College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2017

Performance At Corazon Latino Festival, Lee Bidgood and Los Ambajadores (2017)

Performance at Historic Jonesborough Dance Society Contra Dance, Lee Bidgood, Trae McMaken, and Roy Andrade (2017)

Christmas Show, Lee Bidgood and Smoky Mountain Bluegrass Band (2017)

Performance At St. John's Episcopal Church, Lee Bidgood and Smoky Mountain Bluegrass band (2017)

Longitudinal Assessment on Implementation of Curricula Changes in Southern Appalachia, Joe Bidwell, Cerrone R. Foster, Anna Hiatt, Cecilia McIntosh, and Rebecca A. Pyles (2017)

Crystallization of a Flavonol-Specific 3-O-Glucosyltrasnferase found in Citrus paradisi, Aaron Birchfield and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2017)


Use of Redox Probes for Characterization of Layer-by-Layer Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes, Gregory W. Bishop, Ben K. Ahiadu, Jordan L. Smith, and Jeremy D. Patterson (2017)


A Capital Breeder in a Heterogeneous Environment: Lipid Reserves and RNA:DNA Ratio in Lake Baikal's Endemic Epischura, Larry L. Bowman, Elizaveta S. Kondrateva, Eugene A. Silow, Paul Wilburn, and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2017)


State Hope Scale, Byron Brooks and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Answer Me These Questions Three: Using Online Training to Improve Students’ Oral Source Citations, C. Wesley Buerkle and Christopher C. Gearhart (2017)


Students See, Students Do?: Inducing a Peer Norm Effect for Oral Source Citations, C. Wesley Buerkle and Christopher C. Gearhart (2017)


According to, Student Motivations… : A Theory of Planned Behavior Investigation of Students’ Intention to Orally Cite Sources, C. Wesley Buerkle, Christopher C. Gearhart, and Carrie M. Oliveira (2017)

BCI Performance Impacted by the Removal of Inter-Stimulus Interval, Stephanie A. Chambers, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Carlee A. Robasciotti, Rebecca M. Millard, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


The Evolutionary and Phylogeographic History of Woolly Mammoths: A Comprehensive Mitogenomic Analysis, Dan Chang, Michael Knapp, Jacob Enk, Sebastian Lippold, Martin Kircher, Adrian Lister, Ross D.E. Macphee, Christopher Widga, Paul Czechowski, Robert Sommer, Emily Hodges, Nikolaus Stümpel, Ian Barnes, Love Dalén, Anatoly Derevianko, Mietje Germonpré, Alexandra Hillebrand-Voiculescu, Silviu Constantin, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Dick Mol, Thomas Rathgeber, Wilfried Rosendahl, Alexey N. Tikhonov, Eske Willerslev, Greg Hannon, Carles Lalueza-Fox, Ulrich Joger, and Hendrik Poinar (2017)


Ethnic Identity and Loneliness in Predicting Suicide Risk in Latino College Students, Edward C. Chang, Lizabeth Diaz, Abigael G. Lucas, Jerin Lee, Nicholas J. Powell, Sally Kafelghazal, Sarah J. Chartier, Lily E. Morris, Tey'Ariana M. Marshall-Broaden, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2017)


A Preliminary Examination of Negative Life Events and Sexual Assault Victimization as Predictors of Psychological Functioning in Female College Students: Does One Matter More Than the Other?, Edward C. Chang, Jerin Lee, Lily E. Morris, Abigael G. Lucas, Olivia D. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Loneliness and Suicidal Risk in Young Adults: Does Believing in a Changeable Future Help Minimize Suicidal Risk Among the Lonely?, Edward C. Chang, Liangqiu Wan, Pengzi Li, Yuncheng Guo, Jiaying He, Yu Gu, Yingjie Wang, Xiaoqing Li, Zhan Zhang, Yingrui Sun, Casey N.H. Batterbee, Olivia D. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


