The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




Ultrastructure and Blood Supply of the Tegmentum Vasculosum in the Cochlea of the Duckling, Fred E. Hossler, Kenneth R. Olson, George Musil, and Michael I. McKamey (2002)

Universal Tasks and the Meaning of Life: Applications to Daily Living and Professional Practice, James Bitter, M. Sonstegard, and P. Robertson (2002)


Unusual Presentation of Blastomyces Dermatitidis Infection as Pelvic Abscess and Osteomyelitis: A Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature, Mahmoud Shorman, Felix A. Sarubbi, and Jonathan Moorman (2002)


Urotensin-II Regulates Intracellular Calcium in Dissociated Rat Spinal Cord Neurons, Catalin M. Filipeanu, Eugen Brailoiu, Siok Le Dun, and Nae J. Dun (2002)

Water, Water, Everywhere, Vincent A. Sikora


Weaving a New Safety Net of Mental Health Care in Rural America: A Model of Integrated Practice, Susan McCabe and Carol L. Macnee (2002)


What Influences Family Physicians' Cancer Screening Decisions When Practice Guidelines Are Unclear or Conflicting?, Fred Tudiver, Remi Guibert, Jeannie Haggerty, Antonio Ciampi, Wendy Medved, Judith Belle Brown, Carol Herbert, Alan Katz, Paul Ritvo, Bill Grant, Vivek Goel, Philip Smith, Maeve O'Beirne, J. Ivan Williams, and Peter Moliner (2002)

When Parents Want to Know: Responding to Parental Demands for Confidential Information, Clifton W. Mitchell, J. Graham Disque, and P. E. Robertson (2002)


Young Adults Who Were Sexually Abused: Demographics as Predictors of Their Coping Behaviors, C. Melisa Chelf and Jon B. Ellis (2002)


2,576 Ultrasounds for Blunt Abdominal Trauma, Matthew O. Dolich, Mark G. McKenney, J. Esteban Varela, Raymond P. Compton, Kimberly L. McKenney, and Stephen M. Cohn (2001)


A (1→3)-β-D-Linked Heptasaccharide Is the Unit Ligand for Glucan Pattern Recognition Receptors on Human Monocytes, Elizabeth Lowe, Peter Rice, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, Jim Kelley, Harry Ensley, Jose Lopez-Perez, John Kalbfleisch, Douglas Lowman, Peter Margl, William Browder, and David Williams (2001)


A 76-Year-Old Woman With Polymyalgia, Polyarthralgia, and Interstitial Lung Disease, Michael Puruckherr, Kshitij Gupta, George Youngberg, Guha Krishnaswamy, and Thomas Roy (2001)


A Comparison of Medical Professionals With Favorable and Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Advertising: An Empirical Study, Ugur Yavas and Glen Riecken (2001)


Acquired Nonaccommodative Esotropia in Childhood, Brian G. Mohney (2001)


Activity-Based Costing: A Tool for Adaptive and Generative Organizational Learning?, Michaela Driver (2001)


Acute and Chronic Urticaria: Challenges and Considerations for Primary Care Physicians, Guha Krishnaswamy and George Youngberg (2001)


Adaptation to International Assignments: Dimensionality and Strategies to Facilitate Adjustment of Expatriate Managers in Turkey, Ugur Yavas (2001)


Adlerian Family Therapy, James Bitter, Manford Sonstegard, and Angela Roberts (2001)

Adlerian Group Psychotherapy: A Brief Therapy Approach, M. Sonstegard, James Bitter, P. Pelonis-Peneros, and W. Nicoll (2001)


Alzheimer's Disease: an Overview., R. C. Hamdy (2001)


AMP 579 Reduces Contracture and Limits Infarction in Rabbit Heart by Activating Adenosine a2 Receptors, Zhelong Xu, James M. Downey, and Michael V. Cohen (2001)


AND versus DNR, Steven J. Baumrucker (2001)


Angiotensin II Modulates Catecholamine Release Into Interstitial Fluid of Canine Myocardium in Vivo, Diane M. Farrell, Chih Chang Wei, José Tallaj, Jeffrey L. Ardell, J. Andrew Armour, Gilbert R. Hageman, Wayne E. Bradley, and Louis J. Dell'Italia (2001)


Antidepressant Prescribing Practices of Nurse Practitioners, Renee C. Shell (2001)


