College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2017

W. C. Handy: The Father of the Blues, The Blues of the Father, Ted Olson (2017)

Writing and Publishing, Ted Olson (2017)


On Top of Old Smoky, Then and Now: Paying Tribute to Those Who Gave Us Their Homes and Their Music, Ted S. Olson (2017)

Reassessing James Still’s Work, Ted S. Olson (2017)

W. C. Handy: Overlooked Appalachian Visionary, Ted S. Olson (2017)


On the Binary Nature of Massive Blue Hypergiants: High-resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Suggests That Cyg OB2 12 is a Colliding Wind Binary - IOPscience, Lidia M. Oskinova, David P. Huenemoerder, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Tomer Shenar, A. A.C. Sander, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and R. Hainich (2017)


Plant–Floral Visitor Network Structure in a Smallholder Cucurbitaceae Agricultural System in the Tropics: Implications for the Extinction of Main Floral Visitors, Víctor Parra-Tabla, María José Campos-Navarrete, and Gerardo Arceo-Gómez (2017)

Temperament-Vocabulary Links During the Transition to First Word Production: Contrary to Expectations, Jaima S. Price, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Natasha B. Gouge (2017)


Beck Hopelessness Inventory, Jessica Kelliher Rabon and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

Avocado Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 1 Is a Key Enzyme to Generate Healthy Oils, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Identification And Functional Analysis Of Avocado Dgat1 Expressed In Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Identification And Functional Analysis Of Avocado Dgat1 Expressed In Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)


BRITE-Constellation High-Precision Time-Dependent Photometry of the Early O-Type Supergiant ζ Puppis Unveils the Photospheric Drivers of Its Small- and Large-Scale Wind Structures, Tahina Ramiaramanantsoa, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Robert Harmon, and Richard Ignace (2017)


British and African Health in the Anti-Slave-Trade Squadron, John Rankin (2017)

New Voice Storyteller, Delanna Reed (2017)

Ridin’ the Rails: Tweetsie and Clinchfield Railroad Stories, Delanna Reed (2017)

Storytelling at Cumberland Mountain Storytelling Festival, Delanna Reed (2017)

Storytelling at Nickelsville Days Festival, Delanna Reed (2017)

United We Stand Interfaith Storytelling Concert, Delanna Reed (2017)

From Flesh to Spirit: Dalí’s Visual Transmutation of Dante’s Purgatorio, Joshua Reid (2017)

Lyric Augmentation and Fragmentation of the Italian Romance Epic in English Translations, Joshua Reid (2017)


Romance of Translation: Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata in the Elizabethan Twilight, Joshua Reid (2017)

Serious Play: Sir John Harington’s Material-Textual Errancy in Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse (1591), Joshua Reid (2017)

Translation Fragmentation and the ‘Transformission’ of Genre, Joshua Reid (2017)

Building a Culturally Responsive Framework for Students with Intellectual Disability to Increase Postsecondary Outcomes, Christopher Rivera, Joshua Baker, Ginevra Baker, Pamela J. Mims, and Tracy Spies (2017)


Predation Cues Influence Metabolic Rate and Sensitivity to Other Chemical Stressors in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) and Daphnia pulex, Amie L. Robinson, Trevor Chapman, and Joseph R. Bidwell (2017)


Negative Emotions in Veterans Relate to Suicide Risk Through Feelings of Perceived Burdensomeness and Thwarted Belongingness, Megan L. Rogers, Jessica Kelliher-Rabon, Christopher R. Hagan, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Thomas E. Joiner (2017)


The Reactivity of 2,5-Diaminoimidazolone Base Modification Towards Aliphatic Primary Amino Derivatives: Nucleophilic Substitution at C5 as a Potential Source of Abasic Sites in Oxidatively Damaged DNA, Marina Roginskaya, Hannah Janson, Devanamuni Seneviratni, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2017)


Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of Mom Power Parenting Intervention for Mothers with Interpersonal Trauma Histories and their Young Children, Katherine L. Rosenblum, Maria Musik, Diana M. Morelen, Emily A. Alfalfa, Nicole Miller, Rachel Waddell, Melisa M. Schuster, and Julie Ribaudo (2017)

Objective Measurement of Cognitive Systems During Effortful Listening, David B. Ryan, S. L. Smith, Eric W. Sellers, M. Eckert, and Kim Schairer


Evaluating Brain-Computer Interface Performance Using Color in the P300 Checkerboard Speller, D. B. Ryan, G. Townsend, N. A. Gates, K. Colwell, and E. W. Sellers (2017)


The Impacts of Cenozoic Climate and Habitat Changes on Small Mammal Diversity of North America, Joshua X. Samuels and Samantha S.B. Hopkins (2017)


The First Eocene Rodents From the Pacific Northwest, USA, Joshua X. Samuels and William W. Korth (2017)


Performing Protest in Cross-Cultural Spaces: Paul Robeson and Othello, Robert Sawyer (2017)


Resilience of Honeybee Colonies via Common Stomach: A Model of Self-Regulation of Foraging, Thomas Schmickl and Istvan Karsai (2017)


