The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Preparticipation Examinations, Diana L. Heiman (2019)


Preschool Math in a STEM Context: Supporting Math Learning through Science, Technology, and Engineering Experiences, Alissa A. Lange

Preschool Nutrition: The Importance of Discussing Healthy Eating in Teacher Education, Amy J. Malkus and Michelle E. Johnson (2019)

Preschool STEM Explorations that Build on and Build Up Children’s Curiosity, Knowledge, and Skills, Alissa A. Lange (2019)

Pressure-induced Lipodystrophy from Elbow Compression, Randi P. Winter, Lorin Bibb, and Stuart S. Leicht Dr.

Preventative Voice Care, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2019)

Primary Care Cases, Will Dodd (2019)

Primary Care Physician and Community Pharmacist Opioid-Related Communication and Screening Behaviors, Tyler C. Melton, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Kelly N. Foster, Jesse Arnold, Billy Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack (2019)

Primary Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Sigmoid Colon, Ahmed Minhas, Ibrahim Haddad, Manisha Nukavarapu, Michael Zhang, Diego Hidalgo, Lauren Littlefield, and Melania Bochis


Program Evaluation Intensive: Practical Training in Selecting Measures and Data Collection Methods to Obtain Useful Outcome Data, Robyn Shepherdson, Jennifer Funderburk, Nadiya Sunderji, Nadiya Sunderji, and Jodi Polaha (2019)

Promoting Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Teaching Through Online Discussion of Case Studies, Amber N. Warren and Natalia Ward (2019)

Prosocial Identity Fit and Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction, C. Allen Gorman and X. Zheng (2019)


Prospect and Progress: New Experimental Searches for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations with Free Neutron Beams, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)

Prostate Cancer, Jim Holt (2019)

Providers’ Perspective on Treating Patients for Substance Use Disorder in Northeast Tennessee, Stefan Pienkowski and Abbey Mann (2019)

Psychache and Suicide Risk in the LGBTQ Community: Considering the Role of Time Perspective, Rachel E. Meek, Morgan K. Treaster B.A., Katie J. Tanner B.S., and Jameson K. Hirsch Ph. D.

Psychosocial Well-Being and Efforts to Quit Smoking in Pregnant Women of Rural Appalachia, Brittney Stubbs, Valerie M. Hoots, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2019)

Public Health Initiatives to Address the Opioid Crisis, Robert P. Pack (2019)

Public Knowledge and Opinions on Differences Between Hearing Professionals, Brandy Davenport, Marc Fagelson, Marcy Kay Lau, and Saravanan Elangovan

Purification of Cyclohexene for Cyclopropanation Reactions, Olumide Adesina, Cassandra T. Eagle, Ayobami Olukanni, and Reza Mohseni

Purification of Ethyl Diazoacetate by Vacuum Distillation for use in Cyclopropanation Reactions, Ayobami Olukanni, Cassandra T. Eagle, olumide Adesina, and Reza M. Mohseni

Purposeful Integration of Diverse Literature in ELA, Natalia Ward, E. Sherwood, and Stacey Fisher (2019)

Quality IEPs: From Paper to Practice, Dawn A. Rowe

Quality IEPs: From Paper to Practice, Dawn A. Rowe (2019)

Quality of Life as a Protective Factor Against Substance Misuse Among Adults with a History of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Kathleen Tatro, Rachel Clingensmith, and Diana Morelen

Quantification of Acetylcholine Release from Splenocytes for Exploration of the Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway, Sarah Lawson, Stacy Brown, and Donald Hoover

Quantification of Acetylcholine Release from Splenocytes for Exploration of the Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway, S. Lawson, Megan Poston, Stacy D. Brown, and Donald Hoover (2019)

Rapid Fire Talk in Pediatric Physical Therapy Education, Kara Boynewicz, Heather Lundeen, Robbie O'Shea, Jennifer Furze, Tricia Catalino, Roberta Gatlin, and Peggy Mohr (2019)

Reaching Out to English Language Learners and Their Families, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2019)

Readiness of the Southern Appalachian Church to Address the Opioid Crisis, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie A. Cyphers, Valerie Hoots, and Joseph Barnet (2019)

Real-Life Communication Skills for Library Professionals: Presentation Planning and Design Best Practices Interactive Workshop, Wendy C. Doucette (2019)

Real-World Team Training Experiences for Entry-Level IPE Students, Caroline Abercrombie, Leonard B. Cross, Sandra Alicia Williams, Jodi Polaha, and Margaret Smith (2019)

Reconstruction's Peak: A New Look at the 1868 Asheville Election Riot, Steven Nash

Recovering the Works of Margaret Wrench Holford (1757-1834): Dramatic Fiction and Drama, Judith Bailey Slagle (2019)

Referrals to Cleft Lip & Palate Teams: Practices of School-Based Speech- Language Pathologists, Rachael Buckles, Allison Burrows, Caitlyn Deel, Elizabeth Holley, Ellen Monroe, Olivia Page, and Brenda Louw (2019)