A Practical Treatise on Midwifery Containing the Result of 16,654 Births Occurring in the Dublin Lying-in Hospital During a Period of Seven Years Commencing November 1826, Martin E. Olsen (2001)


A Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method for the Quantitative Analysis on a Dry Weight Basis of (1→3)-β-D-glucans in a Complex, Solvent-Wet Matrix, Douglas W. Lowman and David L. Williams (2001)


Arachidonate Metabolism and the Signaling Pathway of Induction of Apoptosis by Oxidized LDL/Oxysterol, Sankhavaram R. Panini, Lin Yang, Antonio E. Rusinol, Michael S. Sinensky, Joseph V. Bonventre, and Christina C. Leslie (2001)


Aspirin Dose Dependently Inhibits the Interleukin-1β-Stimulated Increase in Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase, Nitric Oxide, and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Rat Ovarian Dispersates Cultured in Vitro, David E. Carnovale, Aisaku Fukuda, Derek C. Underhill, John J. Laffan, and Kevin F. Breuel (2001)


Assessing Critical Thinking in Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study, Theresa M. Beckie, Lois W. Lowry, and Scott Barnett (2001)


Atopic Dermatitis: How to Incorporate Advances in Management, S. Leicht and M. Hanggi (2001)


Attitudes of Us Doctors and Dentists Towards Advertising: A Comparative Study, Ugur Yavas and Glen Riecken (2001)

Beyond Alpha-Tocopherol: The Role of the Other Tocopherols and the Tocotrienols, Andreas M. Papas (2001)


Beyond Strategic Control: Applying the Balanced Scorecard to a Religious Organization, John C. Keyt (2001)


Blastomyces Dermatitidis With Large Yeast Forms, Zakir Hussain, Anita Martin, and George A. Youngberg (2001)


Blocking Swelling-Activated Chloride Current Inhibits Mouse Liver Cell Proliferation, Robert Wondergem, Wei Gong, Scott H. Monen, Sean N. Dooley, Joel L. Gonce, Tracy D. Conner, Molly Houser, Tom W. Ecay, and Kenneth E. Ferslew (2001)


Capillary Ion Electrophoresis of Endogenous Anions and Anionic Adulterants in Human Urine, K. E. Ferslew, A. N. Hagardorn, and T. A. Robert (2001)

Case Not Closed - Issues of Police Authority, Municipal Smoking Bans, and First Amendment Rights, V. A. Sikora (2001)


Ca2+ Binding Site 2 in Calcineurin-B Modulates Calmodulin-Dependent Calcineurin Phosphatase Activity, B. Feng and P. M. Stemmer (2001)


CA2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II and Cytosolic Phospholipase a2 Contribute to Mitogenic Signaling in Myeloblastic Leukemia U-937 Cells, Mubarack M. Muthalif, Farid Ljuca, J. Brent Roaten, Neelu Pentapaty, Mohammed R. Uddin, and Kafait U. Malik (2001)


Cathodic Iontophoresis of Ketoprofen Over the Equine Middle Carpal Joint, T. Eastman, P. C. Panus, C. M. Honnas, K. E. Ferslew, J. Blackford, and T. J. Doherty (2001)


Children's Perceptions of Aggressive and Gender-Specific Content in Toy Commercials, Lori J. Klinger, James A. Hamilton, and Peggy J. Cantrell (2001)


Chorda Tympani Nerve Stimulation Evokes Fos Expression in Regionally Limited Neuron Populations Within the Gustatory Nucleus of the Solitary Tract, Theresa A. Harrison (2001)


Chronic Decentralization of the Heart Differentially Remodels Canine Intrinsic Cardiac Neuron Muscarinic Receptors, F. M. Smith, A. S. McGuirt, D. B. Hoover, J. A. Armour, and J. L. Ardell (2001)


Clinical Impact of Identifying Trichomonas Vaginalis on Cervicovaginal (Papanicolaou) Smears, Izabela T. Burja and M. Salah Shurbaji (2001)


Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript Peptide-Immunoreactivity in Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Neurons of Immature Rats, Siok L. Dun, Sonya J. Castellino, Jun Yang, Jaw K. Chang, and Nae J. Dun (2001)


