of researcher notes, evaluation of textual data produced by interviews, and observations allowed the qualitative investigator to identify emerging themes and patterns to answer the research questions. Family, spouse, job opportunity, money, and relocation were identified as contributing factors in the decision-making process of research participants to leave the North Carolina School district. Suggestions for future research include researchers working with school districts to develop an exit interview in the form of a quantitative research design to identify emerging themes and patterns related to teacher attrition. This will allow for the quick collection of data, and researchers will be able to conduct statistical analysis in a timely manner.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
