The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Leadership in Pharmacy Education Case Study, Debbie C. Byrd

Leading Change through Self-Leadership, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Steve C. Ellis, Sarah Gentry, David S. Roane, and Michele Williams (2019)

Learning by Doing: Working with Those Who Are Differently Abled, Julia M. Bernard (2019)

Lessons Learned While Developing a Peer-Mentoring Program, Lydia Gwyn and Jonathan Wilson (2019)

Let's get Personal: The Relationship between Rejection Sensitivity, True Self, and Self-Disclosure in Online Environments, Daisy Hernandez, Margaret A. Hance, and Ginette Blackhart


LGBTQ Mental Health and Practice, Stacey L. Williams (2019)

Lights, Clock, Action! Circadian Rhythms of Locomotor Activity in Larinioides cornutus Indicate Extreme Flexibility in Photo-entrainment, Madeleine K. Miller, Thomas C. Jones, and Darrell Moore

Links Between Cumulative Risk Factors and Child Temperament in Early School Age Children, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Natasha B. Gouge, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, Chelsea L. Robertson, and Nicholas A. Fasanello (2019)

Lipid Detection and Visualization, Aruna Kilaru (2019)

Listener Attitudes Towards Individuals with Voice Disorders, Haley Ballone, Alyssa Farris, Natalie Foulks, Savannah Richardson, and Chaya Nanjundeswaran

Listener Attitudes towards Individuals with Voice Disorders, Chaya Nanjundeswaran, Heather Ballone, A. Farris, N. Foulks, and S. Richardson (2019)

Listener Attitudes toward Teachers with Voice Problems, H. Ballone, A. Farris, N. Foulks, S. Richardson, and Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2019)

Making Meaningful Inquiry Possible for English Learners, Natalia Ward, Clara Lee Brown, Robin F. Scheil, and Betty Thomason (2019)


Making the Transition: Developing a Peer-Mentoring Program Targeting Transfer Students, Lydia C. Gwyn and Jonathan Wilson (2019)

Mandala Creation and Exploration in Counseling, Supervision, and Education, Rebecca Milner (2019)


Marketing Book Collections: Creating Digital Displays Using Alma Analytics, Travis Clamon (2019)

Maturation and synapse formation of olfactory sensory neurons after injury, Colin R. Yarid, Rudy T. Chapman, and Diego J. Rodriguez-Gil

Maximizing Opportunities to Work with Children from Diverse Backgrounds, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2019)

Meaningful Instructional Practices for ELS, Natalia Ward, Betty Thomason, John Mooneyham, and Clara Lee Brown (2019)

Meaningful Instructional Practices for ELs, Natalia Ward, B. Thomason, and John C. Mooneyham (2019)

Measuring Program Impact: An Implementation Science Tutorial for Clinicians and Researchers, Jodi Polaha (2019)

Medical Marijuana, CBD and THC, McKenzie L. Calhoun (2019)

Medical Mistrust Mediates the Relationship Between Sexual Victimization and Medical Non-Adherence, Rebecca Altschuler and Julia Dodd (2019)

Medical Mistrust Mediates the Relationship Between Sexual Victimization and Physical Health Complaints., Rebecca Altschuler, Madison Hinkle, and Julia Dodd (2019)

Medical Scribes in a Family Medicine Residency Program: An Implementation Outcomes Study, Leigh Johnson, Jodi Polaha, K. Stone, Todd Leibowitz, M. Briggs, M. Goodman, L. McAllister, and L. Graves (2019)

Medical Scribes in a Family Medicine Residency Program: An Implementation Outcomes Study, Mary Catherine Rush; Todd Leibowitz DO, MSMS; Katherine Stone DO; Jodi Polaha PhD; and Leigh Johnson MD, MPH


Medical Student Burnout in a Small-Sized Medical School, Adam Y. Chan, Elizabeth Farabee, Grace Wholley, Peter Blosser, Jordan L. Herring, and Richard L. Wallace

Mentoring in Health Care: Improving Patient Outcomes through Structured Peer Guidance, Kristen L. McHenry (2019)

