College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2017


Archive Fever, Archive Failure: Exploring the ‘it’ in Beckett’s Theatre, Katherine Weiss (2017)


Book Review of Emma Creedon, Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), Katherine Weiss (2017)


Harold Pinter’s Other Places (Staged Reading), Katherine Weiss (2017)


‘Steady Stream … Mad Stuff … Half the Vowels Wrong …’: Water, Waste and Words in Beckett’s Plays, Katherine Weiss (2017)

Water, Waste, and Words in Beckett’s Plays, Katherine Weiss (2017)

A Model-Based Cluster Analysis of Maternal Emotion Regulation and Relations to Parenting Behavior, Monica R. Whitehead, Anne Shaffer, Molly Faye Davis, Diana M. Morelen, and Cynthia Suveg (2017)


Variability in Bioavailable87Sr/86Sr in the North American Midcontinent, Chris Widga, J. Douglas Walker, and Andrew Boehm (2017)


Late Pleistocene Proboscidean Population Dynamics in the North American Midcontinent, Chris Widga, Stacey N. Lengyel, Jeffrey Saunders, Gregory Hodgins, J. Douglas Walker, and Alan D D. Wanamaker (2017)


Reconciling Phylogenetic and Morphological Trends in North American Mammuthus, Chris Widga, Jeff Saunders, and Jacob Enk (2017)

Mobilizing Intergroup Relations and Stigma Researchers Around LGBT Health Disparities, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Notable Woman Address, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Self-Compassion in PLWH: Reduced Internalized Shame and Negative Psychological Outcomes, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

When Sexual Assault Meets Minority Stress: Working With Sexual and Gender Diverse Clients, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Working With Diverse Clients During Uncertain Times, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Working With Diverse Clients During Uncertain Times, Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Using LGBT Campus Climate Research as a Vehicle for Social Change, Stacey L. Williams, Emma G. Fredrick, Sarah A. Job, and Kaitlyn M. McKee (2017)

Using LGBT Campus Climate Research as a Vehicle for Social Change, Stacey L. Williams, Emma G. Fredrick, Sarah A. Job, and K. M. McKee (2017)


Party Politics and National Identity in Taiwan's South China Sea Claims: Don't Rock the Boat, Kimberly L. Wilson (2017)


Detailed Thermodynamic Analysis of the Activation Parameters for the Simple Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride in the Acetonitrile/Water Cosolvent System, F. L. Wiseman, D. W. Scott, W. C. Cooper, J. Tamine, R. O'Connell, and N. Mitchell (2017)

Improving the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) using Item Response Theory, David L. Wood, Kiana R. Johnson, and Matthew McBee (2017)


Net Evolutionary Loss of Residue Polarity in Drosophilid Protein Cores Indicates Ongoing Optimization of Amino Acid Composition, Lev Y. Yampolsky, Yuri I. Wolf, and Michael A. Bouzinier (2017)

DEC Evidence Synthesis Group, Hongxia Zhao, Michael Garrett, and Carol M. Trivette (2017)

Submissions from 2016


Modification of Silica Gel by Heteropolyacids, Opeyemi Adetola, Leonid Golovko, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2016)


The Mechanisms of Water Exchange: The Regulatory Roles of Multiple Interactions in Social Wasps, Devanshu Agrawal and Istvan Karsai (2016)


Constitutional Fidelity and Extra-Legal Discretion: Justifying Executive Prerogative and Disobedient Disclosure, Michael Allen (2016)


Household evacuation characteristics in American Samoa during the 2009 Samoa Islands tsunami, Emma J.I. Apatu, Chris E. Gregg, Nathan J. Wood, and Liang Wang (2016)


Anatomical Study of the Auditory Region of Arctotherium Tarijense (Ursidae, Tremarctinae), an Extinct Short-Faced Bear From the Pleistocene of South America, Maria Eugenia Arnaudo, Paula Bona, Leopoldo Hector Soibelzon, and Blaine W. Schubert (2016)


Venom Peptides Cathelicidin and Lycotoxin Cause Strong Inhibition of Escherichia coli ATP Synthase, Sofiya Azim, Derek McDowell, Alec Cartagena, Ricky Rodriguez, Thomas F. Laughlin, and Zulfiqar Ahmad (2016)

Views of Science and Religion among the American Public (with Special Reference to Evolution), Joseph O. Baker (2016)


A Bounded Affinity Theory of Religion and the Paranormal, Joseph O. Baker, Christopher D. Bader, and F. Carson Mencken (2016)


Hell to Pay: Religion and Punitive Ideology Among the American Public, Joseph O. Baker and Alexis L. Booth (2016)

Religion and Secularity with Crowdsourced Data from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, Joseph O. Baker, Jonathan Hill, and Nathaniel Porter (2016)

Physical and Mental Health among Secular Americans: Differentiating between Atheists, Agnostics,and Nonaffiliated Believers, Joseph O. Baker and Samuel Stroope (2016)


