The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Some Generalizations of the Eneström-Kakeya Theorem, R. B. Gardner and N. K. Govil (1997)
Spectroscopy of Mira Variables at Different Phases, Michael W. Castelaz and Donald G. Luttermoser (1997)
Spinal Epidural Abscess Associated With the Use of Temporary Epidural Catheters: Report of Two Cases and Review, Felix A. Sarubbi and José E. Vasquez (1997)
Spontaneous Resolution of a Large Pericardial Cyst., S. K. Ambalavanan, J. B. Mehta, R. A. Taylor, and A. V. Mehta (1997)
Strongyloides Stercoralis: Identification of Antigens in Natural Human Infections From Endemic Areas of the United States, Afzal A. Siddiqui, Nora M. Koenig, Michael Sinensky, and Steven L. Berk (1997)
Structures of 9,10-Dihydro-9-Heteroanthracenes and 9,10-Dihydro-9-Heteroanthracenide Anions; An Ab Initio MO Calculation, Hamid S. Kasmai and Ruifeng Liu (1997)
Substance P Evokes Bradycardia via Cholinergic Neurons in Anesthetized Guinea Pigs, J. D. Tompkins, D. B. Hoover, and J. C. Hancock (1997)
Substance P Released in the Rostral Brainstem of Cats Interacts With NK- 1 Receptors During Muscle Pressor Response, C. A. Williams and W. L. Fowler (1997)
Successful Treatment of Autoimmune Neutropenia With Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (R-metHuG-CSF), K. Krishnan, C. W. Ross, P. L. Bockenstedt, and P. T. Adams (1997)
Suppression of Human Colorectal Mucosal Prostaglandins: Determining the Lowest Effective Aspirin Dose, Mack T. Ruffin IV, Koyamangalath Krishnan, Cheryl L. Rock, Daniel Normolle, Mary Ann Vaerten, Marc Peters-Golden, James Crowell, Gary Kelloff, C. Richard Boland, and Dean E. Brenner (1997)
Susceptibility of Antibiotic-Susceptible and Antibiotic-Resistant Hospital Bacteria to Disinfectants, William A. Rutala, Marsha M. Stiegel, Felix A. Sarubbi, and David J. Weber (1997)
Swapping Edges of Arbitrary Triangulations to Achieve the Optimal Order of Approximation, Charles K. Chui and Dong Hong (1997)
The Application of Various Protic Acids in the Extraction of (1 → 3)-β-D-Glucan From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Antje Müller, Harry Ensley, Henry Pretus, Rose McNamee, Ernest Jones, Emily McLaughlin, Wilma Chandley, William Browder, Douglas Lowman, and David Williams (1997)
The Crystal Structure of A. Cou Dhpr in Complex With Nadh and the Inhibitor 2,6-Pyridine Dicarboxylate, G. Scapin and S. Ci Ready (1997)
The Ethics of Human Genetic Intervention: A Postmodern Perspective, Allen R. Dyer (1997)
Theoretical Study of Thermal Decomposition Mechanism of Oxalic Acid, James Higgins, Xuefeng Zhou, Ruifeng Liu, and Thomas T.S. Huang (1997)
Theoretical Study of Thermal Decomposition Mechanisms of Isoxazole, James Higgins, Xuefeng Zhou, and Ruifeng Liu (1997)
The Preparation of Special Educators in School-Based Settings: Program Descriptions, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations, G. Prater, E. M. Savage-Davis, C. Fuhler, Lori J. Marks, and S. Minner (1997)
Therapeutic Modification of Nuclear Factor κB Binding Activity and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Gene Expression During Acute Biliary Pancreatitis, Julie A. Dunn, Chuanfu Li, Tuanzhu Ha, Race L. Kao, and William Browder (1997)
The Transition From Defense Contractor to Commercial Company: The Huntsville, Alabama Case, Niles Schoening and Mary Spann (1997)
Thoracic Actinomycosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Miguel A. Ossorio, Cheryl L. Fields, Ryland P. Byrd, and Thomas M. Roy (1997)
Three-Dimensional Distribution of Limonin, Limonoate A-Ring Monolactone, and Naringin in the Fruit Tissues of Three Varieties of Citrus paradisi, Cecilia A. McIntosh and Richard L. Mansell (1997)
Toward Understanding the Vibrational Spectra of BEDT-TTF, a Scaled Density Functional Force Field Approach, Ruifeng Liu, Xuefeng Zhou, and H. Kasmai (1997)
