College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2008


Designation of Pseudobiotus Kathmanae Nelson, Marley &Amp; Bertolani, 1999 as the Type Species for the Genus Pseudobiotus Nelson, 1980 (Tardigrada), Nigel Marley, Roberto Bertolani, and Diane R. Nelson (2008)


Exploring the Impact of E-Mail and Postcard Prenotification on Response Rates to a Mail Survey in an Academic Setting, Leslie McCallister and Bobette Otto (2008)


Perceived Stigma of Poverty and Depression: Examination of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Mediators, Kristin D. Mickelson and Stacey L. Williams (2008)


Application of Logistic Regression Model for Slope Instability Prediction in Cuyahoga River Watershed, Ohio, USA, A. Nandi and A. Shakoor (2008)


A P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface for People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, F. Nijboer, Eric W. Sellers, J. Mellinger, M. A. Jordan, T. Matuz, A. Furdea, S. Halder, U. Mochty, D. J. Krusienski, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, N. Birbaumer, and A. Kübler


Sex-Specific Differences in Spatial Behaviour in the Flesh Fly Sarcophaga Crassipalpis, Caleb Paquette, Karl H. Joplin, Edith Seier, Justin T. Peyton, and Darrell Moore (2008)


The Impact of the 2004 Tsunami on Coastal Thai Communities: Assessing Adaptive Capacity, Douglas Paton, Chris E. Gregg, Bruce F. Houghton, Roy Lachman, Janet Lachman, David M. Johnston, and Supin Wongbusarakum (2008)


Confidence Intervals for a Ratio of Two Independent Binomial Proportions, Robert Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2008)

The P300 Brain-Computer Interface: A New Stimulus Presentation Paradigm, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, C. Boulay, B. K. LaPallo, T. M. Vaughan, and J. R. Wolpaw


The Connection Between C-Reactive Protein and Atherosclerosis, Sanjay Singh, Madathilparambil V. Suresh, Bhavya Voleti, and Alok Agrawal (2008)


Opposing the Medical World: The Poetry of Anne Home Hunter, Judith Slagle (2008)


Stochastic "Beads on a String" in the Accretion Tail of ARP 285, Beverly Smith, Curtis Struck, Mark Hancock, Mark L. Giroux, Philip N. Appleton, Vassilis Charmandaris, William Reach, Sabrina Hurlock, and Jeong Sun Hwang (2008)

Temperament Moderates Responsiveness to Joint Attentional Bids at 11 and 14 Months, James Todd and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2008)


Book Review of New Deal Theater: The Vernacular Tradition in American Political Theater by Ilka Saal, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Book Review of Samuel Beckett’s Plays on Film and Television by Graley Herren, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Catherine Bush: Quilts and Murder, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Katherine Weiss (2008)


‘…long before the stars were torn down...: The Music of Bob Dylan and Sam Shepard, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Translation of "Introduction: Creating the Truth" by Jolei Leisegang, Katherine Weiss (2008)


Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa, David R. Williams, Hector M. Gonzalez, Stacey L. Williams, Selina A. Mohammed, Hashim Moomal, and Dan J. Stein (2008)

Advancing Partner Violence Research by Addressing Under-Studied Processes, Stacey L. Williams (2008)


A Paradox of Support Seeking and Rejection Among the Stigmatized, Stacey L. Williams and Kristin D. Mickelson (2008)

Perceived Stigma and Control: A Mediation Model, Stacey L. Williams and Sean Rife (2008)

Multiple Traumatic Events: The South Africa Stress and Health Study, Stacey L. Williams, David R. Williams, Dan J. Stein, Soraya Seedat, Pamela B. Jackson, and Hashim Moomal (2008)


Computational Study on C80 Enclosing Mixed Trimetallic Nitride Clusters of the Form GDXM3-XN (M = Sc, Sm, Lu), Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2008)

Submissions from 2007


An Evaluation of Species Richness Estimators for Tardigrades of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina, USA, Paul J. Bartels and Diane R. Nelson (2007)


