Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Serious Mental Illness and Rural Primary Care: Provider Training, Attitudes, and Opinions, Lydia Eisenbrandt
Trees with Unique Italian Dominating Functions of Minimum Weight, Alyssa England
The Defeathered Bird: A Case Study of the Boeing 737 Max Crisis, Ernest Eshun
Teacher and Administrator Beliefs about Grade Retention in Northeast Tennessee School Districts, Christopher A. Feathers
Relational Influences of Self-Perceptions in Late Adolescence, Michael E. Feeney
Exploring the Relationships Between Collegiate Sport Coaches’ Creative Productivity and Factors of Creative Potential, Sean Flanders
Rural-Urban Variations in Meals on Wheels Programs, Lea C. Florence
Prevention of Chronic Inflammation by Targeting Macrophage Integrin aDb2, Cady Forgey
Listeners’ Attitudes towards Young Women with Glottal Fry, Natalie Foulks
Teacher Retention in Secure Residential Settings, Daniel Froemel
Influential Factors on Historic Interpretation: A Case Study of Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site, Matthew Frye
Ontogenetic and Adult Shape Variation in the Endocast of Tapirus: Implications for T. polkensis from the Gray Fossil Site, Thomas M. Gaetano
Deconstructing the "Woman of Sentiment": Parody as Agency in the Poetry of Phoebe Cary, Scottie Garber-Roberts
Students’ Meaning-Making Journeys Towards Self-Authorship Through Self-Designed Gap Year Experiences, Erin Garcia
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Quaternary Saltville, Virginia, using Ostracode Autecology, Austin Gause
Environmental Cybernetics: Technology and the Perception of Remediated Space, Lucas Gentry
Jangle Fallacy: Is Grit Distinct from Other Psychological Constructs?, Natasha Godkin
Holler, Ashley Gregg
The United States and Cuba: A Study of the US’s First Military Occupation and State Building Efforts, James Guillard
Utilizing the Public on Public Lands: The Application of Community Science to Monitor and Model Erosion in National Forests, Jacob L. Hansen
Understanding the Implications of Anandamide, an Endocannabinoid in an Early Land Plant, Physcomitrella patens, Md Imdadul Haq
Emotional Appeals in Nonprofit Advertising: A Rhetorical Analysis of Print Ads by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society, Dominique N. A. Harrison
Assessing Nurse Practitioners' Knowledge and Clinical Practice with Regard to the Oral-Systemic Link, Angela Haynes
Teacher Perceptions of Blended Learning to Support 21st Century Learners, Nikki Hensley
Alcohol Consumption in a Preclinical Model of Schizophrenia, Liza Hernandez
Perceptions of Student Experiences in Secondary Education Without the Presence of a Biological Father, Bradley Herrell
The Powerful Presence of Dams in Appalachian Poetry, Zoe Hester
The Effects of Increasing Running Speed on vGRF and Asymmetry, Kaela M. Hierholzer
Weight Status as a Moderator of Low Self-Esteem and Poor Sexual Functioning, Madison Hinkle
Quality of Life of Adults Who Have Attempted Suicide, Karen Hoefer
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Clinical Reasoning of Undergraduate Nursing Students, Amy G. Holder
Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale, Valerie M. Hoots
Leadership Styles of Head NASCAR Executives: A Historical Perspective, Joseph A. Hurd
An Unusual Mastodon Revisited: Providing a Regional Focus for Mammut americanum (Proboscidea, Mammutidae) in the Southeast, Matthew Inabinett
"Wand'ring this Woody Maze": Deciphering the Obscure Wilderness of Paradise Regained, Brooke Johnson
Supplemental Instruction in First-Year Chemistry Courses: Efficacy and Gender Balance, Deidre R. Johnson
When Beauty is More Than Skin Deep: A Content Analysis of Popular Beauty YouTubers’ Video Strategies, Kristen Jones
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Acute Stress, and Working Memory, Marissa R. Jones
Alkylation of Benzene on Immobilized Phosphotungstic Acid, Kofi Kankam
Pentecostal Women and Religious Reformation in the Progressive Era: The Political Novelty of Women’s Religious and Organizational Leadership, Sherry Kaye Ms.
Stacking the Odds for Better GPR: An Antenna Comparison, Montana Kruske
Potential Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Microbial Communities and Macroinvertebrates, Joseph Kusi
Immobilization of Phosphotungstic Acid on Silica Surface for Catalytic Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds, Anastasia Kuvayskaya
Behind the Screens: Understanding the Social Structures of the Video Game Industry, Michelle LaLonde