The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Utilizing Visual Attention and Inclination to Facilitate Brain- Computer Interface Design in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and College Age Sample, D. Ryan, M. L. Morton, and Eric W. Sellers
Validated Chromatographic Method for Application Toward the Beyond-Use-Date Determination of Two Lidocaine Containing Mouthwash Preparations, Loren M. Kirk, Yao Luu, Stacy D. Brown, and P. O. Lewis (2015)
Vestibular Consequences of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2015)
Vestibular Consequences of mTBI and Blast Exposure, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane Audiology, Courtney D. Hall, Jennifer R. Sears Audiology and Speech Lang Pathology, Kristal M. Riska Audiology and Speech Lang Pathology, and Richard B. Atlee (2015)
Vestibular Rehabilitation and Dizziness in Older Community-Dwelling Adults, Courtney D. Hall (2015)
Video Modeling: Building Language and Social Skills in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Marie A.F. Johnson (2015)
Vocal Fatigue- Role of Aerobic Conditioning in Metabolic Cost and Recovery from Reading, Chaya D. Nanjundeswaran (Guntupalli), Jessie VanSwearingen, and Katherine Verdolini Abbott (2015)
Voice and Its Care - To Music Students in Training, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2015)
Wellness for Helping Professionals: A Multicomponent Program to Reduce Teacher Attrition (Grant Funded Program), Rebekah J. Byrd (2015)
What a Wonderful World! Using Batchelder Books to Support Literacy, Deborah Parrott and Reneé C. Lyons (2015)
What’s the Evidence for Involving Parents in Intervention for Speech Sound Disorders?, Eleanor Sugden, Elise Baker, Natalie Munro, and A. Lynn Williams (2015)
White Matter Oligodendrocyte Pathology in Depression and Suicide, Gregory A. Ordway (2015)
Working with Trauma across Generations, James Robert Bitter and Jill Sauerheber (2015)
Workshop on Current Trends and Practices in Voice Therapy, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2015)
Workshop on Voice and Its Care, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2015)
Yearly Trends in Controlled Substances Obtained via Permanent Drug Donation Boxes in Northeast Tennessee, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Billy Brooks, Jeffrey A. Gray, Arsham Alamian, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, and Robert P. Pack (2015)
12 Years A Slave: Solomon Northup & The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2014)
Academic Integrity, Susan Bramlett Epps (2014)
Accessing Grade Aligned Language Arts: Researching an Ipad App, Pamela J. Mims (2014)
Acoustic Simulation Using 3d Modeling of the Development of a Super-directional System, past, Present and Future, Jorge Meija, Richard Van Hoesel, Anna O'Brien, Ingrid McClelland Yeend, Cong-Van M. Nguyen, Earl E. Johnson, and Harvey Dillon (2014)
Acquisition of Obstruents in Children with Cleft Palate: Evidence from an Intervention Study, Nancy J. Scherer, A. Lynn Williams, and Carol Stoel-Gammon (2014)
A Critical Autoethnographic Exploration of Narrative Momentum in Families, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)
Addressing Infrastructure and Capacity Needs for Providing Services and Supports to Individuals with ASD, John J. Wheeler, Michael R. Mayton, and Stacy L. Carter (2014)
Adverbial Clauses and Gender in English and Spanish, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2014)
Allied Health Inter-professional Exploration & Education Experiences, Kristen L. McHenry (2014)
A Local Prescription for Success, Robert P. Pack, S. Loyd, Angela M. Hagaman, A. McCaffrey, and S. Livesay (2014)
A Model of Health for Family Caregivers, Florence M. Weierbach (2014)
An Ecological Study of Drug Drop Box Donations in Appalachia, Jeffrey Gray, Billy Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Nicholas Hagemeier (2014)
An Internationalized Classroom using Research Teams, A. Lynn Williams and Brenda Louw (2014)
An Intersectional Approach to the Study of Sexual Stigma, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2014)
An Intersectional Approach to the Study of Sexual Stigma, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2014)
A Positive Psychological Approach to Suicide Research, Prevention and Intervention, Jameson K. Hirsch, L. Wingate, C. Bryan, Peter C. Britton, C. Genest, and K. Rasmussen (2014)
Applying the ICF-CY Framework to Children With Cleft Palate: Narrative Review of a Fresh Approach, Ashley Meredith, Jacqueline Acquino do Nascimento, Amanda Herrmann, Rachel Farmer, Brenda Louw, and Luciana Paula Maximino (2014)
