Examples of How BIM Can Enhance Career Paths in Construction
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In today’s architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, building information modeling (BIM) technologies and practices are making a significant difference in how building projects are delivered. BIM models and tools let stakeholders visualize, simulate, and analyze how a building might behave, perform, or appear—with more precision than ever before. BIM technology and practices are not only improving design and construction processes by delivering projects faster, more cost effectively, and more sustainably, but are also helping BIM professionals by expanding career possibilities within the field. This paper identifies key personnel in AEC industry who are taking advantage of BIM technologies and practices and explains how BIM has enhanced their career paths. The study found that new processes of BIM enhance the careers of existing professionals and create new career paths for young professionals. Until recently, positions like BIM engineer/BIM manager did not exist, but now they are key positions in many companies. BIM is also opening up positions for young engineers in nontraditional industries like manufacturing, energy, media and entertainment, healthcare companies, and facility management.
Citation Information
Uddin, Mohammad M.; and Khandoze, Atul R.. 2013. Examples of How BIM Can Enhance Career Paths in Construction. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, SPECIAL ISSUE: Construction Engineering: Leveraging Project and Career Success. Vol.19(1). 95-102. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000171 ISSN: 1084-0680