The Relationship Between Domestic Partner Violence and Suicidal Behaviors in an Adult Community Sample: Examining Hope Agency and Pathways as Protective Factors, Edward C. Chang, Elizabeth A. Yu, Emma R. Kahle, Yifeng Du, Olivia D. Chang, Zunaira Jilani, Tina Yu, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Understanding the Association Between Negative Life Events and Suicidal Risk in College Students: Examining Self-Compassion as a Potential Mediator, Edward C. Chang, Tina Yu, Alexandria S.-M. Najarian, Kaitlin M. Wright, Wenting Chen, Olivia D. Chang, Yifeng Du, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

From Connectivity to Coloring, Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Ping Zhang (2017)


On Ve-Degrees and Ev-Degrees in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Thomas M. Lewis (2017)


Restricted Optimal Pebbling and Domination in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Thomas M. Lewis (2017)


Insomnia and Suicide-Related Behaviors: A Multi-Study Investigation of Thwarted Belongingness as a Distinct Explanatory Factor, Carol Chu, Melanie A. Hom, Megan L. Rogers, Ian H. Stanley, Fallon B. Ringer-Moberg, Matthew C. Podlogar, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Thomas E. Joiner (2017)


Perceived Problem-Solving Deficits and Suicidal Ideation: Evidence for the Explanatory Roles of Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness in Five Samples, Carol Chu, Kristin L. Walker, Ian H. Stanley, Jameson K. Hirsch, Jeffrey H. Greenberg, M. David Rudd, and Thomas E. Joiner (2017)


The Contribution of Late Pleistocene Megafauna Finds to Submerged Archaeology and the Interpretation of Ancient Coastal Landscapes, Stefan Claesson, Sina Baleka, Michael Hofreiter, and Chris Widga (2017)

Progress in the Development of a Trauma Informed System of Care in Johnson City, Tennessee, Andrea D. Clements, Becky Haas, and R. G. Bastian (2017)

ACEs, Intrinsic Religiosity, and Compassion in “Helping Professionals” Targeted for Trauma-Informed Care Training, Andrea D. Clements, Becky Haas, and Valerie M. Hoots (2017)


Moral Rationalism and Psychopathy: Affective Responses to Reason, Allen Coates (2017)


Antioxidant Capacity, Lipid Peroxidation, and Lipid Composition Changes During Long-Term and Short-Term Thermal Acclimation in Daphnia, Bret L. Coggins, John W. Collins, Kailea J. Holbrook, and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2017)

Using Creative/Bio-Ethnographic Writing and Academic Coaching and to Improve the Learning Outcomes of D/F Students, Julie Collins, Nora Demers, Cerrone R. Foster, and Min Zhong (2017)


A Comparative Study on the Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride and N,N-Dimethylformamide: Kinetic Isotope Effect, Transition-State Structure, Polarity, and Solvent Effect, William C. Cooper, Abhinay Chilukoorie, Suhesh Polam, Dane Scott, and Floyd Wiseman (2017)


Feasibility of Assessing Suicide Ideation and History of Suicidal Behavior in Rural Communities, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, Sarah L. Brown, Sean M. Mitchell, Jared F. Roush, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)

Caring for Foster Children in the Hospital Setting, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2017)

Religiosity and Diet in a College and Community Setting, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2017)

A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Downhill and Uphill Domination, Jessie Deering, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and William Jamieson (2017)

Downhill and Uphill Domination in Graphs, Jessie Deering, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and William Jamieson (2017)


Assessing Niche Conservatism Using a Multiproxy Approach: Dietary Ecology of Extinct and Extant Spotted Hyenas, Larisa R.G. Desantis, Zhijie Jack Tseng, Jinyi Liu, Aaron Hurst, Blaine W. Schubert, and Qigao Jiangzuo (2017)


Partitioning the Vertices of a Cubic Graph Into Two Total Dominating Sets, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2017)

Global Domination Edge Critical Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Lucas Van Der Merwe (2017)

Household Income Moderates the Relationship Between Temperament and Language Development, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Natasha B. Gouge, Jaima S. Price, and Lauren P. Driggers-Jones (2017)

From Theory to Practice: Practical Tips for Creating a Trauma-Informed Primary Care Practice, Julia Dodd (2017)

Intimate Partner Violence in Primary Care, Julia Dodd (2017)

Theories of Behavior Change and Motivational Interviewing, Julia Dodd (2017)


