College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2016


Ataxia Telangiectasia-Mutated Kinase Deficiency Exacerbates Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Remodeling Late After Myocardial Infarction, Laura L. Daniel, Stephanie L. Scofield, Patsy Thrasher, Suman Dalal, Christopher R. Daniels, Cerrone R. Foster, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh (2016)


Partitioning the Vertices of a Graph into Two Total Dominating Sets, Pamela Delgado, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, and Teresa W. Haynes (2016)


MicroRNAs 29b and 181a Down-Regulate the Expression of the Norepinephrine Transporter and Glucocorticoid Receptors in PC12 Cells, Maoxian Deng, Turan Tufan, Muhammad U. Raza, Thomas C. Jones, and Meng Yang Zhu (2016)


Technology as Engagement: How We Learn and Teach While Polymediating the Classroom, Katherine J. Denker, Andrew F. Herrmann, and Michael D. D. Willits (2016)


A Note on Non-Dominating Set Partitions in Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2016)


Identification, Recombinant Expression, and Biochemical Analysis of Putative Secondary Product Glucosyltransferases from Citrus paradisi, Shivakumar P. Devaiah, Daniel K. Owens, Mebrahtu B. Sibhatu, Tapasree Roy Sarkar, Christy L. Strong, Venkata K.P.S. Mallampalli, Josephat Asiago, Jennifer Cooke, Starla Kiser, Zhangfan Lin, Anye Wamucho, Deborah Hayford, Bruce E. Williams, Peri Loftis, Mark Berhow, Lee M. Pike, and Cecilia A. McIntosh (2016)

How to Land That New Job (And How Not To), Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Martha Arterberry, Keith Crnic, H. Hill Goldsmith, Laura Scaramella, and Marsha Weinraub (2016)

Politics and Personhood in a Maya Mass Grave, William N. Duncan (2016)


Criminality, Narrative and the Expert Witness in American Biohistory, William N. Duncan and Christopher M. Stojanowski (2016)


Revisiting Appalachia, Revisiting Self, Kathryn L. Duvall, Kelly A. Dorgan, and Sadie P. Hutson (2016)

The Need for Mental Health Professionals Within Primary Health Care, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2016)


Good Person or Bad Character? Personality Predictors of Morality and Ethics in Avatar Selection for Video Game Play, Patrick J. Ewell, Rosanna E. Guadagno, Matthew Jones, and Robert Andrew Dunn (2016)

Composition of N-Acylethanolamines in Physcomitrella Patens at Varying Life Stages, C. Farley, Aruna Kilaru, Shivakumar Devaiah, M. Roth, A. Shiva, P. Tamura, and Ruth Welti (2016)


Ethnic Differences in the Links Between Benefit Finding and Psychological Adjustment in People Living With HIV, Erin M. Fekete, Michael Chatterton, Matthew D. Skinta, and Stacey L. Williams (2016)

HIV-Related Stigma, Loneliness, and Sleep Quality in Men and Women Living With HIV, Erin M. Fekete, Stacey L. Williams, and Matthew D. Skinta (2016)


Gender Differences in Disclosure Concerns and HIV-Related Quality of Life, Erin M. Fekete, Stacey L. Williams, Matthew D. Skinta, and Leah M. Bogusch (2016)

There and Back Again: Applying Regional Health Disparities to Contextualize the Affordable Care Act, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2016)

Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy in Appalachian Women, Tifani Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2016)

Campus Climate, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2016)

Self-Compassion and Authenticity Mediating Stigma’s Impact for Sexual Minorities, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2016)


Telescoping Sums, Permutations, and First Occurrence Distributions, Anant Godbole and Jie Hao (2016)


Waiting Time Distribution for the Emergence of Superpatterns, Anant P. Godbole and Martha Liendo (2016)

Suffering, Self-Hate, and the Implicit Association Test: A Critical Assessment Into the Zen Philosophy of Cheri Huber, Jeffrey B. Gold (2016)


Integrating Behavioral Health Into Pediatric Primary Care: Implications for Provider Time and Cost, Natasha Gouge, Jodi Polaha, Rachel Rogers, and Amy Harden (2016)

Impact of Childhood Adversity and out-of-Home Placement for Youth With Sexual Behavior Problems, Kelcey L. Hall and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Victim-Perpetrator Relationship in Childhood Abuse: Impact on Outcome in Individuals Who Engage in Sexual Misconduct Across Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples, Kelcey L. Hall and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Impact of Childhood Adversity and out-of-Home Placement in Adolescents With Sexual Behavior Problems, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Lydia L. Eisenbrandt (2016)

College Students’ Experiences of Childhood Adversity and Adult Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Perpetration: Prevalence and Implications for Intervention, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, Megan A. Quinn, Allison Willner, and Victoria Forgea (2016)


Mountain Men on Film, Kenneth Estes Hall (2016)


Running Out of Time, Hard-Boiled, and the 24-Hour Cityscape, Kenneth Estes Hall, Esther Yau, and Tony Williams (2016)

