ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Blending Phone Contacts and Site Visits to Promote Rural Outreach Services: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess Usage, Nakia J. Carter, Rick L. Wallace, and Kefeng (Maylene) Qiu (2009)

Building a Behavioral Health Consultant Into Pediatric Wellness Visits: Outcome Data and Practical Advice, Angela D. Enlow, Thomas W. Bishop, Jodi Polaha, and Jennifer A. Correll (2009)

Building Behavioral Health Consultants: Innovative Strategies for Training Psychology Graduate Students to Work in Primary Care, Jodi Polaha, N. Benfield, and J. Correll (2009)

Challenges Facing Group Leaders: Understanding and Working with Difficult Group Members, James Bitter and Gerald Corey (2009)

Child Behavior Questionnaire: Ukrainian Version, N. Ostrovsky and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2009)

Chronic Granulomatous Disease, Gayatri Jaishankar (2009)

Church Attendance and Importance of Religion Predict Parental Awareness of Rural Appalachian Adolescent Activities and Friendships, Andrea D. Clements, Karen Schetzina, S. Rhodes, M. Dunn, and G. Cohen (2009)

Coding Update, Jim Holt (2009)

Comparison of Concentric Impulse Determination Methods in Counter-movement Jump, Satoshi Mizuguchi, P. Cormie, Andrew S. Layne, Mark A. South, G. Gregory Haff, William A. Sands, J. M. McBride, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Connecting Families Separated Through Migration, Sharon D. Loury (2009)

Considering Patient and Radiographer Dose, Shirley J. Cherry (2009)

Constructing Students' Knowledge of Combustion Using an Inquiry Approach, Chih-Che Tai (2009)

Conversational Recasts Versus Imitation Intervention: An Examination of Experimental Evidence, M. Millard, S. K. Venkatesan, and A. Lynn Williams (2009)

Counseling for Personal, Spiritual, & Relational Growth, James Bitter, William Nicoll, Monica Nicoll, and Erik Mansager (2009)

Creating and Sustaining Peer Mentor-Tutor Programs, Carolyn S. Merriman, P. Ramsey, S. Blowers, and J. Grooms (2009)

Curriculum Change: Implementation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), Ester L. Verhovsek (2009)

Dementia, Jim Holt, M. Deitz, M. Floyd, Jim Holt, M. Kauzlarich, Z. Rahman, and S. Greenfield (2009)


Departing from Tradition: Innovation and Accountability in Two Primary Schools in Denmark and the USA, Pamela Evanshen and Charlotte Ringsmose (2009)

Developing a Model to Explore Pharmacy Implications of Appalachian Regional Health Disparities, McKenzie L. Calhoun and Bruce Behringer (2009)

Developmental Perspectives from the APA National Conference on Undergraduate Education in Psychology, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., C. Shore, R. M. Bartlett, Page M. McIntyre, and K. E. Brakke (2009)

Draining Ears, Dizzying Clot, Gayatri Jaishankar, Thomas M. Yohannan, and Roger Smalligan (2009)

Emerging Adulthood—A New Developmental Stage of Prolonged Adolescence?, Karin Bartoszuk (2009)

Equine Assisted Therapy, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Evaluating the Role of a Psychologist in Pediatric Wellness Visits in Rural Tennessee, Angela D. Enlow and Jodi Polaha (2009)

Evaluation of Individuals with ALS for In Home Use of a P300 Brain Computer Interface, L. McCane, T. M. Vaughan, D. J. McFarland, D. J. Zeitlin, L. Tenteromano, J. Mak, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, C. S. Carmak, and J. R. Wolpaw


Every Thing that the Devil Can Suggest’: The Ku Klux Klan and the Failure of Southern Republicanism in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Examining Current Practices in Relation to Recommended ADHD Guidelines., A. K. Shultz and Jodi Polaha (2009)

Examining the Efficacy of the Use of High-Fidelity Patient Simulators in Nursing Education, Wendy M. Nehring (2009)

Exploration of the Association Between the EOM-EIS-2 and the IDEA in Predicting Emotional Outcomes, Karin Bartoszuk and Alison L. Barton (2009)

Extended High-frequency Audiometry and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Normal-hearing Patients with Unilateral Tinnitus, Jacek Smurzynski, Anna Fabijanska, Krzysztof Kochanek, and Henryk Skarzynski (2009)

