College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2012

Attitudes Towards Bisexuality and Correlates, David W. Hutsell, Sheri L. Chandler, Brittany K. Lund, and Stacey L. Williams (2012)

Intragroup Attitudes of the LGBT Community: Assessment and Correlates, D. W. Hutsell and Stacey L. Williams (2012)


Thiophenol Analogs of Tocopherols and Rocotrienols, John A. Hyatt, Megan Dycus, Chau Nguyen, and James L. Little (2012)


Considerations of the Hanle and Zeeman Effects in Oblique Magnetic Rotators, Richard Ignace, K. T. Hole, J. P. Cassinelli, G. D. Henson, and K. G. Gayley (2012)

X-ray Emissions from Clump Bowshocks in Massive Star Winds, Richard Ignace, W. