College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2010


Social Sources of the Spirit: Connecting Rational Choice and Interactive Ritual Theories in the Study of Religion, Joseph O. Baker (2010)


The Expression of Low Self-Control as Problematic Drinking in Adolescents: An Integrated Control Perspective, Joseph O. Baker (2010)


Diverse Supernatural Portfolios: Certitude, Exclusivity, and the Curvilinear Relationship Between Religiosity and Paranormal Beliefs, Joseph O. Baker and Scott Draper (2010)

Attentional Manipulations Can Enhance P300-Based BCI Performance, Daniel R. Berry, Chad E. Lakey, and Eric W. Sellers

Mindfulness Meditation Induction Improves P300-Based BCI Performance, D. R. Berry, C. E. Lakey, T. L. Lewis, and Eric W. Sellers

Contras and Celeighs, Lee Bidgood (2010)

Global Defensive Alliances in Trees, Mohamed Bouzefrane, Mustapha Chellali, and Teresa W. Haynes (2010)

Toddlers’ Difficulty Temperament Predicts Television Use, Rebecca J. Brand, S. Hardesty, and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2010)


Structural Consequences of Epimerization of Thymine Glycol Lesions in Duplex DNA: Implications for DNA Repair, Kyle L. Brown, Marina Roginskaya, Yue Zou, Alvin Altamirano, Ashis K. Basu, and Michael P. Stone (2010)


Tricyclic Steiner Triple Systems, Rebecca C. Calahan, Robert B. Gardner, and Quan D. Tran (2010)


Partial Covering Arrays and a Generalized Erdo′S - Ko - Rado Property, Particia A. Carey and Anant P. Godbole (2010)

Perceived Stigma, Low Perceived Control, and Anxiety Symptoms Among Women Reporting Sexual Assault, Sheri Chandler, Jamie A. Tedder, and Stacey L. Williams (2010)

Rejection Sensitivity and Direct and Indirect Support Seeking, Sheri Chandler and Stacey L. Williams (2010)


Scavenger Receptor Class-a Has a Central Role in Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, Edward C. Chang, Lawrence J. Sanna, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2010)

A Characterization of Trees With Unique Minimum Double Dominating Sets, Mustapha Chellali and Teresa W. Haynes (2010)


Double Domination Stable Graphs Upon Edge Removal, Mustapha Chellali and Teresa W. Haynes (2010)


K-Independence Stable Graphs Upon Edge Removal, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Lutz Volkmann (2010)


The Relationship Between Temperament and Anxiety: Phase I in the Development of a Risk Screening Model to Predict Stress-Related Health Problems, Andrea D. Clements and Beth A. Bailey (2010)

“How Do You Deal With Stress?”: Pregnant Women’s Methods of Coping, Andrea D. Clements, Beth A. Bailey, and Heather Wright (2010)


Prenatal Stress Coping Strategies Predict Breastfeeding Initiation, Andrea D. Clements, Beth A. Bailey, and Heather Wright (2010)

Prayer/Religiosity as Primary Stress Coping Strategy Predicts Health-Related Pregnancy and Birth Factors in a Rural Appalachian Sample, Andrea D. Clements, Beth A. Bailey, Heather Wright, and Anna V. Ermakova (2010)

Screening for Religious Commitment: Prediction of Surrender to God From a Single-Item, Andrea D. Clements, Anna V. Ermakova, and Beth A. Bailey (2010)

Surrender Coping Predicts Low Anxiety in Rural Appalachian College Students, Andrea D. Clements, Anna V. Ermakova, and Beth A. Bailey (2010)


One-Electron Oxidation of Individual DNA Bases and DNA Base Stacks, David M. Close (2010)

ACEs, Polyvictimization, and Psychopathology in High-Risk Youth, Teliyah A. Cobb, Rebecca H. Gilley, and Jill D. Stinson (2010)


Health Status and Suicide in the Second Half of Life, Yeates Conwell, Paul R. Duberstein, Jameson K. Hirsch, Kenneth R. Conner, Shirley Eberly, and Eric D. Caine (2010)


