ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Seeing the Same Thing Differently: Changing Client Perceptions of Their History,”, James Bitter (2009)

Sex Differences in Power Output as Determined by Static and Countermovement Jumping, K. Patel, T. McInnis, K. C. Pierce, and Michael Stone (2009)

Sexuality and Personal Development, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Sharing Sensitive Information with Parents: A Guide for Discussing Speech and Language Concerns, Teresa Boggs (2009)

Spanning the Gap: a Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Analysis of Information Needs of Rural Health Care Providers, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

Sport Performance Enhancement Groups: Monitoring Athletes, Michael W. Ramsey (2009)

Staying Current with Tinnitus Research, D. McFerrin and Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Stimulability Approach for Speech Disorders in Young Children: Systematic Review, A. Rymer, W. Boyd, H. Carpenter, and A. Lynn Williams (2009)

Strategies to Enhance Retention: Development of Success Courses, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Strategies to Enhance Retention: Working With at-Risk Students Using Success Courses, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Students' Understanding of Combustion: A Cross Age Study, Chih-Che Tai (2009)

Supervision: Focusing on the Sound of One Hand Clapping, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Taming Mealtime Tantrums: A Workshop for Parents of Children with Feeding Disorders, Teresa Boggs and C. Jakubowicz (2009)

Task-Induced Involvement and Vocabulary Acquisition, Theresa McGarry (2009)

Teaching Children with Moderate/Severe or Multiple Disabilities, Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

Team Building and Performance Improvement, Gary E. Michael (2009)

Telebehavioral Health and Psychiatry: A Primer., Jodi Polaha (2009)

Temperament Moderates the Learning of Pretend Play Sequences at 15 Months, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., K. Lingerfelt, R. Russell, and Andrea D. Clements (2009)

Testosterone to Cortisol Ratio Shows Strong Relationship with Adaptation to a Strength and Power Training Regimen in American Style Collegiate Football Player, Jason B. Winchester, Arnold G. Nelson, Laura K. Stewart, and Michael H. Stone (2009)


The Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Performance, W. Guy Hornsby, Mark A. South, Ashley Kavanaugh, Andrew S. Layne, G. Gregory Haff, William A. Sands, Marco Cardinale, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

The Counselor Educator as Person and Professional, James Bitter (2009)

The Effects of Individualized Training and Education on Targeted Parental Behaviors, Teresa Boggs and K. Mumpower (2009)

The Faculty Role in Creating the Civically Engaged Campus, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2009)

The Foundation for Building Community and Establishing Procedures: Brain-based Learning Environments, Pamela Evanshen (2009)

The Many Shades of Praise: Diversity in Epideictic Rhetoric in Diplomatic Settings, Brian Maxson (2009)

The P300 Brain-Computer Interface: Prediction of Success Through Waveform Analysis, N. E. Schwartz, D. J. Krusienski, G. E. Frye, C. K. Hauser, T. M. Vaughan, G. D. Johnson, and E. W. Sellers

The Relationship between the Eccentric Utilization Ratio, Reactive Strength and Pre-Stretch Augmentation and Selected Dynamic and Isometric Muscle Actions, G. Gregory Haff, R. Ruben, M. Molanari, Keith B. Painter, Michael W. Ramsey, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

The Role of Healthcare Providers in Breastfeeding Promotion in Appalachia, Karen E. Schetzina (2009)

The State of the Profession: Are We on the Same Page, Mary R. Langenbrunner, S. Cockerham, Jamie Branam Kridler, and C. Blankenship (2009)


The Tip of an Iceberg - Epiphyseal Osteomyelitis in a Toddler, Ranjit R. Philip, Roger D. Smalligan, and Gayatri B. Jaishankar (2009)

The Work of Byron Katie, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Tier 2 Assessment & Interventions for Reading and Behavior Challenges: The ETSU Positive Behavior Support Initiative, Kimberly D. Hale and James J. Fox (2009)