Sexual Victimization and Health Risk Behaviors Among Lower Income Rural Women: The Mediating Role of Self-Worth, Julia Dodd and Heather Littleton (2017)


Big Mama and the Uncertain Leap, Kelly A. Dorgan (2017)


Taking Care, Kelly A. Dorgan (2017)


The Truth About the Surrender of My Foster Child, Kelly A. Dorgan (2017)


Bondage, Insensitivity, and Reinforcement, Jean E. Dunbar, Ulrich Teschner, Teresa W. Haynes, and Lutz Volkmann (2017)


Theoretical Facets of Biohistorical Research, William N. Duncan and Christopher M. Stojanowski (2017)


Ex Utero Culture of Viviparous Embryos of the Lizard, Zootoca vivipara, Provides Insights Into Calcium Homeostasis During Development, Tom W. Ecay, James R. Stewart, Greg Wiessner, and Benoit Heulin (2017)

Differentiating Forensic Inpatients With and Without Psychotic Spectrum Diagnoses, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2017)

Serious Mental Illness in Rural Primary Care Practice, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2017)

Mental Health Training for Medical Students: Implications for Integrated Care, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, Jill D. Stinson, and Carrie C. LeMay (2017)


Dental Caries in the Fossil Record: A Window to the Evolution of Dietary Plasticity in an Extinct Bear, Borja Figueirido, Alejandro Pérez-Ramos, Blaine W. Schubert, Francisco Serrano, Aisling B. Farrell, Francisco J. Pastor, Aline A. Neves, and Alejandro Romero (2017)

Railroad Town without a Railroad: Documenting Clinchfield Railroad Traditions and Transitioning Economic Identities In an East Tennessee Appalachian Community, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2017)

Revisiting the Future of Appalachia, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2017)


The Social Life of Health Behaviors: The Political Economy and Cultural Context of Health Practices, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2017)

Untitled: Roundtable on Dwight Billings, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2017)

Primary vs. Secondary Violence Exposure and Mental Health Outcomes in Youth Who Engage in Sexually Abusive Behaviors, Victoria E. Forgea, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Brittany S. Sharma (2017)


Fossil Mustela nigripes from Snake Creek Burial Cave, Nevada, and Implications for Black-Footed Ferret Paleoecology, Nathaniel S. Fox, Steven C. Wallace, and Jim I. Mead (2017)

LGBT Community Connectedness and Alcohol Use, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2017)


Isotropic and Anisotropic Kriging Approaches for Interpolating Surface-Level Wind Speeds Across Large, Geographically Diverse Regions, Carol J. Friedland, T. Andrew Joyner, Carol Massarra, Robert V. Rohli, Anna M. Treviño, Shubharoop Ghosh, Charles Huyck, and Mark Weatherhead (2017)

P300 Brain-Computer Interface: Two- Stimulus Presentation Paradigm, Aaron Gardner, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Ashley Kazmark, and Eric W. Sellers


Validation of the Pictorial Infant Communication Scale for Preschool-Aged Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christine S. Ghilain, Meaghan V. Parlade, Matthew T. McBee, Drew C. Coman, Taylor Owen, Anibal Gutierrez, Brian Boyd, Samuel Odom, and Michael Alessandri (2017)


Arizona v. United States”, Snyder v. Phelps”, and “United States v. Windsor, Colin Glennon (2017)


Determining Factors in Perceptions of Judicial Greatness, Colin Glennon and Mikel Norris (2017)


The Total Acquisition Number of the Randomly Weighted Path, Anant Godbole, Elizabeth Kelley, Emily Kurtz, Pawel Pralat, and Yiguang Zhang (2017)


Poetry and the Epistolary Relationship of Ernestina de Champourcin and Carmen Conde: A Room of One's Own as Workshop of Aesthetic Authenticity, Isabel Gómez Sobrino (2017)

Quality of Life and Drug Use at the Intersections of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, Aaron A. Granoski, Emma G. Fredrick, Emily Clark, Sarah A. Job, and Stacey L. Williams (2017)