Mesenteric panniculitis, an unusual presentation of abdominal pain, Ankit Patel, Yazan Alkawaleet, Mark Young, and Chakradhar Reddy

Metabolic engineering of Avocado Genes to Enhance Oil Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru and J. Shockey (2019)

Microaggressions., E. D. Watson, Lorianne D. Mitchell, and J. L. Fulkerson (2019)

Mindfulness and Religiosity/Spirituality as Protecting Factors for Internalizing Symptoms Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Moderated Moderation Model, Kayla Heineken, Diana Morelen, and R. Clingensmith (2019)

Mindfulness and Religiosity/Spirituality as Protecting Factors for Internalizing Symptoms Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Moderated Moderation Model, Kayla Heineken, Diana Marie Morelen, and Rachel M. Clingensmith

Moderator for the Sexual Orientation Panel, Beth Novotny

Mokken Scaling and Vocal Fatigue Index- Insights in to the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue, Chaya Nanjundeswaran, Miriam vanMersbergen, E. Hunter, and R. Banks (2019)

Mom Power: Fostering New Growth in Appalachian Tennessee, R. Otwell-Dove, R. M. Clingensmith, V. Jones, and Diana Morelen (2019)

Mucosal Associated Lymphoid tissue of the Skin, A Common Entity in a Rare Location., Fady Tawadros, Sakshi Singal, Maria Zayko, and Devapiran Jaishankar

Musteline (Mustelidae) fossil remains from the Early Pliocene Gray Fossil Site of Tennessee: the first pre-Pleistocene record of weasels in the Eastern United States, Ronald W. Peery and Joshua X. Samuels

Myeloid Sarcoma, Alay Mansurov, Sakshi Singal Singal, Sara Masood, and Devapiran Jaishankar

NAS and Effects on Motor, Cognition, Social-Emotional Development in Infants, Kara Boynewicz and Alyson Chroust (2019)

National and Tennessee Trends in BMI Percentile, Obesity, and Overweight Rates Among Youth Using YRBSS Data 1999-2017, Jessica R. Barbee, Aleigha Spaulding, Christian Nwabueze, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, and Shimin Zheng

Negative Religious Coping and Alcohol Misuse: Forgiveness and Humility among Religious Believers and Non-Believers, Benjamin B. Hall, Jon R. Webb, Loren Toussaint, and Jameson K. Hirsch

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Implications to Community Health and Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi and D. Nyarambi (2019)

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Maternal Opioid and Marijuana Dependency During Pregnancy: Implications to Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi (2019)

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perception of Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Lauren Fabrize, Kerry Proctor-Williams, and Brenda Louw (2019)

Nicotine-enhanced sign tracking results in greater cocaine demand in rats using a behavior economic analysis approach., Chloe T. Majors, Dustin C. Harryman, Amanda L. Smith, Taylor C. Day, Merlyn Pham, Madison M. Kosky, Emily Stillwell, and Matthew Palmatier

No Foolin? Fake News and A.I. Manipulation of Audio, Video, and Images, Rebecca Tolley (2019)

Nonviolent Behavioral Intervention and Self-Defense for Counselors, Rebecca Milner (2019)

Not Your Regular Run-of-the-Mill Bladder Cancer, Haroon Rehman, Sukesh Manthri, Sonia Oad, and Kanishka Chakraborty

NTRK2 Gene Expression Levels in Laser Captured Glutamatergic Neurons From Animal Models of Social Behavior Deficits, Misty Fain, Brooke Beasley, Ryan Abens, Kyla Scott, Wesley Gill, and Michelle Chandley

Nurse Educators Impact Education through Innovative Dermatology Models, Lisa Ousley, Retha D. Gentry, and Candice N. Short (2019)

Objective Measurement of Cognitive Systems During Effortful Listening, Lucia Menozi B.S.; David Ryan Ph.D.; Kim S. Schairer Ph.D.; Sherri L. Smith Au.D., Ph.D.; and Marcy K. Lau Au.D., Ph.D.

