ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Review of Encyclopedia of Population, ed. by Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll, Rebecca Tolley (2004)


Review of Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Infinitas Gracias: Contemporary Mexican Votive Painting, by Roque, Alfredo Vilchis, Rebecca Tolley (2004)

Review of Tools of Her Ministry: The Art of Sister Gertrude Morgan, Rebecca Tolley (2004)


Shall We Make a Leap-of-Faith to Disulfiram (Antabuse)?, Joshua B. Grossman and Pedro Ruiz (2004)

Stem Cells for Regeneration of Cardiac Tissues: Current Findings and Future Applications, Katherine Horak, Victoria Dotson, and Douglas F. Larson (2004)


Structural and Functional Anatomy of the Globular Domain of Complement Protein C1q, Uday Kishore, Rohit Ghai, Trevor J. Greenhough, Annette K. Shrive, Domenico M. Bonifati, Mihaela G. Gadjeva, Patrick Waters, Mihaela S. Kojouharova, Trinad Chakraborty, and Alok Agrawal (2004)


Substance Abuse Among Adolescents: Current Perspectives, Andres J. Pumariega, Leonardo Rodriguez, and Mark D. Kilgus (2004)


The Perspective of Mystery: Threading the Connection Between Patient and Nurse, Susan McCabe (2004)


Therapeutic Uses of Antioxidant Liposomes, William L. Stone and Milton Smith (2004)


The Role of Human Mast Cell-Derived Cytokines in Eosinophil Biology, Bita Shakoory, S. Matthew Fitzgerald, Steven A. Lee, David S. Chi, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2004)


The Very Idea of Design: What God Couldn't Do, Richard D. Kortum (2004)


Treating Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis With Radioactive Iodine, Said B. Iskandar, Richard M. Jordan, and Alan N. Peiris (2004)

Trees With Unique Minimum Paired-Dominating Sets, Mustapha Chellali and Teresa W. Haynes (2004)


Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus Avium Infections: Report of 2 Cases and a Review of Enterococcus Avium Infections, Prescott P. Lee, Donald A. Ferguson, and John J. Laffan (2004)


What Is the Best Way to Evaluate and Manage Diarrhea in the Febrile Infant?, J. Burton Banks and Elaine J. Sullo (2004)


An Improved Upper Bound for Leo Moser's Worm Problem, Rick Norwood and George Poole (2003)


An Overview of Drug Development in the United States and Current Challenges, Sharon W. Moore (2003)

Applying our best effort, Sue Knoche (2003)


A Survey of Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope Sight Lines Through High-Velocity Cloud Complex C, Joseph A. Collins, J. Michael Shull, and Mark L. Giroux (2003)


Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis and Its Manifestation as Anaphylaxis: A Case Report and Literature Review, Joy L. Snyder and Guha Krishnaswamy (2003)


Bacterial Ribosomal Subunit Assembly Is an Antibiotic Target, W. Scott Champney (2003)


Boston City Hospital and the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory: The birth of modern haematology, Jeffrey M. Elrod and Anand B. Karnad (2003)


Buyers and Sellers of Education Research, J. E. Stone (2003)


Cancer Chemoprevention Drug Targets, K. Krishnan, S. Campbell, F. Abdel-Rahman, S. Whaley, and W. L. Stone (2003)


Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Influenza, Mahmoud Shorman, Jonathan P. Moorman, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2003)


Complications of Influenza, Fares Khater, Jonathan P. Moorman, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2003)


C-Reactive Protein as a Novel Biomarker: Reactant Can Flag Atherosclerosis and Help Predict Cardiac Events, Nader Elgharib, David S. Chi, Walid Younis, Salim Wehbe, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2003)


Cultural Considerations in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Emergencies and Crises, Andres J. Pumariega and Eugenio Rothe (2003)


Development of Gamma (γ)-Tocopherol as a Colorectal Cancer Chemopreventive Agent, Sharon Campbell, William Stone, Sarah Whaley, and Koyamangalath Krishnan (2003)