Elucidating the Role of N-Acylethanolamine/Anandamide Metabolism in the Moss Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Elucidating the Role of N-Acylethanolamine/Anandamide Metabolism in the Moss Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)


How Are Child Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors Associated with Caregiver Stress Over Time? A Parallel Process Multilevel Growth Model, Clare Harrop, Matthew McBee, and Brian A. Boyd (2016)


Bounds on Cost Effective Domination Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Tabitha L. McCoy, and Tony K. Rodriguez (2016)


Polymediated Narrative: The Case of the Supernatural Episode "Fan Fiction", Art Herbig and Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)


Concluding a Book and Opening a Discourse, Art Herbig, Andrew F. Herrmann, and Robert Andrew Dunn (2016)


Communicating, Sensemaking, and (dis)organizing: Theorizing the Complexity of Polymediation, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Critical Organizational Autoethnography: What the Past Tells Us About the Future, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

"Killing in the Name of…." Organizational Logic, Ethics, and Discourses in The Cabin in the Woods, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Living Stories of Working Lives: Personal Narratives in Organizations, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)


On Being a Homeless Work of Fiction, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Organizational Corruption: Problematic Portrayals of the "Virtuous" Employee, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Organizational Power, Patriarchy, and Technology, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)


Power, Metaphor, and the Closing of a Social Networking Site, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)


"Saving People. Hunting Things. The Family Business": Organizational Communication Approaches to Popular Culture, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)


The Ghostwriter Writes No More: Narrative Logotherapy and the Mystery of My Namesake, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

"Threading" through the Whedonverse: A Polymediated Autoethnography, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Xander Harris and the Interrogation of American Masculine Rhetoric, Andrew F. Herrmann and Art Herbig (2016)


The Beginnings: #weneedaword., Andrew F. Herrmann, Art .. Herbig, and Adam W. Tyma (2016)


Task Allocation of Wasps Governed by Common Stomach: A Model Based on Electric Circuits, Allison Hilbun and Istvan Karsai (2016)

Future Time Perspective, Emotional Functioning and Current and Future Health in Veterans, Jameson K. Hirsch, Byron D. Brooks, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2016)

Health-Related Quality of Life in Fibromyalgia: Indirect Effects of Optimism, Pessimism and Treatment Adherence, Jameson K. Hirsch, Byron D. Brooks, Fuschia M. Sirois, L. Toussaint, M. Offenbaecher, and Niko Kohls (2016)


Pain and Suicidal Behavior in Primary Care Patients: Mediating Role of Interpersonal Needs, Jameson K. Hirsch, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, and Kristin L. Walker (2016)


Hope and Fatigue in Chronic Illness: The Role of Perceived Stress, Jameson K. Hirsch and Fuschia M. Sirois (2016)


Pain and Depressive Symptoms in Primary Care: Moderating Role of Positive and Negative Affect, Jameson K. Hirsch, Fuschia M. Sirois, Danielle Molnar, and Edward C. Chang (2016)


New Quaternary Teiid (Lepidosauria, Squamata) Lizard Remains From Gruta Do Urso, Tocantins, Brazil, Annie Schmaltz Hsiou, Blaine W. Schubert, Gisele R. Winck, Silvio Yuji Onary-Alves, and Leonardo S. Avilla (2016)


Searching for a Magnetic Field in Wolf-Rayet Stars Using FORS 2 Spectropolarimetry, S. Hubrig, K. Scholz, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, M. Schöller, Richard Ignace, I. Ilyin, K. G. Gayley, and Lidia M. Oskinova (2016)

A Deep X-ray Look at a Very Massive Star: HETGS Spectroscopy of the Blue Hypergiant Cyg OB2-12 (HIP 101364), David Huenemoerder, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Nobert S. Schulz, Hilding Neilson, and Tomer Shenar (2016)


Modeling X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Massive Star Winds - A Review, Richard Igance (2016)


Long-Wavelength, Free–Free Spectral Energy Distributions from Porous Stellar Winds, Richard Ignace (2016)

Modeling the Variable Polarization of Epsilon Aurigae, Richard Ignace, Gary D. Henson, and William Asbury (2016)


Geometric Morphometrics of Dentaries in Myotis: Species Identification and Its Implications for Conservation and the Fossil Record, Kyle Jansky, Blaine W. Schubert, and Steven C. Wallace (2016)


E. W. Hornung's Raffles and the English Aesthetic Movement: The Rhetoric of Romance Masculinity, D. Michael Jones (2016)


A Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for the Antibiotic Ertapenem, Michele L. Joyner, Whitney Forbes, Michelle Maiden, and Ariel N. Nikas (2016)


Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani’s May 21, 2016 Speech: More Evidence for Extreme Marginalization, Implosion, and the Islamic State Organization’s Certain Future as a Hunted Underground Ultra-Takfiri Terrorist Criminal Entity, Paul Kamolnick (2016)


Book Review of Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challenge to the Liberal Democratic Order by Boaz Ganor, Paul Kamolnick (2016)


Of Jihads, Jihadists, and Jihadisms, Paul Kamolnick (2016)