Healthy Places for Healthy People, Andy R. Dotterweich (2009)

Humanism and the Ritual of Command, Brian Maxson (2009)

Hyperacusis, Marc A. Fagelson and D McFerrin (2009)

Hyperacusis and PTSD in a Veteran Tinnitus Clinic., Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Impact of Stroke on Rural Women, Patricia M. Vanhook (2009)

Incidence and Treatment of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Infection in VRE Colonized Febrile Neutropenic Patients, John B. Bossaer (2009)

Independent Use of P300 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) System by People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Optimizing the Classification Algorithm., J. Mak, T. M. Vaughan, D. J. McFarland, L. M. McCane, C. S. Carmack, D. J. Zeitlin, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, and J. R. Wolpaw

Influence of Unilateral Tinnitus on Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Levels, Jacek Smurzynski, Anna Fabijanska, Krzysztof Kochanek, Henryk Skarzynski, and Henryk Skarzynski (2009)

Institutionalization of Service-Learning, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2009)

“Integrating Gender Perspectives in Adlerian Counseling and Therapy, James Bitter (2009)

Integrating Gender Perspectives in Adlerian Counseling and Therapy, James Bitter and Marion Balla (2009)

Integrating High-Fidelity Patient Simulation in Nursing Education, Wendy M. Nehring and D. Dubose (2009)

Integrative Family Therapy and Counseling: Advanced Practices Across Multiple Theoretical Models (Pre-Convention Learning Institute), James Bitter (2009)

Integrative Family Therapy and Counseling: Advanced Practices Across Multiple Theoretical Models (Week-long Training Program), James Bitter (2009)

Is There a Book in You? Panel on Professional Writing, James Bitter and Gerald Corey (2009)


Joint Effects of Child Temperament and Maternal Sensitivity on the Development of Childhood Obesity, Tiejian Wu, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., William T. Dalton III, Fred Tudiver, Xuefeng Liu, and Jing Liu (2009)

LiBerry Guides Go Mobile: Creating Usable Handheld Solutions for 21st Century Student, Leslie G. Adebonojo, Kathy Campbell, and Mark Ellis (2009)

Linking Medical Residents to training: An Analysis of Training Needs, Rick L. Wallace (2009)

Long Term Athlete Monitoring: Changes in Isometric Strength and Explosiveness in Division I NCAA Athletes, Andrew S. Layne, W. Guy Hornsby, D. E. Corriher, H. B. Nowell, Margaret E. Stone, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Lost Ones and Haunting Ghosts: Beckett and Shepard, Katherine Weiss (2009)

Love is a Battlefield: Lizzie Alsop’s Flirtation with the Confederacy, Steven E. Nash

Low Gene Expression of Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters in Astrocytes of the Locus Coeruleus From Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder, Katalin Szebeni, Attila Szebeni, Michelle J. Chandley, Craig A. Stockmeier, E. Lutz, and Gregory A. Ordway (2009)

Low-No Tech Teaching: What We Lose in the Smart Classroom, Katherine Weiss (2009)


Management of Grassy Balds Communities in the Roan Highlands, James T. Donaldson, Nora Schubert, and L. C. Huff


Marketing Your Library, It’s Essential, Martha F. Earl, Kathy Campbell, and Leslie G. Adebonojo (2009)

Matching Pursuit Algorithm Applied to the Evaluation of Click-evoked Otoacoustic Emissions Recorded with Linear and Nonlinear Protocols, W. W. Jedzejczak, Jacek Smurzynski, Krzysztof Kochanek, and Henryk Skarzynski (2009)

Mental Health Seeking by Young Adults in Rural Areas, B. Cirone, J. Ellison, and Jodi Polaha (2009)

Merging Rural Clinicians with Information: the Use of PDAs to Address Clinician Illiteracy, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

“Monothermal caloric screening test performance: A relative operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, S. D. Lynn, and D. G. Cyr (2009)

National Diabetes Convention Conference: “Is There a Relationship Between Diabetes and Depression In American Indian Women?”, Audry M. Greenwell (2009)

Navigating International Travel: A Pediatrician’s Roadmap, Gayatri Jaishankar (2009)

Negotiating a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: An Ever-Renewed Adventure of Hope, Lori T. Meier (2009)

