College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2000


Vanadium Oxide in the Spectra of Mira Variables, Michael W. Castelaz, Donald G. Luttermoser, and Robert A. Piontek (2000)

Use of the CPRS-48 With Children Under 3 Years of Age, Andrea D. Clements (2000)


Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Mechanism of Radiation-Induced Radical Formation in Hydrogen-Bonded Cocrystals of L-Methylcytosine and 5-Fluorouracil, David M. Close, Leif A. Eriksson, Eli O. Hole, Einar Sagstuen, and William H. Nelson (2000)


Parents' Perceptions of Their Children's Death Concept, Jon B. Ellis and Jamie E. Stump (2000)


Reasons for Living in Parents of Developmentally Delayed Children, Jon B. Elllis and J K. Hirsch

Decompositions and Packings of Digraphs with Orientations of a 4-Cycle, Robert B. Gardner, Coleen Huff, and Janie Kennedy (2000)


Pretty Reflections, D. E. Haley (2000)


Far-Infrared Observations of AFGL 2136: Simple Dust Toroid Models, Paul M. Harvey, Harold M. Butner, Cecilia Colomé, James D. Francesco, and Beverly J. Smith (2000)


Free Radical Formation in X-Irradiated Crystals of 2'-Deoxycytidine Hydrochloride. Electron Magnetic Resonance Studies at 10 k, Eli O. Hole, Einar Sagstuen, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (2000)


An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Molecular Biology, Foster Levy (2000)


A Theoretical Investigation of the Decomposition Mechanism of Pyridyl Radicals, Ruifeng Liu, Thomas T.S. Huang, James Tittle, and Daohong Xia (2000)


The Atmosphere of Mira Variables: A View With the Hubble Space Telescope, Donald G. Luttermoser (2000)


Quantification of Limonin and Limonoate A-ring Monolactone During Growth and Development of Citrus Fruit and Vegetative Tissues by Radioimmunoassay, C. A. McIntosh (2000)


The Biology and Ecology of lotic Tardigrada, Diane R. Nelson and Nigel J. Marley (2000)

Developing an Identity of Third-Graders, S. L. Newbill and Andrea D. Clements (2000)


The Rook's Pivoting Strategy, George Poole and Larry Neal (2000)


Estimating the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2000)


Long-Term Trends in Susceptibility of Moraxella Catarrhalis: A Population Analysis, E. S. Walker, C. L. Neal, E. Laffan, J. H. Kalbfleisch, S. L. Berk, and F. Levy (2000)


The Miss America Pageant: Pluralism, Femininity, and Cinderella All in One, Elwood Watson and Darcy Martin (2000)

Submissions from 1999


Equine Synteny Mapping of Comparative Anchor Tagged Sequences (CATS) From Human Chromosome 5, Alexandre R. Caetano, Leslie A. Lyons, Thomas F. Laughlin, Stephen J. O'Brien, James D. Murray, and Ann T. Bowling (1999)


A Comparative Gene Map of the Horse (Equus caballus), Alexandre R. Caetano, Yow Ling Shiue, Leslie A. Lyons, Steven J. O'Brien, Thomas F. Laughlin, Ann T. Bowling, and James D. Murray (1999)

Relationship Among Wake Time, Food Intake, Age, and Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Adults, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

The Completeness of Maternity and Premature Infants’ Medical Charts: Implications for Chart-Based Research Studies, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

The Relationship Between Antenatal Betamethasone Administration and the Incidence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

Introductory Psychology Need Not Be a Prerequisite for Developmental Lifespan Psychology, Andrea D. Clements and M. Byous (1999)


Flavanone-7-O-Glucosyltransferase Activity From Petunia hybrida, Randy L. Durren and Cecilia A. McIntosh (1999)


Evaluation of Two String Tests for Obtaining Gastric Juice for Culture, Nested-PCR Detection, and Combined Single- and Double-Stranded Conformational Polymorphism Discrimination of Helicobacter Pylori, David A. Ferguson, C. Jiang, D. S. Chi, J. J. Laffan, C. Li, and E. Thomas


Effects of Environmental Factors on Circadian Activity in the Flesh Fly, Sarcophaga Crassipalpis, Karl H. Joplin and Darrell Moore (1999)


Subcellular Localization and Partial Purification of Prelamin a Endoprotease: An Enzyme Which Catalyzes the Conversion of Farnesylated Prelamin a to Mature Lamin A, Fusun Kilic, D A. Johnson, and M. Sinensky


Redundant Complexity: A Critical Analysis of Intelligent Design in Biochemistry, Niall Shanks and Karl H. Joplin (1999)


A Theoretical Investigation of Indole Tautomers, B. J. Smith and R. Liu (1999)


Computational Confirmation of C5N2 Observed in Rare-Gas Matrices, James Tittle, Daniel Merkoziaj, and Ruifeng Liu (1999)


Elite Versus Citizen Attitudes on Capital Punishment: Incongruity Between the Public and Policymakers, John T. Whitehead, Michael B. Blankenship, and John Paul Wright (1999)

