ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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The Nature of Psychiatric Nursing: The Intersection of Paradigm, Evolution, and History, Susan McCabe (2002)


Therapeutic Uses of Antioxidant Liposomes, William L. Stone, Shyamali Mukherjee, Milton Smith, and Salil K. Das (2002)


The theory and practice of benchmarking: Then and now, Mahmoud M. Yasin (2002)


When Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Become Adults, H. Patrick Stern and Thomas P. Stern (2002)


White-Livered Widders and Bad-Blooded Men: Folk Illness and Sexual Disorder in Southern Appalachia, Anthony Cavender and Steve Crowder (2002)


Aging Adult Children With Developmental Disabilities and Their Families: Challenges for Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists, Robert C. Barnhart (2001)


Autologous Satellite Cells for Myocardial Regeneration, Race L. Kao (2001)


Bacterial Ribosomal Subunit Synthesis: A Novel Antibiotic Target, W. S. Champney (2001)


Culture and Eating Disorders: A Historical and Cross-Cultural Review, Merry N. Miller and Andrés J. Pumariega (2001)


Fibrin Specificity of Plasminogen Activators, Rebound Generation of Thrombin, and Their Therapeutic Implications, Burton E. Sobel (2001)


Intracellular Angiotensin II: From Myth to Reality?, Catalin M. Filipeanu, Robert H. Henning, S. Adriaan Nelemans, and Dick De Zeeuw (2001)


Just-in-Time Implementation in the Public Sector: An Empirical Examination, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Marwan A. Wafa, and Michael H. Small (2001)


Mechanisms of Oxysterol-Induced Apoptosis, S. R. Panini and M. S. Sinensky (2001)


Mental Health [Review of Chapter 16 for the Book Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy], Jean Croce Hemphill (2001)

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Echocardiogram to Predict Prognosis, W. C. Cole, J. B. Mehta, T. M. Roy, and C. J. Downs (2001)


Premenstrual Exacerbations of Mood Disorders, M. N. Miller and B. E. Miller (2001)

Review of American Folk, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of A Studio of Her Own: Women Artists in Boston 1870-1940, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Francoise Gilot: Monograph 1940-2000, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Gwen John: A Painter’s Life, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Imagining Her Erotics, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Myra Inman: A Diary of the Civil War in East Tennessee, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Tammy Wynette: A Daughter Recalls Her Mother’s Tragic Life & Death, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Tennessee’s New Deal Landscape, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Simmel's Legacy for Contemporary Value Theory: A Critical Assessment, Paul Kamolnick (2001)


The Human Mast Cell: Functions in Physiology and Disease, G. Krishnaswamy, J. Kelley, D. Johnson, G. Youngberg, W. Stone, S. K. Huang, J. Bieber, and D. S. Chi (2001)


The msDNAs of Bacteria, Bert Lampson, Masayori Inouye, and Sumiko Inouye (2001)


The Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), Dee McGonigle, Rosalee Seymour, Sheila Englebardt, Maureen Allen, and Betty Chang (2001)


Treatment Strategies for Bronchial Asthma: An Update, G. Krishnaswamy (2001)


Vascular Corrosion Casting: Review of Advantages and Limitations in the Application of Some Simple Quantitative Methods, Fred E. Hossler and John E. Douglas (2001)


A Brief Description of Functional Assessment Procedures Reported in JASH (1983-1999), Robert E. O'Neill and Jesse W. Johnson (2000)


Actions of Tachykinins Within the Heart and Their Relevance to Cardiovascular Disease, D. B. Hoover, Y. Chang, J. C. Hancock, and L. Zhang (2000)


Adenosine and Preconditioning in the Rat Heart, Charles E. Ganote and Stephen C. Armstrong (2000)


Advances in Non-Nicotine Pharmacotherapy for Smoking Cessation, Lirio S. Covey, Maria A. Sullivan, J. Andrew Johnston, Alexander H. Glassman, Mark D. Robinson, and David P. Adams (2000)


Clues to Patients' Explanations and Concerns About Their Illnesses. A Call for Active Listening, F. Lang, M. R. Floyd, and K. L. Beine (2000)

Crucial Role of Iron in Anesthesia, Richard M. Kostrzewa (2000)


Emergency Medicine Versus Primary Care: A Case Study of Three Prevalent, Costly, and Non-Emergent Diagnoses at a Community Teaching Hospital, B. C. Martin (2000)


