The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




Sedation for Palliation of Terminal Symptoms - How Soon Is Too Soon?, Steven J. Baumrucker, Paul D. Longenecker, Greg Carter, Gerald M. Morris, Matt Stolick, and Joanne E. Sheldon (2005)


Somatic Complaints in Children and Community Violence Exposure, Beth Nordstrom Bailey, Virginia Delaney-Black, John H. Hannigan, Joel Ager, Robert J. Sokol, and Chandice Y. Covington (2005)


Speech and Gesture Are Mediated by Independent Systems, Anna M. Barrett, Anne L. Foundas, and Kenneth M. Heilman (2005)


Stimulation of Glutathione Depletion, ROS Production and Cell Cycle Arrest of Dental Pulp Cells and Gingival Epithelial Cells by HEMA, Hsiao Hua Chang, Ming Kuang Guo, Frederick H. Kasten, Mei Chi Chang, Guay Fen Huang, Yin Lin Wang, Ruey Song Wang, and Jiiang Huei Jeng (2005)


Syk-Dependent Cytokine Induction by Dectin-1 Reveals a Novel Pattern Recognition Pathway for C Type Lectins, Neil C. Rogers, Emma C. Slack, Alexander D. Edwards, Martijn A. Nolte, Oliver Schulz, Edina Schweighoffer, David L. Williams, Siamon Gordon, Victor L. Tybulewicz, Gordon D. Brown, and Caetano Reis E Sousa (2005)


Tachykinin Agonists Modulate Cholinergic Neurotransmission at Guinea-Pig Intracardiac Ganglia, Lili Zhang, John C. Hancock, and Donald B. Hoover (2005)


Teaching cultural assessment, Bruce Dalton (2005)


The 500 Hz Masking-Level Difference and Word Recognition in Multitalker Babble for 40- to 89-Year-Old Listeners With Symmetrical Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Richard H. Wilson and Deborah G. Weakley (2005)


The Beta-Glucan Receptor Dectin-1 Recognizes Specific Morphologies of Aspergillus Fumigatus, Chad Steele, Rekha R. Rapaka, Allison Metz, Shannon M. Pop, David L. Williams, Siamon Gordon, Jay K. Kolls, and Gordon D. Brown (2005)


The Death of Mrs. Smith, Martin P. Eason


The Effect of Customer Satisfaction With Leisure Services on Behavioral Intentions: A Study of Visitors to Santapark in Lapland, Antti Haahti and Ugur Yavas (2005)


The Effects of Eticlopride on Morris Water Task Performance in Male and Female Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole, Russell W. Brown, Kimberly N. Thompson, Ivy A. Click, Razaria A.C. Best, Stephanie K. Thacker, and Marla K. Perna (2005)


The Effects of Feeling Threatened on Attitudes Toward Immigrants, Walter G. Stephan, C. Lausanne Renfro, Victoria M. Esses, Cookie White Stephan, and Tim Martin (2005)


The Effects of Fundamental Frequency Level on Voice Onset Time in Normal Adult Male Speakers, Christopher R. McCrea and Richard J. Morris (2005)


The Effects of Zinc on the Central Dopaminergic System of Rats Prenatally Exposed to Cadmium, A. Durczok, R. Szkilnik, P. Nowak, Labus, J. Dabrowska, A. Bortel, T. Zagził, M. Swoboda, W. Rycerski, H. Winnicka, R. M. Kostrzewa, A. Kwieciński, and R. Brus (2005)


The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act: New Legislation to Compensate Affected Employees, Ken Silver (2005)


The Exchangeability of Amino Acids in Proteins, Lev Y. Yampolsky and Arlin Stoltzfus (2005)


The Hot Intergalactic Medium-Galaxy Connection: Two Strong O VI Absorbers in the Sight Line Toward PG 1211+143, Jason Tumlinson, J. Michael Shull, Mark L. Giroux, and John T. Stocke (2005)


