College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2004


Two New Carnivores From an Unusual Late Tertiary Forest Biota in Eastern North America, Steven C. Wallace and Xiaoming Wang (2004)


Introduction, Elwood Watson and Darcy Martin (2004)


An Improved Upper Bound for the Pebbling Threshold of the n-path, Adam Wierman, Julia Salzman, Michael Jablonski, and Anant P. Godbole (2004)

Submissions from 2003


Confidence Intervals for Mean Absolute Deviations, Douglas G. Bonett and Edith Seier (2003)


Statistical Inference for a Ratio of Dispersions Using Paired Samples, Douglas G. Bonett and Edith Seier (2003)


Graduate Health Professions Education: An Interdisciplinary University - Community Partnership Model 1996-2001, Deborah E. Brown, Bruce A. Behringer, Patricia L. Smith, Tom E. Townsend, Joy E. Wachs, Larry A. Stanifer, and Bruce A. Goodrow (2003)


Restrictions on the Zeros of a Polynomial as a Consequence of Conditions on the Coefficients of Even Powers and Odd Powers of the Variable, Jiansheng Cao and Robert Gardner (2003)


Stratification and Domination in Graphs, Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2003)

Requirements for Training in the Ethical Treatment of Human Research Subjects: Implications for Educational Researchers, Andrea D. Clements (2003)


Model Calculations of Radiation-Induced Damage in Thymine Derivatives, David Close, Gareth Forde, Leonid Gorb, and Jerzy Leszczynski (2003)


A Survey of Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope Sight Lines Through High-Velocity Cloud Complex C, Joseph A. Collins, J. Michael Shull, and Mark L. Giroux (2003)


Prescriptive Authority for Clinical Psychologists: A Review of the Debate, David E. Cox and Jon B. Ellis (2003)


Who's Controlling Whom? Infant Contributions to Maternal Play Behavior, Wallace E. Dixon Jr. and P. Hull Smith (2003)


Hope and Despair in Pandora's Box: Perceiving Reproductive Reward and Risk of Genetics Technologies and Information, Kelly A. Dorgan, Sandra L. Williams, Roxanne L. Parrott, and Tina M. Harris (2003)


Biogeography and Phylogeny of Caribbean Plants - Introduction, Peter W. Fritsch and Timothy D. McDowell (2003)


Global Defensive Alliances in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2003)


H-forming Sets in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Michael A. Henning, and Peter J. Slater (2003)


Changing and Unchanging Domination: A Classification, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2003)


Strong Equality of Domination Parameters in Trees, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Peter J. Slater (2003)


Geodetic Achievement and Avoidance Games for Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Charlotte Tiller (2003)

Domination Good Vertices in Graphs, Eugenie M. Jackson and Teresa W. Haynes (2003)


Neural Basis of a Simple Behavior: Abdominal Positioning in Crayfish, James L. Larimer and Darrell Moore (2003)


Thinking Through Singularity and Universality in Levinas, Leslie MacAvoy (2003)


The Maximum Number of 2 X 2 Odd Submatrices in (0, 1)-Matrices, Michael Marks, Rick Norwood, and George Poole (2003)


Biogeography of Exostema (Rubiaceae) in the Caribbean Region in Light of Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses, Tim McDowell, Miguel Volovsek, and Paul Manos (2003)


The Multiphase Intergalactic Medium Toward PKS 2155-304, J. Michael Shull, Jason Tumlinson, and Mark L. Giroux (2003)


An Improved Upper Bound for Leo Moser's Worm Problem, Rick Norwood and George Poole (2003)


Flavanone 3-Hydroxylase Expression in Citrus Paradisi and Petunia Hybrida Seedlings, Jennifer L. Pelt, W. Andrew Downes, Robert V. Schoborg, and Cecilia A. McIntosh (2003)


Radiation-Activated Nuclease Activity of o,o′-Diphenyleneiodonium Cations (DPI): A Reductively Initiated Chain Reaction Involving the C1′ Chemistry, Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2003)


Probing the Size of Low-Redshift Lyα Absorbers, Jessica L. Rosenberg, Rajib Ganguly, Mark L. Giroux, and John T. Stocke (2003)


Two Families of Kurtosis Measures, Edith Seier and Douglas Bonett (2003)


Evolution of a Writer: Joanna Baillie's Life in Letters, Judith B. Slagle (2003)


Infrared Colors and Variability of Evolved Stars From COBE DIRBE Data, Beverly J. Smith (2003)


Chandra Observations of the Interacting NGC 4410 Galaxy Group, Beverly J. Smith, Michael Nowak, Megan Donahue, and John Stocke (2003)


