Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Optimism and Physical Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Illness: Mediating Effects of Control Beliefs and Health Behaviors, Morgan Treaster
Economic Insecurity, Poverty, and Parental Alcohol Misuse, Joey Tucciarone
Corporate Social Advocacy on the BLM Movement: A Content Analysis of Corporate Responses via Instagram, Oromidayo Racheal Tunji-Ajayi
Skin Deep: Body Modification and Agentic Identities Among Women with Skin Conditions, Christopher Walonski
Zeta Function Regularization and its Relationship to Number Theory, Stephen Wang
Not All Pollinator Gardens are Created Equally: Determining Factors Pertinent to Improving Pollinator Garden Effectiveness, Travis Watson
Evidence-Based Program Selection and Duration of Implementation of Social-Emotional Learning as Related to Student Growth and Non-Academic Outcomes, Colleen K. Weems
The Effect of Training Status on Adaptations to 11 Weeks of Block Periodization Resistance Training, Alexander Wetmore
The Influence of Social Media on the Tourism Industry: A Content Analysis of Culinary Tourism Brands via Instagram, Angela White
“I Done Been Through Hell”: An Existential Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Fathers Who Have Lost a Child, Dynisha Wigginson
Role of Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase in Western-type Diet-induced Cardiac Outcomes under Basal and Ischemic Conditions, Mary Wingard
Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Fiber Ultramicroelectrodes as Electrochemical Sensors for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide, Eric Wornyo
Identification of Transcription Regulators of the AlgZ/R Two-Components Regulatory System in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Kwasi Yeboah
Dual Enrollment’s Impact on Completion, Randy Young
Performance Effects of a Strength Training Program in Collegiate Runners, Alyssa Younker
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Bilateral Muscle Oxygenation Kinetics In Response To Repeat Sprint Cycling In Strong And Weak Individuals, John Abbott
Health Communication via Social Media: How Pharmaceutical Companies are using Instagram for Corporate Social Responsibility, Abisoluwa Akinboboye
Development, Expansion and Role of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Post-Sepsis Immune Suppression, Tuqa Alkhateeb
Assessing the Impact of Restored Wetlands on Bat Foraging Activity Over Nearby Farmland, Philip Allagas
Thwarted Interpersonal Needs, Depression, and Sleep Disturbances in Primary Care: Does Gratitude Help You Sleep?, Heather R. Altier
Metaphors and Emotions in Advertising: A Rhetorical Analysis of Audi’s Online Video Commercials, Richard Opoku Amoako
Encephalization in Commensal Raccoons: A Unique Test of the Cognitive Buffer Hypothesis, Peter M. Anderson
Climate Variability from 1980 to 2018 and its Effect on Wind Directions, Wind Speeds, and Vog Dispersal in Hawaii, Monica Ayala
Beating the Odds: Perseverance and Its Influence on Male Students’ Perceptions in Overcoming Generational Poverty, Grady C. Bailey Jr
Viewing History Through a Lens: The Influence of Film on Historical Consciousness, Brittany Bales
The Undisclosed Dangers of Parental Sharing on Social Media: A Content Analysis of Sharenting Images on Instagram, Christian Bare
Congruence and Temporal Variation of Floral Visitation and Pollen Transport Networks in Southern Appalachia, Daniel A. Barker
University Budget Models, Institutional Size, and Student Outcomes, James P. Batchelder
Health and Academic Achievement in College and University Students, Amber Beane
Navigating the Athletic Terrain for Transgender Athletes: Identity, Policy, and the Future, Lia M. Bevins
Ritualistic Equestrianism: Status, Identity, and Symbolism in Tudor Coronation Ceremonies, Keri Blair
A Tale of Two Species: Black-tailed and White-tailed Prairie Dog Biogeography from the Last Interglacial to 2070, April Dawn Bledsoe
The Experiences and Well-Being of Mexican Immigrant Women Living in Traditionally non-Latinx Communities in Western North Carolina, Melinda Bogardus
Healthy Identity Development Among Black Same-Gender Loving Men: A Mixed Methods Approach, Byron D. Brooks
Managing Stress in a Constantly-Changing Workforce, Lorri Burch-Hubbard
Silly Trip Wires, Jonathan Byrd
Blend it Like Beckett: Samuel Beckett and Experimental Contemporary Creative Writing, Sam Nicole Campbell
Subjective and Objective Health Outcomes Predicted by Sexual Trauma Stigma: The Role of Medical Mistrust and Resiliency, Gabrielle Caselman
Axonal Regrowth of Olfactory Sensory Neurons After Chemical Ablation and Removal of Axonal Debris by Microglia, Rudy Chapman
Archaeological, Geophysical, and Geospatial Analysis at David Crockett Birthplace State Park, in Upper East Tennessee, Reagan Cornett
To Buy or Not to Buy: Consumer Purchase Behavior Based on Lifestyle Brand Logo Colors, Chelsi Crockett
Decompositions of the Complete Mixed Graph by Mixed Stars, Chance Culver
Web Analytics: Best Practices for an Organization’s Successful Performance; A Preliminary Analysis, Salma Dahbi
Mapping a Course to Success: The Relationship of a College to Career Navigation Exploratory Course to Academic Success, Patrick D U Davis Sr
Teaching Decoding Through Constant Time Delay to Students with Severe Disabilities and Verbal Difficulties, Julia Dean
Predator-Avoidance of Larval Black-bellied Salamanders (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) in Response to Cues from Native and Nonnative Salmonids, Brian L. Dempsey
Examining the Relationship Among Middle School Students’ Performance on the TNReady Assessment, District Checkpoints, and Teacher-Assigned Grades, Kristina Dempsey
Determining if Classroom Pets as part of an Empathy-Based Intervention Affect Public Elementary School Students’ Empathy, Randa Dunlap
Trends in Advertising: How the Rise in Artificial Intelligence May Influence the Field of Content Strategy, Joel Eaton