College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2023


Geophysical Survey Techniques, Eileen G. Ernenwein


Loss of Rural Appalachian Recovery Meetings From Before to After COVID-19, Mary Jo Hedrick and Andrea D. Clements


One-Stop Shop for Creating Open Educational Resources, John Rankin, Ashley D.R. Sergiadis, Philip Smith, and Constanze Weise (2023)

Creating an Open (Free) Textbook for World History Since 1500, John Rankin and Constanze Weise (2023)

Submissions from 2022


Lack of Age-Related Respiratory Changes in Daphnia, Cora E. Anderson, Millicent N. Ekwudo, Rachael A. Jonas-Closs, Yongmin Cho, Leonid Peshkin, Marc W. Kirschner, and Lev Y. Yampolsky


Warming Overcomes Dispersal-Limitation to Promote Non-native Expansion in Lake Baikal, Larry L. Bowman Jr., Daniel J. Wieczynski, Lev Y. Yampolsky, and David M. Post


“We Are Just Magic”: A Qualitative Examination of Self-Love Among Black Same-Gender Loving Men, Byron D. Brooks, Andréa R. Kaniuka, Darnell N. Motley, Sarah A. Job, and Stacey L. Williams


Social Support and Subjective Health in Fibromyalgia: Self-Compassion as a Mediator, Byron D. Brooks, Andrea R. Kaniuka, Jessica K. Rabon, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson K. Hirsch


Markers of Elevated Oxidative Stress in Oligodendrocytes Captured From the Brainstem and Occipital Cortex in Major Depressive Disorder and Suicide, Michelle J. Chandley, Attila Szebeni, Katalin Szebeni, Hui Wang-Heaton, Jacob Garst, Craig A. Stockmeier, Nicole H. Lewis, and Gregory A. Ordway


Intelligent High-Throughput Intervention Testing Platform in Daphnia, Yongmin Cho, Rachael A. Jonas-Closs, Lev Y. Yampolsky, Marc W. Kirschner, and Leonid Peshkin


The Enduring Behavioral and Neurobiological Effects of a Flavor Cue Paired With Alcohol Drinking During Adolescence on the Incentive Properties of the Flavor Cue in Adulthood in Female Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats, Gerald A. Deehan


Improving Mental Health Care For Underserved Populations: Expanding Access Through Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration, Aubrey R. Dueweke (2022)


Does Group Size Matter? Group Size and Symptom Reduction Among Incarcerated Women Receiving Psychotherapy Following Sexual Violence Victimization, Aubrey R. Dueweke, D. E. Higuera, M. J. Zielinski, M. E. Karlsson, and A. J. Bridges (2022)


Retention, Engagement, and Binge-Eating Outcomes: Evaluating Feasibility of the Binge-Eating Genetics Initiative Study, Rachael E. Flatt, Laura M. Thornton, Tosha Smith, Hannah Mitchell, Stuart Argue, Brian R. Baucom, Pascal R. Deboeck, Colin Adamo, Robyn E. Kilshaw, Qinxin Shi, Jenna Tregarthen, Jonathan E. Butner, and Cynthia M. Bulik

Rosa Bonheur the Amazon? Victorian-era Fashion, Female Masculinity, and the Horse Fair (1855), Michael Anthony Fowler (2022)


Pluripotency Factors Determine Gene Expression Repertoire at Zygotic Genome Activation, Meijiang Gao, Marina Veil, Marcus Rosenblatt, Aileen J. Riesle, Anna Gebhard, Helge Hass, Lenka Buryanova, Lev Y. Yampolsky, Björn Grüning, Sergey V. Ulianov, Jens Timmer, and Daria Onichtchouk


Prevalence of Opioid Use and Intimate Partner Violence among Pregnant Women in South-Central Appalachia, USA, Matthew W. Henninger, Andrea D. Clements, Sunha Kim, Emily F. Rothman, and Beth A. Bailey


Development and Validation of a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Assay for Determination of Cromolyn Sodium in Skin Permeation Studies, Miranda K. Holman, Stacy D. Brown, Dorcas Frempong, Ashana Puri, and Steven Dinh