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Robert J. Sokol, Virginia Delaney-Black, and Beth Nordstrom (2003)


Graduate Health Professions Education: An Interdisciplinary University - Community Partnership Model 1996-2001, Deborah E. Brown, Bruce A. Behringer, Patricia L. Smith, Tom E. Townsend, Joy E. Wachs, Larry A. Stanifer, and Bruce A. Goodrow (2003)

Immunity from Liability - When Does It Apply?, Vincent A. Sikora (2003)


Implementing a Job Hazard Analysis Program, Judy A. Morris and Joy E. Wachs (2003)


Infectious Causes of Adrenal Insufficiency, Ellie M. Alevritis, Felix A. Sarubbi, Richard M. Jordan, and Alan N. Peiris (2003)


Influenza: A Historical Perspective, Felix A. Sarubbi (2003)


Influenza Therapy, James W. Myers (2003)


Level-of-Care Decision Making in Behavioral Health Services: The LOCUS and the CALOCUS, Wesley Sowers, Andres Pumariega, Charles Huffine, and Theodore Fallon (2003)


Managerial Values and Culture: Where Do Iranian Executives Stand?, Jafar Alavi and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2003)


Novel Mechanisms and Approaches in the Study of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection. A Review, Richard M. Kostrzewa and Juan Segura-Aguilar (2003)


Oral Andro-Related Prohormone Supplementation: Do the Potential Risks Outweigh the Benefits?, Craig E. Broeder (2003)

Papillary Fibroelastoma Involving the Left Ventricular Wall, Jeffrey W. Schoondyke, Jonathan W. Burress, Bahaeddin Shabaneh, Tamar A. Giorgadze, Patrick N. Costello, Stephen Fahrig, and Jack Whitaker (2003)


Patient Satisfaction With Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation: A Retrospective Review, April Jarrell and Martin E. Olsen (2003)


Patterns of Peer Tutoring in Nursing, Sally Blowers, Priscilla Ramsey, Carolyn Merriman, and Janelle Grooms (2003)


Prescriptive Authority for Clinical Psychologists: A Review of the Debate, David E. Cox and Jon B. Ellis (2003)


Prevention and Control of Influenza, Prescott P. Lee and Felix A. Sarubbi (2003)


Psychodynamic Measures of Therapeutic Change, Sidney J. Blatt and John S. Auerbach (2003)


Review of American Men: Who They Are & How They Live, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of Artists from Latin American Cultures: A Biographical Dictionary, Rebecca Tolley (2003)


Review of Downside UP: How Art Can Change the Spirit of a Place, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of Drawing on America’s Past: Folk Art, Modernism, and the Index of American Design, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of Feminine Persuasion: Art and Essays on Sexuality, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of Headwraps: A Global Journey, by Georgia Scott, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of Latin American and Caribbean Artists of the Modern Era: A Biographical Dictionary of More than 12,7000 Persons, by Steve Shipp, Rebecca Tolley (2003)


Review of Music Inspired by Art: A Guide to Recordings, by Gary Evans, Rebecca Tolley (2003)


Review of Sing, Whisper, Shout, Pray! : Feminist Visions for a Just World. Edited by M. Jacqui Alexander, Lisa Albrecht, Sharon Day, and others, Rebecca Tolley (2003)

Review of The Art of Adolf Wolfli: St. Adolf-Giant-Creation, Rebecca Tolley (2003)


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: An Overview, Fares J. Khater and Jonathan P. Moorman (2003)


Subversive Tales, Transgressive Laughs: Reading Carlos Guillermo Wilson's Chombo as Satire, Haakayoo N. Zoggyie (2003)

The ADA and the Food Code: Collision?, Vincent A. Sikora (2003)


The Effect of Management Commitment to Service Quality on Employees' Affective and Performance Outcomes, Emin Babakus, Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, and Turgay Avci (2003)


The Evolution of Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health: Forty Years of Community Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Andres J. Pumariega, Nancy C. Winters, and Charles Huffine (2003)


Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Endothelium: Solving the Calcium Entry Puzzle?, Bernd Nilius, Guy Droogmans, and Robert Wondergem (2003)


Trends and Shifting Ecologies: Part II, Andres J. Pumariega and Nancy C. Winters (2003)


Urticaria and Urticarial Vasculitis, Bhuvana Guha, George Youngberg, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2003)


Viral Characteristics of Influenza, Jonathan P. Moorman and Felix A. Sarubbi (2003)


William Bosworth Castle: Pioneer of Haematological Clinical Investigation, Jeffrey M. Elrod and Anand B. Karnad (2003)


Basic Assessment of Urinary Incontinence, Ivan Merkelj (2002)


Book Review: Managing Contraceptive Pill Patients by Richard P. Dickey, MD, PhD, Jim Holt (2002)


Career Disaffection Among Surgeons in the Era of Managed Care, T. T. Knight, J. David Richardson, and John H. Kalbfleisch (2002)


Concise Update to Managing Adult Diabetes, Daniel S. Dube and Alan N. Peiris (2002)


Cost-Effective Management of Thyroid Nodules and Nodular Thyroid Goiters, Edwin Supit and Alan N. Peiris (2002)


Criminology at the Edge: Essays in Honor of Richard Quinney, John F. Wozniak and Michael Braswell (2002)


Cytokines and the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis, Guha Krishnaswamy, Daniel Dube, Mark Counts, and David S. Chi (2002)


Effects of Embedded Instruction on Students With Moderate Disabilities Enrolled in General Education Classes, John McDonnell, Jesse W. Johnson, Shamby Polychronis, and Tim Risen (2002)


Enuresis, Sissi E. Cossio (2002)

Haemoglobin's Abnormalities Granting Innate Resistance to Malaria, Ronald L. Nagel and Dominique Labie (2002)


Health Issues in Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Sharon Castellino and Melissa M. Hudson (2002)


Health Issues in Survivors of Prematurity, Jackie York and Michael DeVoe (2002)


Insulin: A Novel Factor in Carcinogenesis, K. Gupta, G. Krishnaswamy, A. Karnad, and Alan N. Peiris (2002)


Interpretation of Laboratory Thyroid Function Tests for the Primary Care Physician, Edwin J. Supit and Alan N. Peiris (2002)


Interviewing When Family Members Are Present, Forrest Lang, KIM Marvel, David Sanders, Dael Waxman, Kathleen L. Beine, Carol Pfaffly, and Elizabeth Mccord (2002)


Neurodevelopmental Liabilities in Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders, T. Palomo, R. M. Kostrzewa, T. Archer, and R. J. Beninger (2002)


Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Complications in a Tertiary-Care Center, Mark A. Lockett, Mia L. Templeton, T. Karl Byrne, and E. Douglas Norcross (2002)


Post Offer Screening, Liz R. Scott (2002)

Recruiting the 21st Century Nurse: Getting to the Heart of the Matter, Susan McCabe (2002)


Review of Appalachia: A History, by John Williams Alexander, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Art/Women/California 1950-2000: Parallels and Intersections, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of Country Music Annual 2000, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of Drawing My Times: Cartoons By Bubul, a Thirty Year Perspective, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Exposed: The Victorian Nude, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of First Families of Tennessee: A Register of Early Settlers and Their Present-day Descendants, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Great Masters of Mexican Folk Art: From the Collection of Fomento Cultural Baname, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Ida Applebroog: Are You Bleeding Yet?, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of Library Service to African Americans in Kentucky, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Nathan Oliveria, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Self-Taught Art: The Culture and Aesthetic of American Vernacular Art, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of West Virginia Quilts and Quiltmakers: Echoes From the Hills, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Schizophrenia Revealed: From Neurons to Social Interactions, Reid B. Blackwelder (2002)


The Diagnosis and Management of Hypothyroidism, Bhuvana Guha, Guha Krishnaswamy, and Alan Peiris (2002)