"Defining Higher Education Writing Centers from the Perspectives of Wri" by Paul D. Ludwig Mr.

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

James Lampley

Committee Members

Don Good, Jasmine Renner, Don Johnson


The purpose of this study was to discover what defines a writing center by interviewing directors of writing centers in the Southern Appalachian area. This qualitative study was based on a single round of recorded telephone interviews with 13 writing center directors who meet the criteria for inclusion in the study. Many researchers have written about writing centers, their efficacy, and what defines them; yet, no clear consensus exists. Without a clear definition there is no means of determining the efficacy of writing centers.

As a result of the interviews with the writing center directors three critical components of writing centers emerged. They were tutors, space, and leadership; these are the three major elements that define and shape a writing center. A writing center must have well-trained and knowledgeable tutors; a space, either physical, virtual or both, as a base of operation; and a director that provides leadership.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
