College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2016

A Skills-Based Approach to Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Got DBT? Understanding and Applying DBT in Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Motivational Interviewing for Offender Rehabilitation and Reentry, Jill D. Stinson (2016)


Predictors of Treatment Noncompletion in a Sample of Inpatient Sex Offenders With Serious Mental Illness, Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Safe Offender Strategies: A Skills-Based Approach to Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Treating Adult Sex Offenders: Safe Offender Strategies and the Role of Self-Regulation in Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2016)


Multi-Modal Self-Regulation Theory of Sexual Offending, Jill D. Stinson and Judith V. Becker (2016)


Pedophilic Disorder, Jill D. Stinson and Judith V. Becker (2016)

Got DBT? Understanding and Applying Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Sex Offender Treatment, Parts I & II, Jill D. Stinson and Valerie Gonsalves (2016)

Developmental and Clinical Predictors of the Onset of Offending and Behavioral Problems: A Comparison Between Adult Offenders in a Secure Psychiatric Hospital and Youth Offenders in Residential Treatment, Jill D. Stinson, Carrie C. LeMay, Kelcey L. Hall, and S. Mersch (2016)

Identification and Characterization of N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolyzing Enzyme in Solanum Lycopersicum, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Characterization of N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolyzing Enzyme in Solanum Lycopersicum, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Behaviors Among College Students in Appalachia, Pooja Subedi, Julie Obenauer, Renice Obure, Malendie Gaines, Megan Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2016)


Policing Schools: Examining the Impact of Place Management Activities on School Violence, Kristin Swartz, Dustin L. Osborne, Cherie Dawson-Edwards, and George E. Higgins (2016)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Swati Swati and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

P300 Event Related Potential Brain-Computer Interface: A Simulation of Random Eye Movements, Caitlyn N. Swymer, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Kelsey N. Shubert, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers

The Influence of Inter-Stimulus-Interval on BCI Performance, Caitlyn N. Swymer, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Kelsey N. Shubert, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers

Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases in Tomato, Vijay Tiwari, Derek Stuffle, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases in Tomato, Vijay Tiwari, D. Stuffle, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)


X-ray Observations of Bow Shocks around Runaway O Stars. The Case of ζ Oph and BD+43°3654, Jesus Toala, Lidia M. Oskinova, A. González-Galán, M. A. Guerrero, Richard Ignace, and M. Pohl (2016)

Fibromyalgia Impact and Suicidal Behavior: Conditional Indirect Effects of Anxiety and the Perception of a Silver Lining, Morgan K. Treaster, Jessica K. Rabon, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Research Evidence for Environment Recommended Practices, Carol M. Trivette, Michael Garrett, Hongxia Zhao, and Carol Landry (2016)


Dance Floor Clustering: Food-Anticipatory Behavior in Persistent and Reticent Honey Bee Foragers, Byron N. Van Nest, Ashley E. Wagner, Caddy N. Hobbs, and Darrell Moore (2016)


The Republican Zoopolis Towards a New Legitimation Framework for Relational Animal Ethics, Erica Von Essen and Michael P. Allen (2016)


Pastoral Pushback in the Age of Automation: US 1950s Rustication Narratives, Fred Waage (2016)

Executive Function Predictors of Preschoolers’ Talk, Jacqlyne D. Weber, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Jaima S. Price (2016)

Beckett’s Ruined Landscapes: Dystopian Visions after WWII, Katherine Weiss (2016)

Meet Your Professors, Katherine Weiss (2016)

Post Show Talkback for Glasgow Theatre Company’s production of Wit, Katherine Weiss (2016)

Eating and Emotion: Assessing the Relationship Between Eating Patterns and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation in a Bariatric Surgery Seeking Sample, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Assessing the Impact of Community Climate on Sexual Minority Women in Rural Appalachia, Stacey L. Williams (2016)


Campus Climate as Minority Stress: Then and Now, Stacey L. Williams and Emma G. Fredrick (2016)


Hot off the Press: An Update on Campus Climate (Results of Campus P.R.I.D.E. (Perceptions Regarding Identity and Diversity in the Environment: Etsu’s Climate for Gender, Sexual, Ethnic, and Religious Minorities, Stacey L. Williams and Emma G. Fredrick (2016)


A Paradox of Support Seeking and Support Response Among Gays and Lesbians, Stacey L. Williams, Sheri L. Laduke, Kathleen A. Klik, and David W. Hutsell (2016)


Mutation and Genome Evolution, L. Y. Yampolsky (2016)

Happiness and Sadness in HIV-positive Indian Adults: Examining Stress-related Growth and Coping as Predictors of Psychological Adjustment, T. Yu, Edward C. Chang, O. Chang, W. Chen, Y. Du, Jameson K. Hirsch, Z. Jilani, S. Kamble, M. Kim, and J. Lee (2016)

