College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2015


Placental Specializations in Lecithotrophic Viviparous Squamate Reptiles, James R. Stewart (2015)

Ethics and Working With Offenders, Jill D. Stinson (2015)

Safe Offender Strategies and the Role of Self-Regulation in Sex Offender Treatment: Characteristics, Needs, and Outcomes for Sex Offender Management & Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2015)

Got DBT? Understanding and applying Dialectical Behavior Therapy in sex offender treatment, Jill D. Stinson and Valerie Gonsalves (2015)


Engaging Bodies in the Public Imagination: Bioarchaeology as Social Science, Science, and Humanities, Christopher M. Stojanowski and William N. Duncan (2015)

A Brain-Computer Interface Study Examining the Performance of Monochromatic and Color Stimuli, T. L. Street, S. A. Sprague, and Eric W. Sellers

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases in Tomato, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Swati Swati and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Swati Swati and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases Mediate N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolysis in Tomato, Vijay Tiwari, Derek Stuffle, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases Mediate N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolysis in Tomato, Vijay Tiwari, Derek Stuffle, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Identification and In-Silico Analysis of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases in Tomato, Vijay Tiwari, Derek Stuffle, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

“Bathing” Infants & Toddlers in Rich Language Experiences to Close the Word Gap, Carol M. Trivette, Michael Garrett, and Carol Landy (2015)


Components of Sleep Quality as Mediators of the Relation Between Mindfulness and Subjective Vitality Among Older Adults, Preston L. Visser, Jameson K. Hirsch, Kirk W. W. Brown, Richard Ryan, and Jan A. Moynihan (2015)


The MiMeS Survey of Magnetism in Massive Stars: Introduction and Overview, G. A. Wade, C. Neiner, E. Alecian, H. H. Grunhunt, V. Petit, B. Batz, D. A. Bohlender, D. H. Cohen, H. F. Henrichs, O. Kochukhov, J. D. Landstreet, N. Manset, F. Martins, S. Mathis, M. E. Oksala, S. P. Owocki, Th. Rivinius, M. E. Schultz, J. O. Sundqvist, R. H.D. Townsend, A. Doula, J. C. Bouret, J. Braithwaite, M. Briquet, A. C. Carciofi, A. David-Uraz, C. P. Folsom, A. W. Fullerton, B. Leroy, W. L.F. Marcolino, A. F.J. Moffat, Y. Naze, N. St Louis, M. Auriere, S. Bagnulo, J. D. Bailey, R. H. Barba, A. Blazere, T. Bohm, C. Catala, J-F Donati, L. Ferrario, D. Harrington, I. D. Howarth, Richard Ignace, L. Kaper, T. Luftinger, R. Prinja, J. S. Vink, W. W. Weiss, and I. Yakunin (2015)


Determining Patient Needs: A Partnership With South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy (SAFE), Janelle L. Wagner, Byron Brooks, Gigi Smith, Karen St. Marie, Tanja S. Kellermann, Dulaney Wilson, Braxton Wannamaker, and Anbesaw Selassie (2015)


Diel and Life-History Characteristics of Personality: Consistency Versus Flexibility in Relation to Ecological Change, J. Colton Watts, Chelsea R. Ross, and Thomas C. Jones (2015)


Forgiveness as a Positive Psychotherapy for Addiction and Suicide: Theory, Research, and Practice, Jon R. Webb, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Loren Toussaint (2015)

The Plays of Samuel Beckett: Author Meets the Critics, Katherine Weiss (2015)

Traces from a Forgotten Past: Beckett’s Last Plays, Katherine Weiss (2015)

Prevalence of Early Childhood Abuse and Familial Dysfunction in Juvenile Sex Offenders in Rural and Urban Tennessee, Victoria K. Wells, Kelcey L. Hall, and Jill D. Stinson (2015)

Evidence for the Redefinition of Borderline Personality Disorder as an Emotion Regulation Disorder, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2015)

The Impact of Emotionality on Bariatric Surgery: A Systemic Review, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2015)

Concealable Stigmatized Identities, Stacey L. Williams (2015)

Sexual Minority Stress, Stacey L. Williams (2015)


One Size May Not Fit All: The Need for a More Inclusive and Intersectional Psychological Science on Stigma, Stacey L. Williams and Emma G. Fredrick (2015)