Doryphoribius smokiensis, a New Species of Eutardigrada (Hypsibiidae) from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, USA (North America), Paul J. Bartels, Diane R. Nelson, Łukasz Kaczmarek, and Łukasz Michalczyk (2007)


Salivary Cortisol in Response to Acute Social Rejection and Acceptance by Peers, Ginette C. Blackhart, Lisa A. Eckel, and Dianne M. Tice (2007)


Statistical Inference for Generalized Yule Coefficients in 2 × 2 Contingency Tables, Douglas G. Bonett and Robert M. Price (2007)


The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C 279 in 2006, M. Böttcher, S. Basu, M. Joshi, M. Villata, A. Arai, N. Aryan, I. M. Asfandiyarov, U. Bach, R. Bachev, A. Berduygin, M. Blaek, C. Buemi, A. J. Castro-Tirado, A. De Ugarte Postigo, A. Frasca, L. Fuhrmann, V. A. Hagen-Thorn, G. Henson, T. Hovatta, R. Hudec, M. Ibrahimov, Y. Ishii, R. Ivanidze, M. Jelínek, M. Kamada, B. Kapanadze, M. Katsuura, and D. Kotaka (2007)


Structural Characterization of Human RPA Sequential Binding to Single-Stranded DNA Using ssDNA as a Molecular Ruler, Lifeng Cai, Marina Roginskaya, Youxing Qu, Zhengguan Yang, Ying Xu, and Yue Zou (2007)

Maternal Temperament as a Predictor of Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding Outcomes, Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and J. Gorneiwicz (2007)


Marshmallows Used as Saliva Stimulant Do Not Affect Cortisol Concentrations: Finally a Palatable Alternative for Toddler Saliva Collection, Andrea D. Clements, C. Richard Parker, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Brenda Salley (2007)


Metallicity and Ionization in High-Velocity Cloud Complex C, Joseph A. Collins, J. Michael Shull, and Mark L. Giroux (2007)


Determination of Redox Potentials for the Watson-Crick Base Pairs, DNA Nucleosides, and Relevant Nucleoside Analogues, Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, David M. Close, Leonid Gorb, and Jerzy Leszczynski (2007)


An Early Event in the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 Replication Cycle Is Sufficient to Induce Chlamydia Trachomatis Persistence, Srilekha Deka, Jennifer Vanover, Jingru Sun, Jennifer Kintner, Judy Whittimore, and Robert V. Schoborg (2007)


Touchstat V. 3.00: A New and Improved Monte Carlo Adjunct for the Sequential Touching Task, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Robert M. Price, Michael Watkins, and Christine Brink (2007)


Adaptive Characteristics and Suicidal Behavior: A Gender Comparison of Young Adults, Jon B. Ellis and Dorian A. Lamis (2007)


Tsunami Warnings: Understanding in Hawai'i, Chris E. Gregg, Bruce F. Houghton, Douglas Paton, David M. Johnston, Donald A. Swanson, and Brian S. Yanagi (2007)


Large-Scale Star Formation Triggering in the Low-Mass Arp 82 System: A Nearby Example of Galaxy Downsizing Based on UV/Optical/Mid-IR Imaging, Mark Hancock, Beverly J. Smith, Curtis Struck, Mark L. Giroux, Philip N. Appleton, Vassilis Charmandaris, and William T. Reach (2007)

Introduction: Oprah Winfrey as Subject and Spectacle, Jennifer Harris and Elwood Watson (2007)


Neon Abundances from a Spitzer/IRS Survey of Wolf-Rayet Stars., Richard Ignace, J. Cassinelli, G. Tracy, E. Churchwell, and H. J. Lamers (2007)


Developing Warning and Disaster Response Capacity in the Tourism Sector in Coastal Washington, USA, David Johnston, Julia Becker, Chris Gregg, Bruce Houghton, Douglas Paton, Graham Leonard, and Ruth Garside (2007)


Unwelcome in Women's Studies, Paul Kamolnick (2007)