Observing the Connection Between the Religious Support Perceived by Children and the Number of Adverse Childhood Experiences Faced, Tayla Sluss and Diana Morelen

One year monitoring of potency change in commercial ibuprofen products stored in a household setting exposed to normal day-to-day temperature and humidity fluctuations, Timothy Archibald and Stacy Brown

Online Doctoral Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management System Tools, Connectedness, and Suggestions, Jill Channing, Sandra Lampley, and James Lampley

Online Master Teacher Presentation: NRSE 5010 Advanced Health Assessment Practicum, Christine M. Mullins (2019)

Oppression Activity Using the Mechanism of Social Service Learning, Jamie Branam Brown, Mary R. Langenbrunner, and Teresa Brooks-Taylor (2019)


Osteonecrosis of Jaw: Common etiologies, uncommon treatments, Utsab Panta, Adam chan, and Debalina Das

Paleochannel or Palisade? Preliminary Geophysical Investigations of a Linear Feature at the Runion Archaeological Site, Washington County, Tennessee, Montana L. Kruske and Dr. Eileen G. Ernenwein

Panel Discussion: A Framework with Actionable Items for Access and Success for SWD in Secondary CTE, M. Harvey, Dawn A. Rowe, A. Lombardi, A. Szymanski, and B. Bartlett

Panel: Holy Friendship - A Biblical Response to Pain and Addiction, Roger D. Leonard, Andrea D. Clements, and Becky Haas (2019)

Parenting Satisfaction and Paternal Involvement of Korean Fathers: A Person-Centered Approach, Kwangman Ko, Youngjin Kang, and Sun-A Lee (2019)


Parent Roles In IEP Transition Planning, Dawn A. Rowe

PARP1 inhibition produces unique antidepressant effects in an animal model of treatment-resistant depression, Hebah Alkhateeb, Gregory A. Ordway, W. Drew Gill, Joshua B. Coleman, Hui Wang-Heaton, Russell W. Brown, Michelle Chandley, Libby Ligon, Zachary Carter, Jacob Couthard, and Rachel Meek

Partnership with a Purpose: A Model of a School-University Collaboration, Jamie H. Price (2019)

Partnership with a Purpose: Model of a School/University Partnership, A. Govett and Jamie H. Price (2019)

Pathways to Delinquent and Sex Offending Behavior in Adolescent Males, Kelcey L. Puszkiewicz and Jill D. Stinson (2019)

Pathways to Success with Behavior in a PreK Classroom, Cathy Galyon Keramidas, Kim Floyd, and Anthony Menedez (2019)

Patient Choice to Opt-In or Opt-Out of Telephonic Health-Related Social Need Navigation Program, Sam Bailey MPH and Nathan Hale PhD, MPH

Patient Choice to Opt-In or Opt-Out of Telephonic Health-Related Social Need Navigation Program, Sam Bailey MPH and Nathan Hale PhD, MPH

Patient Outcome from Nontraditional Motorized Vehicle Accidents, Oluwaseun O. Famojuro, Mathew Leonard, Megan Quinn, and Bracken J. Burns

Peaking for a National Weightlifting Competition, Donald J. Marsh, Caleb D. Bazyler, Satoshi Mizuguchi, D. Gahreman, Aaron Cunanan, Dylan Suarez, and Michael H. Stone (2019)

Perceived Barriers to Contraceptive Access and Acceptance Among Reproductive-Aged Women Receiving Opioid Agonist Therapy in Northeast Tennessee, Edward Leinaar, Billy Brooks, Leigh Johnson, and Arsham Alamian (2019)

Perceived Physical Ability and Self-Perception of Adequacy and Enjoyment for Physical Activity in Elementary Students, Abigail D. Daugherty, Brandi M. Eveland-Sayers, Alyson J. Chroust, Kara L. Boynewicz, Andy R. Dotterweich, and Brianna R. Steffey (2019)

PERCEIVED PHYSICAL ABILITY AND SELF-PERCEPTION OF ADEQUACY AND ENJOYMENT FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN ELEMENTARY STUDENTS, Abigail D. Daugherty, Brianna R. Steffey, Brandi M. Eveland-Sayers Ph.D, Alyson Chroust, Kara L. Boynewicz, and Andrew R. Dotterweich

