Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Characteristics of Vandalism in Selected East Tennessee Public Schools, Glenn A. Tilley
An Analysis of the Attitudes of Selected Public School Educators in Tennessee Toward Minimum Competency Testing, Judy A. Walters
The Effect of the Ethnic Identification of Teachers With Principals on the Teachers' Perceptions of the Principals' Leadership Behavior, Elena P. Zayas-Bazan
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Attitudes Toward Items in the Professional Negotiation Process as Expressed by Kentucky School Board Chairpersons and Teacher Association Presidents, William A. Bell
The Interrelationships of Parent, Teacher, and Student Attitudes Toward Mathematics and Student Achievement in Mathematics, Sandra L. Blevins
Instructor Modeled Postural Positions and Their Influence on Instructional Test Scores of Tenth-grade Students, Robert L. Bower
Perceptions of Teacher Educators and Public School Principals Concerning the Importance of Selected Behaviors for Beginning Teachers: A Q Study, Jean C. Flanigan
An Analysis of the Educational Experiences and Views of Jesse Stuart, Jack R. Garland
A Pilot Training Program for Improving Resident Physicians' Teaching Skills, Barbara K. Lawson
Identifying Criteria for the Conduct of Professional Negotiations and Analyzing Opinions of Tennessee Public School Superintendents Toward the Criteria, William J. Morrell
Personality Characteristics of Dramatics Majors at Selected Institutions of Higher Education in Tennessee, Marguerite G. Parris
Enantiomeric Influences in Neuroleptic Binding to Models of the Dopamine Receptor, Timothy A. Robert
Characteristics, Attitudes, and Practices of Teachers in Planning and Implementing Instructional Strategies, Jerry M. Russell
A Survey of Program Provisions for Gifted Students in Virginia, Joseph R. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
An Analysis of Three Selected Mental Maturity Measures in Predicting Academic Achievement of Students for Educational Decision Makers, Robert M. Davis
Energy Guidelines for School Facilities, Nancy C. Hicks
Evolution of Administrative and Supervisory Theory, James C. Miller
The Effects of Four Proxemic Zones on the Performance of Selected Sixth-, Seventh-, and Eighth-grade Students, Joseph F. Miller
Management by Objectives: The Process and Status of Implementation in State Departments of Education and Selected School Districts, James B. Osborne
Compressed Speech as an Aid in Improving the Reading Skills of Junior High School Students, James R. Pierce
Relationship between Personal Characteristics of School Board Members and Importance Assigned to Educational Problems, Jerry F. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The Status of Science Supervision in Florida School Districts, Roy F. Ellis
Employment Status of Female Administrators and Attitudes Toward Employment of Female Administrators in the Community College System of North Carolina, Linda C. Gardner
A Comparison of Attitudes Toward Community Colleges With Attitudes Toward Four-year Colleges, Robert L. Gillespie
A Description of the Role of the Public School Science Supervisor: 1895 to 1976, Judy Harmon
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Perceptual Motor Match: Impact of Two Motor Training Programs, Jo B. Cleek
Perceptual Motor Match: Impact of Two Motor Training Programs, Jo B. Cleek
A Study of Needs Assessment Methods Used for Program Development in Adult Education, Richard L. Gilmore
The Effect of Frequency of Home Visits on Parent Behavior and Child Achievement, William W. Locke
The Relationship Between Selected Factors of Leadership Behavior and Selected Factors of Teacher and Principal Self-concepts, Wade B. Mccamey
The Relationship Between Creativity and the Ability to Do Certain Selected Piagetian Classification Tasks in Kindergarten Children, Patricia A. Meyer
The Effectiveness of the Tarmac Reading Program, Dan G. Wilder
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
The Influence of the Idea of Progress on the Curriculum Theories of Experimentalism, Essentialism, and Reconstructionism, Christopher R. Clarke
The Influence of the Idea of Progress on the Curriculum Theories of Experimentalism, Essentialism, and Reconstructionism, Christopher R. Clarke
An Investigation of Student Teaching Anxiety About Discipline Using the Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE), Paul P. Dearman Jr.
Comparative Analyses of Teacher Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior in a Traditional and an Open-space Setting, Betty L. Hankins
Social, Economic and Educational Trends Leading to the Merger of the Caldwell County and Lenoir Public School Systems, George S. Kirby
Assessing the Effects of a Supervised, Experimental Program of Instruction on the Self-Concept and Grade Point Average of Students on Academic Probation, Joseph F. Tracy
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Preservice and/or Inservice Training Program for Board of Education Members, Charles E. Calloway
A Preservice And/Or Inservice Training Program for Board of Education Members, Charles E. Calloway
A Three-year Comparison of Attitudes Toward Education of Students and Parents of Students Enrolled in an Individualized Reading Program, James R. Groseclose
The Synthesis of a Technique of Comprehensive Analysis of Individual Learners, Bruce R. Ledford
The Field Experience in Preparation Programs for Educational Administrators and Supervisors, Leonard M. Marion
The Attitudes of Tennessee Administrators and Teachers to Selected Issues Concerning a Professional Negotiation Law, David B. Peterson
A Survey of the Activities and Responsibilities of General School Supervisors in North Carolina Counties, Bobby J. Rice