Ultrastructure of the Placentae of the Natricine Snake, Virginia Striatula (Reptilia: Squamata), James R. Stewart and Klaus R. Brasch (2003)


Evolutionary Transformations of the Fetal Membranes of Viviparous Reptiles: A Case Study of Two Lineages, James R. Stewart and Michael B. Thompson (2003)


Models of the Morphology, Kinematics, and Star Formation History of the Prototypical Collisional Starburst System NGC 7714/7715 = ARP 284, Curtis Struck and Beverly J. Smith (2003)

Total Domination Edge Critical Graphs With Minimum Diameter, L. C. Van Der Merwe, C. M. Mynhardt, and T. W. Haynes (2003)

Submissions from 2002

Changes in Social Behavior of Children With Much Younger Siblings: A Case Study, M. M. Bayard and Andrea D. Clements (2002)


Ngc 4314. IV. Photometry of Star Clusters With the Hubble Space Telescope: History of Star Formation in the Vicinity of a Nuclear Ring, G. Fritz Benedict, D. Andrew Howell, Inger Jørgensen, Jeffrey D.P. Kenney, and Beverly J. Smith (2002)


A Test of Normality With High Uniform Power, Douglas G. Bonett and Edith Seier (2002)


In the Beginning Was the Student: Teaching Peacemaking and Justice Issues, Michael Braswell and John T. Whitehead (2002)


White-Livered Widders and Bad-Blooded Men: Folk Illness and Sexual Disorder in Southern Appalachia, Anthony Cavender and Steve Crowder (2002)


Young Adults Who Were Sexually Abused: Demographics as Predictors of Their Coping Behaviors, C. Melisa Chelf and Jon B. Ellis (2002)


Model Calculations of Radiation-Induced Damage in 1-Methyluracil:9- Ethyladenine, Yuhua Chen and David Close (2002)

Problems (and solutions) in Online Teaching II, Andrea D. Clements (2002)

Requirements for Training in the Ethical Treatment of Human Research Subjects: Implications for Educational Researchers, Andrea D. Clements (2002)

Socialization of Children With Much Younger Siblings: A Case Study, Andrea D. Clements (2002)

Variety Of Teaching Methodologies Used By Homeschoolers: Case Studies Of Three Homeschooling Families, Andrea D. Clements (2002)

Requirements for Education on the Protection of Human Research Subjects: Implications for Educational Researchers, Andrea D. Clements and P. W. Myrick (2002)


Comment on "a Fourier Transform Epr Study of Uracil and Thymine Radical Anions in Aqueous Solution" by J. M. Lü, J. Geimer, S. Naumov and D. Beckert, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2001, 3, 952, D. M. Close (2002)


Total Irredundance in Graphs, Odile Favaron, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Michael A. Henning, and Debra J. Knisley (2002)


Translation Invariance and Finite Additivity in a Probability Measure on the Natural Numbers, Robert Gardner and Robert Price (2002)


Domination in Graphs Applied to Electric Power Networks, Teresa W. Haynes, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2002)


A Characterization of I-Excellent Trees, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2002)


Total Domination Good Vertices in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2002)


Trees With Equal Domination and Tree-Free Domination Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2002)

Total Domination Critical Graphs With Respect to Relative Complements, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van der Merwe (2002)


Total Domination Supercritical Graphs With Respect to Relative Complements, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2002)


Gendered Performances in Employment Interviewing: Interpreting and Designing Communication Research, Amber E. Kinser (2002)

Parental Attitudes Toward Cross-Gender Behavior, Roger Leonard and Andrea D. Clements (2002)

Parental Gender Typing of Toys and Play Behaviors, Roger Leonard and Andrea D. Clements (2002)


Current Status of the Tardigrada: Evolution and Ecology, Diane R. Nelson (2002)


Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals for Difference and Ratio of Medians, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2002)


Ducks and Green – An Introduction to the Ideas of Hypothesis Testing, E. Seier and C. Robe (2002)


Infrared Light Curves of Mira Variable Stars From COBE DIRBEI Data, Beverly J. Smith, David Leisawitz, Michael W. Castelaz, and Donald Luttermoser (2002)


Responses to Soils and a Test for Preadaptation to Serpentine in Phacelia dubia (Hydrophyllaceae), Stacy I. Taylor and Foster Levy (2002)


Criminology at the Edge: Essays in Honor of Richard Quinney, John F. Wozniak and Michael Braswell (2002)

Submissions from 2001


Model Calculations of Radiation Induced Damage in 1-Methylthymine:9-Methyladenine, Yuhua Chen and David Close (2001)