Perception of Cardiovascular Disease Among Adolescence in a Rural Community and the Effectiveness of a Risk Reduction Intervention, Justin Pinkston, Fakhry Dawoud, and Laura Stamper

Perceptions of Community-dwelling Patients and Caregivers of Patient-Centered Care in Central Appalachia: An Exploratory Study, Kristy J. Gagnon MPH; Mary Ann Littleton PhD; Amy M. Poole MSc; Cynthia J. Blair BA; Timir K. Paul MD, PhD; Ginny Kidwell MA; Liang Wang MD, PhD; Vicki Casenburg BA; Lynn Frierson BA; Rob Gregory BA; Carl Voigt BA; and Hadii M. Mamudu PhD, MPA

Perinatal Mental Health, Diana Morelen (2019)

Perinatal Outcomes of Marijuana use on Opioid Exposed Pregnancy, Emmitt Turner, Darshan Shah, Kathryn L. Duvall, David L. Wood, and Beth Bailey

Perinatal Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression in Adolescent Mothers of South-Central Appalachia, Valerie M. Hoots, R. A. Stephens, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2019)

Peroxide Sensing Using Nitrogen-Doped Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes, Chidiebere Ogbu and Gregory Bishop Dr.

Persistent elevation of troponins in the setting of Epstein-Barr Viral infection: A Case Report, Meredith St.Clair, Nathaniel Justice, and Jerry Walkup

Pharmacist and Physician Engagement in Tertiary Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder, Aaron J. Salwan, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Kelly N. Foster, Jesse Arnold, Billy Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack (2019)

Pharmacogenomics Guided Dosing of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in a Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma, T. Gregory and John Bossaer (2019)

Pharmacokinetics of individual versus combined exposure to "bath salts" compounds MDPV, Mephedrone, and Methylone, Courtney G. Troglin, J. Brooke Bouldin, Shannon Schreiner, Emily Perez, Stacy D. Brown Ph.D, and Brooks B. Pond Ph.D

Physical Abuse in Pregnant Appalachian Mothers: Associations with Religious Values and Forgiveness, Emily Brady, Haley Henderson, Valerie Hoots, Joseph Barnet, and Andrea Clements

Planning for emergent curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Jane T. Broderick and S. B. Hong

Planning for emergent curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Jane T. Broderick and S. B. Hong

Pneumonia masking the presentation of incomplete Kawasaki disease, Kathleen R. DeMars and Nathaniel A. Justice MD

Pocket Ace: Neglect of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors in the ACE Study Questionnaire, R. Dolson, D. Morelen, Julia Dodd, and Andrea D. Clements (2019)

Pocket Ace: Neglect of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors in the ACE Study Questionnaire, Robyn A. Dolson, Diana M. Morelen, Julia Dodd, and Andrea Clements

Positive Behavior Supports, John J. Wheeler

Positive Future Time Perspective, PTSD, and Insomnia in Veterans: Do Anger and Shame Keep You Awake?, Heather Altier, Morgan K. Treaster, and Jameson K. Hirsch

Possible Drug-Induced Pancreatitis in a Patient Receiving Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, and Prednisone Chemotherapy, R. Gardner and John Bossaer (2019)

Potential Role of Brain Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase 1 (PARP1) in the Pathology of Major Depressive Disorder and Suicide, Gregory A. Ordway (2019)

Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2019)

Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2019)

Pregnancy Planning for Women with Preexisting Diabetes: An Opportunity for Diabetes Educators, Janice Lazear and N. Lintner (2019)

Prenatal Care and Breastfeeding Intentions in Rural Pregnant Women, Madison Hinkle, Julia Dodd, Gabrielle Caselman, and Rebecca Altschuler (2019)

Prenatal Drug and Related Exposures in Infant Patients at Northeast Tennessee Pediatric Primary Care Clinic, Griffin Shoemaker, Gloria Kwak, Gayatri Bala Jaishankar, and Karen E. Schetzina (2019)