College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2016


Book Review of The Mapping of Power in Renaissance Italy, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)

Civic Humanism, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)

Political Corruption and the Distinctions between Public and Private in Renaissance Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)


The Certame Coronario as Performative Ritual, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)

The Magnificence of Gentile da Fabriano and Masaccio in Renaissance Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2016)


Giannozzo Manetti's Oratio in Funere Iannotii Pandolfini: Art, Humanism and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson and Stefano U. Baldassarri (2016)


Book Review of Nation Builder: John Quincy Adams and the Grand Strategy of the Republic by Charles N. Edel, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

Book Review of Robert Morris’s Folly: The Architectural and Financial Failures of an American Founder by Ryan K. Smith, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

Espionage and Treason in the Early Republic, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

Recasting the Restrictive System: Portrayal of Deception in Jeffersonian Policies 1805-1815, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

Slavery in the Constitution, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

War and Diplomacy in the Early Republic, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)


What You Don’t Look For, You Won’t Find: A Commentary on Card and Giuliano’s Examination of Universal Screening, Matthew T. McBee (2016)


The Impact of the Nomination Stage on Gifted Program Identification: A Comprehensive Psychometric Analysis, Matthew T. McBee, Scott J. Peters, and Erin M. Miller (2016)


Listen and Complete: Understanding One-Liners, Theresa McGarry (2016)

Adverbial Clause Usage and Gender in English, Spanish, and French, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2016)

Structure and Function of Flavonoid Glucosyltransferases: Using a specific Grapefruit Enzyme as a Model, Cecilia A. McIntosh (2016)


Advances in Flavonoid Glycosyltransferase Research: Integrating Recent Findings With Long-Term Citrus Studies, Cecilia A. McIntosh and Daniel K. Owens (2016)

Expectations of Rejection and Support Seeking Among College Students With Stigmatized Identities, Kaity M. McKee, Emma G. Fredrick, Stacey L. Williams, Sarah E. Humphrey, and S. L. LaDuke (2016)

Posttraumatic Growth and Suicidal Behavior: Serial Effects via Time Perspective and Depressive Symptoms, Jessica McKinney, Lauren Beuttel, Peter C. Britton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)

Forgiveness and Suicidal Behavior in Veterans: Mediating Role of Posttraumatic Growth, Jessica McKinney, Lauren Beuttel, Jon R. Webb, Peter C. Britton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Early Pleistocene Snake (Squamata, Reptilia) Skeleton From Renzidong Cave, Anhui, China, Jim I. Mead, David Moscato, Blaine W. Schubert, Changzhu Jin, Guangbiao Wei, Chengkai Sun, and Longting Zheng (2016)


Diazonium (Perfluoroalkyl) Arylsulfonylimide Zwitterionic Monomer Analogues: Effective Synthesis and Thermal Stability, Hua Mei, Chimaroke Nworie, Grace Abban, Abdulmajeed Alayyaf, and Rebecca MacCloud (2016)

Arrest or Hospitalization? An Examination of the Relationship Between Psychiatric Symptoms, Traumatic Childhood Experiences, and Socio-Ecological Factors in Forensic Mental Health System Responses to Offender Behavior, S. Mersch, Jill D. Stinson, and Megan A. Quinn (2016)

Arrest or Hospitalization? an Examination of the Relationship Between Psychiatric Symptoms, Traumatic Childhood Experiences, and Socio-Ecological Factors in Forensic Mental Health System Responses to Offender Behavior, S. Mersch, Jill Stinson, and Megan Quinn (2016)

Arrest or Hospitalization? An Examination of the Relationship Between Psychiatric Symptoms, Traumatic Childhood Experiences, and Socio-Ecological Factors in Forensic Mental Health System Responses to Offender Behavior, Stephanie Mersch, Jill D. Stinson, and Megan A. Quinn (2016)

The Effect of the Size of Facial Stimuli on Using a P300 Brain Computer-Interface, Rebecca B. Millard, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, C. M. Coffman, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


Ancient Mitochondrial Dna Reveals Convergent Evolution of Giant Short-Faced Bears (Tremarctinae) in North and South America, Kieren J. Mitchell, Sarah C. Bray, Pere Bover, Leopoldo Soibelzon, Blaine W. Schubert, Francisco Prevosti, Alfredo Prieto, Fabiana Martin, Jeremy J. Austin, and Alan Cooper (2016)

Social Support and Treatment Adherence in Fibromyalgia: Indirect effects of Depressive Symptoms, M. Montgomery, Byron D. Brooks, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson Hirsch (2016)


Exceptionally Short-Period Circadian Clock in Cyclosa turbinata: Regulation of Locomotor and Web-Building Behavior in an Orb-Weaving Spider, Darrell Moore, J. Colton Watts, Ashley Herrig, and Thomas C. Jones (2016)

Mom Power: A Parenting Intervention to Improve Mental Health and Parenting among High-Risk Mothers with Young Children, Diana M. Morelen (2016)