Challenges in Rural Offender Reentry: A Qualitative Analysis of Treatment Provider Perspectives, Alyssa P. Gretak, Jill D. Stinson, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, and Carrie C. LeMay (2017)

Impact of ACEs on the onset of Negative Outcomes in Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients, Alyssa P. Gretak, Jill D. Stinson, Megan A. Quinn, and Carrie C. LeMay (2017)

Intra and Extra Familial Sexual Offenses in Rural and Urban Tennessee, Alyssa P. Gretak, Jill D. Stinson, and Brittany S. Sharma (2017)


Spin Filter Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons With Substitutional Fe Atoms, Frank Hagelberg, Alexander Kaiser, Ivan Sukuba, and Michael Probst (2017)

Law Enforcement Response to Crime in Tennessee: Incident Clearance Rates in Rural vs Nonrural Counties, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Ashley Adkins (2017)

ACEs and Adult Criminality in a Sample of University Students, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, J. S. Levenson, Megan A. Quinn, and Victoria Forgea (2017)

Commandos on the Frontier: The Professionals, Elite Squads, and the Western Film, Kenneth E. Hall (2017)

Mountain Men on Film, Kenneth E. Hall (2017)

Early Sexual Exposure and Sexually Abusive Behaviors in Adolescent Males, K. L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Lydia L. Eisenbrandt (2017)


Hallucinations Are Real to Patients With Dementia, R. C. Hamdy, Amber E. Kinser, J. V. Lewis, and Rebecca Copeland (2017)


Too Many Choices Confuse Patients With Dementia, R. C. Hamdy, J. V. Lewis, Amber Kinser, A. Depelteau, Rebecca Copeland, T. Kendall-Wilson, and K. Whalen (2017)


Patients with Dementia Are Easily Distracted, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Audrey Depelteau, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, J. V. Lewis, and Kathleen Whalen (2017)


Patients With Dementia Are Easy Victims to Predators, Ronald C. Hamdy, J. V. Lewis, Rebecca Copeland, Audrey Depelteau, Amber E. Kinser, T. Kendall-Wilson, and Kathleen Whalen (2017)


Too Many Choices Confuse Patients With Dementia, Ronald C. Hamdy, J. V. Lewis, Amber Kinser, Audrey Depelteau, Rebecca Copeland, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, and Kathleen Whalen (2017)

Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)

Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase In Nae Metabolic Pathway In Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)


Demarcation and The Created Controversy, David Harker (2017)


Preface, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Peter J. Slater (2017)

The Creation of Profs Do Pop!: A Critical Examination of Popular Culture Communities, Art Herbig, A. Watson, Andrew F. Herrmann, and A. Tyma (2017)

Broken Promises: An Autoethnography of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Exit, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)


Broken Promises: Psychological Contract Breach, Organizational Exit, and Occupational Change, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)

Discourses of Horror TV: Kolchak, Twin Peaks, and the Supernatural Drama, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)


Introduction: An Autoethnography of an Organizational Autoethnography Book, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)

Kierkegaardian Seductions: Ambiguity and Edification in the Student-Teacher Relationship, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)


The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)

Rural Suicide: An Updated Review of the Literature on Theory, Research and Prevention, Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)


Minority Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity Status and Suicidal Behavior: Serial Indirect Effects of Hope, Hopelessness and Depressive Symptoms, Jameson K. Hirsch, Tracy J. Cohn, Catherine A. Rowe, and Sarah E. Rimmer (2017)

Rural Suicide Across state Lines--- The Stories, Intervention Strategies and Current Research, Jameson K. Hirsch and Lisa Curtin (2017)

Post-election Concerns About Rights and Safety are Related to the Mental Health of LGBTQ Communities: This is Not Fake News, Jameson K. Hirsch, Kittye K. Hirsch, Abbey Mann, Stacey L. Williams, Julia Dodd, T. J. Cohn, and E. C. Chang (2017)


Postelection Distress and Resiliency in LGBTQ Communities: An Overview of Real Data, Not Alternative Facts, Jameson K. Hirsch, Andrea Kaniuka, Byron Brooks, Kittye K. Hirsch, Tracy J. Cohn, and Stacey L. Williams (2017)