Transdermal Iontophoretic Delivery of Ketoprofen Through Human Cadaver Skin and in Humans, Peter C. Panus, Jennifer Campbell, Shirishkumar B. Kulkarni, Richard T. Herrick, William R. Ravis, and Ajay K. Banga (1997)
Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Superficial Temporal Artery., C. Pennington and J. V. Lewis (1997)
Treatment Decisions in the Management of Menorrhagia, Rosenfeld
Tuberculosis in Tennessee: Preparing for the 21st Century., J. B. Mehta, W. Inman, and T. M. Roy (1997)
Ultrastructure and Phylogeny of the Spermatozoid of Chara Vulgaris (Charophyceae), Tracy M. Duncan, Karen S. Renzaglia, and David J. Garbary (1997)
Undocumented Smokeless Tobacco Use in a Family Medicine Population, Raymond H. Feierabend (1997)
Use of Eigenslope to Estimate Fourier Coefficients for Passive Cable Models of the Neuron, L. Lee Glenn and Jeff R. Knisley (1997)
Use of Emergency Departments by the Elderly in Rural Areas, Ronald C. Hamdy, L J. Forrest, S W. Moore, and L. Cancellaro
Using Information Technology at East Tennessee State University, John D. Chenoweth and Kellie Price (1997)
Using Periodicals to Promote Reading/Writing Competencies, Edward J. Dwyer (1997)
Utilization of Renal Slices to Evaluate the Efficacy of Chelating Agents for Removing Mercury From the Kidney, R. L. Keith, I. Setiarahardjo, Q. Fernando, H. V. Aposhian, and A. J. Gandolfi (1997)
Vimar Seguros y Reaseguros v. M/V Sky Reefer: Arbitration Clauses in Bills of Lading under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, Brandon L. Milhorn (1997)
Where Are the Sugar Radicals in Irradiated DNA?, David M. Close (1997)
Wilson's Disease, Nawras K. Baban, Doris T. Hubbs, and Thomas M. Roy (1997)
Work Conditions and Juvenile Delinquency: Is Youth Employment Criminogenic?, Francis T. Cullen, Nicolas Williams, and John Paul Wright (1997)
Xq28-Linked Noncompaction of the Left Ventricular Myocardium: Prenatal Diagnosis and Pathologic Analysis of Affected Individuals, Steven B. Bleyl, Brian R. Mumford, Mary Carole Brown-Harrison, Luciana T. Pagotto, John C. Carey, Theodore J. Pysher, Kenneth Ward, and Thomas K. Chin (1997)
Young Whale Sharks, Rhincodon Typus, Feeding on a Copepod Bloom Near La Paz, Mexico, Eugenie Clark and Diane R. Nelson (1997)
50S Ribosomal Subunit Synthesis and Translation Are Equivalent Targets for Erythromycin Inhibition in Staphylococcus aureus, W. Scott Champney and Robin Burdine (1996)
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study of the Mechanism of Photodissociation of Trans-Azomethane, Ruifeng Liu, Qiang Cui, Kevin M. Dunn, and Keiji Morokuma (1996)
Acute Otitis Media in Children, J. A. Rosenfeld and G. Clarity (1996)
Acute Renal Failure Associated With Use of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor--a Report of Two Children With Down's Syndrome., E. V. Krishna, A. V. Mehta, A. B. Subrahmanyam, and A. A. Wattad (1996)
Adaptive Behavior in Suicide Ideators and Non-Ideators, Jon B. Ellis and Leslie N. Jones (1996)
A High Molecular Weight Protein From Staphylococcus Intermedius Cross-Reacts With Staphylococcus Aureus Enterotoxin Antibodies, J. J. Laffan, P. Petras, K. P. Ferguson, and D. W. Lambe (1996)
Aircraft Engine Overhaul System: A Prototype for Integrating Multi-Vendor Platforms in a Static Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Environment, Mohammad Mohammad, Jerry Sayers, Andrew J. Czuchry, and Mahmoud Yasin (1996)
A Linear Method for the Curve Fitting of Multiexponentials, Jeff R. Knisley and L. Lee Glenn (1996)
Alkylglycerol Functions as an Isotype-Specific Regulator of Protein Kinase C and Cell Proliferation, F. Gregory Buchanan (1996)
An Abdominal Hernia Secondary to Blunt Trauma., J. V. Lewis, R. C. Clapp, and G. M. Testerman (1996)
An Analysis of the Reliability and Stability of the Motivation Assessment Scale in Assessing the Challenging Behaviors of Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Maureen A. Conroy, James J. Fox, Adrienne Bucklin, and William Good (1996)