Colonic Mucosal Prostaglandin E2 and Cyclooxygenase Expression Before and After Low Aspirin Doses in Subjects at High Risk or at Normal Risk for Colorectal Cancer1, 2, Koyamangalath Krishnan, Mack T. Ruffin, Daniel Normolle, Imad Shureiqi, Kimberley Burney, Joann Bailey, Marc Peters-Golden, Cheryl L. Rock, C. Richard Boland, and Dean E. Brenner (2001)


Comment on “An Open Letter to Reid Lyon” by Steven L. Strauss (Educational Researcher, June/July 2001), J. E. Stone (2001)


Common Forms of Childhood Esotropia, Brian G. Mohney (2001)

Como as Attitude do Professor Influenciam, Edward J. Dwyer and Edward J. Dwyer (2001)


Complication Rates for Abdominal Hysterectomy Using Minilaparotomy Technique, Wesley J. Harris, Wesley F. Adams, and Leo M. Harvill (2001)


Creating New Engineers for the New Millennium, Mark Rajai and Keith V. Johnson (2001)

Cyclic and Rotational Decompositions of Kn into Stars, Robert B. Gardner (2001)

Delivery of Pharmaceutical Care via the Internet, M. A. Bishop and R. J. Seymour (2001)


Depression or Dementia?, L. A. Cancellaro (2001)


Development of Quantitative Structure - Property Relationship Models for Early ADME Evaluation in Drug Discovery. 1. Aqueous Solubility, Ruifeng Liu and Sung Sau So (2001)


Development of Quantitative Structure - Property Relationship Models for Early ADME Evaluation in Drug Discovery. 2. Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration, Ruifeng Liu, Hongmao Sun, and Sung Sau So (2001)


Distribution of Tardigrades Within a Moss Cushion: Do Tardigrades Migrate in Response to Changing Moisture Conditions?, Diane R. Nelson and Rebecca G. Adkins (2001)

Domination and Total Domination Critical Trees With Respect to Relative Complements, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2001)


Dos Nuevas Especies de Phrynopus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) de Los Bosques Nublados de Bolivia, Cidar Rodrigo Aguayo Vedia and Michael B. Harvey (2001)

Drugs for the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia, William L. Stone and T K. Chin


Durability of Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy: Comparison With Primary Closure and Carotid Patch Angioplasty, T Katras, U Baltazar, D S. Rush, W C. Sutterfield, L. M. Harvill, and P. E. Stanton


Early Activation of IKKβ During in Vivo Myocardial Ischemia, Chuanfu Li, Race L. Kao, Tuanzhu Ha, Jim Kelley, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (2001)


Ecological Distribution and Community Analysis of Tardigrada From Choccolocco Creek, Alabama, Frank A. Romano, Blanca Barreras-Borrero, and Diane R. Nelson (2001)

Effective Computerized Patient Record Improves Patient Well-Being and Financial Performance, Victor E. Pollak and Jonathan A. Lorch (2001)


Effects of Dissolved Copper on Select Hematological, Biochemical, and Immunological Parameters of Wild Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss), G. M. Dethloff, H. C. Bailey, and K. J. Maier (2001)


Enhanced μ-Opioid Responses in the Spinal Cord of Mice Lacking Protein Kinase Cγ Isoform, Minoru Narita, Hirokazu Mizoguchi, Tomohiko Suzuki, Michiko Narita, Nae J. Dun, Satoshi Imai, Yoshinori Yajima, Hiroshi Nagase, Tsutomu Suzuki, and Leon F. Tseng (2001)


Enhancing Organizational Performance in Banks: A Systematic Approach, Ugur Yavas and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2001)


Erythromycin Inhibition of 50s Ribosomal Subunit Formation in Escherichia Coli Cells, J. Usary and W. S. Champney (2001)


Estimating the Variance of the Sample Median, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2001)


Ethics in Qualitative Studies of Commercial Software Enterprises Ethical Analysis, Donald Gotterbarn (2001)


Euthanasia: Can the Trend be Countered?, Steven J. Baumrucker (2001)


Evidence for Endoreduplication: Germ Cell DNA Levels Prior to Chromatin Diminution in Mesocyclops Edax, Ellen M. Rasch and G. A. Wyngaard


Exercise and Atherogenesis, J. Kelly Smith (2001)


Featured CME Topic: Dementia. Fact Sheets., R. C. Hamdy (2001)


Fluvoxamine Treatment of a Child With Severe Pdd: A Single Case Study, C. Kauffmann, H. B. Vance, A. J. Pumariega, and B. Miller (2001)