Reflection on and for Success: Using Reflective Narratives to Reawaken Teachers’ Inquiry Spirit in Working with ELS, Natalia Ward, Renee Moran, Karin Keith, Huili Hong, and G. Li (2019)

Relational Health Assessment and Interventions in Integrated Community-based Settings, Diana Morelen (2019)

Relationship Between Corrective Saccades and Measures of Physical Function in Unilateral and Bilateral Vestibular Loss, Kristal Riska, Sarah Peskoe, Jordan Bellucci, Doug Garrison, and Courtney D. Hall (2019)

Relationship Between Joint Attention and Language in Multiparous and Uniparous Households, Hannah C. Manis, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, and Jordan K. Willey

Religiosity Mediates the Relationship Between Sexual Trauma and Anxiety, Madison Hinkle and Julia Dodd (2019)

Religious Attendance, Surrender to God, and Suicide Risk: Mediating Pathways of Feeling Forgiven by God and Psychopathology, Kelley C. Pugh, Loren Toussaint, Jon R. Webb, Andrea D. Clements, and Jameson K. Hirsch

Reviving Plant Biology- a Fading Discipline in STEM Education, Aruna Kilaru (2019)


Reward Student Accomplishments: Start a Scholarship at Your Library!, Wendy C. Doucette and Rebecca Tolley (2019)

Risk Factors Associated With Suicidality and Sexual Offending, Jill D. Stinson (2019)

RNA-Seq to analyze two related rat Growth Hormone-producing somatotroph cell lines for tissue-specific transcript expression, Taylor Gregory, Devin Josey, Alexa Bancroft, Bridgett Barnes, Claire Hodge, Rachel Nelson, Emily Scott, Kayla Watters, Stacey Zysk, and David L. Hurley

Road Maps and Roadblocks to English Language Learning: Successful DLL Narratives, Ruth Facun-Granadozo, Guillermo Mendoza, Tahani Ahmed, and Qiuju Tian Tian (2019)

S100A9 Sustains Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Expansion and Immunosuppression During Chronic Murine Sepsis, Tuqa Alkhateeb PharmD, Ajinkya Kumbhare MD, Isatou Bah BS, and Mohamed Elgazzar PhD

S100A9 Sustains Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Expansion and Immunosuppression During Chronic Murine Sepsis, Tuqa Alkhateeb PharmD, Ajinkya Kumbhare MD, Isatou Bah BS, and Mohamed Elgazzar PhD

Safe Offender Strategies and Applications for Practice, Jill D. Stinson (2019)

Safety & Patient Care, Kristen L. McHenry (2019)

Samuel Beckett and Contemporary Art, Katherine Weiss (2019)

SANE Nursing, ACES and Trauma Informed Care, Judy G. McCook (2019)

Scholarship for Nursing Faculty, Katherine C. Hall (2019)


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Explorations in the Library: Lessons from the Math and Science Story Time (MASST) Series, Alissa A. Lange (2019)


Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Process Improvement in a Nurse-Managed Clinic Serving the Homeless, Ryan Kerrins and Jean Hemphill

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Process Improvement in a Nurse-Managed Clinic Serving the Homeless, R. Kerrins and Jean Croce Hemphill (2019)

Secondary Transition Fidelity Assessment for Secondary Personnel: Results from Field Testing, Val L. Mazzotti, D. W. Test, Allison Lombardi, Kyle Reardon, and K. Clark

Self-Assessed Change Attributed to Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Training, Valerie M. Hoots, Joseph Barnet, Diana Morelen, Becky Haas, and Andrea D. Clements (2019)

Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, and Classroom Engagement of Elementary School Students Following Participation in a Run, Jump, Throw Program, Brandi M. Eveland-Sayers, Andy R. Dotterweich, Alyson J. Chroust, and Kara L. Boynewicz (2019)

Self-Regulation and the Treatment of Sexual Behavior Problems. Mobilizing the Evidence Into Best Practices for Reducing Sexual Reoffending, Jill D. Stinson (2019)

Self-report Participation of Physical Activity Outside School on Rate of Motor Skills Development in Elementary Students, Maritza Cuevas, Kara Lynn Boynewicz Dr., and Brandi Eveland-Sayers Dr.

Serial Spatial Memory Performance and Physical Activity in Children 5-11 Years Old., Loni Parrish, Alyson Jo Chroust, Brandi Eveland-Sayer, Kara Boynewicz, and Andrew Dotterweich

Shared Governance for Nursing Education, Florence M. Weierbach and Jo-Ann S. Marrs (2019)

Short-Chain Fatty Acid Profiles for Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kyla Scott, Brooke Beasley, John Sterrett, Wesley Gill, Andrew Clark, and Michelle Chandley

Show Me 5: Building Number Composition Skills in Preschool, Alissa A. Lange (2019)

Sigma Tau Delta Lecture Series, Matthew Holtmeier (2019)


Silver Talisman or Moral Compass: Empathetic Experiences in Thimble Summer, Renee C. Lyons (2019)