The Human β-Glucan Receptor Is Widely Expressed and Functionally Equivalent to Murine Dectin-1 on Primary Cells, Janet A. Willment, Andrew S. Marshall, Delyth M. Reid, David L. Williams, Simon Y.C. Wong, Siamon Gordon, and Gordon D. Brown (2005)


The Influence of Microhydration on the Ionization Energy Thresholds of Uracil and Thymine, David M. Close, Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, Leonid Gorb, and Jerzy Leszczynski (2005)


The Relation between U.S. Money Growth and Inflation: Evidence from a Band-Pass Filter, Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace (2005)


The Relationship Between Genome Size, Development Rate, and Body Size in Copepods, Grace A. Wyngaard, Ellen M. Rasch, Nicole M. Manning, Kathryn Gasser, and Rickie Domangue (2005)


The Relationship Between Religiosity, Employment, and Political Beliefs on Substance Use Among High School Seniors, Michael S. Dunn (2005)


The Release of 5-Methylene-2-Furanone From Irradiated DNA Catalyzed by Cationic Polyamines and Divalent Metal Cations, Marina Roginskaya, William A. Bernhard, Roan T. Marion, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2005)


Thermodynamics of a Protein Acylation: Activation of Escherichia Coli Hemolysin Toxin, Lesa M.S. Worsham, Keisha G. Langston, and M. Lou Ernst-Fonberg (2005)


The Role of Checkpoint Kinase 1 in Sensitivity to Topoisomerase I Poisons, Karen Flatten, Nga T. Dai, Benjamin T. Vroman, David Loegering, Charles Erlichman, Larry M. Karnitz, and Scott H. Kaufmann (2005)


The School Counselor Activity Rating Scale: An Instrument for Gathering Process Data, Janna L. Scarborough (2005)

The Use of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for Serious MRSA Infections, Wael E. Shams, Malkanthie McCormick, Robert P. Rapp, and Martin E. Evans (2005)


The WHO-DAS II: Psychometric Properties in the Measurement of Functional Health Status in Adults With Acquired Hearing Loss, Theresa H. Chisolm, Harvey B. Abrams, Rachel McArdle, Richard H. Wilson, and Patrick J. Doyle (2005)

Trees With Equal Domination and Paired-Domination Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Peter J. Slater (2005)


Trees With Two Disjoint Minimum Independent Dominating Sets, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2005)


Trends in Treated Ventricular Fibrillation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Ischemic Compared to Non-Ischemic Heart Disease, T. Jared Bunch and Roger D. White (2005)


Unusual Case of Pyopneumothorax in Tennessee, Souad S. Youssef, Vijay Ramu, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2005)


Use of 35 Words for Evaluation of Hearing Loss in Signal-to-Babble Ratio: A Clinic Protocol, Richard H. Wilson and Christopher A. Burks (2005)


Using Spitzer Colors as Diagnostics of Star Formation Regions: The Interacting Galaxy ARP 107, Beverly J. Smith, Curtis Struck, Philip N. Appleton, Vassilis Charmandaris, William Reach, and Joseph J. Eitter (2005)


Variability in Genetic Architecture of the Cryptic Species Complex of Acanthocyclops Vernalis (Copepoda). I. Evidence From Karyotypes, Genome Size, and Ribosomal Dna Sequences, Andrey K. Grishanin, Ellen M. Rasch, Stanley I. Dodson, and Grace A. Wyngaard (2005)

Wear Facets and Enamel Spalling in Tyrannosaurid Dinosaurs, Blaine W. Schubert and Peter S. Ungar (2005)


Wear of Truck Brake Lining Materials Using Three Different Test Methods, Peter J. Blau and Brian C. Jolly (2005)

Women &Amp; Diabetes. Self-Management. Taming Shaming and Blame., Kathleen M. Rayman (2005)