A Proposed Holistic Model of Assessment for Children with Cleft Palate within the ICF-CY Framework, Rabia Foreman, Jamesa Ewing, Olivia Hawley, Mariana de Cassia Macedo, Naiara Rodrigues Carlota do Nascimento, Brenda Louw, and Luciana Maximino (2014)
A Residency Model: Shifting from Traditional to On-Site Education, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2014)
A Round Peg in a Square Hole: Lesbian Teachers Fitting In, Delanna Reed (2014)
A Simple and Effective Collaborative: The Leader Results Teams, Michael Murphey, Denise Brown, Ben Everly, Vicki Kirk, and Virginia P. Foley (2014)
Assessing for and Treating Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting Using a Stepped Care Model: Is It Feasible?, Sarah Tolliver and Jodi Polaha (2014)
Assessing For and Treating Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting Using a Stepped-Care Model: Is It Feasible?, Sarah Tolliver, Sara Reed, Robert Matthew Tolliver, Jodi Polaha Jones, and Karen E. Schetzina (2014)
Assessing Postpartum Depression During Well-Child Examinations: Are Needs Being Met?, Sara Reed, Sarah Tolliver, Matthew Tolliver, Jodi Polaha, and Karen Schetzina (2014)
Assessing Postpartum Depression During Well-Child Examinations: Are Needs Being Met?, Sara Reed, Sarah Tolliver, Robert Matthew Tolliver, Jodi Polaha Jones, and Karen E. Schetzina (2014)
Assessment of Red Blood Cell Fatty Acid Profile in Relation to Dietary Intake in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization, Nicole S. Litwin, W. Andrew Clark, Balraj Singh, and Kamesh Sivagnanam (2014)
Association of Serum Vitamin D Levels with Respiratory and Atopic Diseases, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Shimin Zheng, Yan Cao, and Arsham Alamian (2014)
Authoritarian Parenting and Infant Negative Affectivity Jointly Contribute to Vocabulary Delay in Infants, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Jaima S. Price, and Matthew T. McBee (2014)
Banjo Romantika: Across Genres & Disciplines, Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange (2014)
Be an Engineer: Integrating STEM Inquiry Learning with Reading and Math Common Core Standards, Karin Keith and Jaime Price (2014)
Behavioral Challenges in Dementia, Jim Holt (2014)
Benefit Finding Moderates the Relationship Between HIV-Related Stigma and Psychological Well-Being, Michael Chatterton, Erin M. Fekete, Matthew D. Skinta, Stacey L. Williams, Nicole M. Taylor, Megan White, and Brittney Woods (2014)
Betalain in Beets Enhance Antioxidant Activity in Hummus, Michelle E. Johnson, W. Andrew Clark, S. E. Dahlman, W. D. Elrod, and C. M. Stanage (2014)
Better Hearing in Its Many Forms, Earl E. Johnson (2014)
Between Slavery and the Want of Railroads: Emancipation and Reconstruction in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash
Blowing Bubbles, Sizing-up Sound: Integrating Science, Reading, and Math, Karin Keith and Jamie Price (2014)
Blueberries and Antidepressants: Insights From Studies of Brain Oligodendrocytes in Depression and Suicide, Gregory A. Ordway (2014)
Brain Behavior: The Role of Nursing in the Care of Brain Injured Individuals, Judy A. Rice (2014)
Breastfeeding Promotion Project, Karen E. Schetzina, Julie Ware, and Peter Grubb (2014)
Bridging Social and Clinical Psychology to Understand Mental Illness Stigma, Kathleen A. Klik and Stacey L. Williams (2014)
Building Academic Vocabulary in Middle and High School, Renee Rice Moran (2014)
Building Community through Campus Recreation: Using Innovation for Underserved Populations, Andy R. Dotterweich, Thomas J. Davis, and G. Lhotsky (2014)
Building the Skills of Future Educators through Community-Based Service Learning, Cynthia R. Chambers (2014)
Building Threads of Inquiry in a Bluegrass Emergent Curriculum Project, Jane Tingle Broderick (2014)
Business in the Front, Party in the #Backchannel, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)
Cancer of the Urinary Bladder: Gender Differences as Predictors of Tumor Grade, Joseph Ikekwere, Megan Quinn, and Shimin Zheng (2014)
Catching the World’s Ear: Documenting Appalachia’s Music Traditions, Ted Olson (2014)
Centers of Excellence for Children in State Custody, Michele R. Moser, Jon Ebert, Janet Todd, Kristin Dean, and M. Hoffman (2014)
Cepheid in the Eclipsing Binary System OGLE-LMC-CEP1812 is a Stellar Merger, Hilding Neilson and Richard Ignace (2014)
Challenges Identified by Juvenile Judges: Adjudication of Parenting Issues, Mary R. Langenbrunner and Jamie Branam Kridler (2014)
Changes and Contributors to Caregiver’s Health, Florence M. Weierbach (2014)