Fostering Creativity in Business Education: Developing Creative Classroom Environments to Provide Students With Critical Workplace Competencies, Michaela Driver (2001)

From Cain to Columbine: A Psychological Anatomy of Violence, M. Sonstegard, James Bitter, and P. Pelonis-Peneros (2001)


Functional Behavioral Assessment and Students with Autism: Spectrum Disorders: Roots, Now, and the Future, Carol Davis and James Fox (2001)


Gender and Sociodemographic Factors and the Disproportionate Identification of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students With Emotional Disturbance, Martha J. Coutinho, Donald P. Oswald, Al M. Best, and Steven R. Forness (2001)


Gender, Gender Roles and Attitudes Towards Violence: Are Viewpoints Changing?, Stephen C. Smith, Jon B. Ellis, and Trisha A. Benson (2001)

Generalized Maximum Degree, Teresa W. Haynes and Lisa R. Markus (2001)


Genetic Trends in a Population Evolving Antibiotic Resistance, Elaine S. Walker and Foster Levy (2001)


Glucans Exhibit Weak Antioxidant Activity, but Stimulate Macrophage Free Radical Activity, Ekaterini Tsiapali, Sarah Whaley, John Kalbfleisch, Harry E. Ensley, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (2001)


Gun Control: The Issues, Hugh Lafollette (2001)


High-Velocity Cloud Complex C: Galactic Fuel or Galactic Waste?, Brad K. Gibson, Mark L. Giroux, Steven V. Penton, John T. Stocke, J. Michael Shull, and Jason Tumlinson (2001)


Homeless Patients' Experience of Satisfaction With Care, Susan McCabe, Carol L. Macnee, and M K. Anderson


Hsp70s Contain a Specific Sulfogalactolipid Binding Site. Differential Aglycone Influence on Sulfogalactosyl Ceramide Binding by Recombinant Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic hsp70 Family Members, D. Mamelak, M. Mylvaganam, H. Whetstone, E. Hartmann, W. Lennarz, P. B. Wyrick, J. Raulston, H. Han, P. Hoffman, and C. A. Lingwood (2001)


Identifying Regulators of Transcription in an Obligate Intracellular Pathogen: A Metal-Dependent Repressor in Chlamydia Trachomatis, Susan Wyllie and Jane E. Raulston (2001)


Impact of Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Identification Rates of Minority Students as Having Mental Retardation, Donald P. Oswald, Martha J. Coutinho, Al M. Best, and Nu Nguyen (2001)


Improving Quality of Life in a Region: A Survey of Area Residents and Public Sector Implications, Glen Riecken and Ugur Yavas (2001)


Improving Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry: A Framework, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Ugur Yavas (2001)


Incidence and Outcome of Ureteral Injuries in an Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching Program, J. G. Drake and M. S. Hoffman (2001)


Informatics and Professional Responsibility, Donald Gotterbarn (2001)

Insidious Dopamine: Provocateur or Protective Agent in Parkinson's Disease?, R. M. Kostrzewa, R. Brus, and J. P. Kostrzewa (2001)


Insights Into the Catalytic Mechanism of HlyC, the Internal Protein Acyltransferase That Activates Escherichia Coli Hemolysin Toxin, L. M.S. Worsham, M. S. Trent, L. Earls, C. Jolly, and M. L. Ernst-Fonberg (2001)


Integrated Systems Design for Customer Focused Health Care Performance Measurement: A Strategic Service Unit Approach, Allen E. Smith and Kerry D. Swinehart (2001)

Integration of Research, Education, and Practice. When Mission Meets Reality., J. C. Hemphill (2001)


Intracellular Angiotensin II Elicits CA2+ Increases in A7r5 Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Catalin M. Filipeanu, Eugen Brailoiu, Jan Willem Kok, Robert H. Henning, Dick De Zeeuw, and S. Adriaan Nelemans (2001)


Intracellular Angiotensin II Inhibits Heterologous Receptor Stimulated Ca2+ Entry, Catalin M. Filipeanu, Eugen Brailoiu, Robert H. Henning, Leo E. Deelman, Dick De Zeeuw, and S. Adriaan Nelemans (2001)


Ischemic Loss of Sarcolemmal Dystrophin and Spectrin: Correlation With Myocardial Injury, Stephen C. Armstrong, Carole A. Latham, Christine L. Shivell, and Charles E. Ganote (2001)