Anterior EEG Asymmetries and Opponent Process Theory, John P. Kline, Ginette C. Blackhart, and William C. Williams (2007)


Graph Theoretic Models in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Debra Knisley and Jeff Knisley (2007)


Artificial Neural Networks for Data Mining and Feature Extraction, Jeff Knisley, L. Lee Glenn, Karl Joplin, and Patricia Carey (2007)


Eigenslope Method for Second-Order Parabolic Partial Differential Equations and the Special Case of Cylindrical Cellular Structures With Spatial Gradients in Membrane Capacitance, Jeff Knisley, L. Lee Glenn, Karl Joplin, and Patricia Carey (2007)


Review of the Acquisition of French in Different Contexts: Focus on Functional Categories, Theresa McGarry (2007)

The Acquisition of French in Different Contexts: Focus on Functional Categories, by Philippe Prévost and Johanne Paradis, Theresa McGarry (2007)

Searching for the Boi in His/Her Natural Environment, Theresa McGarry and K. Libby (2007)


Redox-Dependent Formation of Disulfide Bonds in Human Replication Protein A, Lijie Men, Marina Roginskaya, Yue Zou, and Yinsheng Wang (2007)


"Smoky bears" - Tardigrades of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Diane R. Nelson and Paul J. Bartels (2007)

Proximity Seeking Behavior Predicts Toddler Cognitive Performance, T. Rosenbaum, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Andrea D. Clements (2007)


Temperamental and Joint Attentional Predictors of Language Development, Brenda J. Salley and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2007)


Dental Mesowear and the Palaeodiets of Bovids From Makapansgat Limeworks Cave, South Africa, Blaine W. Schubert (2007)


Evolution and Medicine: The Long Reach of "Dr. Darwin", Niall Shanks and Rebecca A. Pyles (2007)


The Spitzer Spirals, Bridges, and Tails Interacting Galaxy Survey: Interaction-Induced Star Formation in the Mid-Infrared, Beverly J. Smith, Curtis Struck, Mark Hancock, Philip N. Appleton, Vassilis Charmandaris, and William T. Reach (2007)


The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids, John T. Stocke, Charles W. Danforth, J. Michael Shull, Steven V. Penton, and Mark L. Giroux (2007)


Amino Acid Exchangeability and the Adaptive Code Hypothesis, Arlin Stoltzfus and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2007)


Delayed Galaxies, Curtis Struck, Mark Hancock, Beverly J. Smith, Phillip N. Appleton, Vassilis Charmandaris, and Mark Giroux (2007)


An Outbreak of Infections Caused by Non-Typeable Haemophilus Influenzae in an Extended Care Facility, M. Van Dort, C. Walden, E. S. Walker, S. A. Reynolds, F. Levy, and F. A. Sarubbi (2007)

Deciphering the Dream in Samuel Beckett’s Nacht und Träume, Katherine Weiss (2007)

What Where: Reading Faces and Surfaces on the Beckettian Stage and Screen, Katherine Weiss (2007)


Exploding Bombs: Masculinity and War Trauma in Sam Shepard’s Drama, Katherine Weiss (2007)

Knotting Patriarchy in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles and Catherine Bush’s The Quiltmaker, Katherine Weiss (2007)

R/evolving Technology in Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days, Katherine Weiss (2007)

Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive, Katherine Weiss (2007)


The Comedy of Scholarship: Review of Hugh Kenner’s Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett: The Stoic Comedians, Katherine Weiss (2007)


“There’s no question that this is torture!” Electrocuting Patriotic Fervour in Sam Shepard’s The God of Hell, Katherine Weiss (2007)

Translation of “Teaching: Looking Back at Two Years in Poland", Katherine Weiss (2007)

Partner Violence Victimization: Addressing Under-Studied Psychosocial Processes, Stacey L. Williams (2007)

Family violence as a public health concern., Stacey L. Williams, I. H. Frieze, and J. S. Schumm (2007)


Intimate Stalking and Partner Violence, Stacey L. Williams, I. H. Frieze, and H. C. Sinclair (2007)