An Appalachian Interdisciplinary Educational Experience: Barriers and Benefits., P. L. Smith and R. J. Seymour (1996)
A New Animal Model of Reversible Acute Pancreatitis, Borzou Azima, Race L. Kao, George A. Youngberg, David Williams, and William Browder (1996)
A Newly Developed PCR Assay of H. Pylori in Gastric Biopsy, Saliva, and Feces. Evidence of High Prevalence of H. Pylori in Saliva Supports Oral Transmission, Chuanfu Li, Tuanzhu Ha, Donald A. Ferguson, David S. Chi, Rongguo Zhao, Nikihil R. Patel, Guha Krishnaswamy, and Eapen Thomas (1996)
A New Species of Calohypsibius (Phylum Tardigrada, Eutardigrada) From Roan Mountain, Tennessee-North Carolina, U.S.A, Diane R. Nelson and Karen L. Mcglothlin (1996)
A New Translocation, T(3;6)(q12;24) Associated With Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukaemia and Marrow Fibrosis, K. Krishnan and S. Sheldon (1996)
Angiotensin II induces TIMP-1 production in rat heart endothelial cells, Chu Chang Chua, Ronald C. Hamdy, and Balvin H.L. Chua (1996)
An HRP Study of the Spatial and Electrotonic Distribution of Group IA Synapses on Type-Identified Ankle Extensor Motoneurons in the Cat, R. E. Burke and L. Lee Glenn (1996)
An Interview with Manford A. Sonstegard: A Career in Group Counseling, James Bitter (1996)
Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of Community-Acquired Respiratory Isolates of Moraxella Catarrhalis in Western Europe and in the USA, Steven L. Berk (1996)
A Population Genetic Analysis of Chloroplast DNA in Phacelia, Foster Levy, Janis Antonovics, John E. Boynton, and Nicholas W. Gillham (1996)
Applying an Analytical Approach to Shop-Floor Scheduling: A Case Study, Kerry Swinehart, Mahmoud Yasin, and Eduardo Guimaraes (1996)
A Religious Female Who Engages in Casual Sex: Evidence of a Boomerang Effect, Roger C. Bailey and Nathaniel A. Vietor (1996)
ASGE Guidelines: A Study of Appropriateness and Usefulness Comparing a Gastroenterology Training Program, a General Surgery Residency Program, and a Gastroenterology Private Practice, Kermit Richiez, Muhammed Iqbal, Mark F. Young, and Eapen Thomas (1996)
Assessment of Noncombat, War-Related Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology: Validity of the PK, PS, and IES Scales, Patrick Sloan, Linda Arsenault, Mark Hilsenroth, and Leo Harvill (1996)
Association of a Tourette-Like Syndrome With Ofloxacin, Robert J. Thomas and David R. Reagan (1996)
A Strategic Approach to Service Quality: A Field Study in a Rural Health Care Setting, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Ronald F. Green (1996)
A Telemetry System for in-Vivo Temperature Measurement in Orthopaedic Implants, Devdas Shetty, Jun Kondo, and Avital Fast (1996)
Axotomy-Induced Loss of m2 Muscarinic Receptor mRNA in the Rat Facial Motor Nucleus Precedes a Decrease in Concentration of Muscarinic Receptors, Donald B. Hoover, Ronald H. Baisden, and James V. Lewis (1996)
Bank Image: Exposition and Illustration of Correspondence Analysis, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1996)
Book Commercials, T. N. Adams and Edward J. Dwyer (1996)
Business Investment Strategy and Firm Performance: A Comparative Examination of Accounting and Market-Based Measures, B. Wayne Rockmore and Foard F. Jones (1996)
Buying a House and the Decision to Use a Real Estate Broker, Leonard V. Zumpano, Harold W. Elder, and Edward A. Baryla (1996)
Calyculin a Causes Endothelial Monolayer Barrier Failure Without Stress Fiber Formation, R. C. Schaeffer, J. D. Klein, W. C. O'Neill, A. M. Diwan, S. J. Sirada, and W. J. Thompson (1996)
Case Approach to Adlerian Therapy: An Adlerian Therapist's Perspective on Ruth, James Bitter (1996)
Cat Scratch Disease Presenting as Multifocal Osteitis., G. Gallemore and K. Worley (1996)
Changes in Employee Smoking Behavior After Implementation of Restrictive Smoking Policies, Kenneth E. Olive and John A. Ballard (1996)