Neuronal-Glial Communication and the Biology of Major Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2009)

Neuronal-Glial Communication and the Biology of Major Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2009)

Normative Data of the Subjective Visual Vertical Test for Vestibular Assessment, A. Pearson, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, and J. K. Kelly (2009)

Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, J. K. Kelly, and J. Tampas (2009)

Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials: Preliminary Observations, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, J. K. Kelly, and J. Tampas (2009)

One Stone Three Birds: A Library Grand Rounds Program, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

Panel Discussion of Narcissism: Adlerian Perspectives in Practice, James Bitter, Monica Nicoll, and Carolyn Crowder (2009)

Panel Discussion on Narcissism: Adlerian Perspectives in Practice, James Bitter and Monica Nicoll (2009)

Panel Discussion: Vestibular Focus Discussion, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Patient-centered Medicine, Back to the Basics, Reid B. Blackwelder (2009)

Perceived Barriers to Intimate Partner Violence Screening in Primary Care, Jamie A. Tedder, Stacey L. Williams, and Peggy J. Cantrell (2009)

Perceived Control: A Mechanism Explaining Intimate Partner Violence Outcomes, Desta A. Taylor and Stacey L. Williams (2009)

Perceived Stigma and Women’s Health, Stacey L. Williams (2009)

Perceived Stigma and Women’s Health, Stacey L. Williams (2009)

Periodization for Strength Power Sports, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Periodization Revisited, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Periodization Revisited, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Positive Discipline in the Classroom, Pamela Evanshen (2009)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Preparing Nursing Students to Be Skillful Critical Thinkers and Confident Test-Takers, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Preparing Nursing Students to Be Skillful Critical-Thinkers and Confident Test-Takers, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Prescription Drug Abuse, Robert P. Pack (2009)


Preterm Exposure Pattern Alters Immunological Pattern, an Interim Analysis; Preliminary Data, Darshan S. Shah, Subhadra Nandakumar, Gayatri B. Jaishankar, Sandeep Chilakala, M. DeVoe, and Uday Kumaraguru (2009)


Preterm Exposure Pattern Alters Immunological Pattern, an Interim Analysis; Preliminary Data, Darshan S. Shah, Subhadra Nandakumar, Gayatri B. Jaishankar, Sandeep Chilakala, M. DeVoe, and Uday Kumaraguru (2009)

Professional Development, Virginia P. Foley (2009)

Promoting Nursing Student Success: How to Write Critical Thinking Test Questions Using Test Analysis, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Promoting Nursing Student Success: Preparing Nursing Students to Be Skillful Critical-Thinkers and Confident Test-Takers, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Promoting Nursing Student Success: Working With at-Risk Nursing Students: Using Success Courses as Models to Increase Retention, Carolyn S. Merriman (2009)

Quality of Life Related to Eating and Physical Activity Patterns among Youth in Rural Appalachia: Baseline Data from the Winning with Wellness Program, W. Frye, William T. Dalton, Karen E. Schetzina, Deborah Pfortmiller, and Deborah L. Slawson (2009)

Recent Research on the Brain and Counseling, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Reference Relocated, Leslie G. Adebonojo and A. Arnold (2009)

Reflective Cycle of Inquiry in Teaching: Developing Reflective Inquiry Practice Using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Seong Bock Hong and Jane Tingle Broderick (2009)

Relationship of Strength, and Power Characteristics to Overhead Shot Throw Performance in NCAA Division 1 Male Throwers, AnnMarie M. Swisher, G. Gregory Haff, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, C. Nelson, Andrew S. Layne, Michael W. Ramsey, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Relationship of Training Volume to Bone Mineral Density in NCAA Division in Cross-Country Runners, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, Michael W. Ramsey, Mark South, Keith B. Painter, Ronald C. Hamdy, G. Gregory Haff, Margaret E. Stone, M. M. Byrne, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Relationship of Various Performance Measures over Time in NCAA Division I Volleyball Players, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, B. T. Jennings, C. D. Plourd, M. G. Shifflett, Margaret E. Stone, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Relative Importance in Task-Induced Involvement, Theresa McGarry and M. Michieka (2009)

Resistance Training: Setting the Load, Michael H. Stone (2009)

School Psychologists Embracing RTI – How We Do It, Kimberly D. Hale, D. Deberry, and T. White (2009)