College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2010


When a Fly Has to Fly to Reproduce: Selection Against Conditional Recessive Lethals in Drosophila, Andrea D. Plunkett and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2010)


Factors Affecting the Yields of C1′ and C5′ Oxidation Products in Radiation-Damaged DNA: The Indirect Effect, Charles S. Price, Yuriy Razskazovskiy, and William A. Bernhard (2010)


3.6 Years of Dirbe Near-Infrared Stellar Light Curves, Stephan D. Price, Beverly J. Smith, Thomas A. Kuchar, Donald R. Mizuno, and Kathleen E. Kraemer (2010)


Origin of the Pantropical and Nutriceutical Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae): Comments on Its Distribution Range and Circumscription, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Timothy D. McDowell, David A. Halford, and Birgitta Bremer (2010)

Predictive Spelling with the P300-BCI, David B. Ryan and Eric W. Sellers

Giving the P300 Speller Some Color: A Color Spelling Matrix, David B. Ryan, George Townsend, K. A.M. Winnen, R. W. Brown, and Eric W. Sellers


How High Is Visual Short-Term Memory Capacity for Object Layout?, Thomas Sanocki, Eric W. Sellers, Noah Sulman, and Jeff Mittelstadt


The Interplay of Sex Ratio, Male Success and Density-Independent Mortality Affects Population Dynamics, Thomas Schmickl and Istvan Karsai (2010)


Late Quaternary Chronology and Extinction of North American Giant Short-Faced Bears (Arctodus Simus), Blaine W. Schubert (2010)


Giant Short-Faced Bears (Arctodus Simus) in Pleistocene Florida USA, a Substantial Range Extension, Blaine W. Schubert, Richard C. Hulbert, Bruce J. MacFadden, Michael Searle, and Seina Searle (2010)


Carnassial Microwear and Dietary Behaviour in Large Carnivorans, B. W. Schubert, P. S. Ungar, and L. R. DeSantis (2010)


A Brain-Computer Interface for Long-Term Independent Home Use, Eric W. Sellers, Theresa M. Vaughan, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw (2010)


Comparative Activity of Telavancin and Other Antimicrobial Agents Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Collected From 1991 to 2006, Wael Shams, Elaine S. Walker, Foster Levy, Scott A. Reynolds, Shalena M. Peterson, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2010)


Osteopontin: Role in Extracellular Matrix Deposition and Myocardial Remodeling Post-MI, Mahipal Singh, Cerrone R. Foster, Suman Dalal, and Krishna Singh (2010)


Role of Osteopontin in Heart Failure Associated With Aging, Mahipal Singh, Cerrone R. Foster, Suman Dalal, and Krishna Singh (2010)


Extracellular Ubiquitin Inhibits β-AR-Stimulated Apoptosis in Cardiac Myocytes: Role of GSK-3β and Mitochondrial Pathways, Mahipal Singh, Marina Roginskaya, Suman Dalal, Bindu Menon, Ekaterina Kaverina, Marvin O. Boluyt, and Krishna Singh (2010)


Margaret Holford, Joanna Baillie, and the "Terrible Beauty" of William Wallace, Judith B. Slagle (2010)

A New Frontier: Historians, Appalachian History, and the Aftermath of the Civil War, Andrew L. Slap (2010)


Spirals, Bridges, and Tails: A Galaxy Evolution Explorer Ultraviolet Atlas of Interacting Galaxies, Beverly J. Smith, Mark L. Giroux, Curtis Struck, and Mark Hancock (2010)


The Larson-Tinsley Effect in the Ultraviolet: Interacting Versus "Normal" Spiral Galaxies, Beverly J. Smith and Curtis Struck (2010)


Primer registro fósil de Procyon cancrivorus (G. Cuvier, 1798) (Carnivora, Procyonidae) en la Argentina, Leopoldo H. Soibelzon, Alfredo E. Zurita, Cecilia C. Morgan, Sergio Rodríguez, Germán M. Gasparini, Esteban Soibelzon, Blaine W. Schubert, and Ángel R. Miño-Boilini (2010)


Patterns of Maternal Provision and Embryonic Mobilization of Calcium in Oviparous and Viviparous Squamate Reptiles, James R. Stewart and Tom W. Ecay (2010)