Submissions from 1998


The Relationship between Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Frozen versus Mailed Samples, Andrea D. Clements and C. Richard Parker (1998)


EPR and ENDOR Studies of X-Irradiated Single Crystals of Deoxycytidine 5′-Phosphate Monohydrate at 10 and 77 K, David M. Close, Eli O. Hole, Einar Sagstuen, and William H. Nelson (1998)


When Emotion Work Is Doomed to Fail: Ideological and Structural Constraints on Emotion Management, Martha Copp (1998)


Experience-Expectant Plasticity in the Mushroom Bodies of the Honeybee, Susan E. Fahrbach, Darrell Moore, Elizabeth A. Capaldi, Sarah M. Farris, and Gene E. Robinson (1998)


Diapause-Specific Gene Expression in Pupae of the Flesh Fly Sarcophaga Crassipalpis, Ronald D. Flannagan, Steven P. Tammariello, Karl H. Joplin, Rebecca A. Cikra-Ireland, George D. Yocum, and David L. Denlinger (1998)

Bicyclic Decompositions of Kv Into Copies of K3 ∪{E}, Robert B. Gardner (1998)


Bicyclic Directed Triple Systems, Robert B. Gardner (1998)


A Bernstein TypeLpInequality for a Certain Class of Polynomials, Robert Gardner and Amy Weems (1998)


Reasons for Living in Homosexual and Heterosexual Young Adults, Jameson K. Hirsch and Jon B. Ellis (1998)


Reasons for Living in Homosexual and Heterosexual Young Adults, Jameson K. Hirsch and Jon B. Ellis (1998)


Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Studies of X-Irradiated Crystals of Cytosine Hydrochloride. Part I: Free Radical Formation at 10 K After High Radiation Doses, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, Einar Sagstuen, and David M. Close (1998)


Tandem-Set Fyke Nets for Sampling Benthic Fishes in Lakes, Kirk L. Krueger, Wayne A. Hubert, and Robert M. Price (1998)


Timekeeping in the Honey Bee Colony: Integration of Circadian Rhythms and Division of Labor, Darrell Moore, Jennifer E. Angel, Iain M. Cheeseman, Susan E. Fahrbach, and Gene E. Robinson (1998)


Electron Spin Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Study of X-Irradiated Deoxyadenosine: Proton Transfer Behavior of Primary Ionic Radicals, William H. Nelson, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, and David M. Close (1998)


Radiation Damage to DNA Base Pairs. II. Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of 1-Methyluracil·9-Ethyladenine Complex Crystals X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1998)


Research and Innovation: Let the Buyer Beware, J. E. Stone and Andrea D. Clements (1998)


Guess What Came to American Politics? - Contemporary Black Conservatism, Elwood Watson (1998)


"Good OI' Boys" and the Chair: Death Penalty Attitudes of Policy Makers in Tennessee, John T. Whitehead (1998)


Upregulation of a 23 kDa Small Heat Shock Protein Transcript During Pupal Diapause in the Flesh Fly, Sarcophaga Crassipalpis, G. D. Yocum, K. H. Joplin, and D. L. Denlinger (1998)

Submissions from 1997


Gender Matters Most: The Interaction of Gendered Expectations, Feminist Course Content, and Pregnancy in Student Course Evaluations, Phyllis Baker and Martha Copp (1997)


Spectroscopy of Mira Variables at Different Phases, Michael W. Castelaz and Donald G. Luttermoser (1997)


Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Multiple Trauma Patients: the Problem of Delayed Diagnosis, Andrea D. Clements (1997)

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Persons With Multiple Trauma: The Problem Nf Delayed Diagnosis, Andrea D. Clements (1997)

The Relationship Between Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Frozen Versus Mailed Samples, Andrea D. Clements (1997)

Increasing Active Learning, Higher-Order Thinking, and Relevance/Meaningfulness in the University Classroom, Andrea D. Clements, J. Charlesworth, and L. Rothenberg (1997)


Where Are the Sugar Radicals in Irradiated DNA?, David M. Close (1997)


Some Generalizations of the Eneström-Kakeya Theorem, R. B. Gardner and N. K. Govil (1997)


Functions of Exponential Type Not Vanishing in a Half-Plane, Robert Gardner and N. K. Govil (1997)


Cyclic and Rotational Hybrid Triple Systems, Robert Gardner, Biagio Micale, Mario Pennisi, and Rebecca Zijlstra (1997)


Cyclic and Rotational Hybrid Triple Systems, Robert Gardner, Biagio Micale, Mario Pennisi, and Rebecca Zijlstra (1997)


Use of Eigenslope to Estimate Fourier Coefficients for Passive Cable Models of the Neuron, L. Lee Glenn and Jeff R. Knisley (1997)


Qualitatively Different: Teaching Fieldwork to Graduate Students, Sherryl Kleinman, Martha A. Copp, and Karla A. Henderson (1997)


Calculus: A Modern Perspective, Jeff Knisley (1997)