Understanding Bidirectional Mother-Infant Affective Displays across Contexts: Effects of Maternal Maltreatment History and Postpartum Depression and PTSD Symptoms, Diana M. Morelen, Rena Menke, Katherine Lisa Rosenblum, Marjorie Beeghl, and Maria Muzik (2016)

A Two-Year Review of Suicide Ideation Assessments Among Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy Students, Courtney M. Mospan, Rick Hess, Reid Blackwelder, Susan Glover, and Chris Dula (2016)

Infant Indicators of ADHD and Overweight Comorbidity, Katherine Musacchio, Brandy Anders, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Jaima S. Price (2016)


Loneliness and Negative Affective Conditions in Adults: Is There Any Room for Hope in Predicting Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms?, Mine Muyan, Edward C. Chang, Zunaira Jilani, Tina Yu, Jiachen Lin, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Flood Hazard Mapping in Jamaica Using Principal Component Analysis and Logistic Regression, Arpita Nandi, Arpita Mandal, Matthew Wilson, and David Smith (2016)


Book Review of Claiming the Union: Citizenship in the Post–Civil War South by Susanna Michele Lee, Steven Nash


Erratum to: The Interrelations Between Spiritual Well-Being, Pain Interference and Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis(J Behav Med, Doi:10.1007/s10865-016-9712-3), Sheri A. Nsamenang, Jameson K. Hirsch, Raluca Topciu, Andrew D. Goodman, and Paul R. Duberstein (2016)


The Interrelations Between Spiritual Well-Being, Pain Interference and Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Sheri A. Nsamenang, Jameson K. Hirsch, Raluca Topciu, Andrew D. Goodman, and Paul R. Duberstein (2016)

Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Risk of Adult Binge Drinking and HIV-Risk Behaviors in Four U.S. States, Renice Obure, Malendie Gaines, S. Gandy, and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Physical and Emotional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Experiences of College Students in Southern Appalachia, Renice Obure, Emery Shekiro, Megan Quinn, and Jill Stinson (2016)

Trying to Be Perfect in an Imperfect World: The Role of Perfectionism in Adjustment of Fibromyalgia, M. Offenbaecher, L. L. Toussaint, J. Dezutter, Niko Kohls, C. Sigl, M. A. Vallejo, J. Rivera, Annemarie Weber, J. Schelling, A. Vincent, Jameson K. Hirsch, S. Poggenburg, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2016)


Blind Alfred Reed: Appalachian Visionary, Ted Olson (2016)

Blind Alfred Reed: Life and Music, Ted Olson (2016)


Book Review of Fiona Ritchie and Doug Orr: Wayfaring Strangers: The Musical Voyage from Scotland and Ulster to Appalachia, Ted Olson (2016)


Book Review of Michael Jarrett: Producing Country: The Inside Story of the Great Recordings, Ted Olson (2016)


Foreword, Ted Olson (2016)

Knox County Stomp: Documenting Urban Appalachia’s Great Depression-Era Location Recording Sessions, Ted Olson (2016)


Location Recording Sessions in Concept and in Practice, Beyond Bristol: The 2015 International Country Music Conference Roundtable: Introductory Essay, Ted Olson (2016)


Old Time and Bluegrass: Two Main Strains of Music Along The Crooked Road, Ted Olson (2016)


Recording Review of Parchman Farm: Photographs and Field Recordings, 1947-55, Ted Olson (2016)


Recording Review of Spain in My Heart: Songs of the Spanish Civil War, Ted Olson (2016)

Setting the Record Straight: Confronting Stereotypes in Historical Appalachian Recordings, Ted Olson (2016)


The 1927 Bristol Sessions and Ralph Peer: A Myth and A Legend Losing Luster in the Cold Light of Recent Scholarship, Ted Olson (2016)


The Celtic Influence on Appalachian Music, Ted Olson (2016)


The Guitar: ‘An Orchestra Unto Itself', Ted Olson (2016)

The Three East Tennessee Location Recording Sessions, Ted Olson (2016)


Untitled Short Essay Honoring Bear Family Records 40!!! Years Boxed Set, Ted Olson (2016)


Wyatt Rice and Dan Menzone: Out of the Blue, Ted Olson (2016)


X-ray Diagnostics of Massive Star Winds, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, and D. P. Huenemoerder (2016)


Advancing Our Understanding of Religion and Spirituality in the Context of Behavioral Medicine, Crystal L. Park, Kevin S. Masters, John M. Salsman, Amy Wachholtz, Andrea D. Clements, Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher, Kelly Trevio, and Danielle M. Wischenka (2016)

Quality of Life and Trauma in First Responders: Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy, R. M. Paul, Michael E. Feeney, Byron D. Brooks, G. Sawyer, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)

Infant Attentional Processing and Language Acquisition: The Role of Posture, Jaima Price and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2016)