Simple Pretreatment of Arundo Donax and Enzymatic Conversion of Cellulosic Materials to Glucose, Akintayo Fatunwase

Simplifying Your Assessment Process to Improve Its Efficiency and Effectiveness, Karen A. Tarnoff, T. D. Pittarese, and C. Allen Gorman (2019)

SimulTrain® + Project Based Learning: Training Project Management in A Whole New Way, Mohammad M. Uddin (2019)

Skin Examination, Retha D. Gentry, Lisa Ousley, and Candice N. Short (2019)

Small cell lung cancer(SCLC) disguised as Dysphagia, Nagaishwarya Moka, Manisha Nukavarapu, Jennifer Phemister, and Mckinney Jason

Social Determinants of Health in Appalachian Populations, Wanda J. Franklin (2019)

Social Determinants of Health in Belize Free Clinic, Kacie Hoyle Denton and Claire Gleadhill

Social Justice Literature and LAT Diversity Committee Grant, S. Fisher, H. Anderson, A. Eldaba, and Natalia Ward (2019)

Social Structure of Children’s Play: Children’s Perceptions of Status and Roles, Jane Tingle Broderick (2019)

Social Structure of Children’s Play: Children’s Perceptions of Status and Roles, Jane Tingle Broderick (2019)

Social Structure of Children’s Play: Children’s Perceptions of Status and Roles, Jane Tingle Broderick, Narges Sareh, and Patience Mensah-Bonsu (2019)


Social Structure of Children’s Play: Children’s Perceptions of Status and Roles, Jane T. Broderick, Narges Sareh, and Patience Mensah-Bonsu


Sociodemographic Factors and Health-Risk Behaviors Associated with Recent Utilization of Dental Services Among South-Central Appalachian Adolescents, Hima Bindu Dubasi and Kiana Rachele Johnson Dr.

So U No (Sun Safety), Retha D. Gentry and Lisa Ousley (2019)

Sparking Learning with Labs in Non-Science Courses, Susan Bramlette Epps (2019)

Spatial Extent of Diffuse X-Ray Emitting Regions in Major Merging Galaxies, Peter Wagstaff and Dr. Beverly J. Smith

Specificity and Sensitivity of Drug Interaction Databases to Detect Meaningful QTc Interactions with Oral Antineoplastics, D. Eskens and A. Gardner (2019)

Spenserian Overlay and the English Translation of the Italian Romance Epic, Joshua S. Reid (2019)


Sponsorship Engagement: Leveraging Ancillary Events to Increase Title Sponsor Awareness, Amanda Greene, Natalie L. Smith, and Charles W. Jones (2019)

Spontaneous Esophageal Rupture without Risk Factors, Daniel W. Epperson and Stephen B. Blankenship MD, FAAEM

SSE: Improving Task 2 and Task 3 Scores by Planning, Teaching, Assessing the Subject Specific Emphasis, Terryl Rock (2019)

Stability of Ampicillin in Normal Saline Following Refrigerated Storage and 24-Hour Pump Recirculation, Mariah Huskey, Paul O. Lewis, and Stacy Brown (2019)

Stacked Credentials Pathways: Accelerated LPN-BSN Program, Wendy M. Nehring (2019)


Status of the Los Alamos Room Temperature Neutorn Electric Dipole Moment Search, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)

STEM in the ELA Classroom: Using Lego Story Visualizer to Engage Students in Writing, Renee Rice Moran, LaShay Jennings, Karin Keith, and Natalia Ward (2019)

STEM-Literacy Integration: Paper and Digital Interactive Notebooks in Grades 3-8, Laura Robertson, Chihche Tai, Lindsay Lester, Karin Keith, and Renee M. Moran (2019)

Stigma About Women’s Health in Northeast Tennessee, Caitlin Nicholson, B. Altschuler, and Abbey Mann (2019)

Stigma and Rural Sex Offender Reintegration: A Qualitative Exploration of Providers’ Viewpoints, Alyssa P. Gretak, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, and Jill D. Stinson (2019)

Supervisor Share: Guiding Future Colleagues, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2019)

Supporting Early Educators in Higher Education: Celebrating Bright Spots of Progress, Acknowledging the Work That Still Needs to Be Done and Developing a Plan for ACTION, Dina Walker-DeVose, Pamela A. Evanshen, Theresa Loch, and Amy O'Leary (2019)

Surrender to God Predicts Lower Levels of Substance Use Addiction, Joseph Barnet, Rebecca Kinsler, Amanda Trent, Emily Joyner, and Andrea Clements


Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,2,4-oxadiazolidinones: The Search for Potential non-β-lactam β-lactamase Inhibitors., Chimdi E. Kalu, Noah Lyons, Abbas G. Shilabin, and Chimdi Kalu

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of novel (S, E)-11-[2-(arylmethylene)hydrazono] pyrrolo [2,1-c] [1,4] benzodiazepine derivatives., David Mingle and Abbas G. Shilabin Dr