College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2018


Visual Biofeedback Training Reduces Quantitative Drugs Index Scores Associated With Fall Risk, Eric Anson, Elizabeth Thompson, Samuel C. Karpen, Brian L. Odle, Edith Seier, John Jeka, and Peter C. Panus (2018)


Variation in Sampling Effort Affects the Observed Richness of Plant–Plant Interactions via Heterospecific Pollen Transfer: Implications for Interpretation of Pollen Transfer Networks, Gerardo Arceo-Gómez, Conchita Alonso, Tia Lynn Ashman, and Victor Parra-Tabla (2018)


Effects of Heterospecific Pollen From a Wind-Pollinated and Pesticide-Treated Plant on Reproductive Success of an Insect-Pollinated Species, Gerardo Arceo-Gómez, Mohammad I. Jameel, and Tia Lynn Ashman (2018)


A Network Approach to Understanding Patterns of Coflowering in Diverse Communities, Gerardo Arceo-Gómez, Rainee L. Kaczorowski, and Tia Lynn Ashman (2018)

Teaching in the Sociology of Religion, Joseph O. Baker (2018)

The Racial and Ethnic Dynamics of Secular Identities, Joseph O. Baker (2018)


Race, Xenophobia, and Punitiveness Among the American Public, Joseph O. Baker, David Canarte, and Edward Day (2018)


Acceptance of Evolution among American Mormons, Joseph O. Baker, Dalton Rogers, and Timothy Moser (2018)


Secularity, Religiosity, and Health: Physical and Mental Health Differences between Atheists, Agnostics, and Nonaffiliated Theists Compared to Religiously Affiliated Individuals, Joseph O. Baker, Samuel Stroope, and Mark H. Walker (2018)

He-God, the Punisher: Masculine Images of God as the Strongest Religious Predictor of Punitiveness, Joseph O. Baker and Andrew Whitehead (2018)


Information Content in Data Sets: A Review of Methods for Interrogation and Model Comparison, H. Thomas Banks and Michele L. Joyner (2018)

An Introduction to Peg Duotaire on Graphs, Robert A. Beeler and Aaron D. Gray (2018)


Glopl, a Global Data Base on Pollen Limitation of Plant Reproduction, J. M. Bennett, J. A. Steets, W. Durka, J. C. Vamosi, G. Arceo-Gómez, M. Burd, L. A. Burkle, A. G. Ellis, L. Freitas, J. Li, J. G. Rodger, M. Wolowski, J. Xia, T. L. Ashman, and T. M. Knight (2018)

Appalachian Liturgy, Lee Bidgood (2018)

Performance at Music in the Valle Concert Series, Lee Bidgood (2018)


Performance at St. John's Episcopal Church, Lee Bidgood (2018)


Recent Music Scholarship, Lee Bidgood (2018)

Towards a Definition of the ‘Mash’ Approach to Bluegrass: Sound, Style, and Gesture, Lee Bidgood (2018)

Performance at ARM Banquet, Lee Bidgood and Banjo Romantika Band (2018)


Performance at Corazon Latino Festival, Lee Bidgood and ETSU Mandolin Orchestra (2018)

Performance at Live at Grassy Creek, Lee Bidgood and Andrew Finn Magill (2018)


Temperature Gradient Affects Differentiation of Gene Expression and SNP Allele Frequencies in the Dominant Lake Baikal Zooplankton Species, Larry L. Bowman, Elizaveta S. Kondrateva, Maxim A. Timofeyev, and Lev Y. Yampolsky (2018)

Motor Development and Abilities of Infants Born With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Kara Boynewicz, Alyson Chroust, Diana Morelen, Beth Bailey, Jesi Hall, and David Wood (2018)


Domestic Violence and Pregnancy: A CBPR Coalition Approach to Identifying Needs and Informing Policy, Candace Forbes Bright, Braden Bagley, Ivie Pulliam, and Amy Swetha Newton (2018)


Domestic Violence and Pregnancy: A Community-Based Participatory Research Coalition Approach to Identifying Needs and Informing Policy, Candace Forbes Bright, Braden Bagley, Ivie Pulliam, and Amy Swetha Newton (2018)