Guidelines for Psychological Practice for People With Low-Income and Economic Marginalization: Executive Summary, Cindy L. Juntunen, Kipp R. Pietrantonio, Jameson K. Hirsch, Astrea Greig, Mindi N. Thompson, Denise E. Ross, and Amy H. Peterman


Alkylation of Benzene by Long-Chain Alkenes on Immobilized Phosphotungstic Acid, Anastasia Kuvayskaya, Reza Mohseni, and Aleksey Vasiliev


Stream Stage Monitoring with Community Science-Contributed Stage Data, Ingrid Luffman and Daniel Connors


Application of a Hydrological Model for Estimating Infiltration for Debris Flow Initiation: A Case Study from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Arpita Mandal, Arpita Nandi, Abdul Shakoor, and Jeffrey Keaton


Primary Care Physicians' Opioid-Related Prevention Behaviors and Intentions: A Descriptive Analysis, Tyler C. Melton, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Fred G. Tudiver, Kelly N. Foster, Jessie Arnold, Bill Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack


Taking Care of the Caregivers: The Moderating Role of Reflective Supervision in the Relationship Between COVID-19 Stress and the Mental and Professional Well-Being of the IECMH Workforce, Diana Morelen, Julia Najm, Megan Wolff, and Kelly Daniel


Between Slavery and the Want of Railroads: Reconstruction in the North Carolina Mountains, Steven Nash


Book Review of Slavery and Freedom in the Shenandoah Valley During the Civil War Era, Steven E. Nash


Identification of an Orally Bioavailable, Brain-Penetrant Compound with Selectivity for the Cannabinoid Type 2 Receptor, Meirambek Ospanov, Suresh P. Sulochana, Jason J. Paris, John M. Rimoldi, Nicole Ashpole, Larry Walker, Samir A. Ross, Abbas G. Shilabin, and Mohamed A. Ibrahim


A Detailed Review on the Phytochemical Profiles and Anti-Diabetic Mechanisms of Momordica Charantia, Sunday F. Oyelere, Oluwatobi H. Ajayi, Titilayo E. Ayoade, George Bueno Santana Pereira, Bolaji C. Dayo Owoyemi, Ajibola O. Ilesanmi, and Olalekan A. Akinyemi


Using Machine Learning to Predict Heavy Drinking During Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Walter Roberts, Yize Zhao, Terril Verplaetse, Kelly E. Moore, MacKenzie R. Peltier, Catherine Burke, Yasmin Zakiniaeiz, and Sherry McKee


Impact of Effortful Word Recognition on Supportive Neural Systems Measured by Alpha and Theta Power, David B. Ryan, Mark A. Eckert, Eric W. Sellers, Kim S. Schairer, Matthew T. McBee, Marissa R. Jones, and Sherri L. Smith


Does Fat Talk Affect Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction?: Adults' Perceptions of Fat Talk in a Fictional Romantic Relationship, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Denise M. Martz, Doris G. Bazzini, Rose M. Webb, Madison M. Hinkle, and Lauren Francis


The Hyoid as a Sound Conducting Apparatus in Laryngeally Echolocating Bats, Chelsie C. Snipes and Richard T. Carter


Sexual Minority Disparities in Opioid and Benzodiazepine Misuse Among Adults With Opioid Use Disorder, Cara A. Struble, Kathryn Thomas, Madeline R. Stenersen, Kelly E. Moore, Catherine Burke, Brian Pittman, and Sherry A. McKee


A Delphi Study to Identify Best Practices for Rural Community Engagement in Transportation Planning, Mohammad M. Uddin, Candace M. Bright, and Kelly N. Foster (2022)


Corrigendum: A Tree Peony Trihelix Transcription Factor PrASIL1 Represses Seed Oil Accumulation, Weizong Yang, Jiayuan Hu, Jyoti R. Behera, Aruna Kilaru, Yanping Yuan, Yuhui Zhai, Yanfeng Xu, Lihang Xie, Yanlong Zhang, Qingyu Zhang, and Lixin Niu