Endomorphins: Localization, Release and Action on Rat Dorsal Horn Neurons, N. J. Dun, S. L. Dun, S. Y. Wu, C. A. Williams, and E. H. Kwok (2000)


Estrogen and Substrate Metabolism: A Review of Contradictory Research, C. D. Ashley, M. L. Kramer, and P. Bishop (2000)


Functional Aspects of Polyisoprenoid Protein Substituents: Roles in Protein-Protein Interaction and Trafficking, Michael Sinensky (2000)

HIV and Cocaine Induced Cardiovascular Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Implications, Jim L. Kelley, David S. Chi, Jason Henry, William Stone, Kelly Smith, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2000)


Intracellular Survival by Chlamydia, Priscilla B. Wyrick (2000)


Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Issues and Answers for Psychiatry, Hunter L. Mcquistion, Robert M. Goisman, and Clifton R. Tennison (2000)


Recent Advances in the Study of Prenylated Proteins, Michael Sinensky (2000)


The Atmosphere of Mira Variables: A View With the Hubble Space Telescope, Donald G. Luttermoser (2000)


The Effects of HIV Infection on Endothelial Function, D. Chi, J. Henry, J. Kelley, R. Thorpe, J. K. Smith, and G. Krishnaswamy (2000)


The Patient Perspective as an Integral Part of Diabetes Disease Management, Kathleen M. Rayman and Geraldine C. Ellison (2000)


The Role of Group Therapy in Promoting Identity Development in ADHD Adolescents, David Cantor (2000)

The Use of Genetically Altered Mice in Studying Atherosclerosis, W. L. Stone and T. K. Chin (2000)


Transcriptional Homeostatic Control of Membrane Lipid Composition, Douglas Thewke, Marianne Kramer, and Michael S. Sinensky (2000)

Asthma: How Best to Treat When the Patient Is Pregnant?, Ryland P. Byrd, Cheryl Lynn Fields, and Thomas M. Roy (1999)

Asthma in the Elderly: Diagnostic Challenges - Therapeutic Considerations, Ryland P. Byrd and Thomas M. Roy (1999)


Evaluating Environmental Arrangement as Setting Events: Review and Implications for Measurement, Carol Ann Davis and James Fox (1999)


Human Endothelium as a Source of Multifunctional Cytokines: Molecular Regulation and Possible Role in Human Disease, Guha Krishnaswamy, Jim Kelley, Lakshminarayan Yerra, J. Kelly Smith, and David S. Chi (1999)


Managing the Quality Effort in a Health Care Setting: An Application, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Andrew J. Czuchry, Donna L. Jennings, and Christopher York (1999)


Morphogenetic Roles of Acetylcholine, J. M. Lauder and U. B. Schambra (1999)


Practical Tools for Rural Psychiatric Practice, Brent R. Coyle (1999)


Toward a Caring Culture in Professional Nursing., K. M. Rayman, G. C. Ellison, and G. E. Holmes (1999)


A Conceptual Framework for Effective Implementation of JIT: An Empirical Investigation, Marwan A. Wafa and Mahmoud M. Yasin (1998)


Acupuncture: A Review of Its History, Theories, and Indications, Salvador Ceniceros and George R. Brown (1998)


Clinical Applications of Iontophoretic Devices in Rehabilitation Medicine, Ajay K. Banga and Peter C. Panus (1998)

Comparison of the Accuracy of Different Methods for Determining Pleural Fluid pH, Thomas M. Chandler, E. H. McCoskey, S. Jones, R. P. Byrd, J. B. Metha, and T. M. Roy (1998)

Diffuse Lewy Body Disease: A Common yet Misdiagnosed Dementia in Which Neuroleptics May Be Contraindicated., T. J. Scarbrough (1998)


Evaluation of a Secondary Sex Character in Eutardigrades, Lorena Rebecchi and Diane R. Nelson (1998)


Evaluation of Endothelial Barrier Damage in Lungs, Aubrey E. Taylor, Timothy M. Moore, and Mary I. Townsley (1998)


Human Sequelae of Severe Carbamate Poisoning., N. K. Baban, D. L. Nunley, A. S. Borges, and T. M. Roy (1998)

Intestinal Aneuronosis--a Non-Lethal Condition., K. K. Lau and W. T. Bingham (1998)


Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and Burn Patients in the Civil Justice System: The Prevalence and Impact of Psychiatric Symptomatology, Jeffrey E. Max, Wayne A. Bowers, David Baldus, and Erika E. Gaylor (1998)

Rupture Spontanée Du Foie Durant La Grossesse Et Le Post-Partum: L'enveloppement Hémostatique : Une Technique Originale Pour Une Pathologie Exceptionnelle, Andrew Rittenberry, Colman Arnold, and Mark Taslimi (1998)


Serotonin Neural Adaptations to Ontogenetic Loss of Dopamine Neurons in Rat Brain, Richard M. Kostrzewa, Tomás A. Reader, and Laurent Descarries (1998)


The northeast Tennessee Spirituality and End of Life Issues Survey., D. R. Ginn and L. Aliff (1998)


American vs. Arab Project Managers: The Road to Effectiveness, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Thomas W. Zimmerer, and Marwan A. Wafa (1997)


An "Off by One" Error, Don Gotterbarn (1997)


Application of Azjen's Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Sunbathing, Tanning Salon Use, and Sunscreen Use Intentions and Behaviors, Joel J. Hillhouse, Christine M. Adler, Joy Drinnon, and Rob Turrisi (1997)


Bond Review and Rating Change Announcements: An Examination of Informational Value and Market Efficiency, Richard A. Followill and Terrence Martell (1997)


Calculus: A Modern Perspective, Jeff Knisley (1997)


Community-Based Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health Services., A. J. Pumariega (1997)


Complications of Hysterectomy, Wesley J. Harris (1997)


Developing a Framework for the Effective Planning and Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Michael H. Small and Mahmoud M. Yasin (1997)


Heart Damage Associated With Cooked Meat Mutagens, James W. Gaubatz (1997)

Neuroendocrine Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), Conrad M. Swartz (1997)


Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) in Colorectal Cancer Chemoprevention, K. Krishnan and D. E. Brenner (1997)


Nurse Managed Occupational Health Centers: An Overview, Joy E. Wachs (1997)

Pathogenicity of Staphylococcus Species Other Than Staphylococcus aureus, Jr Lambe and K. P. Ferguson (1997)


Respiratory Manifestations of Tick-Borne Diseases in the Southeastern United States, Ryland P. Byrd, Jose Vasquez, and Thomas M. Roy (1997)


Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly, Robert J. Thomas (1997)


T Cell Signaling of Macrophage Function in Inflammatory Disease., R. D. Stout and J. Suttles (1997)

The Role of the Oral Cavity in Helicobacter Pylori Infection, Eapen Thomas, Chuancang Jiang, David S. Chi, Chuanfu Li, and Donald A. Ferguson (1997)


Tocopherols and the Etiology of Colon Cancer, William L. Stone and Andreas M. Papas (1997)


A Framework for Implementing and Teaching the Social and Ethical Impact of Computing, C. Dianne Martin, Chuck Huff, Donald Gotterbarn, and Keith Miller (1996)


An Empirical Examination of Factors Influencing JIT Success, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Marwan A. Wafa (1996)


Anesthesia in Electroconvulsive Therapy and Alternatives to Barbiturates, Per Bergsholm and Conrad M. Swartz (1996)


Beyond Bitemporal and Right Unilateral Electrode Placements, Conrad M. Swartz and Christa M. Evans (1996)


Cardiac Tamponade as the Initial Presentation of Bronchioloalveolar Cell Carcinoma., J. Hourany, R. P. Byrd, and T. M. Roy (1996)


Developmentalism: An Obscure but Pervasive Restriction on Educational Improvement, John E. Stone, Rick Garlikov, Les McLean, Sherman Dorn, Benjamin Levin, Aimee Howley, Larry Phillips, and Don Tinkler (1996)


Evaluating a Simple Model of Work Stress, Burnout, Affective and Physical Symptoms in Hospital Nurses, J. J. Hillhouse and C. M. Adler (1996)


From Idea to Publication: The Secrets of Publishing, J. E. Wachs (1996)


Image of Auditing as a Field of Study and a Career Among College Students, Ugur Yavas and Noyan Arsan (1996)


Planning for Advanced Manufacturing Technology: A Research Framework, Injazz J. Chen and Michael H. Small (1996)


Review Essay, Robert J. Higgs (1996)