Social Representational Communities and the Imagined Antebellum South, Candace Forbes Bright and Perry Carter (2018)


Monte Carlo of Trapped Ultracold Neutrons in the UCNτ Trap, Nathan Callahan, Chen-Yu Liu, Fransisco Gonzalez, Evan Adamek, James D. Bowman, Leah J. Broussard, S. M. Clayton, S. Currie, C. Cude-Woods, E. B. Dees, X. Ding, E. M. Egnel, D. Fellers, W. Fox, Peter Geltenbort, Kevin P. Hickerson, M. A. Hoffbauer, A. T. Holley, A. Komives, S. W.T. MacDonald, Marc Makela, C. L. Morris, J. D. Ortiz, Robert W. Pattie Jr., J. Ramsey, D. J. Salvat, A. Saunders, Susan J. Seestrom, E. I. Sharapov, Sky L. Sjue, Z. Tang, J. Vanderwerp, B. Vogelaar, P. L. Walstrom, Z. Wang, H. Weaver, W. Wei, J. Wexler, A. R. Young, and B. A. Zeck (2018)

ACEs' Effects on Subjective Health and the Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Gabrielle Caselman, Julia Dodd, and Diana Morelen (2018)


Going Beyond Ethnoracial Discrimination and Social Support in Accounting for Psychological Adjustment: Evidence for the Importance of Hope as a Positive Psychological Construct in Multiethnoracial Adults, Edward C. Chang, Olivia D. Chang, Jerin Lee, Abigael G. Lucas, Minqi Li, K. Malulani Castro, Savannah Pham, Grace Y. Cho, Yena S. Purmasir, Elizabeth A. Yu, Kaidi Wu, Prscilla Lui, David Rollock, Paul Kwon, Xinjie Chen, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2018)


Depression, Loneliness, and Suicide Risk among Latino College Students: A Test of a Psychosocial Interaction Model, Edward C. Chang, Olivia D. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, Minqi Li, Rachel S. Eisner, Brianna M. McManamon, Natalia S. Rodriguez, Olivia M. Katamanin, Eliza C. Bourke, Kaidi Wu, Elizabeth A. Yu, Elizabeth L. Jeglic, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2018)


Hope Above Racial Discrimination and Social Support in Accounting for Positive and Negative Psychological Adjustment in African American Adults: Is “Knowing You Can Do It” as Important as “Knowing How You Can”?, Edward C. Chang, Olivia D. Chang, David Rollock, P. Priscilla Lui, Angela Farris Watkins, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2018)


How Future Orientation is Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Multiethnoracial Adults: Basic Psychological Needs as a Mediator, Edward C. Chang, Olivia D. Chang, Elizabeth A. Yu, Kaidi Wu, Abigael G. Lucas, P. Priscilla Lui, David Rollock, Xinjie Chen, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2018)


Presence of Trauma and Suicide Risk: Personal Control as a Moderator, Edward C. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, Olivia D. Chang, Tianbi Duan, Zihao Zhou, Jeff Z. Yang, Lily E. Morris, Harrison D. Angoff, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2018)


Future Orientation, Depression, Suicidality, and Interpersonal Needs in Primary Care Outpatients, Olivia D. Chang, Madeleine M. Batra, Vidhya Premkumar, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson Hirsch (2018)


Rainbow Disconnection in Graphs, Gary Chartrand, Stephen Devereaux, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Ping Zhang (2018)


Client–Server and Cost Effective Sets in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2018)

PTSD Symptoms and U.S. Veterans, E. A. Clark, Sarah A. Job, Stacey L. Williams, and M. F. Deitz (2018)

The Roots of Trauma-Informed Care: Love Thy Neighbor?, Andrea D. Clements (2018)


Addressing Intimate Partner Violence: Development of a Trauma Informed Workforce, Andrea D. Clements, Becky Haas, Randi G. Bastian, and Natalie Cyphers (2018)


Calculation of Standard Reduction Potentials of Amino Acid Radicals and the Effects of Water and Incorporation Into Peptides, David M. Close and Peter Wardman (2018)


Vanishing Act: The Social Costs of Invisible Labor, Martha Copp (2018)


Who Did It?, C. Crutchfield and Theresa McGarry (2018)


