College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2015


Untreated Isolated Sytolic Hypertension Among Middle-Aged and Old Adults in the United States: Trends in the Prevalence by Demographic Factors During 1999-2010, Xuefeng Liu, Van M. Hoang, Yali Liu, and Rachel L. Brown

Climate Change Impacts on Heat-Related Mortality in Large Urban Areas in China, Ying Li, Wei Zhang, Ting Ren, and Andrew Joyner (2015)


V444 Cygni X-Ray and Polarimetric Variability: Radiative and Coriolis Forces Shape the Wind Collision Region, J. R. Lomax, Y. Nazé, J. L. Hoffman, C. M.P. Russell, M. De Becker, M. F. Corcoran, J. W. Davidson, H. R. Neilson, S. Owocki, J. M. Pittard, and A. M.T. Pollock (2015)


Gully Morphology, Hillslope Erosion, and Precipitation Characteristics in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province, Southeastern USA, Ingrid E. Luffman, Arpita Nandi, and Tim Spiegel (2015)


Increasing BCI Communication Rates With Dynamic Stopping Towards More Practical Use: An ALS Study, B. O. Mainsah, L. M. Collins, K. A. Colwell, E. W. Sellers, D. B. Ryan, K. Caves, and C. S. Throckmorton (2015)


Moving Away From Error-Related Potentials to Achieve Spelling Correction in P300 Spellers, Boyla O. Mainsah, Kenneth D. Morton, Leslie M. Collins, Eric W. Sellers, and Chandra S. Throckmorton (2015)

The 'Schemes' of Piero de' Pazzi and the Conflict with the Medici (1461–2), Oren Margolis and Brian Maxson (2015)

Factional Identity in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of Living Well in Renaissance Italy: The Virtues of Humanism and the Irony of Leon Battista Alberti, by Timothy Kircher., Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of Neo-Latin and the Humanities: Essays in Honour of Charles E. Fantazzi, ed. by Luc Deitz, Timothy Kircher, and Jonathan Reid., Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of The Duke’s Assassin: Exile and Death of Lorenzino de’ Medici, by Stefano Dall'Aglio, trans. by Donald Weinstein., Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance, ed. by Michael Wyatt., Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of The Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior, 1400-1700: Objects, Spaces, Domesticaries, Brian Maxson (2015)


Review of The Italian Renaissance and Cultural history of the Rinascimento, Brian Maxson (2015)

Review of The Renaissance and Ottoman World, edited by Anna Contadini and Claire Norton, Brian Maxson (2015)

Reviews of Plague and Pleasure: The Renaissance World of Pius II by Arthur White and Venice and the Veneto during the Renaissance by Michael Knapton, John Law, and Alison Smith., Brian Maxson (2015)

“The Private, the Public, and Giannozzo Manetti,”, Brian Maxson (2015)

Lincoln, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2015)

The US Constitution: Creation, Debate, and Ratification, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2015)


Understanding the Essex Junto: Fear, Dissent, and Propaganda in the Early Republic, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2015)


Javits Updates, Matthew T. McBee (2015)


P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) vs. Age-Matched Controls, Lynn M. McCane, Susan M. Heckman, Dennis J. McFarland, George Townsend, Joseph N. Mak, Eric W. Sellers, Debra Zeitlin, Laura M. Tenteromano, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, and Theresa M. Vaughan (2015)


Vocabulary Concept Card Game: Reviewing Vocabulary With Applied Concepts, Theresa McGarry and A. Blumenstock (2015)

Structure and Function of Flavonoid Glucosyltransferases: Using a Specific Grapefruit Enzyme as a Model, Cecilia A. McIntosh (2015)

Determination of Fatty Acid Composition in Physcomitrella Patens, Kousha Mohensi and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Humor and Writing Reduced Negative Affect, A. L. Nash, S. A. Stringer, Stacey L. Williams, C. J. Thompson, and M. A. Gaudio (2015)