Determining Detection Limits of Aqueous Anions Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Dane W. Scott and Yahya Alseiha (2017)


Relative Permittivity Measurements of Aqueous Co-Solvent Systems Including Tetrahydrofuran, Dane W. Scott, Floyd L. Wiseman, William C. Cooper, and Yahya S. Alseiha (2017)


Adsorption of Cesium on Silica Gel Containing Embedded Phosphotungstic Acid, Kenneth Seaton, Iuliia Little, Cameron Tate, Ray Mohseni, Marina Roginskaya, Volodymyr Povazhniy, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2017)

Development of Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adolescent Males Who Have Been Sexually Victimized, Brittany S. Sharma, Jill D. Stinson, Kelcey L. Hall, and Megan A. Quinn (2017)

Development of Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adolescent Males Who Have Been Sexually Victimized, B. S. Sharma, Jill D. Stinson, Kelcey L. Hall, and Megan A. Quinn (2017)

Anandamide-Mediated Growth, Morphological and Cellular Changes in Physcomitrella Patens, Suhas Shinde, Jedaidah Chilufya, Shivakumar Devaiah, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)


Profiling Abscisic Acid-Induced Changes in Fatty Acid Composition in Mosses, Suhas Shinde, Shivakumar Devaiah, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Anandamide: An Endocannabinoid in the Moss and Its Implications and Metabolism, Suhas Shinde, Shivakumar Devaiah, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Discovery Of Novel N-Acylethanolamines In Early Land Plants And Their Implications, Suhas Shinde, Shivakumar Devaiah, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Biochemical Characterization of Tomato Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase, Sujan Shrestha and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Biochemical Characterization of Tomato Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase, Sujan Shrestha and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

P300 BCI: A Simulation of Random Eye Movement, Kelsey N. Shubert, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Caitlyn N. Swymer, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


A Longitudinal Study of the Profiles of Psychological Thriving, Resilience, and Loss in People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fuschia M. Sirois and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


A Meta-analytic and Conceptual Update on the Associations Between Procrastination and Multidimensional Perfectionism, Fuschia M. Sirois, Danielle S. Molnar, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

Domestic Rebels and Female Agents: The Story of Lady Grisell/Griseld Baillie, Judith Bailey Slagle (2017)


Performance Review of The Busy Body, by Susanna Centlivre, Judith Bailey Slagle (2017)

The Poet and the Astronomer: Joanna Baillie’s Intersections with Sir John Herschel, Judith Bailey Slagle (2017)

Determination of the Substrate Specificity of the Mutant D344P of Citrus paradisi Flavonol-Specific 3-O-Glucosyltransferase, Nathan Spaulding, Shivakumar Devaiah, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2017)


The Geographic Pattern of Nest Height in a Neotropical Arboreal Termite, C. K. Starr and I. Karsai (2017)

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding Practices and Postpartum Depressive Symptoms at Six Months Postpartum in Appalachian Women, Rose Stephens, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2017)


Yolk Sac Development in Lizards (Lacertilia: Scincidae): New Perspectives on the Egg of Amniotes, James R. Stewart and Michael B. Thompson (2017)

Got DBT? Understanding and Applying DBT in Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2017)

Motivational Interviewing With Offenders, Jill D. Stinson (2017)


Motivators, Self-Regulation, and Sexual Offending, Jill D. Stinson (2017)

Treating Sexual Offenders Using Safe Offender Strategies: Research and Clinical Practice, Jill D. Stinson (2017)


Treatment Progress and Behavior Following 2 Years of Inpatient Sex Offender Treatment: A Pilot Investigation of Safe Offender Strategies, Jill D. Stinson, Judith V. Becker, and Lee Ann McVay (2017)


Pedophilic Interests in the United States: Current Prevention Practices and Suggestions for Future Policy and Research, Jill D. Stinson and Michael P. Lasher (2017)


Defining an Anthropological Biohistorical Research Agenda: The History, Scale, and Scope of an Emerging Discipline, Christopher M. Stojanowski and William N. Duncan (2017)


Studies in Forensic Biohistory: Anthropological Perspectives, Christopher M. Stojanowski and William N. Duncan (2017)


Heritability and Genetic Integration of Tooth Size in the South Carolina Gullah, Christopher M. Stojanowski, Kathleen S. Paul, Andrew C. Seidel, William N. Duncan, and Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg (2017)


Orbitofrontal Participation in Sign- and Goal-Tracking Conditioned Responses: Effects of Nicotine, Sierra J. Stringfield, Matthew I. Palmatier, Charlotte A. Boettiger, and Donita L. Robinson (2017)

Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?: Interrogating the Interracial Musical-Friendship Trope, Matthew D. Sutton (2017)

The Ballad of George Wallace Jr., Matthew D. Sutton (2017)

The Young, Clean-Cut America: The Hootenanny, Revisited, Matthew D. Sutton (2017)

’We Had Heard about Freedom: The Soundscape in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Matthew D. Sutton (2017)


Emotion-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Cynthia Suveg, Anna Jones, Molly Davis, Marni L. Jacob, Diana Morelen, Kristel Thomassin, and Monica Whitehead (2017)