Assessing Religious Commitment: The Religious Surrender and Attendance Satisfaction Scale, Natalie A. Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2018)


Forgiveness and Suicidal Behavior: Cynicism and Psychache as Serial Mediators, Trever J. Dangel, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2018)


An Analysis of the Psychache Scale in College Student Problematic Drinkers, Trever Dangel, Matthew T. McBee, and Jon R. Webb (2018)


A Systematic Review of Parent-Child Synchrony: It’s More Than Skin Deep, Molly Davis, Kara West, Joanie Bilms, Diana Morelen, and Cynthia Suveg (2018)


Selective Breeding for High Alcohol Consumption and Response to Nicotine: Locomotor Activity, Dopaminergic in the Mesolimbic System, and Innate Genetic Differences in Male and Female Alcohol-Preferring, Non-Preferring, and Replicate Lines of High-Alcohol Drinking and Low-Alcohol Drinking Rats, Gerald A. Deehan, Sheketha R. Hauser, Bruk Getachew, R. Aaron Waeiss, Eric A. Engleman, Christopher P. Knight, William J. McBride, William A. Truitt, Richard L. Bell, and Zachary A. Rodd (2018)


Distribution Centers in Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Christian Moore (2018)


Domination Parameters of a Graph and Its Complement, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2018)


Mutational Analysis of Substrate Specificity in a Citrus Paradisi Flavonol 3- O-Glucosyltransferase, Shivakumar P. Devaiah, Benjamin M. Tolliver, Cheng Zhang, Daniel K. Owens, and Cecilia A. McIntosh (2018)


Herpetofaunal Species Presence in Buffel Grass (Cenchrus ciliaris ) versus Native Vegetation‐Dominated Habitats at Uluṟu‐Kata Tjuṯa National Park, Drew E. Dittmer and Joseph R. Bidwell (2018)

Infant Effects on Experimenter Behavior, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, and Chelsea L. Robertson (2018)


“Infertility finds all the weak spots”: Effects of Infertility on Women’s Mental, Physical, and Relational Functioning, Julia Dodd (2018)

Psychosocial Factors in Diabetes Care, Julia Dodd (2018)

Sleep as a Foundation of Self-Care: From A(wake) to Zzzz, Julia Dodd (2018)

Theories of Behavior Change and Motivational Interviewing, Julia Dodd (2018)

Trauma-Informed Primary Care, Julia Dodd (2018)

Sexual Trauma Stigma and Physical Health Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Julia Dodd, Gabrielle Caselman, and Diana Morelen (2018)

Perceived Discrimination Predicts Health Risk Behaviors and Subjective Health in Rural Appalachian College Students., Julia Dodd, Abbey Mann, Diana Morelen, and Gabrielle Caselman (2018)

Black Ribbons, Kelly A. Dorgan (2018)


Miscarriages of Social Justice, Kelly A. Dorgan (2018)


Under the Rhododendrons, Kelly A. Dorgan (2018)


First Occurrence of the Enigmatic Peccaries Mylohyus elmorei and Prosthennops serus From the Appalachians: Latest Hemphillian to Early Blancan of Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, Evan M. Doughty, Steven C. Wallace, Blaine W. Schubert, and Lauren M. Lyon (2018)

Sellamiento Ritual, Envoltura Y Vendaje en la Modificación Cefálica Mesoamerican, William N. Duncan (2018)

Emerging Opportunities and Challenges in Forensic Biohistory, William N. Duncan and Christopher Stojanowski (2018)


What Was Being Sealed? Cranial Modification and Ritual Binding Among the Maya, William N. Duncan and G. Vail (2018)


Fire and Smoke in Postclassic Maya Culture, William N. Duncan and Gabrielle Vail (2018)

Differentiating Major Mental Illness Among Adolescents in Residential Care, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2018)


Internalised HIV-Stigma, Loneliness, Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Quality in People Living With HIV, Erin M. Fekete, Stacey L. Williams, and Matthew D. Skinta (2018)


Lovie: The Story of a Southern Midwife and an Unlikely Friendship by Lisa Yarger (review), Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2018)