Redeeming the Carolina Highlands: Ku Klux Klan Violence in a Southern Appalachian Region, 1868-1872, Steven E. Nash


Period Change and Stellar Evolution of β Cephei Stars, Hilding R. Neilson and Richard Ignace (2015)


The Strange Evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheid OGLE-LMC-CEP1812, Hilding R. Neilson, Robert G. Izzard, Nobert Langer, and Richard Ignace (2015)


The Occurrence of Classical Cepheids in Binary Systems, Hilding R. Neilson, Fabian R.N. Schneider, Robert G. Izzard, Nancy R. Evans, and Norbert Langer (2015)


Phylum Tardigrada, Diane R. Nelson, Roberto Guidetti, and Lorena Rebecchi (2015)


A Coordinated X-Ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa: II. X-Ray Variability., Joy Nichols, D. Huenemoerder, Michael Corcoran, W. Waldron, Y. Nazé, Andy Pollock, A. Moffat, J. Lauer, Tomer Shenar, C. Russell, N. Richardson, H. Pablo, N. Evans, K. Hamaguchi, T. Gull, W.-R. Hamann, L. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, Jennifer Hoffman, K. Hole, and Jamie Lomax (2015)


An Experimental Investigation of How Judicial Elections Affect Public Faith in the Judicial System, Anthony J. Nownes and Colin Glennon (2015)


Positive Psychological Determinants of Treatment Adherence Among Primary Care Patients, Sheri A. Nsamenang and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)

Prevalence and Severity of Childhood Emotional and Physical Abuse Among College-Age Adults: A Descriptive Study, Renice Obure, Malendie Gaines, Megan A. Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2015)

Blind Alfred Reed: Appalachian Visionary, Ted Olson (2015)


Book Review of Hank Reineke: Arlo Guthrie: The Warner Reprise Years, Ted Olson (2015)


Book Review of Robert Morgan's Nonfiction Books, Ted Olson (2015)


Book Review of Stephen Wade: The Beautiful Music All Around Us: Field Recordings and the American Experience, Ted Olson (2015)


Carroll Best, 'one of the greatest banjoists who ever lived': An Overview of An Overlooked Banjo Master, Ted Olson (2015)


Foreword, Ted Olson (2015)

Going With the Grain, Going Against the Grain: Byron Herbert Reece and His Sense of Craft, Ted Olson (2015)


James Still’s River of Earth: The Definitive Appalachian Novel Turns 75, Ted Olson (2015)

Jean Ritchie: Natural Music, Ted Olson (2015)

Joe Wilson: Pioneering Music Promoter, Ted Olson (2015)


Love’s Forever Changes, Ted Olson (2015)

Perspectives on the Location Concept of Country Roots Recording Sessions in the 1920s and 1930s, Ted Olson (2015)


Recording Review of Alexis Zoumbas: A Lament for Epirus, 1926-1928 and Five Days Married & Other Laments: Song and Dance from Northern Greece, 1928-1958, Ted Olson (2015)


Recording Review of Lead Belly: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection, Ted Olson (2015)

Remembering Jean Ritchie, Ted Olson (2015)

Tennessee Ernie Ford: Bristol's Biggest Star, Ted Olson (2015)


Tennessee Ernie Ford’s 'Sixteen Tons', Ted Olson (2015)

The 1927 Bristol Sessions: The Big Bang, or the Big Brag of Country Music?, Ted Olson (2015)


The Definitive ’Appalachian Novel’ Celebrates Its Diamond Anniversary, Ted Olson (2015)


The Folk Box: A Forgotten, Yet Unforgettable Album from The Folk Era, Ted Olson (2015)


The Last Trace, Ted Olson (2015)

The Life and Career of Charles K. Wolfe, Ted Olson (2015)

The Top Ten: Curated List of Classic Appalachian Recordings, Ted Olson (2015)


Victor Talking Machine Company Sessions in Bristol, Tennessee, Ted Olson (2015)