Word Recognition in Multitalker Babble Measured With Two Psychophysical Methods, Richard H. Wilson, Christopher A. Burks, and Deborah G. Weakley (2005)


A 32-Year-Old Man With Skin Lesions, Mustafa Saad, Felix A. Sarubbi, and Jonathan P. Moorman (2004)


Ab Initio Ionization Energy Thresholds of DNA and RNA Bases in Gas Phase and in Aqueous Solution, Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, Rafael Arce, Yasuyuki Ishikawa, Leonid Gorb, Jerzy Leszczynski, and David M. Close (2004)


Abnormal B-Cell Responses to Chemokines, Disturbed Plasma Cell Localization, and Distorted Immune Tissue Architecture in Rgs1-/- Mice, Chantal Moratz, J. Russell Hayman, Hua Gu, and John H. Kehrl (2004)

A Characterization of Trees With Equal Domination and Global Strong Alliance Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2004)


A Comparison of Two Trial Distribution Schedules in Embedded Instruction, Shamby C. Polychronis, John Mcdonnell, Jesse W. Johnson, Tim Riesen, and Matt Jameson (2004)


A Contribution to the Evolutionary Biology of Conohyus olujici N. SP. (Mammalia, Suidae, Tetraconodontinae) From the Early Miocene of LučAne, Croatia, Raymond L. Bernor, Shundong Bi, and Jakov Radovčić (2004)


Activation of Hemolysin Toxin: Relationship between Two Internal Protein Sites of Acylation, Keisha G. Langston, Lesa M.S. Worsham, Laurie Earls, and M. Lou Ernst-Fonberg (2004)


Acute Methemoglobinemia After Endoscopy, Max Bayard, Jeff Farrow, and Fred Tudiver (2004)


Adding Speech-in-Noise Testing to Your Clinical Protocol: Why and How, Richard H. Wilson (2004)


A Decline in Mupirocin Resistance in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Accompanied Administrative Control of Prescriptions, Elaine S. Walker, Foster Levy, Mahmoud Shorman, Gerard David, Jehad Abdalla, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2004)


Adulthood Nicotine Treatment Alleviates Behavioural Impairments in Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole: Possible Roles of Acetylcholine Function and Neurotrophic Factor Expression, Russell W. Brown, Kenyatta D. Thompson, Kimberly N. Thompson, J. Jeffrey Ward, Stephanie K. Thacker, Michael T. Williams, and Richard M. Kostrzewa (2004)


Agency Theory and the House Bank Affair, Dianna C. Preece, Donald J. Mullineaux, Greg Filbeck, and Steven A. Dennis (2004)


Age-Related Changes in Brain Prodynorphin Gene Expression in the Rat, Catherine M. Kotz, Derik Weldon, Charles J. Billington, and Allen S. Levine (2004)


A Group II Intron-Type Open Reading Frame From the Thermophile Bacillus (Geobacillus) Stearothermophilus Encodes a Heat-Stable Reverse Transcriptase, Jaishree Vellore, Samuel E. Moretz, and Bert C. Lampson (2004)


AKT/Protein Kinase B Regulation of BCL Family Members during Oxysterol-induced Apoptosis, Antonio E. Rusiñol, Douglas Thewke, June Liu, Natalie Freeman, Sankhavaram R. Panini, and Michael S. Sinensky (2004)


Alternating Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field Increases Turnover of Dopamine and Serotonin in Rat Frontal Cortex, Aleksander Sieroń, Łukasz Labus, Przemysław Nowak, Grzegorz Cieślar, Halina Brus, Artur Durczok, Tomasz Zagził, Richard M. Kostrzewa, and Ryszard Brus (2004)


A Multi-Attribute Approach to Understanding Image of a Theme Park: The Case of Santapark in Lapland, Antti Haahti and Ugur Yavas (2004)


An Application of Multidisciplinary Education to a Campus-Community Partnership to Reduce Motor Vehicle Accidents, Bruce Goodrow, Gary Scherzer, and Jim Florence (2004)