Three-Dimensional Distribution of Limonin, Limonoate A-Ring Monolactone, and Naringin in the Fruit Tissues of Three Varieties of Citrus paradisi, Cecilia A. McIntosh and Richard L. Mansell (1997)

Submissions from 1996

A Preliminary Assessment of Cortisol and Behavior in Young Children: a Look at Instrumentation, Methodology, and Diurnal Rhythm, Andrea D. Clements (1996)

The Effects of Infusion of Deming’s Total Quality Management in a K-12 Curriculum, Andrea D. Clements (1996)

Prediction of Mean Salivary Cortisol Level in Children Using One Sample: Time of Day Is Critical, Andrea D. Clements and M. D. Franks (1996)

Education 2000: Improving Technology and Professional Development--A Five-County Consortium, Andrea D. Clements, G. Marion, C. Blankenship, and C. Burkitt (1996)

Education 2000: Improving Technology and Professional Development--A Five-County Consortium, Andrea D. Clements, G. Marion, C. Blankenship, and C. Burkitt (1996)

The Relationship Among Item Complexity, Item Format, and Test Length: Implications for Reliability, Andrea D. Clements and L. Rothenberg (1996)


Testing at Higher Taxonomic Levels: Are We Jeopardizing Reliability by Increasing Complexity?, Andrea D. Clements and Lori Rothenberg (1996)


Adaptive Behavior in Suicide Ideators and Non-Ideators, Jon B. Ellis and Leslie N. Jones (1996)


A Linear Method for the Curve Fitting of Multiexponentials, Jeff R. Knisley and L. Lee Glenn (1996)


In Rats, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Secretion Is Regulated Differently in the Right and Left Atria, Hugh Miller, Donald Lee, Terry Rice, and Crystal Southerland (1996)


Radiation Damage to DNA Base Pairs. I. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Study of Single Crystals of the Complex 1-Methylthymine·9-Methyladenine X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli Olaug Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1996)

Submissions from 1995


Proportions of Rat ANP-Secreting Cells That Are Cardiomyocytes and That Synthesize the Hormone, K. J. Claycombe, D. W. Lee, and H. A. Miller (1995)


Student Attitudes and Achievement After Enhancing the Experiential Component of an Undergraduate Developmental Psychology Course, Andrea D. Clements (1995)

A Qualitative Analysis of Third Graders’ Responses to Open Ended Questions, Andrea D. Clements and S. L. Newbill (1995)


An Lp Inequality for a Polynomial and Its Derivative, Robert B. Gardner and Narendra K. Govil (1995)


Some Inequalities for Entire Functions of Exponential Type, Robert B. Gardner and N. K. Govil (1995)


Family Support and Other Social Factors Precipitating Suicidal Ideation, Jameson Hirsch and Jon B. Ellis (1995)


Situational Analysis of Attitudes Toward Suicide Behavior, Ellen Ingram and Jon B. Ellis (1995)


Microscale Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution of P-Toluidine, Ismail O. Kady (1995)


Metal-Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydrolysis of Phosphate Esters, Ismail O. Kady and Biao Tan (1995)


Hydrolysis of Phosphotriesters Promoted by a Zinc(II) Complex Bearing an Alcohol Pendant, Ismail O. Kady, Biao Tan, Zhanying Ho, and Todd Scarborough (1995)


Dexamethasone Recruits Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Secretory Cells in the Rat Left Atrium and Apex of the Ventricle, Hugh A. Miller, Jeffery Haste, Tracy Carpenter, and Sarah Maulden (1995)


Identification of Human Figure Drawings Through Questioned Document Examination Techniques, Larry S. Miller (1995)


A Highly Specialized Social Grooming Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Darrell Moore, Jennifer E. Angel, Iain M. Cheeseman, Gene E. Robinson, and Susan E. Fahrbach (1995)

Submissions from 1994


Bicyclic Steiner Triple Systems, Rebecca Calahan-Zijlstra and Robert B. Gardner (1994)


ESR and ENDOR Study of Single Crystals of Deoxyadenosine Monohydrate X- Irradiated at 10 K, D. M. Close, W. H. Nelson, E. Sagstuen, and E. O. Hole (1994)


Steiner Triple Systems With Transrotational Automorphisms, Robert B. Gardner (1994)


Proposed Animal Model of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Richard M. Kostrzewa, Ryszard Brus, John H. Kalbfleisch, Ken W. Perry, and Ray W. Fuller (1994)

Submissions from 1993


Radical Ions and Their Reactions in DNA Constituents: ESR/ENDOR Studies of Radiation Damage in the Solid State, D. M. Close (1993)


Reliability Polynomial for a Ring Network, William Dotson, Frederick Norwood, and Charles Taylor (1993)


Implications of Divorce on Reasons for Living in Older Adolescents, Jon B. Ellis and C. Denise Russell (1993)


Inequalities Concerning the Lp Norm of a Polynomial and Its Derivative, Robert B. Gardner and Narendra K. Govil (1993)


Sequence-Specific Cleavage of DNA by Oligonucleotide-Bound Metal Complexes, John T. Groves and Ismail O. Kady (1993)