College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2011


Forgiveness, Depression, and Suicidal Behavior Among a Diverse Sample of College Students, Jameson K. Hirsch, Jon R. Webb, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic (2011)

X-Ray Line Emission from Weak Wind O-Stars, David Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, W. Hamann, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and W. Waldron (2011)

Relationship Decision Factors, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Stigma Among Abused Women, D. W. Hutsell, K. D. Hyatt, D. A. Taylor, and Stacey L. Williams (2011)


Human Papillomavirus Infection, Vaccination, and Cervical Cancer Communication: The Protection Dilemma Faced by Women in Southern Appalachia, Sadie P. Hutson, Kelly A. Dorgan, Kathryn L. Duvall, and Linda H. Garrett (2011)


Time-Dependent Behavior of Linear Polarization in Unresolved Photospheres, with Applications for the Hanle Effect., Richard Ignace, K. Hole, J. Cassinelli, and G. Henson (2011)


Interactive Effects of Lead, Copper, Nickel and Zinc on Growth, Metal Uptake and Antioxidative Metabolism of Sesbania drummondii, Mohd Israr, Amy Jewell, Dhirendra Kumar, and Shivendra V. Sahi (2011)


Predicting Flavonoid UGT Regioselectivity, Rhydon Jackson, Debra Knisley, Cecilia McIntosh, and Phillip Pfeiffer (2011)


An Adaptive P300-Based Control System, Jing Jin, Brendan Z. Allison, Eric W. Sellers, Clemens Brunner, Petar Horki, Xingyu Wang, and Christa Neuper (2011)


Optimized Stimulus Presentation Patterns for an Event-Related Potential EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface, Jing Jin, Brendan Z. Allison, Eric W. Sellers, Clemens Brunner, Petar Horki, Xingyu Wang, and Christa Neuper (2011)


Evidence of Circadian Rhythm in Antipredator Behaviour in the Orb-Weaving Spider Larinioides Cornutus, Thomas C. Jones, Tamer S. Akoury, Christopher K. Hauser, and Darrell Moore (2011)


Octopamine and Serotonin Have Opposite Effects on Antipredator Behavior in the Orb-Weaving Spider, Larinioides cornutus, Thomas C. Jones, Tamer S. Akoury, Christopher K. Hauser, Michael F. Neblett, Brent J. Linville, Andrea A. Edge, and Nathaniel O. Weber (2011)


Breaking Waves in Population Flows, George Kampis and Istvan Karsai (2011)


Regulation of Task Partitioning by a "Common Stomach": A Model of Nest Construction in Social Wasps, I. Karsai and T. Schmickl (2011)


Connected Fragmented Habitats Facilitate Stable Coexistence Dynamics, Istvan Karsai and George Kampis (2011)


Mentoring Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Students via a Team Effort, Istvan Karsai, Jeff Knisley, Debra Knisley, Lev Yampolsky, and Anant Godbole (2011)


The Common Stomach as a Center of Information Sharing for Nest Construction, Istvan Karsai and Andrew Runciman (2011)

Democratic Accountability for Outsourced Government Services, Rebecca L. Keeler (2011)

Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Biosynthesis in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2011)

Insights into Storage Oil Biosynthesis: Comparative Transcriptomics of Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru and J. Ohlrogge (2011)


Computational Approach to Drying a Nanoparticle-Suspended Liquid Droplet, Hee Soo Kim, Sung Soo Park, and Frank Hagelberg (2011)


Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions Using Graph Invariants and a Neural Network, D. Knisley and J. Knisley (2011)


Compartmental Models of Migratory Dynamics, J. Knisley, T. Schmickl, and I. Karsai (2011)


Formation of a Single Pinhole on Self-Assembled Monolayer Modified Nanometer-Sized Gold Electrode and Its Electrochemical Behaviors, Jude Lakbub, Ismail Kady, and Peng Sun (2011)


Manipulating Attention via Mindfulness Induction Improves P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Performance, Chad E. Lakey, Daniel R. Berry, and Eric W. Sellers (2011)

