Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Hyperacusis, Marc A. Fagelson and D McFerrin (2009)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Audiological Assessment of Tinnitus Patients, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Staying Current with Tinnitus Research, D. McFerrin and Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Hyperacusis and PTSD in a Veteran Tinnitus Clinic., Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

A Comparison of Hearing Aid Drying Device Technologies, E. Keller, Earl E. Johnson, and C. Noe (2009)

Audiovestibular Consequences of Blast Exposure, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Vestibular Grand Rounds, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Two-Day Tinnitus Course, Marc A. Fagelson (2009)

Taming Mealtime Tantrums: A Workshop for Parents of Children with Feeding Disorders, Teresa Boggs and C. Jakubowicz (2009)

Conversational Recasts Versus Imitation Intervention: An Examination of Experimental Evidence, M. Millard, S. K. Venkatesan, and A. Lynn Williams (2009)

Adapting Parks and Recreation Programs to Meet the Needs of Children with Special Needs, Teresa Boggs (2009)

“Monothermal caloric screening test performance: A relative operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, S. D. Lynn, and D. G. Cyr (2009)

The Effects of Individualized Training and Education on Targeted Parental Behaviors, Teresa Boggs and K. Mumpower (2009)

Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, J. K. Kelly, and J. Tampas (2009)

Sharing Sensitive Information with Parents: A Guide for Discussing Speech and Language Concerns, Teresa Boggs (2009)

Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials: Preliminary Observations, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, J. K. Kelly, and J. Tampas (2009)

Normative Data of the Subjective Visual Vertical Test for Vestibular Assessment, A. Pearson, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, and J. K. Kelly (2009)

Stimulability Approach for Speech Disorders in Young Children: Systematic Review, A. Rymer, W. Boyd, H. Carpenter, and A. Lynn Williams (2009)

Vestibular Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury, Faith W. Akin (2009)

Behavioral and Electrophysiological Gap Detection in Listeners With and Without Hearing Loss, Elizabeth Leigh-Paffenroth and Saravanan Elangovan (2009)

Panel Discussion: Vestibular Focus Discussion, Faith W. Akin (2009)

The Impact of Grammatical Complexity on Sentence Disruptions Production, T. Burke, C. Davidson, K. Sims, K. Mumpower, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2008)


How Much is Enough: The Intensity Evidence in Language Intervention, Teresa Ukrainetz, Kerry Proctor-Williams, James Baumann, Melissa Allen, LaVae M. Hoffman, and Laura Justice (2008)


Voice Onset Time as a Clinical Indicator of Hypofunctional Voice Disorders., Amanda Arnold, Lisa Phillips, Lindsay Pickler, Whitney White, Amanda McCamey, and Christopher McCrea (2008)

Dispensing a Hearing Aid Brand: What's Important to Audiologists and Their Individual Decision Choice?, Earl E. Johnson (2008)

Tinnitus in the Military and Veterans, Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

Preliminary Psychometric Results of a Tinnitus Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Sherri Smith and Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

Analysis of Self-assessed Tinnitus Handicap in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson, Sherri Smith, and L. M. McDaniel (2008)

Digital Feedback Suppression Systems in Commercial Hearing Aids: Assessments of Gain Margin and Sound Quality, Earl E. Johnson, T. Ricketts, B. W.Y. Hornsby, and J. Federman (2008)

Tinnitus Management Affects Symptoms of PTSD, Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

Changes in Scores of Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Over Time, L. M. McDaniel, Marc A . Fagelson, and Sherri Smith (2008)

Voice Onset Time as a Clinical Indicator of Hypofunctional Voice Disorders, Amanda Arnold, Lisa Phillips, Lindsay Pickler, Whitney White, Amanda McCamey, and Christopher McCrea (2008)

Vestibular Grand Rounds, Faith W. Akin (2008)

Categorical Perception and Auditory Temporal Processing in Bilingual English-Spanish Speakers, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2008)

Working with Preschoolers with Highly Unintelligible Speech, Barbara Dodd, B. W. Hodson, E. Strand, and A. Lynn Williams (2008)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2008)

Influence of Monaural Overstimulation in Cochlear Function in Normal- hearing Adults Measured Psychoacoustically and with Spontaneous and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2008)

Suppression in Otoacoustic Emissions Evoked by Closely-spaced Two-tone Burst Stimuli, Jacek Smurzynski, W. Jedrzejczak, and Krzysztof Blinowska (2008)

Ultra-high Frequency (UHF) Hearing and DPOAE Levels at Lower Frequencies, Anna Fabijanska, Jacek Smurzynski, Krzysztof Kochanek, Adam Pilka, and Henryk Skarzynski (2008)

Working with Families in Speech-language Pathology for Children., N. Watts Pappas, Sharynne McLeod, Elizabeth Crais, L. Girolametto, E. Weitzman, A. Packman, M. Langevin, A. Eriks-Brophy, B. Mathisen, and A. Lynn Williams (2008)

Vestibular Consequences of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Blast Injury), Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2008)

The Effects of Individualized Training on a Child with Autism, Teresa Boggs and S. Bell (2008)


Practice in Child Phonological Disorders: Tackling some Common Clinical Problems, Tim Brackenbury, Marc Fey, Gregory Lof, Benjamin Munson, and A. Lynn Williams (2008)


Comparison of Two Treatment Conditions for Young Children with Speech Sound Disorders, Megan Overby, A. Lynn Williams, and John Bernthal (2008)

Clinical Findings Linking Tinnitus to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2007)

Identifying Diamonds in the Rough: Predictors of Graduate Academic Success, Kerry Proctor-Williams, Marc A. Fagelson, and C. McCrea (2007)

