The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Integrating STEM Hands-on Activities with Math and Reading Common Core State Standards, Chih-Che Tai, Karin Keith, and Jaime Price (2014)
Integrating Test-Enhanced Learning into a 2014 BSN Foundations of Nursing Class: A Pilot Project, Greta I. Marek and Laura Dower (2014)
Integrating Test-Enhanced Learning into a 2014 BSN Foundations of Nursing Class: A Pilot Project, Greta I. Marek and Laura Dower (2014)
Integration of Behavioral Health Into Nurse-Managed Primary Care in Rural Appalachia Using Technology and Academic Interprofessional Expertise, Patricia Vanhook and Jodi Polaha (2014)
Intersecting the Tensions of Picky Eaters and Limited Income: Narratives of Working Mothers’ Discussion of (En)Gendering Feeding Practices, Katherine J. Denker and Amber E. Kinser (2014)
Intra- and Inter-Examiner Reliability of the Video Head Impulse Test, Charles Kidd, Stephanie M. Byrd, Kristal M. Riska, Owen D. Murnane, and Faith W. Akin (2014)
Introduction to Emergent Curriculum, Jane Tingle Broderick (2014)
Introduction to Play Therapy, Rebekah J. Byrd (2014)
Investigation of Auditory Processing Deficits in Patients With Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Saravanan Elangovan, Jacek Smurzynski, Emily Crewe, and Erin Dula (2014)
Is Experimentally Increasing Religiosity Taboo?, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie A. Cyphers, and Lawrence D. Childress (2014)
It’s the Organization, not the Zombies: A Critical Organizational Interrrogation of Cabin in the Woods, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)
"I've Been Working: Music, Railroads, and Labor" Keynote Address, Lee Bidgood (2014)
Leadership and Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Regulatory Focus, C. Allen Gorman, E. A. Ingalls, A. L.E. Thomas, and John P. Meriac (2014)
Leadership Behavior - Implications for Performance and Creativity, C. Allen Gorman (2014)
Learning with Laz: Therapeutic Benefits to Instruction with Pets, Cynthia R. Chambers (2014)
Legal and Ethical Issues in School Counseling, Rebekah J. Byrd (2014)
Let’s get the Conversation Started on the new DEC Recommended Practices, Carol M. Trivette (2014)
Let the Music Be Heard: Creating New Appalachian Music Compilations for a New Generation, Ted Olson (2014)
LGBT Health Disparities: Rallying Stigma and Intergroup Relations Researchers, Stacey L. Williams (2014)
LGBTQ: Creating Systems of Support, Rebekah J. Byrd (2014)
LGBTQ Training and Support Evaluated: Research on School Counselors and School Counselors in Training, Rebekah J. Byrd (2014)
License Plate Mathematics: Palindromes, Graphing, & Transformations, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2014)
Literacy and Science Integration, Rosemary Geiken and L. Kathryn Sharp (2014)
Lived Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Adults Traveling on the Road to Rehabilitation, Jessica L. Lambert and Andrea D. Clements (2014)
Making a Difference Through Fundraising, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2014)
Many Ways to Bring Drawing into the Play & Learning Experience, Jane Tingle Broderick (2014)
Maximizing Retention in an Urban Prospective Cohort Study, Elaina Murray, Kate E. Beatty, Louise H. Flick, Michael Elliot, Lisa V. John, Vetta Thompson-Sanders, Allison King, Laura W. Bernaix, Candi Leduc, Elizabeth Lacy, and Kristi Helmkamp (2014)
Meet the Deans: Getting into Graduate School, Karin Bartoszuk, D. Moore, and D. Magee (2014)
Memories: The Private Poetry of Dieter Leisegang, Katherine Weiss (2014)
Men’s Health, Jim Holt (2014)
Merging Social and Clinical Concepts: Self-Compassion and Acceptance and Action, Sheri L. LaDuke and Stacey Williams (2014)
Merging Social and Clinical Concepts: Self-Compassion and Acceptance and Action, Sheri L. LaDuke, Stacey Williams, and Jodi Polaha (2014)
Middle School Common Core Language Arts Research Including an iPad App, Victoria Knight, E. Sartini, and Pamela J. Mims (2014)
Mindfulness, Psychological Distress and Suicidal Behavior in Adult Children of Alcoholics, Jon R. Webb, Bridget R. Jeter, Julie I. Hunter, David Bumgarner, Kayla Mitchell, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2014)
Minority Stress & LGBT Mental and Physical Health: Building Interventions & Resources, Stacey L. Williams and Emma G. Fredrick (2014)
miRNAs 29b and 181a Down-Regulate Expression of the Norepinephrine Transporter in PC12 Cells, M. X. Deng, Gregory A. Ordway, and M. Y. Zhu (2014)
Monitoring the Recovery from a Temporary Threshold Shift Using an Adaptive Procedure and Measurements of Spontaneous and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2014)
Motivational Interviewing for Offender Rehabilitation and Engagement, Jill D. Stinson (2014)
Musculoskeletal Milestones: Encouraging Resident Competence and Leadership in Musculoskeletal Education, Amity Rubeor, Michael Petrizzi, Judith Furlong, and Diana L. Heiman (2014)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Carolyn S. Merriman (2014)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): Infant Victims of Tennessee’s Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic, Michele R. Moser (2014)
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Kerry Proctor-Williams (2014)
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Implications for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Kerry Proctor-Williams (2014)
Nexus of Research-Cultural Competence: A Twist on Study Abroad, A. Lynn Williams, Brenda Louw, Marcia Keske-Soares, Ken Bleile, Inge Trindade, Themis Kessler, Luciana Maximino, and Ana Paula Fukushiro (2014)
Nontraditional Students Need Academic Libraries Too, Kathy Campbell and Leslie Adebonojo (2014)
Normative Data and Reliability of Slow Harmonic Acceleration and Velocity Step Rotary Chair Protocols, Emily Barnard, Kristal M. Riska, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2014)
Normative Data and Test-Retest Reliability of the Micromedical Video Head Impulse Test, K. Osucha, Kristal M. Riska, Stephanie M. Byrd, Owen D. Murnane, and Faith W. Akin (2014)
No Time for Science: Integrating No Time for Science: Integrating STEM Learning with English Language Arts and Math, Karin Keith (2014)
NRSE 6308 - Nursing Education Micro Perspectives, Sally Bowers and Lisa M. Haddad (2014)
Nutrient Intake, Oxidative Stress and Fatty Acid Profiles of Women with and Without Fertility Issues, W. Andrew Clark, Norman Assad, Tasha H. Ferrell, and Nicole S. Litwin (2014)
Occurrence and Implications of Anandamide (A Mammalian Neurotransmitter) in the Moss, Physcomitrella Patens, Richard Sante, S. Shiva, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)
Old Enough to Know Better? Racial Biases, Perceived Age, and Young Defendants In Tennessee, Michael P. Lasher and Jill D. Stinson (2014)
Old Tool, New Function: Using LibGuides to Breathe New Life into the End-of-Semester Project, Kathy Campbell and Leslie Adebonojo (2014)
Online vs. On-Ground Learning: A Comparative Study of 2 Formats of Teaching OB, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2014)
Oral Histories of Early Practice Nurses, Sharon D. Loury (2014)
Paranormal America: Adventures in Qualitative, Statistical, and Subcultural Analyses, Joseph O. Baker (2014)
Parental Perspective: Toddlers with Clefts Using Touch Screen Technology, Cortney Vineyard, Alexandra Coup, Chelsey Hazelett, Rachel Janes, and Brenda Louw (2014)
Parenting the Medically Fragile Child, Carolyn S. Merriman (2014)
Participant-Driven Photo Elicitation: One Pathway to Understanding English Language Arts Common Core Implementation, Renee Rice Moran, Monica Billen, Huili Hong, Karin J. Keith, Audra Gray-Dowdy, and Stacey J. Fisher (2014)
Participatory Fandom as Reality Convergence, Andrew R. Dunn and Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)
Patient Preference for Generic Prescription Alternatives at the Initial Fitting, A. Kirbo and Earl E. Johnson (2014)
Patterns of Vestibular Findings Among Veterans Presenting with Dizziness to the Vestibular Clinic, Kristal M. Riska, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2014)
Perceptions of Nursing Students of the Role of the SLP in HIV/AIDS Intervention, Rebecca Janha, Kaelen Murnane, Laura Safer, Elizabeth White, and Brenda Louw (2014)
Performance Management Practices and Organizational Performance: System Reactions as Moderators, C. Allen Gorman, Joshua L. Ray, and C. N. Thiboxeaux (2014)
Perspectives from Abroad on Hearing Aid Fitting and Dispensing Practices: Part 1, Earl E. Johnson (2014)
Perspectives from Abroad on Hearing Aid Fitting and Dispensing Practices: Part 2, Earl E. Johnson (2014)