A Moroccan Remains a Moroccan, Shara K. Lange (2011)

ETSU Radio, TV, Film 1969-2011: Partnerships, Promise, Hope, Shara K. Lange (2011)


Optimizing the P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface: Current Status, Limitations and Future Directions, J. N. Mak, Y. Arbel, J. W. Minett, L. M. McCane, B. Yuksel, D. Ryan, D. Thompson, L. Bianchi, and D. Erdogmus (2011)


Dispersibility of Organically Coated Silver Nanoparticles in Organic Media, Connie Manz, Lee Williams, Ray Mohseni, Eugene Zlotnikov, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2011)

Historical Truth, Public Ritual, and Leonardo Bruni’s History of the Florentine People in Renaissance Florence, Brian Maxson (2011)

Humanists, Knights, Gifts, Guelfs, and Ghibellines in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2011)

In the Presence of Mine Enemies: Pope Martin V, Florence, Diplomats, and Diplomacy, Brian Maxson (2011)

Review of Fencing: A Renaissance Treatise by Ken Mondschein, Brian Maxson (2011)


Review of L’Archivio preunitario del comune di San Casciano Val di Pesa, Brian Maxson (2011)


Reviews of Biondo Flavio, Italy Illuminated. Biondo Flavio's Italia Illustrata, Brian Maxson (2011)


The Many Shades of Praise: Politics and Panegyrics in Fifteenth-Century Florentine Diplomacy, Brian Maxson (2011)

The Power of Friendships: Leonardo Bruni as Florentine Diplomat, Brian Maxson (2011)

Factors Correlating with P300-Based BCI Performance in People With and Without ALS, L. McCane, T. M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, D. Zeitlin, J. Mak, and J. R. Wolpaw

Methodology to Examine Perceived Infertility Stigma among Women, Judy G. McCook and Stacey Williams (2011)

Methodology to Examine Perceived Infertility Stigma among Women, Judy G. McCook and Stacey Williams (2011)

Risk Factors for Psychological Distress and Impaired Quality of Life In Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for Providing Effective Nursing Care, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Sheeba Anand, Beth Bailey, Nancy E. Reame, and Samuel Thatcher (2011)

Risk Factors for Psychological Distress and Impaired Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Nursing Care, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Sheeba Anand, Beth Bailey, and Samuel Thatcher (2011)


Risk Factors for Psychological Distress and Impaired Quality of Life in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for Providing Effective Nursing Care, Judy G. McCook, Stacey L. Williams, Sheeba Anand, Beth A. Bailey, Nancy E. Reame, and Sam Thatcher (2011)


Review of The L1 in L2 learning - Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices, Theresa McGarry (2011)


The L1 in L2 learning - Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices by Yanan Song and Stephen Andrews, Theresa McGarry (2011)

Interaction of Task-Induced Involvement Components in Lexical Acquisition, Theresa McGarry and M. Michieka (2011)

Inductive Language Teaching in Large Classes, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2011)

Using Language Corpora in Teaching, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2011)


Tardigrada of Michigan, Northern USA, With the Description of Minibiotus jonesorum SP. N. (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae), Harry A. Meyer, Ana M. Lyons, Diane R. Nelson, and Juliana G. Hinton (2011)


Diminishing Returns: The Influence of Experience and Environment on Time-Memory Extinction in Honey Bee Foragers, Darrell Moore, Byron N. van Nest, and Edith Seier (2011)


Neurogenomic Signatures of Spatiotemporal Memories in Time-Trained Forager Honey Bees, Nicholas L. Naeger, Byron N. Van Nest, Jennifer N. Johnson, Sam D. Boyd, Bruce R. Southey, Sandra L. Rodriguez-Zas, Darrell Moore, and Gene E. Robinson (2011)


Geochemical and Geotechnical Features of Terra Rossa in Karst Areas Of, A. Nandi and J. Moore (2011)


Comparative Bearing Capacity Analysis of Spread Footing Foundation on Fractured Granites, Arpita Nandi (2011)


