"Cents Making: Improving Student Pharmacists’ Personal Finance Skills a" by Nicholas E. Hagemeier

Cents Making: Improving Student Pharmacists’ Personal Finance Skills and Behaviors

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II. Electing to Change the Profession: Educating to Influence Change

Interested in influencing change? Instructors are often creative in the selection of topics, educational methodologies and technology about how to influence change. This session will focus on creative approaches or subjects that educate about how to influence change in schools and in practice. Facilitators at each roundtable will describe how they try to influence change and the lessons learned from their experiences.

Learning Objectives:

1. Discuss how to use students to change practitioners and practice.
2. Develop ideas for implementing change for use upon return to institution.
3. Identify new ways to implement change in practice.


Johnson City, TN

Copyright Statement

© Copyright American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. This abstract was originally published in (2015). AACP 2014-2015 Council of Sections Final Report, July 2015. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 79, Issue 10, Article S25. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe7910S25

This document is currently not available here.