Negative Life Events and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-compassion, Haley A. Wise, Byron D. Brooks, Raymond Tucker, LaRicka Wingate, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)


Academic Library Core Collection for Celtic and Roman Religions in Roman Britain, Kim Woodring


Book Review: Medieval Haywharf to 20th Century Brewery, Kim Woodring

Submissions from 2014

Using Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Determine Impact of Amino Acid Substitution on Substrate and Regiospecificity of Grapefruit Flavonol 3-O-Glucosyltransferase, Olusegun A. Adepoju, Devaiah K. Shiva, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2014)


Civil Disobedience in Cosmopolitan Perspective: National Responsibility, Citizenship, Representation, Michael P. Allen (2014)


Functionalization of Silica Surface Using Chan-Lam Coupling, George Appiah-Kubi, Kenneth Seaton, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2014)


First Description of the Auditory Region of a Tremarctinae (Ursidae, Mammalia) Bear: The Case of Arctotherium angustidens, Maria Eugenia Arnaudo, Leopoldo Hector Soibelzon, Paula Bona, and Blaine Schubert (2014)

Paranormal America: Adventures in Qualitative, Statistical, and Subcultural Analyses, Joseph O. Baker (2014)


The Evolution of Creationism, Joseph O. Baker (2014)


A Social Anthropology of Ghosts in Twenty-First-Century America, Joseph O. Baker and Christopher D. Bader (2014)

Gender and Secularity: Solving the Riddle of Gendered Religiosity, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2014)


Theism, Sexuality, and Social Policy: The Case of the American States, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2014)

Giannozzo Manetti, the Emperor, and the Praise of a King in 1452, Stefano Baldassarri and Brian Maxson (2014)


CHARA/MIRC Observations of Two M supergiants in Perseus OB1: Temperature, Bayesian Modeling, and Compressed Sensing Imaging, F. Baron, J. D. Monnier, L. L. Kiss, H. R. Neilson, M. Zhao, M. Anderson, A. Aarnio, E. Pedretti, N. Thureau, T. A. Ten Brummelaar, S. T. Ridgway, H. A. McAlister, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, and N. Turner (2014)


The Genus Milnesium (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada: Milnesiidae) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina and Tennessee, USA), With the Description of Milnesium Bohleberi sp. Nov., Paul J. Bartels, Diane R. Nelson, Łukasz Kaczmarek, and Łukasz Michalczyk (2014)


Integration and Synergy of Research and Graduate Education in Science, Humanities, and Social Science, Karin Bartoszuk, Cecelia McIntosh, and Brian Maxson (2014)

Polish Mathematics in the First Half of the 20th Century, Robert A. Beeler and Rick Norwood (2014)


Aquatic tardigrades in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A., with the description of a new species of Thulinius (Tardigrada, Isohypsibiidae), Roberto Bertolani, Paul J. Bartels, Roberto Guidetti, Michele Cesari, and Diane R. Nelson (2014)


Grounds and Consorts, Lee Bidgood (2014)

"I've Been Working: Music, Railroads, and Labor" Keynote Address, Lee Bidgood (2014)

River Song (musical theater production), Lee Bidgood (2014)


Performance at Riddlefest, Lee Bidgood and ETSU Old Time Band (2014)

Banjo Romantika: Across Genres & Disciplines, Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange (2014)

Performance at The Station, Lee Bidgood and Zdeněk Roh (2014)

Progress on Implementing Transformative Approaches in Southern Appalachia, Joseph Bidwell, Cerrone Foster, Anna Hiatt, Cecelia A. McIntosh, and Rebecca Pyles (2014)


Dispositional Factors Predicting Use of Online Dating Sites and Behaviors Related to Online Dating, Ginette C. Blackhart, Jennifer Fitzpatrick, and Jessica Williamson (2014)


N-Acylethanolamines: Lipid Metabolites with Functions in Plant Growth and Development, Elison B. Blancaflor, Aruna Kilaru, Jantana Keereetaweep, Bibi Rafeiza Khan, Lionel Faure, and Kent D. Chapman (2014)


Old Health Risks in New Places? an Ecological Niche Model for I. Ricinus Tick Distribution in Europe Under a Changing Climate, Melanie Boeckmann and T. Andrew Joyner (2014)