Prelinguistic Communication Act Rates at Transition to First Words, Jessica Fitzpatrick, M. Ringley, T. Barber, C. Newell-Light, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2007)

Otoacoustic Emissions: Recent Advances in Research and in Clinical Applications, Jacek Smurzynski (2007)

Tinnitus and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2007)

Relationship Between Hearing Sensitivity and Distortion-product Otoacoustic Emissions in Patients with Low-frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Jacek Smurzynski, Krzysztof Kochanek, Adam Pilka, and Henryk Skarzynski (2007)

Otoacoustic Emissions and High-frequency Hearing Sensitivity, L. Fleenor and Jacek Smurzynski (2007)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin (2007)

Updates in Treating Speech Disorders in Children, A. Lynn Williams (2007)

More Than Words, Teresa Boggs (2007)

Otolith Function Tests in a Patient with Unilateral Vestibular Loss, Owen D. Murnane (2007)

Distortion-product Otoacoustic Emissions in Patients with Low-frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Jacek Smurzynski, Krzysztof Kochanek, Adam Pilka, and Henryk Skarzynski (2007)

Contexts for facilitating emergent literacy skills, A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Comparison of Two Treatment Conditions in Phonological Intervention, A. Rice, M. Mallory, J. Eanes, A. Lynn Williams, M. Overby, and John Bernthal (2007)

Otolith Function Tests, Owen D. Murnane (2007)

Translational Research: Bridging the Gap from Research to Practice, A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Treatment Implications of Inconsistent Speech Disorder: A Case Study, J. Rouse and A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2007)

Mixed-Modulation ASSRsRecorded in Multitalker Babble, E. Leigh-Paffenroth, Owen D. Murnane, and R. H. Wilson (2007)

Advanced Techniques in Vestibular Assessment, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2007)


Comparison of Ten Interventions for a 7-year-old with Unintelligible Speech, Sharynne McLeod, Alison Holm, Sharon Crosbie, Barbara Dodd, Barbara W. Hodson, Michelle Morrisette, Judith A. Gierut, Deborah Hayden, Nicole Mueller, Joy Stackhouse, A. Lynn Williams, and Caroline Bowen (2007)

What to Consider When Considering a PhD: A Peer Perspective, S. Betz, L. Finestack, T. Hogan, M. Hammer, C. W. Jackson, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Phrase Analysis of Preschooler Narratives: A Pilot Study, M. Render, J. Smith, L. Perrine, S. Kirk, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Concurrent Validity of the PICS and the CSBS-DP, A. Brown, S. Lee, E. McDonald, E. Reeder, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Verb Phrase Analysis of Preschooler Narratives: A Pilot Study, M. Render, J. Smith, L. Perrine, S. Kirk, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Addressing Patients’ Perceptions of Control in Tinnitus Treatment, Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

The Role of Auditory Event Related Potentials in Understanding Speech Perception, Saravanan Elangovan (2006)

Tinnitus Counseling: Difficult Cases., G. Bartnik and Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

Remote Tinnitus Counseling Session, Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

Spontaneous and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Extended High-frequency Hearing Sensitivity, L. Fleenor and Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Birth Order Moderates Temperament-Vocabulary Relationships, Courtney M. Snyder and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2006)

Recast Density and Irregular Past Tense Verb Acquisition, Kerry Proctor-Williams and Marc E. Fey (2006)

Influence of Salicylate on Cochlear Function: Monaural Sensitivity Thresholds and Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Contralateral Suppression of Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Grand Rounds in Balance Disorders, Faith W. Akin, G. Jacobson, R. Brey, R. Gans, and D. Zapala (2006)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin (2006)

A Comparison of VEMP Recording Techniques, Faith W. Akin, J. Tampas, C. Clinard, and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

Current Trends: Diagnosis and Treatment of Vestibular Disorders, Faith W. Akin (2006)

Teachability in Phonological Intervention: Comparison of Two Homonymous Approaches, A. Lynn Williams (2006)

Electrophysiological Correlates of the Categorical Perception of Voicing, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2006)

Time-course of Contralateral Suppression of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

A Comparison of Air And Bone-conducted VEMPs, J. Tampas, C. Clinard, Owen D. Murnane, and Faith W. Akin (2006)

The Clinical Evaluation Of Bilateral Vestibular Loss, M. Cunningham, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, C. Clinard, and J. Tampas (2006)

Inverting Electrode: Does Location Affect MMN Presence?, Letitia J. Walker, Andrew Stuart, and Saravanan Elangovan (2006)

"The Effects of Aging on Tonic EMG and VEMP", J. Tampas, C. Clinard, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

Auditory Temporal Processing in the Perception of Voicing, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2006)

Auditory Steady-State Response: Test-Retest Reliability, C. Clinard, Owen D. Murnane, and J. Tampas (2006)

A Multiple Oppositions Approach with a Mixed Phonetic-phonemic Speech Disorder, T. Liles and A. Lynn Williams (2006)

Efficiency of Verb Acquisition by Children with SLI & TL, Kelly King, Kelley Lewis, Melanie O'Brien, Danielle Py, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2005)

What to Consider When Considering a PhD: A Peer Perspective. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, T. Brackenbury, Kerry Proctor-Williams, C. W. Jackson, S. Betz, L. Finestack, and T. Hogan (2005)

Hearing Aids and the Use of Everyday Sound, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Tinnitus Measurement, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Deciding on Treatment: Patient and Clinic Factors, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Psychoacoustic Measures of Tinnitus, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)