Do People with ALS Perform Better with the Checkerboard Paradigm than with the Standard Row/Column P300-BCI?

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Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide communication that does not depend on neuromuscular activity. Several studies have demonstrated that those with advanced ALS can use noninvasive BCIs (e.g.,1,2,3). In able-bodied users, Townsend et al2 showed that a pseudorandom -or checkerboard paradigm (CBP) significantly improves P300-BCI performance compared to the standard or row/column paradigm (RCP). The CBP flashes stimuli in quasi-random groups that do not contain adjacent items, and it ensures at least six flashes between flashes of a given item. The combination of these two factors improves accuracy and bitrate. Townsend et al [2] also reported anecdotal improvements with the CBP in people with ALS who had extensive experience with the RCP. The present study seeks to verify these results in a larger group of people with ALS.


Asilomar, CA

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