Tinnitus and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)


Titis Media Gone Awry - Lateral Sinus Thrombosis in Acute Otomastoiditis, T. Youhannan, Gayatri B. Jaishankar, and Roger D. Smalligan (2009)

Toward an Attention-Competition Model of Temperament-Language Relationships, Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2009)

Trauma Treatment of Tennessee’s Children, Michele R. Moser and K. Benedetto (2009)

Trauma Work, J. Graham Disque (2009)

True Directions: An IEP Planning Process to Build Partnerships with Families and Promote Meaningful Life Outcomes, Cynthia R. Chambers and A. L. Childre (2009)

True Directions: A Student Centered Planning Tool, Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

True Directions: Preparing for Transitions through Student Centered IEP/ITP Planning, A. L. Childre and Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

Two-Day Tinnitus Course, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Upper Extremity Power Characteristics in Men’s National Team Gymnasts, Jeni R. McNeal, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Using Technology for Reflective Learning in the College Classroom: Re-imaging the Field Experience in the 21st Century Classroom Setting, Pamela Evanshen and Amy Malkus (2009)

Using Technology for Reflective Learning in the College Classroom: Re-imagining the Field Experience in 21st Century Classroom Settings, Amy J. Malkus and Pamela Evanshen (2009)

Vestibular Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Vestibular Grand Rounds, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Vibration : Health and Performance – a Panacea of a Great Big Load, Michael W. Ramsey (2009)

Vibration, Split Stretching, and Static Vertical Jump Performance in Young Male Gymnasts, William A. Sands, Jeni R. McNeal, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Violence in Treadwell’s Machinal: Women, Electrotherapy and the Electric Chair, Katherine Weiss (2009)

Weightlifting Movements: Pulling Technique, Michael H. Stone (2009)

What is Sport Science?, Michael H. Stone (2009)

What is the Best Treatment for Venous Stasis Ulcers, Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

4 Imperatives of Great Leaders, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2008)

Adlerian Family Counseling and Therapy: From Prevention to Remediation, James Bitter (2008)

Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy: Step-by-Step, James Bitter (2008)

Adult Versus Adolescent Preterm Birth: A Comparison of Complication and Intervention Rates Across Age Groups, Andrea D. Clements and Kellye Lingerfelt (2008)

Advancing Partner Violence Research by Addressing Under-Studied Processes, Stacey L. Williams (2008)

Analysis of Self-assessed Tinnitus Handicap in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson, Sherri Smith, and L. M. McDaniel (2008)

Application of Multivariate Statistical Analyses to Microbial Water Quality Parameters in Four Geographically Similar Creeks in Northeast Tennessee to Identify Patterns Associating Land Use to Fecal Pollution Sources, Kimberlee K. Hall, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2008)

Applying, Interviewing, and Negotiating for a University Faculty Position, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

A Simple Plan to Reach for the Stars with Consumer Health Education, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Assessments and Interventions for Encouraging Prosocial Behaviors of Young Children with Autism, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

Assistive Technology Interventions for Early Childhood Home and School Environments, Lori J. Marks (2008)

Assistive Technology Tools to Address the Needs of Students with Significant Physical and Cognitive Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2008)

Beginning and Sustaining Agency Relationships, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2008)

Bone Mineral Density and Content of Collegiate Throwers: Influence of Maximum Strength, J. M. Whittington, E. J. Shoen, L. L. Labounty, Jeremy A. Gentles, Jenna M. Kraska, Ann Marie Swisher, J. E. Keller, Margaret E. Stone, Michael W. Ramsey, Ronald C. Hamdy, and Michael H. Stone (2008)

Building Connections with Medical Library Month, Nakia J. Carter and Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Building Connections with Medical Library Month, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Categorical Perception and Auditory Temporal Processing in Bilingual English-Spanish Speakers, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2008)

Catherine Bush: Quilts and Murder, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Changes in Scores of Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Over Time, L. M. McDaniel, Marc A . Fagelson, and Sherri Smith (2008)