Gendering (Non)Religion: Politics, Education, and Gender Gaps in Secularity in the United States, Joseph O. Baker and Andrew L. Whitehead (2016)


Gully Erosion and Freeze-Thaw Processes in Clay-Rich Soils, Northeast Tennessee, USA, Nicolas Barnes, Ingrid Luffman, and Arpita Nandi (2016)


A Global Biodiversity Estimate of a Poorly Known Taxon: phylum Tardigrada, Paul J. Bartels, J. J. Apodaca, Camilo Mora, and Diane R. Nelson (2016)


Permissive Parenting and Mental Health in College Students: Mediating Effects of Academic Entitlement, Alison L. Barton and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


"Blinded by the Lines: Mid-IR Spectra of Mira Variables Taken with Spitzer", Dana Baylis-Aguirre, Michelle J. Creech-Eakman, Donald G. Luttermoser, and Tina Gueth (2016)


Curing Instant Insanity II, Robert A. Beeler and Amanda Justus Bentley (2016)


Double Roman Domination, Robert A. Beeler, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2016)

Decompositions, Packings, and Coverings of the Complete Digraph With Orientations of K3 ∪{e}, Robert Beeler, Robert Gardner, Chrysanthus Gwellem, and Jan Lewenczuk (2016)

Functional Validation of Wrinkled Orthologs in Avocado Oil Biosynthesis, Shina Bhatia and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Functional Validation of Wrinkled Orthologs in Avocado Oil Biosynthesis, Shina Bhatia and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Banjo Romantika: Screening and Discussion, Lee Bidgood (2016)


Bill Monroe and Czech Bluegrassers: Imagination and the Production of Place in Music, Lee Bidgood (2016)


In the Deep Heart’s Core: A Mystic Cabaret by Joseph Sobol, Lee Bidgood (2016)

Seeking Information in Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music Studies, Lee Bidgood (2016)

Sounding Appalachian Spaces from Afar, Lee Bidgood (2016)

Performance at Bluegrass and Bayou festival, Lee Bidgood and Banjo Romantika Band (2016)

Performance at Down Home, Lee Bidgood and Banjo Romantika Band (2016)

ETSU BLUE Faculty Show, Lee Bidgood and Banjo Romantika Band (2016)

Performance At St. John's Episcopal Church, Lee Bidgood and Emily Bidgood (2016)


Performance at Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion, Lee Bidgood and Bill and the Belles (2016)

Performance at the Willow Tree Coffeehouse, Lee Bidgood and Hasee Ciaccio (2016)


Celebration of 1970s Country-Rock-Grass Fusion, Lee Bidgood and Doctors and Outlaws (2016)

Performance at Down Home, Lee Bidgood and Great Smokey Mountain Bluegrass Band (2016)

Performance at Old Oak Festival, Lee Bidgood and Great Smokey Mountain Bluegrass Band (2016)

Performance at Ruritan Club Bluegrass Festival, Lee Bidgood and Great Smoky Mountain Bluegrass Band (2016)

Banjo Therapy, Lee Bidgood, Richard Ciferský, and Banjo Romantika Band (2016)

In the Deep Heart’s Core, Lee Bidgood and Joseph Sobol (2016)

Performance at Historic Jonesborough Dance Society Contra Dance, Lee Bidgood and Joseph Sobol (2016)


Preferential Arrangement Superpatterns, Yonah Biers-Ariel, Anant Godbole, and Yiguang Zhang (2016)


Some Results on Superpatterns for Preferential Arrangements, Yonah Biers-Ariel, Yiguang Zhang, and Anant Godbole (2016)


3D Printed Microfluidic Devices, Gregory W. Bishop (2016)


Electrochemiluminescence at Bare and DNA-Coated Graphite Electrodes in 3D-Printed Fluidic Devices, Gregory W. Bishop, Jennifer E. Satterwhite-Warden, Itti Bist, Eric Chen, and James F. Rusling (2016)


3D-Printed Bioanalytical Devices, Gregory W. Bishop, Jennifer E. Satterwhite-Warden, Karteek Kadimisetty, and James F. Rusling (2016)


Vertex-Edge Domination in Graphs, Razika Boutrig, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2016)


Amicable Pairs and Aliquot Cycles for Elliptic Curves Over Number Fields, Jim Brown, David Heras, Kevin James, Rodney Keaton, and Andrew Qian (2016)


Results on the Number of Zeros in a Disk for Three Types of Polynomials, Derek Bryant and Robert Gardner (2016)


Forgiveness and Adverse Driving Outcomes Within the Past Five Years: Driving Anger, Driving Anger Expression, and Aggressive Driving Behaviors as Mediators, David J. Bumgarner, Jon R. Webb, and Chris S. Dula (2016)


Assessing Structural Control on Groundwater Flow in the Morrell Cave Springshed, Sullivan County, Tennessee, Taylor Burnham, Ingrid Luffman, Michael Whitelaw, and Yongli Gao (2016)