Uterine and Eggshell Structure and Histochemistry in a Lizard With Prolonged Uterine Egg Retention (Lacertilia, Scincidae, Saiphos), James R. Stewart, Ashley N. Mathieson, Tom W. Ecay, Jacquie F. Herbert, Scott L. Parker, and Michael B. Thompson (2010)

Partner Violence Types, Sexual Assault, and Psychosocial Outcomes Among Women, Desta Taylor and Stacey L. Williams (2010)

Low Perceived Control and Physical Health Limitations Among Women Reporting Sexual Assault, Jamie A. Tedder, Sheri Chandler, and Stacey L. Williams (2010)

Perceived Discrimination, Characteristics of Stigmatizing Identities, and Anxiety Symptoms, Jamie A. Tedder and Stacey L. Williams (2010)

Towards Clinically Acceptable BCI Spellers: Preliminary Results for Different Stimulus-Selection Patterns and Pattern- Recognition Techniques, Chandra S. Throckmorton, David B. Ryan, B. Hanmer, C. Caves, Kenneth Colwell, Eric W. Sellers, and Leslie M. Collins

Towards Clinically Acceptable BCI Spellers: Preliminary Results for Different Stimulus selection Patterns and Pattern Recognition Techniques, S. Throckmorton, David B. Ryan, B. Hamner, K. Caves, K. Colwell, Eric W. Sellers, and L. Collins


Temperament Moderates Responsiveness to Joint Attention in 11-Month-Old Infants, James T. Todd and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2010)

P300-BCI: Disassociating Flash Groups from Physical Organizations Provides Improved Performance, George Townsend, Jessica Shanahan, Gerald E. Frye, and Eric W. Sellers


A Novel P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Stimulus Presentation Paradigm: Moving Beyond Rows and Columns, G. Townsend, B. K. LaPallo, C. B. Boulay, D. J. Krusienski, G. E. Frye, C. K. Hauser, N. E. Schwartz, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, and Eric W. Sellers


SABP2, a Methyl Salicylate Esterase Is Required for the Systemic Acquired Resistance Induced by Acibenzolar-S-methyl in Plants, Diwaker Tripathi, Yu L. Jiang, and Dhirendra Kumar (2010)


Carnivoran Dental Microwear Textures: Comparability of Carnassial Facets and Functional Differentiation of Postcanine Teeth, Peter S. Ungar, Jessica R. Scott, Blaine W. Schubert, and Deano D. Stynder (2010)


A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Novel Loci Associated With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Ke Sheng Wang, Xue Feng Liu, and Nagesh Aragam (2010)


Beckett's "Happy Days": Rewinding and Revolving Histories, Katherine Weiss (2010)


Beckett’s Theatre: Revolving and Rewinding Histories, Katherine Weiss (2010)

“… gentle light unfading…”: Claire-Lise Holy and “Neither”, Katherine Weiss (2010)

Low-No Tech Teaching: What We Lose in the Smart Classroom, Katherine Weiss (2010)


“Response 2” of Carol Fischer’s “Dramatic Time: Phenomena and Dilemmas”, Katherine Weiss (2010)

Samuel Beckett’s Come and Go and Footfalls, Katherine Weiss (2010)

Time Spent in Pediatric Primary Care With a Behavioral Health Consultant, E. West, Natasha Gouge, and Jodi Polaha (2010)

Perceived Infertility Stigma Among Women, Stacey L. Williams and Judy McCook (2010)


Adsorption of Small Hydrocarbon Radicals on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes of Finite Length, Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2010)


The Role of p38 MAPK in Valproic Acid Induced Microglia Apoptosis, Nanchang Xie, Cui Wang, Youting Lin, Hui Li, Lin Chen, Tongxia Zhang, Yong Sun, Yi Zhang, Deling Yin, and Zhaofu Chi (2010)


Evolutionary Patterns of Amino Acid Substitutions in 12 Drosophila Genomes, Lev Y. Yampolsky and Michael A. Bouzinier (2010)

Submissions from 2009


Civil Rights and Political Human Rights: Contesting Human Rights Failures Within the Minimally Democratic State: Research and Analysis, Michael Allen (2009)

The 2-Star Spectrum of Stars, Robert A. Beeler, Robert E. Jamison, and Eric Mendelsohn (2009)

Decompositions of Mixed Graphs Using Partial Orientations of P4 and S3, Robert A. Beeler and Adam M. Meadows (2009)


