ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Literature Review and Clinical Practice Guidelines, Frieda Pickett (2006)


Central Nicotinic Cholinergic Systems: A Role in the Cognitive Dysfunction in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?, Alexandra Potter, Paul A. Newhouse, and David J. Bucci (2006)


Constrictive Pericarditis After Coronary Artery Bypass, Ahmad Halawa, Said Iskandar, and Israel Garcia (2006)


Continuation of Feeding Tube, Steven Baumrucker, Sharon P. Douglas, Gerald M. Morris, Matt Stolick, and Diane Brothers (2006)


Differentiating Microtus Xanthognathus and Microtus Pennsylvanicus Lower First Molars Using Discriminant Analysis of Landmark Data, Steven Wallace (2006)


Idiopathic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia With Normal QT Interval in a Structurally Normal Heart, Bassam Mechleb, Tariq Z. Haddadin, Said B. Iskandar, Lucien N. Abboud, and Stephen A. Fahrig (2006)


Increase Your Fraud Auditing Effectiveness by Being Unpredictable!, Thomas McKee (2006)


Inflammatory Aspects of Sleep Apnea and Their Cardiovascular Consequences, E. Kasasbeh, David S. Chi, and G. Krishnaswamy (2006)


InfoRetriever for PDAs: An Evaluation, Jamie Price (2006)


Intestinal Strongyloidiasis and Hyperinfection Syndrome, Raja Vadlamudi, David S. Chi, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2006)


Invited Review: Diversity of Endotoxin and Its Impact on Pathogenesis, M. Trent, Christopher M. Stead, An X. Tran, and Jessica V. Hankins (2006)


Joanna Baillie's religious ideology: The Dichotomy of Fundamentalism and Liberalism in The Martyr and A View of the General Tenour of the New Testament Regarding the Nature and Dignity of Jesus Christ, Judith Slagle (2006)


Making Sexism Visible: Birdcages, Martians, and Pregnant Men, Sherryl Kleinman, Martha Copp, and Kent Sandstrom (2006)


Marked Insulin Resistance in Pregnancy: A Case Report and Literature Review, Jean Mancini, Nizar Issa, Semaan G. Kosseifi, and Alan N. Peiris (2006)


Maximum Strength and Strength Training - a Relationship to Endurance?, Michael Stone, Meg E. Stone, William A. Sands, Kyle C. Pierce, Robert U. Newton, G. Gregory Haff, and Jon Carlock (2006)


Maximum Strength and Strength Training---A Relationship to Endurance?, Michael H. Stone, Meg E. Stone, William A. Sands, Kyle C. Pierce, Robert U. Newton, G. Gregory Haff, and Jon Carlock (2006)


Modulation of the Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Signaling Pathway Alters Host Response to Sepsis, Inflammation, and Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, David Williams, Tammy Ozment-Skelton, and Chuanfu Li (2006)


Molecular Mechanisms of Levodopa Action in Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease, Przemysław Nowak, Grazyna Szczerbak, Joanna Dabrowska, Aleksandra Bortel, Izabela Biedka, and Richard M. Kostrzewa (2006)


Nutritional and Medicinal Use of Cactus Pear (Opuntia Spp.) Cladodes and Fruits, Jean Feugang, Patricia Konarski, Daming Zou, Florian Conrad Stintzing, and Changping Zou (2006)


Paul Ehrlich's "Mastzellen"--From Aniline Dyes to DNA Chip Arrays: A Historical Review of Developments in Mast Cell Research., Harsha Vyas and Guha Krishnaswamy (2006)

Peripheral Arterial Disease. Simple Screening Tool Could Diagnose More Cases., Tamera Pearson (2006)


Review of Art Full Text, Rebecca Tolley (2006)


Review of Art Museum Image Gallery, Rebecca Tolley (2006)


Review of Historical Statistics of the United States: Earliest Times to the Present: v.1, Part A: Population; v.2, Part B: Work and Welfare; v.3, Part C: Economic Structure and Performance; v.4, Part D: Economic Sectors; v.5, Part E: Governance and International Relations, Rebecca Tolley (2006)


Review of Internet Resource Art Museum Image Gallery, Rebecca Tolley (2006)


Risk Factors for the Development of Aphakic Glaucoma After Congenital Cataract Surgery, Teresa Chen, Lini S. Bhatia, Elkan F. Halpern, and David S. Walton (2006)


Risk Factors for the Development of Aphakic Glaucoma After Congenital Cataract Surgery, Teresa Chen, Lini S. Bhatia, Elkan F. Halpern, and David S. Walton (2006)


Stretching: Acute and Chronic? The Potential Consequences, Michael H. Stone, Michael W. Ramsey, Ann M. Kinser, Harold S. O'Bryant, Chris Ayers, and William A. Sands (2006)


Tako-Tsubo Syndrome as a Consequence of Transient Ischemic Attack, Bernard Abi-Saleh, Said B. Iskandar, Jeffrey W. Schoondyke, and Stephen Fahrig (2006)


The Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale: Sex, Race, and Grade Effects for Applications With Middle School Students, E. Huebner, Shannon M. Suldo, Robert F. Valois, and J. Wanzer Drane (2006)


The Dapsone Hypersensitivity Syndrome Revisited: A Potentially Fatal Multisystem Disorder With Prominent Hepatopulmonary Manifestations, Semaan Kosseifi, Bhuvana Guha, Dima N. Nassour, David S. Chi, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2006)


The Human Mast Cell: An Overview, Guha Krishnaswamy, Omar Ajitawi, and David S. Chi (2006)


The Other Target for Ribosomal Antibiotics: Inhibition of Bacterial Ribosomal Subunit Formation, W. Champney (2006)


The Practicality of Super Bowl Advertising for New Products and Companies, Douglas Dotterweich and Kimberly S. Collins (2006)


The Role of Frontline RNs in the Selection of an Electronic Medical Record Business Partner, Kathryn Wilhoit, Jane Mustain, and Marjorie King (2006)


What Behavioral Interventions Are Safe and Effective for Treating Obesity?, Jim Holt, Larry Warren, and Rick L. Wallace (2006)


Aggressive Hypertension Management in Patients of Advancing and Advanced Age, Stephanie C. Leeper (2005)


Assessing Communication Competence: A Review of Current Tools, Julie M. Schirmer, Larry Mauksch, Forrest Lang, M. Kim Marvel, Kathy Zoppi, Ronald M. Epstein, Doug Brock, and Michael Pryzbylski (2005)


Attitudes Toward Hormone Replacement Therapy in the New Millennium: University Physicians' and Patients' Perspectives, Hassan M. Ismail, Ellie Aleveritis, Bhuvana Guha, Kenneth Olive, and Susan Sloan (2005)


Book Review of Challenging and Supporting the First Year Student: A Handbook for Improving the First Year of College, Susan Bramlett Epps (2005)


Building the Occupational Health Team: Keys to Successful Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Joy E. Wachs (2005)


Cost-Effective Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: A Literature Review of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses for Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, Russell Gamber, Shane Holland, David P. Russo, Des Anges Cruser, and Peter E. Hilsenrath (2005)


CRP After 2004, Alok Agrawal (2005)


Culturally Competent Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health: Advances and Challenges, Andrés J. Pumariega, Kenneth Rogers, and Eugenio Rothe (2005)


Emotional Intelligence: Recognizing and Regulating Emotions, Amy Reeves (2005)


From Empty Speech to Full Speech? Reconceptualizing Spirituality in Organizations Based on a Psychoanalytically-Grounded Understanding of the Self, Michaela Driver (2005)


Functional Behavior Assessment in Schools: Current Research Findings and Future Directions, James Fox and Carol Davis (2005)


Guide to Selection of Fluoroquinolones in Patients With Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, Wael E. Shams and Martin E. Evans (2005)


Interdisciplinary Practice, Education, and Research: The Expanding Role of the Occupational Health Nurse, Linda H. Garrett (2005)


Melatonin, Immune Function and Aging, V. Srinivasan, Georges J.M. Maestroni, Daniel P. Cardinali, A. I. Esquifino, S. R. Pandi Perumal, and Sandra C. Miller (2005)


Mental Health of Immigrants and Refugees, Andrés J. Pumariega, Eugenio Rothe, and JoAnne B. Pumariega (2005)


Patients' Anxiety and Expectations: How They Influence Family Physicians' Decisions to Order Cancer Screening Tests, Jeannie Haggerty, Fred Tudiver, Judith Belle Brown, Carol Herbert, Antonio Ciampi, and Remi Guibert (2005)


Pediatric Emergencies on a US-Based Commercial Airline, Brian R. Moore, Jennifer M. Ping, and David W. Claypool (2005)


Practice Patterns in Treating High-Risk Patients With Hyperlipidemia at a Northeast Tennessee University Clinic, Hassan M. Ismail, Christina Simmons, and Deborah Pfortmiller (2005)


Recidivism Rates of Sexual Offenders up to 7 Years Later Does Treatment Matter?, Kristen M. Zgoba and Leonore M.J. Simon (2005)


Recognizing the Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients With Asthma, Guha Krishnaswamy, Mirle Girish, Bhuvana Guha, Robert Ballard, Harsha Vyas, and David S. Chi (2005)


Retrons, msDNA, and the Bacterial Genome, B. C. Lampson, M. Inouye, and S. Inouye (2005)


Review of Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, ed. by Immanuel Ness, Rebecca Tolley (2005)

Review of Retratos: 2,000 Years of Latin American Portraits, Rebecca Tolley (2005)

Review of Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations The Illiterati’s Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs, and Sayings, Rebecca Tolley (2005)


Review of Sociology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources, by Stephen H. Aby, James Nalen, and Lori Fielding, Rebecca Tolley (2005)


Review of Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach, Rebecca Tolley (2005)


Review of The Modern Language Association Language Map, Rebecca Tolley (2005)