Perspectives on Reflection, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2014)
Perspectives on Reflection: Mirroring Your World, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2014)
Pharmacy-Related Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions: An Analysis of Tennessee’s County-Level Characteristics, Chelsea E. Phillips, Alea S. Moore, Caralyn I. Snyder, Whitney P. Varney, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2014)
Photo Elicitation Research Studies, Renee Rice Moran (2014)
Photo-ethnography: A Pathway to Understanding One Policy Implementation, Renee Rice Moran and Stacey J. Fisher (2014)
Picture Perfect Science in Action!, LaShay Jennings and M. Boram (2014)
Pied Piper or Rumpelstiltskin? A Tale of Two Twitter Identities, Rebecca Tolley (2014)
Playing, Observing, Documenting, & Interpreting, Jane Tingle Broderick and D. White (2014)
Position-Specific Flavonoid Glucosyltransferases: Structure and Functional Analysis of Grapefruit Flavonol-Specific 3-O-GT, Cecilia A. McIntosh (2014)
Positive Behavior Support: A Multi-tiered Approach to Dealing with Behavior Problems and Promoting Social Emotional Development, James J. Fox, Cathy Galyon Keramidas, C. Bland, and T. Booher (2014)
Postpartum Depression in Pediatric Primary Care, Jodi Polaha (2014)
Postpartum Depression in Pediatric Primary Care, Jodi Polaha (2014)
Post-Secondary Intentions of Hispanic and African American Students in Tennessee, Lorianne D. Mitchell and T. Sanford (2014)
Practical Approach to Patient-Centered Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (2014)
Practice Predictors of Graduates of a College of Medicine with a Rural Primary Care Mission, Ivy A. Click, Reid B. Blackwelder, and Donald W. Good (2014)
Praxis Exam and Clinical Fellowship Year Requirements, Sarah Boyce (2014)
Predictors of Depressive Disorders and Poor General Health in Adults: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Megan Quinn, Jill D. Stinson, and K. Jongkind (2014)
Predictors of Marital Satisfaction in Couples That Include a Physician Partner, Glenda F. Stockwell, Ivy A. Click, Jessee D. Gilreath, and Erin Elizabeth Harris (2014)
Preliminary Results of Multiple DPOAE Measurements Performed using the Sentiero System, Jacek Smurzynski (2014)
Preparing a New Work Force for Primary Care: Fact Teaching and Assessment Strategies, P. Robinson, Jodi Polaha, A. Lapidos, and M. Baker (2014)
Preparticipation Physicals: Who Cannot Play, Diana L. Heiman (2014)
Preparticipation Physicals: Who Cannot Play, Diana L. Heiman (2014)
Prescribing Practices and Prescription Drug Abuse, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2014)
Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse in Southern Appalachia: An Epidemiologic Perspective, Billy Brooks (2014)
Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemiology and Prevention Efforts, Robert P. Pack and S. Loyd (2014)
Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention in East Tennessee: Engaging Communities to Impact an Epidemic, Jeffrey A. Gray, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, and Sarah Melton (2014)
Prescription Drug Abuse: Reflections and Visioning. First District Pharmacists Association – Tennessee Pharmacists Association, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2014)
Prescription Drug Abuse: The Present Situation & Local Data and Services, Robert P. Pack, Angela Hagaman, S Loyd, S Livesay, and A. McAffrey (2014)
Prevalence Of Infant Hearing Impairment: International Multicenter, Isadora Pelissari, Themis Maria Kessler, and Saravanan Elangovan (2014)
Prevalence, Types, Risk Factors, and Course of Intimate Partner Violence in Appalachian Pregnant Women, Tifani A. Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, and Matthew McBee (2014)
Primary Care Behavioral Health, Jodi Polaha (2014)
Primary Level-School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Two Examples of Successful Implementation and Sustainability in Rural Schools, Leia Blevins and James J. Fox (2014)
Professionalism & Communicating with Faculty, Susan Bramlett Epps (2014)
Progress on Implementing Transformative Approaches in Southern Appalachia, Joseph Bidwell, Cerrone Foster, Anna Hiatt, Cecelia A. McIntosh, and Rebecca Pyles (2014)