Local Implementation of Cancer Control Activities in Rural Appalachia, 2006, Bruce Behringer, Karen H. Mabe, Kelly A. Dorgan, and Sadie P. Hutson (2009)


Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology, Anton B. Beins, C. Blair-Broeker, C. Brewer, B. Buskist, B. Casad, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Y. Harper, R. Hailstorks, M. Kite, P. Puccio, and C. Rochleau (2009)


Rejection Elicits Emotional Reactions but Neither Causes Immediate Distress nor Lowers Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analytic Review of 192 Studies on Social Exclusion, Ginette C. Blackhart, Brian C. Nelson, Megan L. Knowles, and Roy F. Baumeister (2009)


D.RA.MA: An Extended Conceptualization of Student Anxiety in Criminal Justice Research Methods Courses, Lisa T. Briggs, Stephen E. Brown, Robert B. Gardner, and Robert L. Davidson (2009)


Powerful Alliances in Graphs, Robert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2009)


Binding of the Human Nucleotide Excision Repair Proteins XPA and XPC/HR23B to the 5R-Thymine Glycol Lesion and Structure of the cis-(5R,6S) Thymine Glycol Epimer in the 5′-GTgG-3′ Sequence: Destabilization of Two Base Pairs at the Lesion Site, Kyle L. Brown, Marina Roginskaya, Yue Zou, Alvin Altamirano, Ashis K. Basu, and Michael P. Stone (2009)


Metrosexuality Can Stuff It: Beef Consumption as (Heteromasculine) Fortification, C. W. Buerkle (2009)


Theoretical Investigation of the Formation of the Tropylium Ion From the Toluene Radical Cation, Kenneth W. Bullins, Thomas T. Huang, and Scott J. Kirkby (2009)


The Use of Magical Plants by Curanderos in the Ecuador Highlands, Anthony P. Cavender and Manuel Albán (2009)


Bounds on the Global Offensive K-Alliance Number in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Bert Randerath, and Lutz Volkmann (2009)


Global o Ensive Alliance Numbers in Graphs With Emphasis on Trees, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Lutz Volkmann (2009)

Church Attendance and Importance of Religion Predict Parental Awareness of Rural Appalachian Adolescent Activities and Friendships, Andrea D. Clements, Karen Schetzina, S. Rhodes, M. Dunn, and G. Cohen (2009)


Explaining the Value of Truth, Allen Coates (2009)


Hubble Space Telescope Survey of Interstellar High-Velocity Si III, Joseph A. Collins, J. M. Shull, and Mark L. Giroux (2009)


Multiwavelength Study of Pulsation and Dust Production in Mira Variables Using Optical Interferometry for Constraints, M. J. Creech-Eakman, J. Hora, Z. Ivezic, C. Jurgenson, D. Luttermoser, M. Marengo, A. Speck, R. Stencel, and R. R. Thompson (2009)

Toward an Attention-Competition Model of Temperament-Language Relationships, Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2009)

Temperament Moderates the Learning of Pretend Play Sequences at 15 Months, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., K. Lingerfelt, R. Russell, and Andrea D. Clements (2009)

Developmental Perspectives from the APA National Conference on Undergraduate Education in Psychology, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., C. Shore, R. M. Bartlett, Page M. McIntyre, and K. E. Brakke (2009)


Management of Grassy Balds Communities in the Roan Highlands, James T. Donaldson, Nora Schubert, and L. C. Huff


Culturally Tailored Cancer Communication, Education, and Research: The Highways and Back Roads of Appalachia, Kelly A. Dorgan, Sadie P. Hutson, Gail Gerding, and Katie L. Duvall (2009)


International Medical Graduate-Patient Communication: A Qualitative Analysis of Perceived Barriers, Kelly A. Dorgan, Forrest Lang, Michael Floyd, and Evelyn Kemp (2009)

Conversation Analysis, Yousif Elhindi (2009)

Metaphor, Yousif Elhindi (2009)

ATM Plays a Protective Role in β-Adrenergic Receptor (β-AR)-Stimulated Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis and Myocardial Remodeling, Cerrone R. Foster, S. Madireddy, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh (2009)


The Zeeman Effect in Hot-Star Winds With a Split Monopole Magnetic Field, K. G. Gayley and R. Ignace (2009)


Threshold and Complexity Results for the Cover Pebbling Game, Anant P. Godbole, Nathaniel G. Watson, and Carl R. Yerger (2009)