The Occasion of the Morte Arthure: Textual History and Marginal Decoration in the Thornton MS, Thomas H. Crofts (2010)

Multiple Traumas and Psychiatric Disorders in South Africa, M. Deitz and Stacey L. Williams (2010)


SYMBIOSIS: Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Model Curriculum Across Biology and Mathematics at the Introductory Level, Audrey M. Depelteau, Karl H. Joplin, Aimee Govett, Hugh A. Miller, and Edith Seier (2010)


Total Domination Stable Graphs Upon Edge Addition, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2010)


Total Domination Critical and Stable Graphs Upon Edge Removal, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2010)


Examining Relationships Between Anxiety and Dangerous Driving, Chris S. Dula, Cristi L. Adams, Michael T. Miesner, and Robin L. Leonard (2010)

Biological Distance Among Victims of Ritual Violence From a Postclassic Maya Temple, William N. Duncan (2010)

Biological Distance Among Victims of Ritual Violence From a Postclassic Maya Templev, William N. Duncan (2010)


Competition Between Discrete Random Variables, With Applications to Occupancy Problems, Julia Eaton, Anant P. Godbole, and Betsy Sinclair (2010)


Global and Local Cohesion in the Spoken English of Arabs, Yousif Elhindi (2010)

Do People with ALS Perform Better with the Checkerboard Paradigm than with the Standard Row/Column P300-BCI?, Sara Feldman, Vincent Petaccio, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, Theresa M. Vaughan, Christopher Hauser, Terry Harriman-Patterson, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw


The Mortuary Assemblage From the Holliston Mills Site, a Mississippian Town in Upper East Tennessee, Jay D. Franklin, Elizabeth K. Price, and Lucinda M. Langston (2010)


Late Archaic Site Use at Sachsen Cave Shelter, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee, Jay D. Franklin, Renee Walker, Maureen A. Hays, and Chase W. Beck (2010)


Embryonic Mobilization of Calcium in a Viviparous Reptile: Evidence for a Novel Pattern of Placental Calcium Secretion, Santiago P. Fregoso, James R. Stewart, and Tom W. Ecay (2010)

Suppressing Surrounding Characters During Calibration May Improve P300-Based BCI Performance, Gerald E. Frye, Christopher K. Hauser, Geroge Townsend, and Eric W. Sellers

Suppressing Surrounding Characters During Calibration may Improve P300-Based BCI Performance, G. E. Frye, G. Townsend, C. K. Hauser, and Eric W. Sellers


Hypothesis Testing Using the Films of the Three Stooges, Robert Gardner and Robert Davidson (2010)

4-Cycle Coverings of the Complete Graph With a Hole, Robert Gardner, Scott LaVoie, and Chau Nguyen (2010)

Is the P300-Based BCI Really a P300- Based BCI?, N. A. Gates, N. E. Schwartz, J. S. Mesa, and Eric W. Sellers


The Zeeman Effect in the Sobolev Approximation II. Radial Split Monopole Fields and the ‘Heartbeat’ Stokes V Profile., K. Gayley and Richard Ignace (2010)


Conversion of Rapeseed Cake Into Bio-Fuel in a Batch Reactor: Effect of Catalytic Vapor Upgrading, Kanellina Giannakopoulou, Michael Lukas, Aleksey Vasiliev, Christoph Brunner, and Hans Schnitzer (2010)


Low Pressure Catalytic Co-Conversion of Biogenic Waste (Rapeseed Cake) and Vegetable Oil, Kanellina Giannakopoulou, Michael Lukas, Aleksey Vasiliev, Christoph Brunner, and Hans Schnitzer (2010)


Consecutive Covering Arrays and a New Randomness Test, A. P. Godbole, M. V. Koutras, and F. S. Milienos (2010)


Vitis Seeds (Vitaceae) From the Late Neogene Gray Fossil Site, Northeastern Tennessee, U.S.A., Fade Gong, Istvan Karsai, and Yu Sheng C. Liu (2010)


Loving Sinners to Death, Keith Green (2010)