Changes in Avocado Transcriptome During Fruit Maturation, Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Changes in Cell Free DNA Concentrations during the Course of a Collegiate Soccer Season, Jeremy A. Gentles, W. Guy Hornsby, H. S. Gray, C. J. MacDonald, Jane A. Miller, C. L. Coniglio, Andy R. Dotterweich, Charles A. Stuart, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2014)
Characterization of Acyltransferases Involved in Tag Biosynthesis in Avocado, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Ha-Jung Sung, Andrew Campbell, Emily Gall, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Characterization of Anandamide Metabolic Pathway in Moss, Swati Swati, Richard Sante, Brent Kinser, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Characterization of Anandamide Metabolic Pathway in Moss, Swati Swati, Richard Sante, Brent Kinser, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Characterization of Arachidonylethanolamide Metabolic Pathway in Moss, Swati Swati, Richard Sante, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Characterization of the Metabolic Profile of an Hispanic At-Risk Pediatric Population in Northeast Tennessee, Arsham Alamian and W. Andrew Clark (2014)
Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) at 15 Months of Age: Preliminary Small Sample Findings, Beth Ann Bailey and Ivy A. Click (2014)
Claiming Center by Refusing Center: Women as Family Health/Illness Tellers in Appalachia, Amber E. Kinser, Kelly D. Dorgan, Sadie P. Hutson, and J. Hall (2014)
Cloning and Characterization of a Putative Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Gene in Moss, Physcomitrella Patens, Brent Kinser and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Collaborating with Community Partners, Residents, Mollie Grow, Allison LaRoche, Elizabeth Baca, Janine S. Bruce, Emily Borman-Shoap, Emily Hall, Katherine M. Satrom, Leslie King-Schultz, Marny Dunlap, Ashley E. Weedn, Karen E. Schetzina, Gayatri Bala Jaishankar, and Ben Hoffman (2014)
Common Dermatological Conditions in Primary Care, Lisa Ousley (2014)
Community and School-Based Inclusive Book Club Programming, Cynthia R. Chambers (2014)
Community Partnerships for Promotion of Health among Young Children and Families: ReadNPlay for a Bright Future, Nilesh Dankhara, Madhavi Gavirneni, Tyler Williams, Ghassan Saeb, Gayatri Bala Jaishankar, and Karen E. Schetzina (2014)
Community Pharmacists' Willingness to Participate in a Rural Appalachian Practice-Based Research Network, Richa S. Shah, Sarah Blevins, Emily L. Sorah, Kelly M. Ferris, Kyle S. Hagen, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2014)
Comprehension Strategies for Including Students with Significant Support Needs in Core Content, Carol Stanger and Pamela J. Mims (2014)
Comprehension through Grade Aligned Adapted Biographies for Students with Significant Disabilities and Autism, Pamela J. Mims and Victoria Knight (2014)
Connecting to the World with Batchelder Books and International Literature – Concurrent Session, Reneé C. Lyons and Deborah Parrott (2014)
Considerations for Programming Hearing Aids for Children, Earl E. Johnson (2014)
Constructing a Role in a College of Medicine's Rural Clinical Rotation, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2014)
Constructing a Role in a College of Medicine's Rural Clinical Rotation, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2014)
Continuum Polarization in Circumstellar Media, Richard Ignace (2014)
Contribution as Method: A Book Talk for Foreign-Born American Patriots: Sixteen Volunteer Leaders in the Revolutionary War, Renee Lyons (2014)
Cooking with Young Children in the Classroom: It’s Easy and Fun!, Michelle E. Johnson (2014)
Cooking with Young Children in the Classroom: It’s Easy and Fun!, Michelle E. Johnson (2014)
Cooking with Young Children in the Classroom: It’s Easy and Fun!, Michelle E. Johnson (2014)
Correlates of Rejection Sensitive Individuals, Anna Nolte, Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen A. Klik, Emma G. Fredrick, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)
Correlates of Rejection Sensitive Individuals, Anna Nolte, Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen A. Klik, Emma G. Fredrick, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)
Correlation of Newborn’s Clinical Course with Cord Blood Levels of Buprenorphine, Methadone, and Their Metabolites, Jason Pryor, Piyush Singh, Nilesh Dankhara, Stacy D. Brown, and Darshan Shah (2014)
Critical Thinking and Test-Writing, Carolyn S. Merriman (2014)
Critical Thinking and Test-Writing, Carolyn S. Merriman (2014)
Critical Thinking and Test-Writing, Carolyn S. Merriman (2014)