An Applied E-Business Approach for Reinsurance Services, Andrew J. Czuchry, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Florian Sallmann (2004)


An Examination of Manufacturing Organizations' Performance Evaluation Analysis, Implications and a Framework for Future Research, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2004)


An Examination of the Differential Sensitivity to Ketolide Antibiotics in ermB Strains of Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcus Pneumoniae, W. Scott Champney, Nicole Mentens, and Kimberly Zurawick (2004)


Angiopoietin-1 Inhibits Doxorubicin-Induced Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell Death by Modulating FAS Expression and via the P13K/Akt Pathway, Deling Yin, Chuanfu Li, Race L. Kao, Tuanzhu Ha, Guha Krishnaswamy, Matthew Fitzgerald, and Charles A. Stuart (2004)


An Improved Confidence Interval for a Linear Function of Binomial Proportions, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2004)


An Improved Upper Bound for the Pebbling Threshold of the n-path, Adam Wierman, Julia Salzman, Michael Jablonski, and Anant P. Godbole (2004)


An MMX Study of Benzene Isomers and the Hydrogenation Products of Benzene, Tianming Zuo and Thomas Huang (2004)


A Novel and Convenient Synthesis of 4-Halobutyraldehyde Acetals, John A. Hyatt (2004)


Anterior Pituitary Cells Express Pattern Recognition Receptors for Fungal Glucans: Implications for Neuroendocrine Immune Involvement in Response to Fungal Infections, Kevin F. Breuel, Panagiotis Kougias, Peter J. Rice, Duo Wei, Keith De Ponti, Jiakun Wang, John J. Laffan, Chuanfu Li, John Kalbfleisch, and David L. Williams (2004)


A Small Cover for Convex Unit Arcs, Joseph A. Johnson, George D. Poole, and John E. Wetzel (2004)


Assurance Practitioners' and Educators' Self-Perceived It Knowledge Level: An Empirical Assessment, Marilyn Greenstein and Thomas E. McKee (2004)


A Study of the Reionization History of Intergalactic Helium With Fuse and the Very Large Telescope, W. Zheng, G. A. Kriss, J. M. Deharveng, W. V. Dixon, J. W. Kruk, J. M. Shull, M. L. Giroux, D. C. Morton, G. Williger, S. D. Friedman, and H. W. Moos (2004)


A Theoretical Revisit on 2-Norbornyl Cation, Tianming Zuo and Thomas Huang (2004)


At Low Serum Glucan Concentrations There Is an Inverse Correlation Between Serum Glucan and Serum Cytokine Levels in ICU Patients With Infections, J. Andres Gonzalez, Justin D. Digby, Peter J. Rice, Kevin F. Breuel, W. Keith Deponti, John H. Kalbfleisch, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (2004)


Atypical Presentation of Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma, Kyle T. Colvett, Floranne C. Wilson, and Ryan A. Stanton (2004)


Bank Choice Behavior of Small and Medium-Sized Construction Firms, Ugur Yavas, Emin Babakus, and Sevgin Eroglu (2004)


Barriers to Cancer Screening by Rural Appalachian Primary Care Providers, Renee Shell and Fred Tudiver (2004)


Benchmarking Jit: An Analysis of Jit Implementations in the Manufacturing Service and Public Sectors, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Marwan Wafa, and Michael H. Small (2004)


Bogan’s Didactic Piece, Kathy Olson (2004)


Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia as a Manifestation of AIDS: Case Report and Literature Review, Fares J. Khater, Jonathan P. Moorman, James W. Myers, George Youngberg, and Fehso A. Sarubbi (2004)


Bro β-Lactamase Alleles, Antibiotic Resistance and a Test of the BRO-1 Selective Replacement Hypothesis in Moraxella Catarrhalis, F. Levy and E. S. Walker (2004)

