Management and Marketing Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Management and Marketing Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Eco-Efficiency and Eco-Productivity Assessments of the States in the United States: A Two-Stage Non-parametric Analysis, Elif E. Demiral and Ümit Sağlam (2021)


The Emerging Organizational Role of the Maintenance Function: A Strategic Perspective, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Jorge M. Simões (2021)


Building positive internal and external stakeholder perceptions through CSR storytelling, Kelly R. Hall, Dana E. Harrison, and Obinna O. Obilo (2021)


Mapping Social Media Analytics for Small Business: A Case Study of Business Analytics, Sookhyun Kim (2021)


Supply Chain Management Focusing on Relationship Building and Switching Cost, Sookhyun Kim, Jinah Son, and Kelly G. Atkins (2021)


The Choice of Brand Extension: The Moderating Role of Brand Loyalty on Fit and Brand Familiarity, Beichen Liang and Wei Fu (2021)


The Management of Global Multi-Tier Sustainable Supply Chains: A Complexity Theory Perspective, Mohammad Najjar and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2021)


CSR Portfolio Characteristics and Performance Outcomes: Examining the Impacts of CSR Portfolio Diversity and Dynamism, Kyle Turner, Craig A. Turner, and William H. Heise (2021)


Investigation of Inverted and Active Pedagogies in Introductory Statistics, Reza O. Abbasian and Mike Czuchry (2020)


Multi-Faceted Organizational Buyer Burnout, Nwamaka A. Anaza, Dana E. Harrison, and Brian N. Rutherford (2020)


A Non-Canonical Role for p27Kip1 in Restricting Proliferation of Corneal Endothelial Cells During Development, Dennis M. Defoe, Huiying Rao, David J. Harris, Preston D. Moore, Jan Brocher, and Theresa A. Harrison (2020)


Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics: Conceptualization, Scale Development and Validation, Dana E. Harrison, O. C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell, and Joe F. Hair (2020)


Emerging Market Footholds and Knowledge: An Examination of New Product Launch Performance, Matthew T. Jenkins, Christopher W. Craighead, Mary C. Holcomb, Timothy P. Munyon, David J. Ketchen, and Stephanie Eckerd (2020)


Social Sustainability Strategy Across the Supply Chain: A Conceptual Approach From the Organisational Perspective, Mohammad Najjar, Michael H. Small, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2020)


Management Accounting Systems: An Organizational Competitive Performance Perspective, Elsa Pedroso, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2020)


Last Mile Non-Delivery: Consumer Investment in Last Mile Infrastructure, Jeffrey J. Risher, Dana E. Harrison, and Stephen A. LeMay (2020)


Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Attitudes: An Exploratory Study, O. C. Ferrell, Dana E. Harrison, Linda Ferrell, and Joe F. Hair (2019)


Towards Excellence in Managing the Public-Sector Project Cycle: A TQM Context, Carlos F. Gomes, Michael H. Small, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2019)

Constructing Future Business Leaders: Evaluating a Mixed Methods Approach to Leadership Education in an MBA Curriculum, C. Allen Gorman and T. W. Moore (2019)


Customer Relationship Management Technology: Bridging the Gap Between Marketing Education and Practice, Dana E. Harrison and Haya Ajjan (2019)


To Catch a Thief: Protecting Proprietary Information Including Trade Secrets From Corporate Espionage, Clifford M. Koen and Wm Brian London (2019)


Information Technology and the Supply Chain Integration: A Business Executives' Context, José Luís Martinho, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2019)

The Effects of Electricity Prices on Productive Efficiency of States' Wind Power Performances in the United States, Ümit Sağlam (2019)


Exploring Competitive Strategic Performance Consistency in Service Organizations, Carlos F. Gomes, Mohammad Najjar, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2018)


An Investigation Into the Validity of Asynchronous Web-Based Video Employment Interview Ratings, C. Allen Gorman, Jim Robinson, and Jason S. Gamble (2018)


Marketing Research in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges, Joe F. Hair, Dana E. Harrison, and Jeffrey J. Risher (2018)


Our First Professor As A Guest!, Kelly Price-Rhea (2018)


Online Doctoral Students at a Faith-Based University: Concerns of Online Education, Kelly Price-Rhea, Julia Price, and Deborah Hayes (2018)


A Two-Stage Performance Assessment of Utility-Scale Wind Farms in Texas Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Models, Ümit Sağlam (2018)


Integrated Multiproduct Batch Production and Truck Shipment Scheduling Under Different Shipping Policies, Ümit Sağlam and Avijit Banerjee (2018)


From Syrian Refugee to Dishwasher to Heart Doctor: The Inspirational Story of Hero and Humanitarian Dr. Heval Kelli, Meira Mahmoud Yasin (2018)


An Exploratory Study of Current Performance Management Practices: Human Resource Executives’ Perspectives, C. Allen Gorman, John P. Meraic, Slyvia G. Roch, Joshua L. Ray, and Jason S. Gamble (2017)