Self-Compassion, Loneliness, and Psychological Well-Being in People Living With HIV, Leah M. Bogusch, Erin M. Fekete, Matthew D. Skinta, Stacey L. Williams, Nicole M. Taylor, and Amanda R. McErlean (2014)


Meta-Analysis Methods for Risk Differences, Douglas G. Bonett and Robert M. Price (2014)


Comparative Efficacy of LEAP, TEACCH and Non-Model-Specific Special Education Programs for Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brian A. Boyd, Kara Hume, Matthew T. McBee, Michael Alessandri, Anibal Gutierrez, Le Anne Johnson, Laurie Sperry, and Samuel L. Odom (2014)


Basic Psychological Needs, Suicidal Ideation, and Risk for Suicidal Behavior in Young Adults, Peter C. Britton, Kimberly A. Van Orden, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Geoffrey C. Williams (2014)

Nested (2,r)-Regular Graphs and Their Network Properties, Josh Brooks, Debra Knisley, and Jeff Knisley (2014)


Size-Maximal Symmetric Difference-Free Families of Subsets of [n], Travis G. Buck and Anant P. Godbole (2014)


Book Review of Love and Money: Queers, Class, and Cultural Production by Lisa Henderson, C. Wesley Buerkle (2014)


Behavioral Inhibition System and Behavioral Activation System (BIS/BAS) Motives and Loneliness as Predictors of Eating Disturbances in Female College Students: Interpersonal Context Matters, Edward C. Chang, Emma R. Kahle, Elizabeth A. Yu, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2014)


Understanding the Relationship Between Domestic Abuse and Suicide Behavior in Adults Receiving Primary Care: Does Forgiveness Matter?, Edward C. Chang, Emma R. Kahle, Elizabeth A. Yu, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2014)


Benefit Finding Moderates the Relationship Between HIV-Related Stigma and Psychological Well-Being, Michael Chatterton, Erin M. Fekete, Matthew D. Skinta, Stacey L. Williams, Nicole M. Taylor, Megan White, and Brittney Woods (2014)


Independent [1, k]-Sets in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Odile Favaron, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Alice McRae (2014)


Bounds on Weak Roman and 2-Rainbow Domination Numbers, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2014)

Is Experimentally Increasing Religiosity Taboo?, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie A. Cyphers, and Lawrence D. Childress (2014)


Depression Is More Prevalent Throughout Pregnancy and the First Six Months Postpartum in Women Low in Religious Commitment and Social Support, Andrea D. Clements, Tifani A. Fletcher, and Beth A. Bailey (2014)


Channel Selection Methods for the P300 Speller, K. A. Colwell, D. B. Ryan, C. S. Throckmorton, E. W. Sellers, and L. M. Collins (2014)

Reflections from an Undergraduate Student Peer Facilitator in the Team Up for Healthy Living School-Based Obesity Prevention Project, Caroline E. Crenshaw, Diana M. Mozen, William T. Dalton, and Deborah L. Slawson


Late Pleistocene Shrews and Bats (Mammalia: Soricomorpha and Chiroptera) From Térapa, a Neotropical-Nearctic Transitional Locality in Sonora, Mexico, Nicholas J. Czaplewski, Gary S. Morgan, Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales, and Jim I. Mead (2014)

Transcriptional Regulators of Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Parker Dabbs, Carlee Haas, and Aruna Kilaru (2014)

Identification and Verification of Plant Transcription Factors That Play a Role in Regulating the Production of Triacylglycerol, Parker Dabbs, Aruna Kilaru, and Carlee Haas (2014)


Deficiency of Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase Delays Inflammatory Response in the Heart Following Myocardial Infarction, Laura L. Daniel, Christopher R. Daniels, Saghar Harirforoosh, Cerrone R. Foster, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh (2014)

Intersecting the Tensions of Picky Eaters and Limited Income: Narratives of Working Mothers’ Discussion of (En)Gendering Feeding Practices, Katherine J. Denker and Amber E. Kinser (2014)


Improved Bounds on the Domination Number of a Tree, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2014)


Total Domination in Graphs With Diameter 2, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Anders Yeo (2014)

Structure and Functional Analysis of Glucosyltransferase from Citrus paradisi, Shivakumar P. Devaiah, Cheng Zhang, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2014)