Fibromyalgia and Faith: Examining Serial Linkages to Self-compassion, Perceived Impairment, and Depression, Kelly C. Pugh, Jessica K. Rabon, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Foraging Behaviors of Anelosimus studiosus Utilizing Mathematical Modeling of Multiple Spider Interaction on a Cooperative Web, Alex John Quijano, Michele L. Joyner, Chelsea Ross, J. Colton Watts, Edith Seier, and Thomas C. Jones (2016)

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Victimization in a College Aged Sample, Megan Quinn, Renice Obure, Emery Shekiro, and Jill Stinson (2016)


Oil-Rich Nonseed Tissues for Enhancing Plant Oil Production, Mahbubur Rahman, Uday K. Divi, Qing Liu, Xue-Rong Ahou, Surinder Singh, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Functional Analysis of Avocado DGAT1 and DGAT2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification And Functional Analysis of Avocado Dgat1 and Dgat2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Functional Analysis of Avocado DGAT1 and DGAT2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Unlocking the Mystery of Oil Biosynthesis in Avocado, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Appalachian & British Folktales, Delanna Reed (2016)

A Round Peg in a Square Hole: Lesbian Teachers Fitting In, Delanna Reed (2016)

Ghost Stories for Historic Rugby Ghostly Gathering, Delanna Reed (2016)

Round Peg in a Square Hole: Lesbian Teachers’ Stories of Fitting In, Delanna Reed (2016)

Round Peg in a Square Hole: Lesbian Teachers’ Stories of Fitting In, Delanna Reed (2016)

Storytelling at Blue Plum Festival, Delanna Reed (2016)

Storytelling at Umoja Festival, Delanna Reed (2016)

He Do the Orlando Furioso in Different Voices: Ariosto’s Ventriloquizing Presence in English Translation, Joshua Reid (2016)


Review of "Printers Without Borders: Translation and Textuality in the Renaissance", Joshua Reid (2016)

Textual Physiognomy: A New Theory and Brief History of Dantean Portraiture, Joshua Reid (2016)

The Figure of the Poet-Translator in the Italian Romance Epic, Joshua Reid (2016)

Translation Studies, Joshua Reid (2016)

Using Questioning in the Classroom, Joshua Reid (2016)


DNA Damage by the Sulfate Radical Anion: Hydrogen Abstraction From the Sugar Moiety Versus One-Electron Oxidation of Guanine, Marina Roginskaya, Reza Mohseni, Derrick Ampadu-Boateng, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2016)


Is the Gut Content of Milnesium (Eutardigrada) Related to Buccal Tube Size?, Milena Roszkowska, Paul J. Bartels, Bartłomiej Gołdyn, Daniel A. Ciobanu, Paulo Fontoura, Łukasz Michalczyk, Diane R. Nelson, Marta Ostrowska, Antonio Moreno-Talamantes, and Łukasz Kaczmarek (2016)


"All's Well that Ends Welles": Orson Welles and the "Voodoo" Macbeth, Robert Sawyer (2016)


How Regulation Based on a Common Stomach Leads to Economic Optimization of Honeybee Foraging, Thomas Schmickl and Istvan Karsai (2016)


Life After Death: An Introduction to the Criminal Body in the West, Melissa Schrift (2016)


Osama’s Body: Death of a Political Criminal and (Re)Birth of a Nation, Melissa Schrift (2016)

Differences in Experiences of Childhood Abuse Between Clinical and Nonclinical Samples, Brittany Sharma, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, Victoria A. Forgea, and Allison Willner (2016)


Insecure Attachment Orientation and Well-Being in Emerging Adults: The Roles of Perceived Social Support and Fatigue, Fuschia M. Sirois, Abigail Millings, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)

Gratitude and Health Behaviors: The Role of Future Orientation, Fuschia M. Sirois, A. Wood, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)

Erotic Spaces and Encounters: Advice to Domestic Servants from Eliza Haywood’s A Present for a Servant-Maid, Judith Bailey Slagle (2016)

James Boswell and the Making of the Edinburgh Theatre Royal, 1767-1859, Judith Bailey Slagle (2016)


A COMPARATIVE STUDY of KNOTS of STAR FORMATION in INTERACTING VERSUS SPIRAL GALAXIES, Beverly J. Smith, Javier Zaragoza-Cardiel, Curtis Struck, Susan Olmsted, and Keith Jones (2016)


Trait Hope and Preparation for Future Care Needs among Older Adult Primary Care Patients, Jodi L. Southerland, Deborah L. Slawson, Robert Pack, Silvia Sörensen, Jeffrey M. Lyness, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)

Affect of Mutation D344P on the Regio- and/or Substrate Specificity of CP3-OGT, Nathan Spaulding, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2016)

Effect of the Mutation D344P on the Regio and/or Stereospecificity of Cp3-O-Gt, Nathan Spaulding, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2016)


The Effects of Working Memory on Brain-Computer Interface Performance, Samantha A. Sprague, Matthew T. McBee, and Eric W. Sellers (2016)