Theoretical Investigation Into the Structural, Thermochemical, and Electronic Properties of the Decathio[10]Circulene, Brian Napolion, Frank Hagelberg, Ming Ju Huang, John D. Watts, T. M. Simeon, Derricka Vereen, Wilbur L. Walters, and Quinton L. Williams (2011)


Book Review of A Mountaineer in Motion: The Memoir of Dr. Abraham Jobe, 1817-1906, Steven E. Nash

Book Review of Appalachians All!: East Tennesseans and the Elusive History of an American Region, Steven E. Nash


Book Review of Bluecoats and Tar Heels: Soldiers and Civilians in Reconstruction North Carolina, Steven E. Nash


Love is a Battlefield: Lizzie Alsop’s Flirtation with the Confederacy, Steven E. Nash


Counter Revolutionary Programs: Social Catholicism and the Cristeros, Daniel Newcomer (2011)


Early Magnetic B-Type Stars: X-ray Emission and Wind Properties, Lidia Oskinova, Helge Todt, Richard Ignace, John Brown, Joseph Cassinelli, and Wolf-Rainer Hamann (2011)


Early Magnetic B-type Stars: X-ray Emission and Wind Properties., L. Oskinova, H. Todt, Richard Ignace, J. Brown, J. Cassinelli, and W.-R. Hamann (2011)


Refractive Indices of Liquid-Forming Organic Compounds by Density Functional Theory, Sung Soo Park, Sanghun Lee, Jae Young Bae, and Frank Hagelberg (2011)


τ Sco: The Discovery of the Clones, Véronique Petit, Derck L. Massa, Wagner L.F. Marcolino, Gregg A. Wade, and Richard Ignace (2011)


Discovery of the first τ Sco Analogues: HD 66665 and HD 63425., V. Petit, D. Massa, W. Marcolinino, G. Wade, and Richard Ignace (2011)


Erratum: 3.6 Years of Dirbe Near-Infrared Stellar Light Curves (ApJS (2010) 190(203)), Stephan D. Price, Beverly J. Smith, Thomas A. Kuchar, Donald R. Mizuno, and Kathleen E. Kraemer (2011)

Child Temperament, Child, Communicative Intent and Parental Responsivity, Jessica Qualls, Nicole Vaughn, Angelica Wiggins, Kerry Proctor-Williams, and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2011)


(2015) Proposal to Conserve the Name Morinda Citrifolia (Rubiaceae) With a Conserved Type, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, David A. Halford, Timothy D. McDowell, and Birgitta Bremer (2011)


Total Domination Dot-Stable Graphs, Stephanie A. Rickett and Teresa W. Haynes (2011)

Improving Brain-Computer Interface Performance: Giving the P300 Speller Some Color, David B. Ryan, N. A. Gates, K. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, L. Collins, K. A. M. Winnen, R. W. Brown, and Eric W. Sellers


Predictive Spelling With a p300-Based Brain-Computer Interface: Increasing the Rate of Communication, D. B. Ryan, G. E. Frye, G. Townsend, D. R. Berry, S. Mesa-G, N. A. Gates, and E. W. Sellers (2011)

Efficacy of Using Brief Motivational Interviewing and Parent Group Visits In Primary Care to Treat Child Overweight and Obesity, Karen E. Schetzina, William T. Dalton, Fred Tudiver, Nicole Holt, Hazel Robinson, Ai-Lieng Lo, and Matt McBee (2011)

P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) use by People with ALS: Effects of Different Stimulus Types and User Strategies, L. A. Scull, S. M. Feldman, T. M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, L. McCane, D. Zeitlin, George Townsend, T. Heiman-Patterson, and J. R. Wolpaw


A Polyplot for Visualizing Location, Spread, Skewness, and Kurtosis, Edith Seier and Douglas G. Bonett (2011)


Clinical Applications of Brain-Computer Interface Technology, Eric W. Sellers (2011)

Non-Invasive P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Use for Brain Stem Stroke: A Case Report, Eric W. Sellers


Intelligent Design in Theological Perspective, Niall Shanks and Keith Green (2011)