Submissions from 2021


Spatial Variation in the Intensity of Interactions via Heterospecific Pollen Transfer May Contribute to Local and Global Patterns of Plant Diversity, Gerardo Arceo-Gómez (2021)


Xenophobia, Partisanship, and Support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party, Joseph O. Baker and Christopher D. Bader (2021)


Immigration, Presidential politics, and Partisan Polarization Among the American Public, 1992–2018, Joseph O. Baker and Amy E. Edmonds (2021)


Pollen Transport Networks Reveal Highly Diverse and Temporally Stable Plant-Pollinator Interactions in an Appalachian Floral Community, Daniel A. Barker and Gerardo Arceo-Gomez


A Trans-Isthmus Survey of Marine Tardigrades From Costa Rica (Central America) With Descriptions of Seven New Species, Paul J. Bartels, Paulo Fontoura, Diane R. Nelson, Sebastian Orozco-Cubero, Monika Mioduchowska, Magdalena Gawlak, Łukasz Kaczmarek, and Jorge Cortés (2021)


An Updated Species List for “Smoky Bears”: Tardigrades of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, Paul J. Bartels, Diane R. Nelson, and Lukasz Kaczmarek (2021)

Double Jump Peg Solitaire on Graphs, Robert A. Beeler and Aaron D. Gray (2021)


Functional and Predictive Structural Characterization of WRINKLED2, A Unique Oil Biosynthesis Regulator in Avocado, Jyoti R. Behera, M. Rahman, Shina Bhatia, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2021)


Just or Unjust? How Ideological Beliefs Shape Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Perceptions of Administrative Burden, Elizabeth Bell, Ani Ter-Mkrtchyan, Wesley Wehde, and Kylie Smith (2021)


Morphological Research on Amniote Eggs and Embryos: An Introduction and Historical Retrospective, Daniel G. Blackburn and James R. Stewart (2021)


The Impact of Rejection Sensitivity on Self-Disclosure within the Context of Online Dating, Ginette C. Blackhart, Daisy K. Hernandez, Elizabeth Wilson, and Margaret A. Hance (2021)

An Investigation Into the Relation Between Problems From Video Gaming and Frequency of Cannabis Use, Erin C. Blazer, Keleigh B. Engle, Shelby L. McKinley, Thalia P. Sullivan, and Meredith K. Ginley (2021)


Integrating Hazard, Exposure, Vulnerability and Resilience for Risk and Emergency Management in a Volcanic Context: The ADVISE Model, Costanza Bonadonna, Corine Frischknecht, Scira Menoni, Franco Romerio, Chris E. Gregg, Mauro Rosi, Sebastien Biass, Ali Asgary, Marco Pistolesi, Dehrick Guobadia, Alessandro Gattuso, Antonio Ricciardi, and Chiara Cristiani

Research-Creation, Co-creation & Curricula: Interrogating Practices, Catron Booker and Shara K. Lange (2021)


Heritage Tourism, Historic Roadside Markers and “Just Representation” in Tennessee, USA, Candace F. Bright, Kelly N. Foster, Andrew Joyner, and Oceane Tanny (2021)


Psychosocial Function, Legal Involvement and Violence in Mental Disorder, Alec Buchanan, Kelly E. Moore, Brian Pittman, and Sherry A. McKee


Graph Universal Cycles of Combinatorial Objects, Amelia Cantwell, Juliann Geraci, Anant Godbole, and Cristobal Padilla (2021)


Neighborhood-Level Predictors of Sexual Violence Across Intimate Partner and Non-Intimate Partner Relationships: A Case–Control Study, Rachel Kate Carpenter and Jill Diane Stinson


Editorial Remembering Frank Harary, Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Ping Zhang (2021)


Why Do Brief Online Writing Interventions Improve Health? Examining Mediators of Expressive Writing and Self-Affirmation Intervention Efficacy Among Sexual Minority Emerging Adults, Stephenie R. Chaudoir, Kriti Behari, Stacey L. Williams, and John E. Pachankis