An Analysis of Mentally Unhealthy Days in Female Veterans, Gabrielle Caldara, Julie Obenauer, Megan Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

The Birth of a New Political Era, Daryl A. Carter (2016)


Home Cures for Ailing Horses: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Vernacular Veterinary Medicine in Tennessee, Anthony P. Cavender and Donald B. Ball (2016)


Neighborhood-Restricted [≤2]-Achromatic Colorings, James D. Chandler, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2016)


Challenges and Prospects for Positive Psychology Research, Theory, Assessment, and Practice in a Multiracial and Multiethnic World, Edward C. Chang, Christina A. Downey, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Natalie J. Lin (2016)


Introduction to Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: A Second Call to Action!, Edward C. Chang, Christina A. Downey, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Natalie J. Lin (2016)


The Relationship Between Multidimensional Spirituality and Depressive Symptoms in College Students: Examining Hope Agency and Pathways as Potential Mediators, Edward C. Chang, Zunaira Jilani, Erin E. Fowler, Tina Yu, Shao Wei Chia, Elizabeth A. Yu, Hannah K. McCabe, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Examining Sexual Assault Victimization and Loneliness as Risk Factors Associated With Nonlethal Self-Harm Behaviors in Female College Students: Is It Important to Control for Concomitant Suicidal Behaviors (and Vice Versa)?, Edward C. Chang, Jerin Lee, Kaitlin M. Wright, Alexandria S.M. Najarian, Tina Yu, Olivia D. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Ethnic Variables and Negative Life Events as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Behaviors in Latino College Students: On the Centrality of Receptivo a los Demás, Edward C. Chang, Elizabeth. A. Yu, Tina Yu, Emma R. Kahle, Viviana Hernandez, Jean M. Kim, Elizabeth L. Jeglic, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Hope and Trauma: Examining a Diathesis-Stress Model in Predicting Depressive and Anxious Symptoms in College Students, Edward C. Chang, Tina Yu, Olivia D. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Happiness Among Hiv-Positive Indian Adults: Examining Stress-Related Growth and Coping as Predictors of Positive Psychological Adjustment, Edward C. Chang, Tina Yu, Zunaira Jilani, Olivia D. Chang, Yifeng Du, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Shanmukh V. Kamble (2016)


A Roman Domination Chain, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Alice A. McRae (2016)


Lower Bounds on the Roman and Independent Roman Domination Numbers, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2016)


Roman {2}-Domination, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Alice A. McRae (2016)


Tobacco Methyl Salicylate Esterase Mediates Nonhost Resistance, Pavan Chigurupati, Imdadul Haq, and Dhirendra Kumar (2016)

Shifts in Ritual Response to Loss Due to Death: An Assessment of Funeral Service Mourning Trends over Time, Lawrence D. Childress and Andrea D. Clements (2016)

Anandamide-Mediated Growth, Morphological And Cellular Changes In Physcomitrella Patens, Jedaidah Chilufya, S. Khurana, L. Vidali, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Analyses of Anandamide-Mediated Growth Inhibition in Physcomitrella Patens, Jedaidah Chilufya and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Analyses of Anandamide-Mediated Growth Inhibition in Physcomitrella Patens, Jedaidah Chilufya and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Satisfaction With Religious Commitment: Assessment of Readiness for Enhanced Religiosity, Andrea D. Clements (2016)


Church Attendance and Intrinsic Religiosity Predict a Lower Likelihood of Hypertension in 18 to 60 Year Olds, Andrea D. Clements and Natalie Cyphers (2016)


Social Support, Religious Commitment, and Depression Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women, Andrea D. Clements, Tifani R. Fletcher, Lawrence D. Childress, Robert A. Montgomery, and Beth A. Bailey (2016)


Applying Dynamic Data Collection to Improve Dry Electrode System Performance for a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface, J. M. Clements, E. W. Sellers, D. B. Ryan, K. Caves, L. M. Collins, and C. S. Throckmorton (2016)


Calculations of the Energetics of Oxidation of Aqueous Nucleosides and the Effects of Prototropic Equilibria, David M. Close and Peter Wardman (2016)


The Number of Seymour Vertices in Random Tournaments and Digraphs, Zachary Cohn, Anant Godbole, Elizabeth Wright Harkness, and Yiguang Zhang (2016)


Bounds on the Maximum Number of Minimum Dominating Sets, Samuel Connolly, Zachary Gabor, Anant Godbole, Bill Kay, and Thomas Kelly (2016)

Early Childhood Adversity and Chronic Illness: An Examination of a High-Risk Forensic Inpatient Population, Courtney L. Cook, Jill D. Stinson, and Megan A. Quinn (2016)


The Relationship Between Religiosity and Health-Promoting Behaviors in Pregnant Women, Natalie A. Cyphers, Andrea D. Clements, and Glenda Lindseth (2016)


The Relationship between Religiosity and Health-Promoting Behaviors in Pregnant Women at Pregnancy Resource Centers, Natalie Cyphers, Andrea D. Clements, and Jody L. Ralph (2016)