Review of Treatment Modalities for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, Ronald C. Hamdy, Charles H. Chesnut, Margery L. Gass, Michael F. Holick, Edward S. Leib, Michael E. Lewiecki, Michael Maricic, and Nelson B. Watts (2005)

Rhinitis-Asthma Connection: Epidemiologic and Pathophysiologic Basis, Michael S. Blaiss (2005)


Shaping Effective Communication Skills and Therapeutic Relationships at Work: The Foundation of Collaboration, Susan M. Grover (2005)


Should a Nylon Brush Be Used for PAP Smears from Pregnant Women?, Jim Holt, Lynetta Stiltner, and Barbara Jamieson (2005)


Simulation Devices in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Martin P. Eason (2005)


Speech Signals Used to Evaluate Functional Status of the Auditory System, Richard H. Wilson and Rachel McArdle (2005)


State Variation in Gender Disproportionality in Special Education: Findings and Recommendations, Martha J. Coutinho and Donald P. Oswald (2005)


The Appalachian Preceptorship: Over Two Decades of an Integrated Clinical-Classroom Experience of Rural Medicine and Appalachian Culture, Forrest Lang, Kaethe P. Ferguson, Bruce Bennard, Pamela Zahorik, and Carolyn Sliger (2005)


The Renal Patient With Cardiovascular Disease--No Longer a Simple Plumbing Problem., Anuradha Tunuguntla and Lakshminarayan Yerra (2005)


The Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Cardiac Protection: An Overview., Hassan M. Ismail (2005)


The Sport Psychiatrist and Golf, Terrence P. Clark, Ian R. Tofler, and Michael T. Lardon (2005)


A Collaborative Relationship Between a Community Mental Health Center and Family Practice Residency Program, Raymond H. Feierabend and Zelda L. Bartee (2004)


Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, Max Bayard, Jonah McIntyre, Keith R. Hill, and Jack Woodside (2004)


A Literature Review of Manufacturing Performance Measures and Measurement in an Organizational Context: A Framework and Direction for Future Research, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2004)


A Student-Run Outreach Clinic for Rural Communities in Appalachia, Bruce Bennard, Jim L. Wilson, Kaethe P. Ferguson, and Carolyn Sliger (2004)


Atherosclerosis as an Inflammatory Disease: Implications for Therapy, Nader Eldika, Lakchminarayan Yerra, David S. Chi, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2004)


Cardiopathia Fantastica: The Cardiac Variant of Munchausen Syndrome, Ted A. Park, Mark Andrew Borsch, Allen R. Dyer, and Alan N. Peiris (2004)

C-Reactive Protein as a Novel Biomarker, Nader Elgharib, David S. Chi, Walid Younis, Salim Wehbe, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2004)


Dermatology for the Practicing Allergist: Tinea Pedis and Its Complications, Muhannad Al Hasan, S. Matthew Fitzgerald, Mahnaz Saoudian, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2004)


Discontinuing Life Support: Whose Call?, Steven J. Baumrucker (2004)


Does Enhancing Partner Support and Interaction Improve Smoking Cessation? a Meta-Analysis, Eal Whan Park, Fred Tudiver, Jennifer K. Schultz, and Thomas Campbell (2004)


Electrocardiographic Arrhythmia Risk Testing, Gregory Engel, James G. Beckerman, Victor F. Froelicher, Takuya Yamazaki, Henry A. Chen, Kelly Richardson, Ryan J. McAuley, Euan A. Ashley, Sung Chun, and Paul J. Wang (2004)


Ethics Roundtable, Steven J. Baumrucker (2004)


Health Care in Appalachia: A Population-Based Approach, Kathleen Huttlinger, Jennifer Schaller-Ayers, and Tony Lawson (2004)


Hepatitis C and Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Said B. Iskandar, Steve Loyd, Christopher J. Downs, and Thomas M. Roy (2004)

Illegal Dumping, Annexation and Demolition, Seafood Trade Secrets, and More on Oysters, Vincent A. Sikora (2004)


Jaundice Secondary to Isolated Porta Hepatis Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer: Case Report and Review of the Literature, Souad S. Youssef and Pullatikurthi Pradeep Kumar (2004)


Making Decisions With Families at the End of Life, Forrest Lang and Timothy Quill (2004)


Neurotoxins and Neurotoxic Species Implicated in Neurodegeneration, Juan Segura-Aguilar and Richard M. Kostrzewa (2004)


Protein Kinase Activation and Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, Stephen C. Armstrong (2004)


Pruebas de la Neutralidad Monetaria a Largo Plazo: El Caso de Nicaragua, Frederick H. Wallace, Gary L. Shelley, and Luis Fernando Castellanos (2004)

Review of Art of George Rodrigue, by Ginger Danto, Rebecca Tolley (2004)


Review of Bad Boy of Gospel Music: The Calvin Newton Story, by Russ Cheatham, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Between Ruin and Renewal: Egon Schiele’s Landscapes, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Ceramic Trees of Life: Popular Art from Mexico, by Mary Hoag Mulryan, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Curve: The Female Nude Now, by David Ebony & others, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Darwin’s Wink, Rebecca Tolley (2004)