Parent–Child Intervention Decreases Stress and Increases Maternal Brain Activity and Connectivity During Own Baby-Cry: An Exploratory Study, James E. Swain, S. Shaun Ho, Katherine L. Rosenblum, Diana M. Morelen, Carolyn J. Dayton, and Maria Muzik (2017)

Parent-Child Intervention Decreases Stress and Increases Maternal Brain Activity and Connectivity in Response to Own Baby-Cry, James E. Swain, S. Shuan Ho, Katherine Rosenblum, Diana M. Morelen, Carolyn Joy Dayton, and Maria Muzik (2017)


On the Absence of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission around Runaway O Stars, Jesus A. Toalá, Lidia M. Oskinova, and Richard Ignace (2017)


Self-Forgiveness and Health: A Stress-and-Coping Model, Loren L. Toussaint, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Gratitude Mediates Quality of Life Differences Between Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Controls, Loren Toussaint, Fuschia Sirois, Jameson Hirsch, Annemarie Weber, Christian Vajda, Jorg Schelling, Niko Kohls, and Martin Offenbacher (2017)


Self-Forgiveness, Addiction, and Recovery, L. Toussaint, J. R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Self-Forgiveness and Health: A Stress-and-Coping Model, L. Toussaint, J. R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Self-Forgiveness and Pursuit of the Sacred: The Role of Pastoral-Related Care, L. Toussaint, J. R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Self-Forgiveness, Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior: Understanding the Role of Forgiving the Self in the Act of Hurting One’s Self, L. Toussaint, J. R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

Shame, Guilt, and Suicide Risk Among Veterans: Self-compassion as a Moderator, Morgan K. Treaster, Trever Dangel, Jessica McKinney, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

Fibromyalgia Impact and Suicidal Behavior: Effects of Stress and Self-Compassion, Morgan K. Treaster, Jessica K. Rabon, Kelly C. Pugh, Annemarie Weber, Niko Kohls, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Public Goods, Paul C. Trogen (2017)


Volume and Density of Microglomeruli in the Honey Bee Mushroom Bodies Do Not Predict Performance on a Foraging Task, Byron N. Van Nest, Ashley E. Wagner, Glen S. Marrs, and Susan E. Fahrbach (2017)


A Reluctant Right-Wing Social Movement: On the ‘Good Sense’ of Swedish Hunters, Erica von Essen and Michael Allen (2017)


Interspecies Violence and Crimes of Dissent: Communication Ethics and Legitimacy in Message Crimes Involving Wildlife, Erica von Essen and Michael Allen (2017)


Hunters, Crown, Nobles, and Conservation Elites: Class Antagonism Over the Ownership of Common Fauna, Erica Von Essen, Michael Allen, and Hans Peter Hansen (2017)


From Obstructionism to Communication: Local, National and Transnational Dimensions of Contestations on the Swedish Wolf Cull Controversy, Erica von Essen and Michael P. Allen (2017)


Solidarity Between Human and Non-Human Animals: Representing Animal Voices in Policy Deliberations, Erica von Essen and Michael P. Allen (2017)


The Implications of Victimhood Identity: The Case of 'Persecution' of Swedish Hunters, Erica Von Essen and Michael P. Allen (2017)


The Face of the Earth, the Shadow of the Bomb: Nuclear War and the First International Environmental Conference, "Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth," Princeton, New Jersey, 1955, Fred Waage (2017)


Neuroticism and Suicidal Behavior: Conditional Indirect Effects of Social Problem Solving and Hopelessness, Kristin L. Walker, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behavior in a Diverse Sample: The Moderating Role of Social Problem-Solving Ability, Kristin L. Walker, Jameson K. Hirsch, Edward C. Chang, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2017)


Quaternary Biostratigraphy in East Asia: A Multidisciplinary Research Approach on Gigantopithecus Fauna and Human Evolution, Yuan Wang, Masanaru Takai, Yingqi Zhang, Steven C. Wallace, and Song Xing (2017)


The Fires of Racial Discontent Are Still Burning! Intensely!, Elwood Watson (2017)


A Consensus Definition of Self-Forgiveness: Implications for Assessment and Treatment, Jon R. Webb, David J. Bumgarner, Elizabeth Conway-Williams, Trever Dangel, and Benjamin B. Hall (2017)


Self-Forgiveness and Pursuit of the Sacred: The Role of Pastoral-Related Care, Jon R. Webb, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Loren L. Toussaint (2017)


Self-Forgiveness, Addiction, and Recovery, Jon R. Webb, Loren L. Toussaint, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten Zur Personenzentrierten Medizin in Akademischen Instituten Für Allgemeinmedizin in Deutschland Und Österreich, Annemarie Weber, Jörg Schelling, Niko Kohls, Marcus van Dyck, Stephanie Poggenburg, Christian Vajda, Jameson Hirsch, Fuschia Sirois, Loren Toussaint, and Martin Offenbächer (2017)


Introduction, Sandra E. Weissinger, Dwayne A. Mack, and Elwood Watson (2017)