Children & Divorce, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2008)

Comeback of Appalachian Female Stroke Survivors: Interrelationships of Cognition, Function, Self-Concept, Personal and Interpersonal Relationships, Patricia M. Vanhook (2008)


Community House Cooperative: A Model for Collaboration and Building Partnerships with Community/Government Agencies, Universities and Secondary Schools, Jamie Branam Kridler, Mary R. Langenbrunner, Karen Neef, and Terry Cutshaw (2008)

Comparison of Daily Undulating with Traditional Periodization in Collegiate Track and Field Athletes, M. Molinari, Keith B. Painter, R. Ruben, Michael W. Ramsey, Margaret E. Stone, C. Nelson, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, and Andrew S. Layne (2008)


Comparison of Two Treatment Conditions for Young Children with Speech Sound Disorders, Megan Overby, A. Lynn Williams, and John Bernthal (2008)

Conjuring Up the Next Generation of Medical Librarians, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Constructing Solutions for Tomorrow's Needs: An Analysis of Clinical Questions Asked During Morning Report, Nakia J. Carter and Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Creating and Sustaining Nursing Peer Mentor-Tutor Programs, Carolyn S. Merriman, P. Ramsey, S. Blowers, and J. Grooms (2008)

Creative Discovery Room: Quality Learning Centers, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

Critical Thinking & Test-Item Writing, Carolyn S. Merriman (2008)

Cultural Competence in the Workplace, Amy J. Malkus (2008)

Dancing with the Great Bear: Steps to Connect Community stars with Library Sparkle for Great Partnerships, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Digital Feedback Suppression Systems in Commercial Hearing Aids: Assessments of Gain Margin and Sound Quality, Earl E. Johnson, T. Ricketts, B. W.Y. Hornsby, and J. Federman (2008)

Dispensing a Hearing Aid Brand: What's Important to Audiologists and Their Individual Decision Choice?, Earl E. Johnson (2008)

Duration of Breastfeeding Predicts Dimensions of Infant Temperament, Andrea D. Clements and Kellye Lingerfelt (2008)

East Tennessee Sibshops, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

Emergent Design: A University/School District Partnership for Training New Principals, Virginia P. Foley (2008)

Emergent Design: Implications of Principal Preparation Program Evaluation, Virginia P. Foley (2008)

Emergent Design: Principal Preparation for Today and Tomorrow, Virginia P. Foley, Pam Scott, and Eric Glover (2008)

Enhancing Reading Fluency, Edward J. Dwyer (2008)

Enhancing Research in a Family Medicine Program: Strategy, Process, and Results, Fred Tudiver, K. P. Ferguson, J. L. Wilson, G. Kukulka, Marjorie K. Smith, and Ivy A. Click (2008)

Establishing a Research Partnership: What Can Research Do for Me?, A. Canberg, Andy R. Dotterweich, M. B. Harrison, and E. Rabinowitz (2008)

Eszopiclone Facilitation of the Antidepressant Efficacy of Fluoxetine Using a Social Defeat Stress Model in the Mouse, Daniel M. Noel, Benjamin A. Hughes, Brianna Sheppard, Kimberly N. Thompson, Gregory A. Ordway, and Russell W. Brown (2008)

Evaluating Integrated Pediatric Well Visits: What Does a Psychologist Have to Add?, A. Enlow, Jodi Polaha, and T. Bishop (2008)

Evidence-Based Strategies for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, M. Conroy, Cynthia R. Chambers, and M. J. Coutinho (2008)

Execution, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2008)

Faculty as Architects of Engagement, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2008)

Feasibility of a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface in an Acute Care Setting, J. Cormier, S. S. Cash, Eric W. Sellers, T. Jennings, L. M. Townsend, A. DiPietro, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, and L. R. Hochberg

Fit Kids Program involvement in community, Johnson City, TN, Amanda E. Greene (2008)