Chemoprevention of Colorectal Cancer, K Krishnan and D E. Brenner
Civil Liberties: The Expansion of White Women’s Communicative Activities From the Antebellum South Through the Civil War, Diane H. Miller, Cal M. Logue, and Cindy Jenefsky (1996)
Comparison of Female and Male Graduates of Southern Appalachian Family Medicine Residencies., J. A. Rosenfeld and P. M. Zaborlik (1996)
Comparison of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Children by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of Saliva and Gastric Biopsy to Conventional Methods of Detection, B. D. Gold, C. Li, B. Khanna, and E. Thomas (1996)
Competing for Patients and Profit, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1996)
Competing for Patients and Profit. Analytical Framework Can Help Marketers Determine the Competitive Strengths and Weaknesses of Hospitals, U Yavas and D. J. Shemwell
Concentration-Response Relationships for Adenosine Agonists During Preconditioning of Rabbit Cardiomyocytes, Peter J. Rice, Stephen C. Armstrong, and Charles E. Ganote (1996)
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (Crh) Expression in the Thymus Gland of the Lewis Rat: Effect of Collagen-Induced Arthritis, B. B. Turner, S. C. Miller, and S. H. Rapier (1996)
Currarino-Silverman Syndrome and Congenital Heart Disease., A. V. Mehta (1996)
Cytokine Priming Reduces Dependence on TNF-R2 for TNF-α-Mediated Induction of Macrophage Nitric Oxide Generation, Annette R. Miller, Jill Suttles, and Robert D. Stout (1996)
Defining and Implementing a Measurement-Based Software Maintenance Process, Joel Henry, Robert Blasewitz, and David Kettinger (1996)
Definition of the RRE Binding and Activation Domains of the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus Rev Protein, R. V. Schoborg and J. E. Clements (1996)
Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study of Enthalpy of Formation. 1. Consistency of DFT Energies and Atom Equivalents for Converting DFT Energies Into Enthalpies of Formation, Susan J. Mole, Xuefeng Zhou, and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Molecular Structures and Vibrational Spectra of 3,4- and 2,3-Pyridyne, Ruifeng Liu, Dennis R. Tate, Jeffrey A. Clark, Paula R. Moody, Alex S. Van Buren, and Joel A. Krauser (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Spectra. 1. Performance of Several Density Functional Methods in Predicting Vibrational Frequencies, Xuefeng Zhou, Christine J.M. Wheeless, and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Spectra. 3. Assignment of Fundamental Vibrational Modes of Quadricyclane, Xuefeng Zhou and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Spectra. 4. Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Frequencies of All-Trans-1,3,5,7-Octatetraene - the End of Normal Coordinate Analysis?, Xuefeng Zhou, Susan J. Mole, and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Spectra. 8. Assignment of Fundamental Vibrational Modes of 9,10-Anthraquinone and 9,10-Anthraquinone-D8, Bryan Ball, Xuefeng Zhou, and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Density Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Spectra: Part 5. Structure, Dipole Moment, and Vibrational Assignment of Azulene, Susan J. Mole, Xuefeng Zhou, Jeffrey G. Wardeska, and Ruifeng Liu (1996)
Determinants of Satisfaction With Partnership in International Joint Ventures: A Channels Perspective, Dogan Eroglu and Ugur Yavas (1996)
Developing Allantois Is a Primary Site of 2'-Deoxycoformycin Toxicity, Mark J. Airhart, Charles M. Robbins, Thomas B. Knudsen, Joyce K. Church, and Richard G. Skalko (1996)
Dieldrin Pretreatment Alters [14C]Dieldrin and 3H]7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]Anthracene Uptake in Rainbow Trout Liver Slices, Duncan J. Gilroy, Cristobal L. Miranda, Lisbeth K. Siddens, Quan Zhang, Donald R. Buhler, and Lawrence R. Curtis (1996)
Driving in Neurological Disease, Matthew Rizzo and Thomas Dingus (1996)