A Psychosocial Resource Impairment Model Explaining Partner Violence and Distress: Moderating Role of Income, Stacey L. Williams and Kristin D. Mickelson (2007)


Multiple Traumatic Events and Psychological Distress: The South Africa Stress and Health Study, Stacey L. Williams, David R. Williams, Dan J. Stein, Soraya Seedat, Pamela B. Jackson, and Hashim Moomal (2007)

Submissions from 2006


Hegel Between Non-Domination and Expressive Freedom: Capabilities, Perspectives, Democracy, Michael Allen (2006)

Placing Monitoring Devices in Electric Power Networks Modelled by Block Graphs, David Atkins, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2006)


A Large-Scale, Multihabitat Inventory of the Phylum Tardigrada in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA: A Preliminary Report, Paul Bartels and Diane R. Nelson (2006)


The Indigenous Vote in Ecuador's 2002 Presidential Election, Scott Beck and Kenneth J. Mijeski 1 (2006)


Characterizations of Trees With Equal Paired and Double Domination Numbers, Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, and Teresa W. Haynes (2006)

Independent and Double Domination in Trees, Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2006)


Confidence Intervals for a Ratio of Binomial Proportions Based on Paired Data, Douglas Bonett and Robert M. Price (2006)


Confidence Interval for a Coefficient of Dispersion in Nonnormal Distributions, Douglas Bonett and Edith Seier (2006)


Folk Medical Uses of Plant Foods in Southern Appalachia, United States, A. Cavender (2006)


Probabilistic Extensions of the Erdos-Ko-Rado Property, Anna Celaya, Anant P. Godbole, and Mandy Rae Schleifer (2006)

The Relationship Among Maternal Temperament Characteristics and Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM), Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and J. Gorneiwicz (2006)

Obtaining Saliva From Toddlers for Cortisol Concentration Determination, Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and B. J. Salley (2006)


Influence of Microhydration on the Ionization Energy Thresholds of Thymine: Comparisons of Theoretical Calculations With Experimental Values, David Close, Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, Leonid Gorb, and Jerzy Leszczynski (2006)

Temperament, Distraction, and Learning in Toddlerhood, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., B. J. Salley, Andrea D. Clements, and J. Gorneiwicz (2006)


"Shhh! We're Tryin' to Concentrate": Attention and Environmental Distracters in Novel Word Learning, Wallace E. Dixon Jr. and Brenda J. Salley (2006)


Temperament, Distraction, and Learning in Toddlerhood, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Brenda J. Salley, and Andrea D. Clements (2006)


Broadcasts in Graphs, Jean Dunbar, David J. Erwin, Teresa W. Haynes, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2006)


The UV Spectrum of HS 1700+6416 II. FUSE Observations of the He II Lyman Alpha Forest, C. Fechner, D. Reimers, G. A. Kriss, R. Baade, W. P. Blair, M. L. Giroux, R. F. Green, H. W. Moos, D. C. Morton, J. E. Scott, J. M. Shull, R. Simcoe, A. Songaila, and W. Zheng (2006)


Natural Warning Signs of Tsunamis: Human Sensory Experience and Response to the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami in Thailand, Chris Gregg, Bruce F. Houghton, Douglas Paton, Roy Lachman, Janet Lachman, David M. Johnston, and Supin Wongbusarakum (2006)


The Prevalence of Significant Left-Right Differences in Hip Bone Mineral Density, R. Hamdy, G. M. Kiebzak, E. Seier, and N. B. Watts (2006)

Private Domination Trees, Teresa Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2006)

Trees With Large Paired-Domination Number, Teresa Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2006)


A Quantitative Analysis of Secondary RNA Structure Using Domination Based Parameters on Trees, Teresa Haynes, Debra Knisley, Edith Seier, and Yue Zou (2006)


Microlensing of Circumstellar Envelopes III. Line Profiles from Stellar Winds in Homologous Expansion., M. Hendry, Richard Ignace, and H. Bryce (2006)