Submissions from 2015


Thymoquinone Inhibits Escherichia coli ATP Synthase and Cell Growth, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Thomas F. Laughlin, and Ismail O. Kady (2015)


Asp Residues of βDELSEED-Motif Are Required for Peptide Binding in the Escherichia coli ATP Synthase, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Junior Tayou, and Thomas F. Laughlin (2015)

Osteobiography of a Donated Skull From the Atacama Desert, H. Alexander, K. Davis, and William N. Duncan (2015)


Survivors Perceptions of Stakeholders and the 2009 South Pacific Tsunami, Emma Apatu, Chris Gregg, Michael K. Lindell, Joel Hillhouse, and Liang Wang (2015)

Mindfulness and Writing Exercises Increase Compassion, K. Ault, Stacey L. Williams, S. Stringer, K. Juart, A. Fountaine, and J. Guy (2015)

Postpartum Smoking Relapse: The Role of Family in the Health Behavior Choices of New Mothers, Beth A. Bailey and Andrea D. Clements (2015)


Book Review of Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life by Nancy T. Ammerman, Joseph O. Baker (2015)


Desecration, Moral Boundaries, and the Movement of Law: The Case of Westboro Baptist Church, Joseph O. Baker, Christopher D. Bader, and Kittye Hirsch (2015)


Atheism, Agnosticism, and Irreligion, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2015)

Author Meets Critics: American Secularism: The Cultural Contours of Nonreligious Belief Systems, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2015)


Theism, Secularism, and Sexual Education in the United States, Joseph O. Baker, Kelli K. Smith, and Yasmin A. Stoss (2015)

Introduction, Nicholas Baker and Brian Maxson (2015)


Total Domination Edge Critical Graphs with Total Domination Number Three and Many Dominating Pairs, Camino Balbuena, Adriana Hansberg, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2015)


New Records of Marine Tardigrades From Moorea, French Polynesia, With the Description of Styraconyx Turbinarium sp. nov. (Arthrotardigrada, Halechiniscidae), Paul J. Bartels, Paulo Fontoura, and Diane R. Nelson (2015)

Peg Solitaire on Trees With Diameter Four, Robert A. Beeler and Clayton A. Walvoort (2015)

Banjo Romantika: Film and Community Effort, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Bluegrass Music and Appalachia in Place, Land, and Imagination, Lee Bidgood (2015)


Book Review of 'Exploring American Folk Music, Ethnic, Grassroots, and Regional Traditions in the U.S.’ by Kip Lornell, Lee Bidgood (2015)


Collaboration, Fieldwork, and Film, Lee Bidgood (2015)


Czech Bluegrass in Play, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Imagining Place in Bluegrass Music, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Integrating Teaching: Music, Appalachian Studies, and Sustainability, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Is there a Belgian bluegrass? A Preliminary Report, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Music and Work in Appalachia, Lee Bidgood (2015)


Review of the Original Carolina Chocolate Drops: Giddons, Rhiannon. 2015. Tomorrow Is My Turn; Flemons, Dom. 2015. Prospect Hill; and Robinson, Justin. 2012. Bones For Tinder, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Towards an Appalachian Liturgy Homily, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Performance at Music on the Lawn concert, Lee Bidgood and ETSU Faculty Band (2015)


"Biscuits and Bluegrass" Concert, Lee Bidgood and ETSU Faculty Bluegrass Band (2015)

Performance at Bluegrass on Broad Concert Series, Lee Bidgood and Great Smokey Mountain Bluegrass Band (2015)

Performance at Blue Plum festival, Lee Bidgood and Great Smokey Mountain Bluegrass Band (2015)

Performance at Feed and Seed, Lee Bidgood and Great Smokey Mountain Bluegrass Band (2015)

Appalachian Liturgy, Lee Bidgood and Hal Hutchinson (2015)

Appalachian Wind: A Faustian Tale for Oboe by Ljova Zhurbin, Lee Bidgood and Heather Killmeyer (2015)

Performance at the Swannanoa Gathering Faculty Concert, Lee Bidgood and Adam Tanner (2015)

Performance at Arts Center, Lee Bidgood and The Iron Mountain Messengers (2015)

Progress on Implementing Transformative Approaches in Southern Appalachia, Joe Bidwell, Cerrone R. Foster, Anna Hiatt, Cecilia McIntosh, and Rebecca A. Pyles (2015)


Social Anxiety in Relation to Selfcontrol Depletion Following Social Interactions, Ginette C. Blackhart, Jessica Williamson, and Lyndsay Nelson (2015)


Varying Coefficient Meta-Analysis Methods for Odds Ratios and Risk Ratios, Douglas G. Bonett and Robert M. Price (2015)

Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on High-Risk Inpatients’ Criminal Behavior, Alexis Booth, Jill D. Stinson, and Carrie C. LeMay (2015)

Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on High-Risk Inpatients’ Criminal Behavior, A. Booth and Jill D. Stinson (2015)


Fossil Musk Turtles (Kinosternidae, Sternotherus) From the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene (Hemphillian) of Tennessee and Florida, Jason R. Bourque and Blaine W. Schubert (2015)


A Re-Evaluation of the Pleistocene Hellbender, Cryptobranchus guildayi, Keila E. Bredehoeft and Blaine W. Schubert (2015)


Just Along for the Ride?: A Father-to-Be Searching for His Role., C. Wesley Buerkle (2015)


Historians' Forum: Reconstruction, Charles Calhoun, Jane Turner Censer, Eric Foner, and Andrew Slap (2015)

Functional Complementation of atdgat1-/- by Overexpression of Avocado DGAT1 to Restore Triacylglycerol Accumulation, Andrew Campbell, Mahbubur Md. Rahman, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)


Social Problem Solving Under Assault: Understanding the Impact of Sexual Assault on the Relation Between Social Problem Solving and Suicidal Risk in Female College Students, Edward C. Chang and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Fundamental Dimensions of Personality Underlying Spirituality: Further Evidence for the Construct Validity of the Rite Measure of Spirituality, Edward C. Chang, Zunaira Jilani, Tina Yu, Erin E. Fowler, Jiachen Lin, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Relation Between Sexual Assault and Negative Affective Conditions in Female College Students: Does Loss of Hope Account for the Association?, Edward C. Chang, Zunaira Jilani, Tina Yu, Jiachen Lin, Mine Muyan, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Understanding How Domestic Abuse Is Associated With Greater Depressive Symptoms in a Community Sample of Female Primary Care Patients: Does Loss of Belongingness Matter?, Edward C. Chang, Emma R. Kahle, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Loneliness Under Assault: Understanding the Impact of Sexual Assault on the Relation Between Loneliness and Suicidal Risk in College Students, Edward C. Chang, Xiang Lian, Tina Yu, Junjie Qu, Bohan Zhang, Wenwen Jia, Qin Hu, Junze Li, Jiaqing Wu, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Sexual Assault and Depressive Symptoms in College Students: Do Psychological Needs Account for the Relationship?, Edward C. Chang, Jiachen Lin, Erin E. Fowler, Elizabeth A. Yu, Tina Yu, Zunaira Jilani, Emma R. Kahle, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Loneliness, Positive Life Events, and Psychological Maladjustment: When Good Things Happen, Even Lonely People Feel Better!, Edward C. Chang, Mine Muyan, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Hope Under Assault: Understanding the Impact of Sexual Assault on the Relation Between Hope and Suicidal Risk in College Students, Edward C. Chang, Tina Yu, Zunaira Jilani, Erin E. Fowler, Elizabeth A. Yu, Jiachen Lin, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


The Pursuit of Perfection in Spiritual Engagements: The Centrality of Parental Expectations as a Positive and Unique Predictor, Edward C. Chang, Tina Yu, Zunaira Jilani, Mine Muyan, Jiachen Lin, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Roman and Total Domination, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2015)

Effects of Anandamide on Development, Growth and Cellular Organization of Physcomitrella Patens, Jedaidah Chilufya, Shiva Devaiah, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

The Role of Anandamide in Biotic Stress Tolerance in Mosses, Jedaidah Chilufya, Kousha Mohensi, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

The Role of Anandamide in Biotic Stress Tolerance in Mosses, Jedaidah Chilufya, Kousha Mohensi, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)


Endocannabinoid-Like Lipids in Plants, Jedaidah Y. Chilufya, Shivakumar P. Devaiah, Richard R. Sante, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)


Predicting Prenatal Care Utilization: Pregnancy Intention, Marital Status, Education, and Religiosity, Andrea D. Clements and Beth A. Bailey (2015)


"Identifying as Religious" and "Strength of Religious Commitment" Predict Substance Use Rates, but "Type of Religion" Does Not, Andrea D. Clements and Natalie Cyphers (2015)


A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Ori Aa: I. Overview of the X-ray Spectrum., Michael Corcoran, Joy Nichols, H. Pablo, Tomer Shenar, Andy Pollock, W. Waldron, A. Moffat, N. Richardson, C. Russell, K. Hamaguchi, D. Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann, Y. Nazé, Richard Ignace, Nancy Evans, Jamie Lomax, J. Hoffman, K. Gayley, S. Owocki, M. Leutenegger, T. Gull, K. Hole, J. Lauer, and R. Iping (2015)

Religious Surrender and Attendance Satisfaction Scale: Validation of an Instrument for Healthcare Practice and Research, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2015)


Examining Cultural, Social, and Self-Related Aspects of Stigma in Relation to Sexual Assault and Trauma Symptoms, Mandi F. Deitz, Stacey L. Williams, Sean C. Rife, and Peggy Cantrell (2015)