How Many People Are Able to Control a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)?, Christoph Guger, Shahab Daban, Eric Sellers, Clemens Holzner, Gunther Krausz, Roberta Carabalona, Furio Gramatica, and Guenter Edlinger (2009)


Electron Transfer in Trimetal Nitride Metallofullerenes, Frank Hagelberg and Jianhua Wu (2009)


Candidate Tidal Dwarf Galaxies in Arp 305: Lessons on Dwarf Detachment and Globular Cluster Formation, Mark Hancock, Beverly J. Smith, Curtis Struck, Mark L. Giroux, and Sabrina Hurlock (2009)


Recent Progress in the Computational Study of Silicon and Germanium Clusters With Transition Metal Impurities, Ju G. Han and Frank Hagelberg (2009)

Upper Bounds on the Total Domination Number, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2009)


Domination and Total Domination in Complementary Prisms, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2009)


A Dedication to Professor Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2009)


A Survey of Stratified Domination in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2009)

Double Domination Edge Critical Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Derrick Thacker (2009)


La Esfinge: Unamuno's Tragic Sense on the Stage, Katrina M. Heil (2009)


Chronic Medical Problems and Distressful Thoughts of Suicide in Primary Care Patients: Mitigating Role of Happiness, Jameson K. Hirsch, Paul R. Duberstein, and Jürgen Unützer (2009)


Optimistic Explanatory Style as a Moderator of the Association Between Negative Life Events and Suicide Ideation, Jameson K. Hirsch, Karen Wolford, Steven M. LaLonde, Lisa Brunk, and Amanda Parker-Morris (2009)


Eocene-Miocene Carbon-Isotope and Floral Record From Brown Coal Seams in the Gippsland Basin of Southeast Australia, Guy R. Holdgate, Brian McGowran, Tom Fromhold, Barbara E. Wagstaff, Stephen J. Gallagher, Malcolm W. Wallace, Ian R. Sluiter, and Michael Whitelaw (2009)


Cranial Morphology and Systematics of an Extraordinary Sample of the Late Neogene Dwarf Tapir, Tapirus Polkensis (Olsen), Richard C. Hulbert, Steven C. Wallace, Walter E. Klippel, and Paul W. Parmalee (2009)


Blastomycosis in the Mountainous Region of Northeast Tennessee, Rezhan Hussein, Saad Khan, Foster Levy, Jay B. Mehta, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2009)


Recombination Lines and Free-Free Continua Formed in Asymptotic Ionized Winds: Analytic solution for the radiative transfer., Richard Ignace (2009)


Scattering Polarization due to Light Source Anisotropy II. Envelope of Arbitrary Shape., Richard Ignace, M. Al-Malki, J. Simmons, J. Brown, D. Clarke, and J. Carson (2009)


Modeling Forbidden Line Emission Profiles from Colliding Wind Binaries., Richard Ignace, R. Bessey, and C. Price (2009)


Spectropolarimetric Variability and Co-Rotating Structure in HD 92207., Richard Ignace, S. Hubrig, and M. Schöller (2009)


Language and Linguistics, J. J'Fellers and Theresa McGarry (2009)


Learning to Measure Biodiversity: Two Agent-Based Models That Simulate Sampling Methods &Amp; Provide Data for Calculating Diversity Indices, Thomas Jones and Thomas Laughlin (2009)


Bro β-Lactamase and Antibiotic Resistances in a Global Cross-Sectional Study of Moraxella Catarrhalis From Children and Adults, Mushtaq A. Khan, John B. Northwood, Foster Levy, Suzanne J. Verhaegh, David J. Farrell, Alex van Belkum, and John P. Hays (2009)

An Examination of the Effect of Ground and Reference Electrode Placement on the Accuracy of the P300-Based Brain Computer Interface, J. G. King, S. M. Feldman, T. M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, and T. D. Heiman-Patterson


Denying Social Harm: Students’ Resistance to Lessons About Inequality, Sherryl Kleinman and Martha Copp (2009)

A Graph-Theoretic Model Based on Primary and Predicted Secondary Structure Reveals Functional Specificity in a Set of Plant Secondary Product UDP-Glucosyltransferases, Debra Knisley, Edith Seier, Daniel Lamb, Daniel Owens, and Cecelia Mcintosh (2009)


An Analysis of Quantile Measures of Kurtosis: Center and Tails, Samuel Kotz and Edith Seier (2009)