The Use of Technology in Direct-Selling Marketing Channels: Digital Avenues for Dynamic Growth, Dana E. Harrison and Joseph F. Hair (2017)


Attention Deficit Disorder and the Americans With Disabilities Act: Is Anyone Paying Attention?, Clifford M. Koen, Amanda J. Carmichael, and Kristin E. Koen (2017)


Revealed Preferences for Portfolio Selection–Does Skewness Matter?, Merrill W. Liechty and Ümit Sağlam (2017)


Work Ethic and Work Outcomes in an Expanded Criterion Domain, John P. Meriac and C. Allen Gorman (2017)


Rightful Discharge: Making "Termination" Mean It Is Really Over: Part 1-Issues and Legislation, Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Amanda J. Carmichael (2017)


Assessment of the Productive Efficiency of Large Wind Farms in the United States: An Application of Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis, Ümit Sağlam (2017)


A Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Efficiency Assessments of 39 State's Wind Power in the United States, Ümit Sağlam (2017)


The Effects of Educational Delivery Methods on Knowledge Retention, Craig Turner and Kyle Dean Turner (2017)


Smart Apparel Shopping: A Multidimensional and Gender-Neutral Measure, Kelly Green Atkins and Youn Kyung Kim (2016)


Smart Grocery Shopper Segments, Kelly Green Atkins, Archana Kumar, and Youn Kyung Kim (2016)


Time To Change the Bathwater: Correcting Misconceptions About Performance Ratings, C. Allen Gorman, Christopher J.L. Cunningham, Shawn M. Bergman, and John P. Meriac (2016)


Examining the Work Ethic of Correctional Officers Using a Short Form of the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile, Charles Allen Gorman and John P. Meriac (2016)


Retention of Assessment Center Rater Training, Charles Allen Gorman and Joan R. Rentsch (2016)


The Role of People and Social Context in Promoting the IT Organizational Performance: Evidence From Portugal, José Luís Martinho, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2016)


The Essentials of Organizational Behavior and Management for the Modern Workforce, Lorianne D. Mitchell


Rightful Discharge: Making "Termination" Mean It's REALLY Over Part 2-Proper Documentation, Michael S. Mitchell and Clifford M. Koen (2016)

E-Ethics: Business and Education Student Perspectives Regarding Online Learning, Kelly Price-Rhea, J. Price, and D. Hayes (2016)


Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: Formulating Digital Marketing Strategy for Online Faith-Based Education, Kelly Price-Rhea and Julia Price (2016)


Changing Role of Maintenance in Business Organisations: Measurement Versus Strategic Orientation, Jorge M. Simões, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2016)


Performance Management in Iranian Manufacturing Organisations: Practices and Culture, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Carlos F. Gomes, Jafar Alavi, and Rasoul Shafieyoun (2016)


Capabilities as Components of Competitive Strategy in the Portuguese Service Sector, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Michael H. Small (2015)


Enhancing Organisational Performance Through Information Technology: An Organisational and Social Strategic Context, José L. Martinho, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2015)


Seeing the Forest but Missing the Trees: The Role of Judgments in Performance Management, John P. Meriac, Charles Allen Gorman, and Therese Macan (2015)


Overcoming Faculty Avoidance of Online Education: From Resistance to Support to Active Participation, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Jennifer D. Parlamis, and Sarah A. Claiborne (2015)

Influence of Facility Atmospherics on Spectator Attendance, Mauro Palmero and Kelly Price-Rhea (2015)


Toward Education and Training the Human Resources: Meeting the Challenge Through a Joint-Venture Process Approach Between the Public and Private Sectors, Elsa P. Rodrigues, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2015)


Interactive Effects of Personal and Organizational Resources on Frontline Bank Employees’ Job Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Job Fit, Aditi Sarkar Sengupta, Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2015)


Bringing Reality to “Real Options”: An Experiential Exercise, Craig Turner and Kyle Dean Turner (2015)


A Win-Win Approach to Promoting Cooperation Between Business Organisations and Business Education: The Role of Internships, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Carlos F. Gomes, and Phillip E. Miller (2015)


Organisational Performance and Innovation in the Context of a Total Quality Management Philosophy: An Empirical Investigation, Mário Gomes Augusto, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)


The Mediating Role of Innovation on Strategic Orientation and Performance, Mário Gomes Augusto, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)


The Smart Leader: Examining the Relationship Between Intelligence and Leader Development Behavior, Carrie A. Blair, C. Allen Gorman, Katherine Helland, and Lisa Delise (2014)


Discerning Competitive Strategy Through an Assessment of Competitive Methods, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, João V. Lisboa, and Michael H. Small (2014)


