"Parent Roles In IEP Transition Planning" by Dawn A. Rowe

Parent Roles In IEP Transition Planning

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About the Guest: Dawn A. Rowe, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the department of Educational Foundations and Special Education at East Tennessee State University. Her research and scholarship are focused on three main areas of research: evidence-based practices and predictors of postschool success for students with disabilities, life skills interventions (e.g., goal setting, self-management, communication skills), and professional development (e.g., families, in-service and pre-service educators). She has over 20 years’ experience working in the adult service system and as a teacher and transition specialist for youth with disabilities in the public-school system. Dr. Rowe serves as the academic editor for the Council for Exceptional Children’s Research to Practice Journal, TEACHING Exceptional Children. Dr. Rowe’s publications have focused on transition assessment, transition skill instruction for low incidence disabilities, and family engagement.