Bullosis Diabeticorum Associated With Osteomyelitis, Anuradha Tunuguntla, Kaushal N. Patel, Alan N. Peiris, and Wael N. Zakaria (2004)


Calculation of the Ionization Potentials of the DNA Bases in Aqueous Medium, David M. Close (2004)


CD40-Mediated Activation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Chemokine Production Through a Src-Initiated, MAKP-Dependent Pathway, Lata Mukundan, Denise M. Milhorn, Bharati Matta, and Jill Suttles (2004)


Cellular Immunity in Breast Cancer Patients Completing Taxane Treatment, William E. Carson, Charles L. Shapiro, Timothy R. Crespin, Lisa M. Thornton, and Barbara L. Andersen (2004)


Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Elevation With Oxygen-Carrying Pressor After Traumatic Brain Injury and Hypotension in Swine, Ajai K. Malhotra, John B. Schweitzer, Jeri L. Fox, Timothy C. Fabian, and Kenneth G. Proctor (2004)


c-Fos Expression in Rat Brain Stem and Spinal Cord in Response to Activation of Cardiac Ischemia-Sensitive Afferent Neurons and Electrostimulatory Modulation, Fang Hua, Theresa Harrison, Chao Qin, Angela Reifsteck, Brian Ricketts, Charles Camel, and Carole A. Williams (2004)


Childhood Immunization Rates Before and After the Implementation of Medicaid Managed Care, David L. Kirschke, Allen S. Craig, William Schaffner, James R. Daugherty, Jerry Narramore, and Marie R. Griffin (2004)


Children's Reasons for Living, Self-Esteem, and Violence, Rhonda M. Merwin and Jon B. Ellis (2004)


Clinical Commentary: Benefits from Treatment Do Not Outweigh Risks Unless Maternal BP Moderately High, Jim Holt (2004)


Clinical Commentary: Evidence for Universal Screening Is Not There, Jim Holt (2004)

Clinical Inquiries. Do Inhaled Beta-Agonists Control Cough in URIs or Acute Bronchitis?, Mary M. Stephens and Joan Nashelsky


Communication Assessment Using the Common Ground Instrument: Psychometric Properties, Forrest Lang, Ronald McCord, Leo Harvill, and Delia S. Anderson (2004)


Community-Based Care for Youths With Early and Very-Early Onset Bipolar I Disorder, Jeanette M. Jerrell and Margaret A. Shugart (2004)


Community Partnerships for an LPN to BSN Career Mobility Project., Priscilla Ramsey, Carolyn S. Merriman, Sally Blowers, Janelle Grooms, and Karen Sullivan (2004)


Community Partnerships for Health Information Training: Medical Librarians Working with Health-Care Professionals and Cnsumers in Tennessee, Priscilla L. Stephenson, Brenda F. Green, Rick L. Wallace, Martha F. Earl, Jan T. Orick, and Mary V. Taylor (2004)


Comparison of the Release of Adipokines by Adipose Tissue, Adipose Tissue Matrix, and Adipocytes From Visceral and Subcutaneous Abdominal Adipose Tissues of Obese Humans, John N. Fain, Atul K. Madan, M. Lloyd Hiler, Paramjeet Cheema, and Suleiman W. Bahouth (2004)


Cranial Nerve VIII Involvement in a Patient With Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, Said B. Iskandar, Stephen Loyd, and Thomas M. Roy (2004)


Creating a Library CD for off-Campus Students, Marie F. Jones (2004)


Customer Complaints and Organizational Responses: A Study of Hotel Guests in Northern Cyprus, Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, Emin Babakus, and Turgay Avci (2004)


Customer Focused Health-Care Performance Instruments: Making a Case for Local Measures, Kerry D. Swinehart and Allen E. Smith (2004)

Definitional Ceremonies: Integrating Community into Multicultural Counseling Sessions, James R. Bitter, P. E. Robertson, and J. Graham Disque (2004)