Using Trauma Informed Principles in Health Communication: Improving Faith/Science/Clinical Collaboration to Address Addiction, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie A. Cyphers, Deborah L. Whittaker, Bridget Hamilton, and Brett McCarty


Initial Validation and Findings From the Willing/Ready Subscale of the Church Addiction Response Scale, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie Cyphers, Deborah L. Whittaker, and Brett McCarty (2021)


Moral Worth and Accidentally Right Actions, Allen Coates


Breaking Free From Thermodynamic Constraints: Thermal Acclimation and Metabolic Compensation in a Freshwater Zooplankton Species, B. L. Coggins, C. E. Anderson, R. Hasan, A. C. Pearson, M. N. Ekwudo, Joe R. Bidwell, and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2021)


Does Geographic Variation in Thermal Tolerance in Daphnia Represent Trade-Offs or Conditional Neutrality?, B. L. Coggins, A. C. Pearson, and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2021)


Restoration of Noradrenergic Function in Parkinson’s Disease Model Mice, Kui Cui, Fan Yang, Turan Tufan, Muhammad U. Raza, Yanqiang Zhan, Yan Fan, Fei Zeng, Russell W. Brown, Jennifer B. Price, Thomas C. Jones, Gary W. Miller, and Meng Y. Zhu (2021)


Diversity and Composition of Pollen Loads Carried by Pollinators Are Primarily Driven by Insect Traits, Not Floral Community Characteristics, Nevin Cullen, Jing Xia, Na Wei, Rainee Kaczorowski, Gerardo Arceo-Gómez, Elizabeth O’Neill, Rebecca Hayes, and Tia L. Ashman (2021)


Application of GIS-Based Knowledge-Driven and Data-Driven Methods for Debris-Slide Susceptibility Mapping, Raja Das, Arpita Nandi, Andrew Joyner, and Ingrid Luffman (2021)


The Identity of the Long-Overlooked Ronabea Morindoides and Patabea Tenuiflora, Synonymous with a Species of Appunia (Rubiaceae), Piero G. Delprete, Charlotte M. Taylor, and Timothy D. McDowell (2021)


Restrained Domination in Self-Complementary Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Infant Effects on Experimenter Behavior, Wallace E. Dixon, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, and Chelsea L. Robertson (2021)


Pocket ACE: Child sexual abuse survivors missed by the ACEs Study Questionnaire, Robyn A. Dolson, Diana M. Morelen, Julia C. Dodd, and Andrea D. Clements (2021)

Co-location Services in Puerto Rico: Facilitators, Barriers, and Recommendations for the Future, Aubrey R. Dueweke, A. V. Nicasio, Aubrey R. Dueweke, and R. Orengo-Aguayo (2021)

Treating Child Trauma in a Lower-Middle Income Country: Implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in El Salvador, Aubrey R. Dueweke, R. Orengo-Aguayo, and R. W. Stewart (2021)

ENDS use for Individuals Compensating for Calories Consumed From Alcohol, Keleigh B. Engle, Erin C. Blazer, Hannah G. Mitchell, and Meredith K. Ginley (2021)

Art and Industry in East Tennessee, Ca 1880-1940: Conserving Appalachian Pasts as Resources for the Future, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)

Bad Blood? Varying Attitudes on Human Sacrifice in Archaic Greek Art, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)


Of Human Sacrifice and Barbarity: A Case Study of the Late Archaic Tumulus XVII at Istros, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)


Anticipated to Enacted: Structural Stigma Against Sexual and Gender Minorities Following the 2016 Presidential Election, Emma G. Fredrick, Abbey K. Mann, Byron D. Brooks, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2021)


Some Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus of Rational Functions, Robert Gardner, Narendra K. Govil, and Prasanna Kumar (2021)


New Asian and Nearctic Hypechiniscus species (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscidae) signalize a pseudocryptic horn of plenty, Piotr Gasiorek, Artur Oczkowski, Brian Blagden, Reinhardt M. Kristensen, Paul J. Bartels, Diane R. Nelson, Atsushi C. Suzuki, and Łukasz Michalczyk (2021)


