"A Descriptive Study: Aging in Place in the Rural Southeastern United S" by Dama G. Cooley

Degree Name

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Florence Weierbach

Committee Members

Jean Croce Hemphill, Kendrea Todt, Roger Blackwell


Older Americans will soon outnumber children and younger adults. In 2022, there were 58 million older adults. By 2050, older adult numbers will grow to 82 million, and by 2060, 100 million. The National Institute on Aging calls for ongoing research on the impact that a historically large aging population will have on health, well-being, and quality of life. A key concern is how to meet needs while decreasing costs associated with institutional long-term care.

Most of these elders reside in the community and wish to live in their homes throughout their lives, but they will experience an increased need for age-related healthcare and resources in their rural communities. There is little in the literature about these issues. A qualitative, descriptive, phenomenological study was undertaken to describe the availability of resources for aging in place through the lens of rural community service workers' lived experience and perceptions. The study was underpinned theoretically with Rural Nursing Theory and conceptually by principles of aging in place. Resulting themes included easily vs not easily accessible resources for aging in place, bridges or battles to support aging in place, and big dysfunctional puzzle of fragmented and scattered resources. By focusing on aspects of rural environments and concepts of aging in place, the study describes the contextual differences of rural aging in place, illuminates the reality of rural aging, and highlights the need for cost-effective expansion of age-related resources for rural aging in place.

Document Type

Dissertation - embargo


Copyright by the authors.

Available for download on Monday, September 15, 2025