Effectiveness of an Online College Course for Parents Who Homeschool Their Children, Andrea D. Clements (2001)

Students’ Use of Email for Instructor Contact in Web-Enhanced and Non-Web-Enhanced College Courses, Andrea D. Clements (2001)

Problems (and solutions) in Online Teaching, Andrea D. Clements and Steve Cockerham (2001)

Cyclic and Rotational Decompositions of Kn into Stars, Robert B. Gardner (2001)

Stable and Unstable Graphs With Total Irredundance Number Zero, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Michael A. Henning, and Debra J. Knisley (2001)

Strong Equality of Upper Domination and Independence in Trees, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Peter J. Slater (2001)

Domination and Total Domination Critical Trees With Respect to Relative Complements, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2001)

Generalized Maximum Degree, Teresa W. Haynes and Lisa R. Markus (2001)


The Distribution of Tardigrades Upwind and Downwind of a Missouri Coal-Burning Power Plant, Amber M. Hohl, William R. Miller, and Diane R. Nelson (2001)


Simmel's Legacy for Contemporary Value Theory: A Critical Assessment, Paul Kamolnick (2001)


Using Data to Motivate the Models Used in Introductory Mathematics Courses, Lyndell Kerley and Jeff Knisley (2001)


Phacelia Dubia in South Carolina: The Interface of Morphology, Genetics, and Taxonomy, F. Levy and K. A. Malone (2001)


Wind Stress: An Experimental Investigation Into the Structure-Function Relationship of Leaf Architecture, Foster Levy, Shannon Hill, and Tim McDowell (2001)


Overturning Cartesianism and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Rethinking Dreyfus on Heidegger, Leslie MacAvoy (2001)


Honey Bee Circadian Clocks: Behavioral Control From Individual Workers to Whole-Colony Rhythms, D. Moore (2001)


Distribution of Tardigrades Within a Moss Cushion: Do Tardigrades Migrate in Response to Changing Moisture Conditions?, Diane R. Nelson and Rebecca G. Adkins (2001)


Seasonal and Altitudinal Variation in the Distribution and Abundance of Tardigrada on Dugger Mountain, Alabama, P. Brent Nichols, Frank A. Romano, and Diane R. Nelson (2001)

Agresti, A., and Caffo, B. (2000), “Simple and Effective Confidence Intervals for Proportions and Differences of Proportions Result From Adding Two Successes and Two Failures,” the American statistician, 54, 280-288: Comment by price and reply, Robert M. Price (2001)


Estimating the Variance of the Sample Median, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2001)


Evidence for Endoreduplication: Germ Cell DNA Levels Prior to Chromatin Diminution in Mesocyclops Edax, Ellen M. Rasch and G. A. Wyngaard


Ecological Distribution and Community Analysis of Tardigrada From Choccolocco Creek, Alabama, Frank A. Romano, Blanca Barreras-Borrero, and Diane R. Nelson (2001)


Tar Wars: Educating Today's Youth About Tomorrow's Health, J. Slagle, A. Ketron, J. Coulston, J. Cahow, and K. M. Willock (2001)


A Note on Joanna Baillie's Addresses: Corrections to Published Historical Records, Judith Bailey Slagle (2001)


New Observations of Extra-Disk Molecular Gas in Interacting Galaxy Systems, Including a Two-Component System in Stephan's Quintet, Beverly J. Smith and Curtis Struck (2001)


Gender, Gender Roles and Attitudes Towards Violence: Are Viewpoints Changing?, Stephen C. Smith, Jon B. Ellis, and Trisha A. Benson (2001)


Placental Nutrition in the Tasmanian skink, Niveoscincus Ocellatus, M. B. Thompson, B. K. Speake, J. R. Stewart, K. J. Russell, and R. J. McCartney (2001)


Utilisation of Nutrients by Embryos of the Enigmatic Australian Viviparous Skink Niveoscincus Coventryi, Michael B. Thompson, James R. Stewart, Brian K. Speake, Kylie J. Russell, and Ruth J. McCartney (2001)


Genetic Trends in a Population Evolving Antibiotic Resistance, Elaine S. Walker and Foster Levy (2001)


On the Domination Number of a Random Graph, Ben Wieland and Anant P. Godbole (2001)

Submissions from 2000


Indigena Self-Identity in Ecuador and the Rejection of Mestizaje, Scott H. Beck and Kenneth J. Mijeski (2000)


Phase-Dependent Spectroscopy of Mira Variable Stars, Michael W. Castelaz, Donald G. Luttermoser, Daniel B. Caton, and Robert A. Piontek (2000)