Stimulus Presentation Manipulation in P300-BCI: Improving Comfort without Compromising Performance, Stephany Mesa G., N. A. Gates, and Eric W. Sellers

How Many People are Able to Control a P300/Motor Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface?, Christoph Guger, Gunther Krausz, Eric W. Sellers, Massimo Mecella, and Guenter Edlinger

Self-Assembled Monolayers, Frank Hagelberg (2010)


Two Arguments for Scientific Realism Unified, David Harker (2010)

A Longitudinal Study of P300- Based BCI: Examining the Effects of Disease Progression and Classification, C. K. Hauser, G. E. Frye, J. S. Mesa, N. A. Gates, and Eric W. Sellers


Psychometric Evaluation of the Life Orientation Test-Revised in Treated Opiate Dependent Individuals, Jameson K. Hirsch, Peter C. Britton, and Kenneth R. Conner (2010)


Evaluating Disaster Education: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s TsunamiReady™ Community Program and Risk Awareness Education Efforts in New Hanover County, North Carolina, Jennifer Horan, Stephen Meinhold, Duane A. Gill, Bruce F. Houghton, Chris E. Gregg, Tom Matheson, Douglas Paton, and David Johnston (2010)


Structures, Stabilities and Electronic Properties of Endo- and Exohedral Dodecahedral Silsesquioxane (T 12-POSS) Nanosized Complexes with Atomic and Ionic Species, Delwar Hossain, Frank Hagelberg, Svein Saebo, and Charles U. Pittman (2010)

Disclosure of CSA and Social Relationship Quality Among College Students, Kevin D. Hyatt and Stacey L. Williams (2010)


The Hanle Effect as a Diagnostic of Magnetic Fields in Stellar Envelopes. V. Thin Lines from Keplerian Disks., Richard Ignace (2010)


Radio Emission from Substellar Companions of Evolved Cool Stars., Richard Ignace, Mark Giroux, and Donald Luttermoser (2010)

Linear Polarization Light Curves of Oblique Magnetic Rotators, Richard Ignace, K. Hole, J. Cassinelli, and G. Henson (2010)


A Multi-Phase Suzaku Study of τ Sco., Richard Ignace, L. Oskinova, M. Jardine, J. Cassinelli, D. Cohen, J.-F. Donati, R. Townsend, and A. ud-Doula (2010)


Race and Psychological Distress: The South African Stress and Health Study, Pamela Braboy Jackson, David R. Williams, Dan J. Stein, Allen Herman, Stacey L. Williams, and Deidre L. Redmond (2010)


Absence of Consistent Diel Rhythmicity in Mated Honey Bee Queen Behavior, Jennifer N. Johnson, Emily Hardgrave, Curtis Gill, and Darrell Moore (2010)


PopGen Fishbowl: A Free Online Simulation Model of Microevolutionary Processes, Thomas C. Jones and Thomas F. Laughlin (2010)


Reproductive Success in a Socially Polymorphic Spider: Social Individuals Experience Depressed Reproductive Success in Isolation, Thomas C. Jones, Jonathan N. Pruitt, and Susan E. Riechert (2010)


The Crossroads Between Biology and Mathematics: The Scientific Method as the Basics of Scientific Literacy, Istvan Karsai and George Kampis (2010)


Developing Student Collaborations Across Disciplines, Distances, and Institutions, Jeff Knisley and Esfandiar Behravesh (2010)


A Predictive Model for Secondary RNA Structure Using Graph Theory and a Neural Network, Denise R. Koessler, Debra J. Knisley, Jeff Knisley, and Teresa Haynes (2010)


The Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Microvascular Complications in Well-Controlled Diabetic Patients, Semaan Kosseifi, Beth Bailey, Robert Price, Thomas M. Roy, Ryland P. Byrd, and Alan N. Peiris (2010)


Metal Complexes of Modified Cyclen as Catalysts for Hydrolytic Restriction of Plasmid DNA, Joel A. Krauser, Aarti L. Joshi, and Ismail O. Kady (2010)


Inhibition of Escherichia eoli ATP Synthase by Amphibian Antimicrobial Peptides, Thomas F. Laughlin and Zulfiqar Ahmad (2010)