Ash Resuspension Related to the 2011–2012 Cordón Caulle Eruption, Chile, in a Rural Community of Patagonia, Argentina, Pablo Forte, Lucia Domínguez, Costanza Bonadonna, Chris E. Gregg, Donaldo Bran, Deanne Bird, and Jonathan M. Castro (2018)


Early Alerts: Identifying Struggling Students Earlier. Pearson Education, Cerrone R. Foster (2018)


Increasing Access to Early Postsecondary Opportunities. Teacher Leaders: Taking Action in High School and the Bridge to Postsecondary., Cerrone R. Foster, Kris Krauthamer, Terry L. Nickels, and Tammy Wolfe (2018)

Béotie, Eubée. Chronique Archéologique De La Religion Grecque, Michael Anthony Fowler (2018)


Universal Cycles of Restricted Words, K. B. Gardner and Anant Godbole (2018)


A Tale of Two Prompts: New Perspectives on Writing-to-Learn Assignments, Anna Ruggles Gere, Anna V. Knutson, Naitnaphit Limlamai, Ryan McCarty, and Emily Wilson (2018)


Rewriting Disciplines: STEM Students’ Longitudinal Approaches to Writing in (and across) the Disciplines, Anna Ruggles Gere, Anna V. Knutson, and Ryan McCarty (2018)


Etiological and Change Mechanisms in Addiction: From Gambling to Opioids, Meredith K. Ginley (2018)


Highly Stable [C60AuC60]+/- Dumbbells, Marcelo Goulart, Martin Kuhn, Paul Martini, Lei Chen, Frank Hagelberg, Alexander Kaiser, Paul Scheier, and Andrew M. Ellis (2018)


Spinoza on Turning the Other Cheek, Keith Green (2018)

Examining Domestic Violence Patterns in Rural and Urban Tennessee Communities, Alyssa P. Gretak and Jill D. Stinson (2018)


Spirituality and Suicidal Behavior: The Mediating Role of Self-forgiveness and Psychache, Benjamin B. Hall, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2018)


Agnosia Interferes With Daily Hygiene in Patients With Dementia, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Jennifer E. Culp, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, Rebecca Copeland, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Repetitive Questioning II, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, A. Depelteau, J. V. Lewis, Rebecca Copeland, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Insomnia and Mild Cognitive Impairment, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Kara Dickerson, c Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, Rebecca Copeland, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Fronto-Temporal Dementia, Diabetes Mellitus and Excessive Eating, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Kara Dickerson, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Visual Hallucinations and Paranoid Delusions, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, Rebecca Copeland, Kathleen Whalen, and J. Culp (2018)


Impulsive, Disinhibited Behavior—Dining in a Restaurant, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Driving and Patients With Dementia, Ronald C. Hamdy, Amber Kinser, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Audrey Depelteau, K. Whalen, and J. Culp (2018)


Repetitive Questioning Exasperates Caregivers, Ronald C. Hamdy, J. V. Lewis, Rebecca Copeland, Audrey Depelteau, Amber Kinser, Tracey Kendall-Wilson, and Kathleen Whalen (2018)


Free to Be Me: The Relationship Between the True Self, Rejection Sensitivity, and Use of Online Dating Sites, Margaret A. Hance, Ginette Blackhart, and Megan Dew (2018)

Elucidating the Role of N-acylethanolamine Mediated Signaling Pathway in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq and Aruna Kilaru (2018)

Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Nae Metabolic Pathway in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2018)

The graph Theory of Peter J. Slater, Teresa W. Haynes and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2018)


Perfect Graphs Involving Semitotal and Semipaired Domination, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2018)

Semipaired Domination in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2018)


Development of Body Emotion Perception in Infancy: From Discrimination to Recognition, Alison Heck, Alyson Chroust, Hannah White, Rachel Jubran, and Ramesh S. Bhatt (2018)

Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Opioid Use by Pregnant Women in Rural Appalachia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Matthew W. Henninger, Mikayla McAdams, Andrea D. Clements, Emily F. Rothman, and Beth A. Bailey (2018)


Communication and Ritual at the Comic Book Shop: The Convergence of Organizational and Popular Cultures, Andrew F. Herrmann (2018)


Working More and Communicating Less in Information Technology Reframing the EVLN via Relational Dialectics, Andrew F. Herrmann (2018)