On X-ray pulsations in beta Cephei-type variables, L. Oskinova, H. Todt, D. Huenemoerder, S. Hubrig, Richard Ignace, W.-R. Hamann, and L. Balona (2015)


A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa. III. Analysis of Optical Photometric (MOST) and Spectroscopic (Ground Based) Variations., Herbert Pablo, Noel Richardson, Anthony Moffat, Michael Corcoran, Tomer Shenar, Omar Benvenuto, Jim Fuller, Yaël Nazé, Jennifer Hoffman, Anatoly Miroshnichenko, Jesús Apellániz, Nancy Evans, Thomas Eversberg, Ken Gayley, Ted Gull, Kenji Hamaguchi, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Huib Henrichs, Tabetha Hole, Richard Ignace, Rosina Iping, Jennifer Lauer, Maurice Leutenegger, Jamie Lomax, Joy Nichols, Lida Oskinova, Stan Owocki, Andy Pollock, Christopher Russell, Wayne Waldron, Christian Buil, Thierry Garrel, Keith Graham, Bernard Heathcote, Thierry Lemoult, Dong Li, Benjamin Mauclaire, Mike Potter, Jose Ribeiro, Jaymie Matthews, Chris Cameron, David Guenther, Rainer Kuschnig, Jason Rowe, Slavek Rucinski, Dimitar Sasselov, and Werner Weiss (2015)


Synthesis of Silver/Polymer Nanocomposites by Surface Coating Using Carbodiimide Method, Anita Paul, Ekaterina Kaverina, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2015)


PTSD Symptoms and Suicide Ideation: Testing the Conditional Indirect Effects of Thwarted Interpersonal Needs and Using Substances to Cope, Erin K. Poindexter, Sean M. Mitchell, Danielle R. Jahn, Phillip N. Smith, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Kelly C. Cukrowicz (2015)


Long-Term Sub-Lethal Effects of Low Concentration Commercial Herbicide (Glyphosate/Pelargonic Acid) Formulation in Bryophyllum Pinnatum, Lok R. Pokhrel and Istvan Karsai (2015)


The Perceived Stigma of Mental Health Services Among Rural Parents of Children With Psychosocial Concerns, Jodi Polaha, Stacey L. Williams, Craig A. Heflinger, and Christina R. Studts (2015)


A Comparison of Two Varying Coefficient Meta-Analysis Methods for an Average Risk Difference, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2015)


An Aggregate Stochastic Model Incorporating Individual Dynamics for Predation Movements of Anelosimus Studiosus, Alex John Quijano, Michele L. Joyner, Edith Seier, Nathaniel Hancock, Michael Largent, and Thomas C. Jones (2015)

Forgiveness and Suicidal Behavior in Primary Care: Mediating Role of Future Orientation, Jessica K. Rabon, A. Turner, Jon R. Webb, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)

Characterization of Acyltransferases to Understand Lipid Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Andrew Campbell, J. Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Characterization of Acyltransferases to Understand Lipid Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Md Mahbubar Rahman, A. Campbell, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Identification, and Heterologous Expression Analysis of Avocado DGAT1 and DGAT2, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)


Demographics and Cronartium appalachianum Rust Disease Assessments in Three Tennessee Populations of Buckleya distichophylla (Nutt.) Torr. (Santalaceae), William S. Ratliff, Elaine S. Walker, and Foster Levy (2015)

Appalachian & British Folktales for Rugby Roots-Appalachian Arts with a British Beat, Delanna Reed (2015)

Kansas City Road Trip Storytelling Tour, Delanna Reed and Jonesborough Storytellers Guide (2015)

From Teaching to Learning: An Emphasis on Student Mindsets, Joshua S. Reid (2015)


Review Essay: MHRA Tudor & Stuart Translations, Joshua S. Reid (2015)

Financial Stigma and Suicidal Behavior in Primary Care: Serial Indirect Effects via Optimism and Interpersonal Needs, Esther Reynolds, J. Rabon Kelliher, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)

