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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Response to Intervention 2 EasyCBM and AIMSweb Intervention Programs How They Relate to Student Growth, George T. Hopson
Generation X and Generation Y: An Exploration of Student Motivation to Learn and Technology Use, LaDonna Hutchins
Retaining First-Generation and Pell-Eligible Students with a Near-Peer Coaching Intervention, Kacie Hutson
Leadership Qualities of Female Presidents Serving the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology System, Kelli Kea-Carroll
Student Chronic Absenteeism and Perceptions of School Climate, Misty Keller
A Study Investigating the Experience of Teachers’ Innovative Adaptation of Teaching and Learning, Andrea Lowery
Defining Higher Education Writing Centers from the Perspectives of Writing Center Directors, Paul D. Ludwig Mr.
If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It: Walt Disney’s Hero’s Journey to Professional Identity, Charles McCoin
First-Generation Women Students’ Perceptions of Support While Enrolled in Higher Education Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Erin Blankenship Messmer
Remote Learning and Third-Grade Reading Performance in a 1:1 District, Amanda Milhorn
A Comparative Analysis of Levels of Importance, Satisfaction, and Engagement among Adult Learners and Tennessee Reconnect Recipients at two Community Colleges, Kelly A. Moore-Roberts
Educator Experiences Associated with Lateral Mobility: A Narrative Inquiry, Hunter Mullins
Teacher Perception Concerning the Role of Elementary Principals in School Culture and Climate, Robyn Murray
Developing Digital Literacy in Digital Natives: A Quantitative Study of Digital Literacy and Niswonger Online Students, Elizabeth Pavlovich
Educator Perceptions of the Organizational Change Experienced in the Shift from Traditional Grading to a Standards-Based System, Melinda Ford Rainey
Perceptions of Teachers of Color in Independent Schools: Factors Associated with Teacher Retention, Mary Smith
Social and Academic Experiences of Black, First-Generation, College Graduates While Attending Predominantly White Institutions, James Edward Stukes
Tennessee's Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Program and Kindergarten Achievement, Kindetta L. Thompson
Evidence-Based Program Selection and Duration of Implementation of Social-Emotional Learning as Related to Student Growth and Non-Academic Outcomes, Colleen K. Weems
Dual Enrollment’s Impact on Completion, Randy Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Beating the Odds: Perseverance and Its Influence on Male Students’ Perceptions in Overcoming Generational Poverty, Grady C. Bailey Jr
University Budget Models, Institutional Size, and Student Outcomes, James P. Batchelder
Health and Academic Achievement in College and University Students, Amber Beane
Mapping a Course to Success: The Relationship of a College to Career Navigation Exploratory Course to Academic Success, Patrick D U Davis Sr
Examining the Relationship Among Middle School Students’ Performance on the TNReady Assessment, District Checkpoints, and Teacher-Assigned Grades, Kristina Dempsey
Teacher and Administrator Beliefs about Grade Retention in Northeast Tennessee School Districts, Christopher A. Feathers
Teacher Retention in Secure Residential Settings, Daniel Froemel
Students’ Meaning-Making Journeys Towards Self-Authorship Through Self-Designed Gap Year Experiences, Erin Garcia
Teacher Perceptions of Blended Learning to Support 21st Century Learners, Nikki Hensley
Perceptions of Student Experiences in Secondary Education Without the Presence of a Biological Father, Bradley Herrell
Leadership Styles of Head NASCAR Executives: A Historical Perspective, Joseph A. Hurd
Supplemental Instruction in First-Year Chemistry Courses: Efficacy and Gender Balance, Deidre R. Johnson
Studying Abroad and Intercultural Outcomes: Differences Experienced Between International Exchange Students and U.S. Study Abroad Students, Patricia V. Lin-Steadman
Awareness and Utilization of Smart Mobile Devices and Mobile Apps as Teaching Tools for Community College Faculty, Denise Sherry Malloy
Pre-Entrance Factors and Student Success in an A.A.S. Nursing Program, Connie Marshall
Blended Learning Integration: Student Motivation and Autonomy in a Blended Learning Environment, Cheryl McHone
Perceptions of Faculty-Student Informal Mentoring Relationships, Robert Meier
The Lived Experiences of Adolescent ELL Students in East Tennessee, Sarah Mould
A State of Emergency: The Experiences of Teachers in Professional Learning Communities from 1999 to 2018 in a Rural South Carolina School District, KaKela O'Banner Robinson
The Importance of School Climate: How School Leaders in Inner City Middle Schools Shape Climate, Willie Robinson
Teacher Perceptions of Social Emotional Learning Supports in Freshman Academy, Nadia Saint-Louis
Positive Behavior Supports and Teacher Stress, Robin Street
Women in Leadership: A Narrative Study on the Elements that Manifest Barriers and Opportunities, Misty Sweat
Teacher Expectations, Self-efficacy, and Collective Efficacy in Three Tennessee Literacy Networks, Amanda Tinker
Safety in the Educational Environment: Rural District Administrator Perceptions of School Safety in Northeast Tennessee Public Schools, Richard A. True