On Self-Declared Caliph Ibrahim’s December 2015 Speech: Further Evidence for Critical Vulnerabilities in the Crumbling Caliphate, Paul Kamolnick (2016)


The Mysterious Case of the Islamic State Organization (iso) Smiling Martyr--Solved, Paul Kamolnick (2016)

Biochemical Characterization of a Cp-3-O-GT Mutant P145T and Study of the Tag Effect on GT Activity, Sangam Kandel, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2016)

Biochemical Characterization of a Cp-3-O-GT Mutant P145T and Study of the Tags Effect on GT Activity, Sangam Kandel, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2016)


Bottom-up Ecology: An Agent-Based Model on the Interactions Between Competition and Predation, Istvan Karsai, Emil Montano, and Thomas Schmickl (2016)


The Effect of Fire on an Abstract Forest Ecosystem: An Agent Based Study, Istvan Karsai, Byron Roland, and George Kampis (2016)


The Power to Constitute Courts and Other Tribunals Inferior to Supreme Court, Rebecca L. Keeler (2016)

Emerging Implications of Anandamide in Physcomitrella Patens, Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Oil Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Phosphate Replacement System – A Sustainable Agriculture Approach, Aruna Kilaru (2016)

“Psychomitrella?”-Emerging Implications of Anandamide in Physcomitrella Patens, Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Role of Fatty Acid Ethanolamides in Plants, Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Emerging Implications Of Anandamide In Physcomitrella Patens, Aruna Kilaru, Jedaidah Chilufya, S. Swati, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, L. Vidali, and Ruth Welti (2016)


Universal and Overlap Cycles for Posets, Words, and Juggling Patterns, Adam King, Amanda Laubmeier, Kai Orans, and Anant Godbole (2016)


Feeding without Apology: Maternal Navigations of Distal Discourses in Family Meal Labour, Amber E. Kinser and Katherine J. Denker (2016)


Iron Age Transformations at Mmadipudi Hill, Botswana: Identifying Spatial Organization Through Electromagnetic Induction Survey, Carla E. Klehm and Eileen G. Ernenwein (2016)


The Outer Disk of the Classical Be Star ψ Per, Robert Klement, Alex C. Carciofi, Thomas Rivinius, Lynn D. Matthews, Richard Ignace, Jon E. Bjorkman, Rodrigo G. Vieira, Bruno C. Mota, Daniel M. Faes, and Stanislav Stefl (2016)


Documentary Film Engagement, Shara K. Lange (2016)

Challenges in Rural Re-Entry: Mental Health Providers’ Perspectives on Interprofessional Relationships With Criminal Justice Professionals, Michael P. Lasher, Jill D. Stinson, and Courtney L. Cook (2016)


Using the Power Balance Wristband to Improve Students’ Research-Design Skills, Timothy J. Lawson, Ginette C. Blackhart, and Brooke M. Gialopsos (2016)

Polypharmacy Among Psychiatric Inpatients With Serious Mental Illness in Secure Forensic Care, Carrie C. LeMay, Jill D. Stinson, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, Courtney Smith, and Megan Quinn (2016)

Use of Functional Behavior Assessment to Examine Motivators for Problematic Sexual Behavior in a Forensic Inpatient Sample, Carrie C. LeMay, Jill D. Stinson, S. B. Robbins, Kelcey L. Hall, and M. McBee (2016)


Deidamia Inscriptum (lettered Sphinx Moth) Caterpillars Feeding on Oxydendrum Arboreum (sourwood) and Their Predation by Black Bears in Northeast Tennessee, Foster Levy, David L. Wagner, and Elaine S. Walker (2016)


Vascular Flora of the Rocky Fork Tract, Tennessee, USA, and Its Use in Conservation and Management, Foster Levy and Elaine S. Walker (2016)


Psychosocial Functioning Within Shooting-Affected Communities: Individual and Community-Level Factors, Heather Littleton, Julia Dodd, and Kelly Rudolph (2016)


The From Survivor to Thriver Program: RCT of an Online Therapist-Facilitated Program for Rape-Related PTSD., Heather Littleton, Amie E. Grills, Katherine D. Kline, Alexander M. Schoemann, and Julia Dodd (2016)

The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adult Divorce and Separation, Elaine Loudermilk, Renice Obure, Julie Obenauer, Megan Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2016)


Review of Diplomacy in Renaissance Rome: the Rise of the Resident Ambassador, by Catherine Fletcher., Brian Maxson (2016)

Reviews of Il greco a Firenze e Pier Vettori (1499–1585), by Davide Baldi; La nascita del Rinascimento a Firenze, by Anna Canonica-Sawina., Brian Maxson (2016)

The Lost Oral Performance: Giannozzo Manetti and Spoken Oratory in Venice in 1448, Brian Maxson (2016)


Book Review of A Corresponding Renaissance: Letters Written by Italian Women, 1375–1650, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)


Book Review of Everyday Renaissances: The Quest for Cultural Legitimacy in Venice, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)


Book Review of Merchant Writers: Florentine memoirs from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)