Is the Future Static or Dynamic? the Role of Culture on Escalation of Commitment in New Product Development, Beichen Liang, Sudhir H. Kale, and Joseph Cherian (2014)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 2: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Gender, Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Stephen M. Darden (2014)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 3: Title VII, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the National Labor Relations Act, Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Stephen M. Darden (2014)


Teaching Negotiations in the New Millennium: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Online Course Delivery, Jennifer D. Parlamis and Lorianne D. Mitchell (2014)


Building Spiritual Capabilities to Sustain Sustainability-Based Competitive Advantages, Jean Garner Stead and W. Edward Stead (2014)


E-Commerce Strategies and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Pedro Marcelo Torres, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)


An Exploratory Investigation of Factors Shaping Electronic Commerce Practices in Iran: Benchmarking the Role of Technology and Culture, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Jafar Alavi, Andrew Czuchry, and Rasool Shafieyoun (2014)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 1: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Religion., Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Thomas W. Moore (2013)

The Purpose of the 5th P, Kelly Price-Rhea (2013)


The Coevolution of Sustainable Strategic Management in the Global Marketplace, Jean Garner Stead and W. Edward Stead (2013)


Customer Orientation as a Buffer Against Job Burnout, Emin Babakus and Ugur Yavas (2012)


Discerning Interrelationships Among the Knowledge, Competencies, and Roles of Project Managers in the Planning and Implementation of Public Sector Projects, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Michael H. Small (2012)


Guidelines for Conducting Bulletproof Workplace Investigations: Part II--Searches, Surveillance, and Other Legal Issues., Clifford M. Koen and Michael S. Mitchell (2012)


The Effect of Culture on Consumer Choice: The Need for Conformity vs. the Need for Uniqueness, Beichen Liang and Yanbin He (2012)


Cultural Differences in Imagery Generation: The Influence of Abstract Versus Concrete Thinking, Beichen Liang and Sudhir H. Kale (2012)


Greenwashing to Green Innovation in Automotives and Beyond, Lorianne D. Mitchell and Dana Harrison (2012)


Guidelines for Conducting Bulletproof Workplace Investigations: Part I-Preparation and Interviewing Issues, Michael S. Mitchell and Clifford M. Koen (2012)


A Study of Golfers in Tennessee, Kelly Price-Rhea (2012)


Who's Reading Your Wall? The Relationships among User Characteristics, Usage and Attitudes Regarding Official Academic Facebook Sites, Robert Wixel Barnell, Thomas W. Moore, and Kelly Price-Rhea (2011)


Who’s Reading Your Wall? The Relationships among User Characteristics, Usage and Attitudes Regarding Official Academic Facebook Sites, Robert W. Barnwell, Tom Moore, and Kelly Price (2011)


Improving Patients' Satisfaction Through More Effective Utilization of Operating Rooms Resources: An Informational-Based Perspective, José Ferreira, Carlos Gomes, and Mahmoud Yasin (2011)


Toward the Promotion of Effective Performance of Entry-Level Managers: The Case of Portugal, Carlos F. Gomes and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2011)


Performance Measurement Practices in Manufacturing Firms Revisited, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2011)


A Field Test of the Effectiveness of Different Print Layouts: A Mixed Model Field Experiment in Alternative Advertising, Dominik Lehmann and Donald J. Shemwell (2011)


The Effect of Culture on the Context of Ad Pictures and Ad Persuasion: The Role of Context-Dependent and Context-Independent Thinking, Beichen Liang, Rodney C. Runyan, and Wei Fu (2011)


Job Satisfaction and Affective Events Theory: What Have We Learned in the Last 15 Years?, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2011)


Look How Green I Am! An Individual-Level Explanation for Greenwashing, Lorianne D. Mitchell and Wesley D. Ramey (2011)


A Literature Review of Maintenance Performance Measurement: A Conceptual Framework and Directions for Future Research, J. M. Simões, C. F. Gomes, and M. M. Yasin (2011)


Assessing the Implementation and Effectiveness of Process Management Initiatives at Technologically Consistent Firms, Michael H. Small, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Jafar Alavi (2011)


An Assessment of the Competitiveness of the Moroccan Tourism Industry: Benchmarking Implications, Mahmoud Yasin, Jafar Alavi, Sallem Koubida, and Michael H. Small (2011)


Assessing the Competitive Effectiveness of Hospitals: The Role of Quality Improvement Initiatives, Mahmoud Yasin, Mário Augusto, João Lisboa, and Phillip Miller (2011)


Competitive Strategic Grouping for Hospitals, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Carlos F. Gomes, and Phillip E. Miller (2011)


An Examination of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Process Improvement Initiatives in Manufacturing Operational Systems, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Michael H. Small, Jafar Alavi, and Mohammad Al-Najjar (2011)


Strategic Grouping and Performance of Portuguese Manufacturing Firms: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach, Carlos F. Gomes, Mário G. Augusto, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2010)


Assessing Operational Effectiveness in Healthcare Organizations: A Systematic Approach, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Yousef Yasin (2010)