Domestic Violence and Depressive Symptoms in Primary Care: Role of Forgiveness as a Mediator, Esther Reynolds, Jessica K. Rabon, Jon R. Webb, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Efficacy and Site Specificity of Hydrogen Abstraction From DNA 2-Deoxyribose by Carbonate Radicals, Marina Roginskaya, T. J. Moore, D. Ampadu-Boateng, and Y. Razskazovskiy (2015)


Overlap of Global Köppen-Geiger Climates, Biomes, and Soil Orders, Robert V. Rohli, T. Andrew Joyner, Stephen J. Reynolds, and Thomas J. Ballinger (2015)


Globally Extended Kppen-Geiger Climate Classification and Temporal Shifts in Terrestrial Climatic Types, Robert V. Rohli, T. Joyner, Stephen J. Reynolds, Cynthia Shaw, and Javier R. Vázquez (2015)


An Examination and Comparison of Rationalizations Employed by Solo and Co-Offending Female Sex Offenders, Chris Rush Burkey and Tusty Ten Bensel (2015)

Utilizing Visual Attention and Inclination to Facilitate Brain- Computer Interface Design in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and College Age Sample, D. Ryan, M. L. Morton, and Eric W. Sellers

Structure-Function Analysis of Grapefruit Glucosyltransferase Protein – Identification of Key Amino Acid Residues for its Rigid Substrate Specificity, Preethi Sathanantham, Shiva K. Devaiah, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2015)

Structure-Function Investigations of Site-Directed Mutants of Citrus paradisi Flavonol-Specific 3 O Glucosyltransferase (Cp3OGT) – Impact of Mutations of Serine, Histidine, and Glutamine, Preethi Sathanantham, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2015)


Low and Moderate Prenatal Ethanol Exposures of Mice During Gastrulation or Neurulation Delays Neurobehavioral Development, Uta B. Schambra, Jeff Goldsmith, Kevin Nunley, Yali Liu, Sam Harirforoosh, and Heidi M. Schambra (2015)


Differentiating the Primary Reinforcing and Reinforcement-Enhancing Effects of Varenicline, Rachel L. Schassburger, Melissa E. Levin, Matthew T. Weaver, Matthew I. Palmatier, Anthony R. Caggiula, Eric C. Donny, and Alan F. Sved (2015)


Directional Brain Functional Interaction Analysis in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Y. Shahriari, E. W. Sellers, L. M. McCane, T. M. Vaughan, and D. J. Krusienski (2015)


Peritoneal Lavage Using Chlorhexidine Gluconate at the End of Colon Surgery Reduces Postoperative Intra-Abdominal Infection in Mice, Wael E. Shams, Gregory A. Hanley, Andrea Orvik, Nicole Lewis, and M. Salah Shurbaji (2015)

Intimate Partner Violence Experiences Among Students in an Appalachian College Sample, E. Shekiro, Renice Obure, Malendie T. Gaines, Megan Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2015)


Big Five Traits, Affect Balance and Health Behaviors: A Self-Regulation Resource Perspective, Fuschia M. Sirois and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Self-Compassion, Affect, and Health-Promoting Behaviors, Fuschia M. Sirois, Ryan Kitner, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Self-Compassion, Stress, and Coping in the Context of Chronic Illness, Fuschia M. Sirois, Danielle S. Molnar, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Appropriating the Restoration: Fictional Place and Time in Rose Tremain’s Restoration: A Novel of Seventeenth-Century England, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)

Appropriating the Restoration: Fictional Place and Time in Works by Daniel Defoe, Sir Walter Scott and Rose Tremain, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)


Joanna Baillie, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)


The Rise and Fall of the New Edinburgh Theatre Royal, 1767-1859: Archival Documents and Performance History, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)


Thomas Shadwell, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)

Performance Comparison of Color-Blink and Grey-White Paradigms in Undergraduates and Age-Matched Controls Using the Brain-Computer Interface, S. A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, T. L. Street, and Eric W. Sellers


A Universal Model for the Evolution of Viviparity? (Comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201400200), James R. Stewart (2015)