Collectivism, Individualism, and Interprofessional Education: A Comparison of Faculty Across Five Academic Health Sciences Colleges, S. Alicia Williams
Teacher Tenure in K-12 Public Education: A Study of Tennessee Tenure Law, Lucas Winstead
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Characteristics of High Quality Teachers: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Kelli Barnett
Inversed Learning in an Intermediate Accounting Course, Ashley B. Bentley
Technology for the 21st Century Workforce: A Case Study of a Rural East Tennessee Workforce Community, Kim Bolton
Queer Students’ Perceptions of Inclusion at ABC Community College: A Phenomenology, Francis Canedo
Programs for Language Minority Students at TBR Community Colleges: A Study of Factors Affecting Design, Caitlin Chapman-Rambo
Successful Factors for Native and Community College Transfer Students in Engineering Technology at a Four-Year University, Leendert Craig
The Change Process and the Implementation of High School Jostens Renaissance Programs: A Multiple Case Study, Gregory G. English
Apartment Residents' Understanding of and Satisfaction with Water Savings Devices, David Farmer
Sensemaking in the Process of Inquiry: A Qualitative Case Study of a Networked Improvement Community, Bethany Fillers
Fully Practicing the Middle School Concept: A Phenomenological Study of Virginia Middle Schools Re-Designated III As A School To Watch, Sandra Frederick
A Comparison of Academic Success for Military Associated Students to the General Student Population at Middle Tennessee Community Colleges, Kenneth Hanson
Capability Approach and Teacher Quality: An Analysis of Female Teacher Experience in a Rural, Malawian Community, Annabelle Hardy
The Alignment of the Budget Allocation Process to the Strategic Plan at a Liberal Arts University: A Case Study, McCartney Johnson
Growth Scores and TEAM Observation Ratings for Teachers in a Northeast Tennessee School District, David A. Little
Perceptions of Tennessee Employees in Higher Education and K-12 working with Confucius Institutes, Michael Novak
Student Retention in Community College Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs, Harrison Orr
An Analysis of Novice Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding their Teacher Preparation Program, Professional Support, and the Purpose of School, Maria Veronica Paz Tagle
The Effects of Grade Configuration on Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Students’ TNReady English Language Arts and Math Achievement, Carmen Cristy Pendergrass
Factors that Contribute to PK-12 Teacher Retention in One Midwest School District, Jeffery Phillips
Servant Leadership Measures in PK-12 Schools, Elizabeth Renfro
Tennessee High School Counselors' and Dual Enrollment Advisors' Perceptions of Student Readiness for Dual Enrollment, Aleeta L. Shaw
Principals’ Perceptions of the Development of Leadership Practices Over Time, Angela Smith
Mentoring: Attitudes and Perceptions of New Lawyers, Mindy Thomas Fulks
An Exploration of Resilience: Evaluating Resilience Scores Among Honors Undergraduates Involved in Leadership Programs, Amy Van Buren
Parent, Teacher, and Administrator Perceptions of School Community Relationships, Tammy Watson
Teacher Factors and Student Achievement as Measured by the ACT Assessment and Subsequent Teacher Perceptions of Those Factors, Jessica Weaver
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Tennessee Promise: Impact on College Choice in Upper Northeast Tennessee, Jennifer R. Barber
A Study of the Purpose and Value of Recess in Elementary Schools as Perceived by Teachers and Administrators, Vickie Beard
Identifying Critical Risk Factors in the Decision-making Process of Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists: A Delphi Research Study, Shawn A. Carson
School Library Access as Related to Student Reading Comprehension in an Urban East Tennessee School District, Lori Church
Comparison of Learning Outcomes from Online and Face-to-Face Accounting Courses, Joel Faidley
The Inclusive Classroom: Perceptions of General and Special Educators’ Preparedness to Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities, Allecia Frizzell
Teacher Perceptions of the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM), Kelley Harrell
School Climate: A Comparison of Teachers, Students, and Parents, James A. Jacobs
The Impact of a Sixth Grade Laptop Initiative on Student Attitudes Concerning Their Learning and Technological Competencies, Jamie Jordan
Teacher Perceptions of Inclusion and Students with Autism, Nancy Keener
Basic Academic Skills and Post-Secondary Technical Education, Janet Humphreys Latimer
Worry in the Pews: Exploring Levels and Causes of Worry Among Church-goers, Jennifer Lee
Parent and Teacher Perceptions of Elementary School Homework, Jimmy Marcum
A School of Choice: A Case Study of an Instructional Learning Model in a Public School System, Samuel McCord
Undergraduate Student Perceptions of AP and Dual Enrollment in Relation to College Readiness Skills, Ashleigh E. Norris-Shu
Thriving in a Fortune 500 Company: A Case Study of Grit, Resilience, and Employee Perceptions, April Pack
A Phenomenological Study on Teacher Perception of Change in School Culture as a Result of the Implementation of Mindfulness, Justin Penley