Problem Solving in the Life Cycles of Multicellular Organisms: Immunology and Cancer, Niall Shanks and Rebecca A. Pyles (2011)

Introduction: From Seinfeld to Obama: Millennial Masculinities in Contemporary American Culture, Marc E. Shaw and Elwood Watson (2011)

Obama's Masculinities: A Landscape of Essential Contradictions, Marc E. Shaw and Elwood Watson (2011)


John Hunter and Joanna Baillie: Veterinary Science, Animal Rights, and the Pathology of Cruelty, Judith Bailey Slagle (2011)


Preface: Romantic Reform and Activist Literature, Judith Bailey Slagle (2011)


Erratum: The Larson-Tinsley Effect in the UV: Interacting Versus "Normal" Spiral Galaxies (Astronomical Journal (2010) 140 (1975)), Beverly J. Smith and Curtis Struck (2011)


Developmental Expression of Calcium Transport Proteins in Extraembryonic Membranes of Oviparous and viviparous Zootoca vivipara (Lacertilia, Lacertidae), James R. Stewart, Tom W. Ecay, Benoit Heulin, Santiago P. Fregoso, and Brent J. Linville (2011)

Biohistory and Cranial Morphology: A Forensic Case From Spanish Colonial Georgia, Christopher M. Stojanowski and William N. Duncan (2011)

The College Student Stigma Study, Desta A. Taylor, Stacey L. Williams, and D. McKelvey (2011)


Colonization of Healthy Children by Moraxella Catarrhalis Is Characterized by Genotype Heterogeneity, Virulence Gene Diversity and Co-Colonization With Haemophilus Influenzae, Suzanne J.C. Verhaegh, Martine L. Snippe, Foster Levy, Henri A. Verbrugh, Vincent W.V. Jaddoe, Albert Hofman, Henriëtte A. Moll, Alex Van Belkum, and John P. Hays (2011)

Diva on Ice Elizabeth Robins Writes the Alaska Environment, 1900, Fred Waage (2011)

The Non-Human in New World Encounter Narratives of the English Renaissance, Frederick Waage (2011)


Advanced Members of the Ailuridae (Lesser or Red Pandas - Subfamily Ailurinae), Steven C. Wallace (2011)


Forgiveness and Alcohol Problems: A Review of the Literature and a Call for Intervention-Based Research, Jon R. Webb, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Loren Toussaint (2011)

Archive Fever, Archive Failure: Exploring the ‘It’ in Beckett’s Theatre, Katherine Weiss (2011)

Book Review of A Companion to Samuel Beckett edited by S.E. Gontarski, Katherine Weiss (2011)

Remembering and Forgetting (un)happier Days in Beckett’s Happy Days, Katherine Weiss (2011)

How Do We Assess Perceived Stigma? Initial Validation of a New Measure, Stacey L. Williams (2011)

How Do We Assess Perceived Stigma? Initial Validation of a New Measure, Stacey Williams and Judy G. McCook (2011)


Interaction Between Atomic Lanthanide Impurities and Ultrashort Carbon Nanotubes of the Zigzag Type, Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2011)


Joint Effects of Child Temperament and Maternal Sensitivity on the Development of Childhood Obesity, Tiejian Wu, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., William T. Dalton, Fred Tudiver, and Xuefeng Liu (2011)


Using the Radial Basis Function Network Model to Assess Rocky Desertification in Northwest Guangxi, China, Mingyang Zhang, Kelin Wang, Chunhua Zhang, Hongsong Chen, Huiyu Liu, Yuemin Yue, Ingrid Luffman, and Xiangkun Qi (2011)

Submissions from 2010


Medicinal Chemistry of ATP Synthase: A Potential Drug Target of Dietary Polyphenols and Amphibian Antimicrobial Peptides, Zulfiqar Ahmad and Thomas F. Laughlin (2010)


Misrecognition and Domination in Transnational Democracy, Michael Allen (2010)

P300-Based BCI Using a Random Interstimulus Interval Increases Signal-to-Noise Ratio, J. A. Armstrong, G. E. Frye, D. R. Berrry, N. A. Gates, and Eric W. Sellers