Improving the Accuracy of Weight Status Assessment in Infancy Research, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., William T. Dalton, Sarah M. Berry, and Vincent A. Carroll (2014)

Style of Parenting Contributes (At Least Statistically) to Infant Weight Status, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., William T. Dalton III, Jaima S. Price, Katelyn Todaro, and Matthew T. McBee (2014)

Authoritarian Parenting and Infant Negative Affectivity Jointly Contribute to Vocabulary Delay in Infants, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Jaima S. Price, and Matthew T. McBee (2014)


Surface-Soil Properties of Alder Balds with Respect to Grassy and Rhododendron Balds on Roan Mountain, North Carolina—Tennessee, James T. Donaldson, Zachary C. Dinkins, Foster Levy, and Arpita Nandi (2014)


Controlling My Voice: Producing and Performing a Special-Mothering Narrative, Kelly A. Dorgan (2014)


Connecting Place to Disease and Gender: Cohabitating Morbidities in Narratives of Women Cancer Survivors in Southern Central Appalachia, Kelly A. Dorgan, Sadie P. Hutson, Kathryn L. Duvall, Amber E. Kinser, and Joanne M. Hall (2014)

The Mediating Roles of Knowledge in Contact and Attitudes, Parker A. Dreves, Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen Klik, Emma G. Fredrick, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)

Embodiment, Violence, and Memory in a Maya Mass Grave, William N. Duncan (2014)


Mortuary Sealing Among the Maya, William N. Duncan (2014)

What Essences Were Ritually Sealed Through Maya Cranial Modification?, William N. Duncan (2014)


House or Lineage? How Intracemetery Kinship Analysis Contributes to the Debate in the Maya Area, William N. Duncan and Jon B. Hageman (2014)


Partible, Permeable, and Relational Bodies in a Maya Mass Grave, William N. Duncan and Kevin R. Schwarz (2014)


Why Some Bodies Matter: Defacement and Narrative in Historical Forensic Cases, William N. Duncan and Christopher M. Stojankowski (2014)

Participatory Fandom as Reality Convergence, Andrew R. Dunn and Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)


Crystal Structure of Tetrakis(μ-N-Phenylacetamidato)-κ4N:O;κ4O:N-bis[(2-Methylbenzonitrile-κN)Rhodium(II)](Rh - Rh), Cassandra T. Eagle, Nkongho Atem-Tambe, Kenneth K. Kpogo, Jennie Tan, and Kevin M. Cook (2014)


(3-Methylbenzonitrile-1κN)-cis-tetrakis(μ-N-Phenylacetamidato)-1: 2κ4 N:O;1:2κ4 O:N-Dirhodium(II)(Rh - Rh), Cassandra T. Eagle, Fredricka Quarshie, and Kevin M. Cook (2014)


The Prevalence and Prevention of Crosstalk: A Multi-Institutional Study, John E. Edlund, Austin Lee Nichols, Bradley M. Okdie, Rosanna E. Guadagno, Cassie A. Eno, Jeremy D. Heider, Edward J. Hansen, Brad J. Sagarin, Ginette Blackhart, Catherine A. Cottrell, and Kenneth Tyler Wilcox (2014)


The Corn Snake Yolk Sac Becomes a Solid Tissue Filled With Blood Vessels and Yolk-Rich Endodermal Cells, Richard P. Elinson and James R. Stewart (2014)


Amniote Yolk Sacs: Diversity in Reptiles and a Hypothesis on Their Origin, Richard P. Elinson, James R. Stewart, Laurie J. Bonneau, and Daniel G. Blackburn (2014)


Efficient Dispersion of Coated Silver Nanoparticles in the Polymer Matrix, Jordan Ellison, Greg Wykoff, Anita Paul, Ray Mohseni, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2014)


The Secret Lives of Cepheids: Evolutionary Changes and Pulsation-Induced Shock Heating in the Prototype Classical Cepheid δ Cep, Scott G. Engle, Edward F. Guinan, Graham M. Harper, Hilding R. Neilson, and Nancy Remage Evans (2014)


The Contact Zones of Modernista Travel Literature: Modernism, Modernity, and the Hispanic Atlantic, Matthew Thomas Fehskens (2014)