Of Jihads, Jihadists, and Jihadisms

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Review Essay of Y. Aboul-Enein, Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2013; J. Deol and Z. Kazmi, eds. Contextualising Jihadi Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012; M. H. Hassan, The Father of Jihad:’Abd Allāh ‘Azzām’s Jihad ideas and Implications to National Security. London: Imperial College Press, 2014; J. Wagemakers, A Quietist Jihadi: The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi. Cambridge, England and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012; A. Moghadam and B. Fishman, eds., Fault lines in global jihad: Organizational, Strategic, and Ideological Fissures, New York and London: Routledge, 2013.