The Importance of Being Integrative: A Remarkable Case of Synonymy in the Genus Viridiscus (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscidae), Piotr Gąsiorek, Katarzyna Vončina, Diane R. Nelson, and Łukasz Michalczyk


The Role of Colony Temperature in the Entrainment of Circadian Rhythms of Honey Bee Foragers, Manuel A. Giannoni-Guzmán, Emmanuel J. Rivera-Rodriguez, Janpierre Aleman-Rios, Alexander M. Melendez Moreno, Melina Pérez Ramos, Eddie Pérez-Claudio, Darimar Loubriel, Darrell Moore, Tugrul Giray, and Jose L. Agosto-Rivera (2021)


The Impact of Marijuana Use on Cocaine Use Outcomes Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Across Five Trials of Contingency Management, Meredith K. Ginley, Lourah M. Kelley, Rory A. Pfund, Carla J. Rash, Sheila M. Alessi, and Kristyn Zajac (2021)


Long-Term Efficacy of Contingency Management Treatment Based on Objective Indicators of Abstinence From Illicit Substance Use Up To 1 Year Following Treatment: a Meta-Analysis., Meredith K. Ginley, Rory A. Pfund, Carla J. Rash, and Kristyn Zajac (2021)


Half-Metallic Devices from Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons with Transition Metal Guest Atoms, Frank Hagelberg, José Rodrigues Romero, Michael Probst, and Oleksiy Khavryuchenko (2021)


Movement Filtered Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Data From a Chest-Worn Sensor, Christian Hanshans, Lukas M. Broell, Herbert Plischke, Martin Offenbaecher, Johannes Zauner, Moritz M. R. Faust, Bettina Maisch, Niko Kohls, Loren Toussaint, Jameson Hirsch, and Fuschia M. Siros


Modification of the Priority Risk Index: Adapting to Emergency Management Accreditation Program Standards for Institutes of Higher Learning Hazard Mitigation Plans, Joseph B. Harris, Geoffrey Bartlett, T. A. Joyner, Matthew Hart, and William Tollefson (2021)


Effects of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders on Central Cholinergic Function, S. R. Hauser, Z. A. Rodd, Gerald A. Deehan, T. Liang, S. Rahman, and R. L. Bell (2021)


The Interplay between Depression and Bipolar Disorders and OUD/SUD, Kamran Hayel-Moghadam and Meredith K. Ginley (2021)


Coalition Graphs of Paths, Cycles, and Trees, Teresa W. Haynes, Jason T. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Alice A. McRae, and Raghuveer Mohan (2021)


Upper Bounds on the Coalition Number, Teresa W. Haynes, Jason T. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Alice A. McRae, and Raghuveer Mohan


Alliances and Related Domination Parameters, Teresa W. Haynes and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2021)


Vertex Sequences in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2021)


Domination in Digraphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Glossary of Common Terms, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2021)

Preface, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Bounds on the Semipaired Domination Number of Graphs With Minimum Degree at Least Two, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2021)

Construction of Trees With Unique Minimum Semipaired Dominating Sets, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Autoethnography as Acts of Love, Andrew F. Herrmann (2021)


False and True Positives in Arthropod Thermal Adaptation Candidate Gene Lists, Maike Herrmann and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2021)


Examining Saddle Point Searches in the Context of Off-Lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo, Jonathan Hicks and Timothy P. Schulze (2021)


A Systematic Review of Interventions Targeting Infertility-Related Distress: A Search for Active Ingredients, Madison Hinkle and Julia Dodd (2021)


Positive Psychological Factors and Impairment in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Do Psychopathology and Sleep Quality Explain the Linkage?, Jameson K. Hirsch, Heather R. Altier, Martin Offenbächer, Loren Toussaint, Niko Kohls, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2021)


Negative Life Events and Suicide Risk in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-Compassion, Jameson K. Hirsch, Benjamin B. Hall, Haley A. Wise, Byron D. Brooks, Edward C. Chang, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2021)