The Lost Cause That Wasn't: East Tennessee and the Myth of Unionist Appalachia, Tom Lee (2010)


Universal Cycles of Classes of Restricted Words, Arielle Leitner and Anant P. Godbole (2010)


Editorial: Bariatric Surgery, James V. Lewis (2010)

Vertex-Edge Domination, Jason Lewis, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Teresa W. Haynes, and Gerd H. Fricke (2010)


Placental Calcium Provision in a Lizard With Prolonged Oviductal Egg Retention, Brent J. Linville, James R. Stewart, Tom W. Ecay, Jacquie F. Herbert, Scott L. Parker, and Michael B. Thompson (2010)


Wake-up Call in East Tennessee? Correlating Flood Losses to National Flood Insurance Program Enrollment (1978-2006), Ingrid E. Luffman (2010)


Formal Indication and the Hermeneutics of Facticity, Leslie MacAvoy (2010)

EEG Features Correlated with Performance in P300-Based BCI Operation: a Long-Term Case Study in a Home User with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Joseph Mak, Dennis McFarland, Teresa Vaughan, Phillippa Tsui, Lynn McCane, Eric W. Sellers, and Jonathan Wolpaw


Toward Integration: From Quantitative Biology to Mathbio-Biomath?, Pat Marsteller, Lisette de Pillis, Ann Findley, Karl Joplin, John Pelesko, Karen Nelson, Katerina Thompson, David Usher, and Joseph Watkins (2010)

Histories of Florence: A Review of Seven Recent Publications on Renaissance Florence, Brian Maxson (2010)


Kings and Tyrants: Leonardo Bruni's translation of Xenophon's "Hiero", Brian Maxson (2010)


Review of Venice, Cita Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo. E, Brian Maxson (2010)

Social Historical Approaches to Italian Humanists and Humanism, Brian Maxson (2010)


Widespread Transcriptional Autosomal Dosage Compensation in Drosophila Correlates With Gene Expression Level, Ashley A. McAnally and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2010)


Perceptions About Higher Education Among Parents of Hispanic Students in Middle School: Implications for Community Colleges, Leslie McCallister, Joy Evans, and Paul Illich (2010)

Event Related Potentials Produced by a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface in People with ALS and Healthy Volunteers, L. McCane, P. Tsui, T. M. Vaughan, D. J. McFarland, D. Zeitlan, D. Tenteromano, J. Mak, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, C. S. Carmack, and J. R. Wolpaw

The P300-Based Visual Speller for People with ALS: Insights from Initial Evaluations, Lynn McCane, Joseph Mak, Theresa Vaughan, Dennis McFarland, Laurra Tenterromano, Debra Zeitlin, Phillippa Tsui, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, Steve Carmack, and Jonathan Wolpaw

Nursing Implications for Recognizing Perceived Infertility Stigma Among Women, Judy McCook and Stacey L. Williams (2010)

Cultural Content of a Language Task: Perception and Performance, Theresa McGarry and M. Martin (2010)

Stimulus Presentation Manipulations in P300-BCI: Improving Comfort without Compromising Performance, J. S. Mesa, N. A. Gates, and Eric W. Sellers


A GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation Using Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Analyses, Arpita Nandi and A. Shakoor (2010)

Book Review of A Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South, Steven E. Nash


The Other War Was But the Beginning: The Politics of Loyalty in Western North Carolina, 1865-1867, Steven E. Nash (2010)


Tardigrada, Diane R. Nelson, Roberto Guidetti, and Lorena Rebecchi (2010)


Hard X-ray Emission from the Massive Star-Forming Region ON 2: Discovery with XMM-Newton., L. Oskinova, R. Gruendl, Richard Ignace, Y.-H. Chu, W.-R. Hamann, and A. Feldmeier (2010)


Making Sense of Natural Hazard Mitigation: Personal, Social and Cultural Influences, Douglas Paton, Saut Sagala, Norio Okada, Li J. Jang, Petra T. Bürgelt, and Chris E. Gregg (2010)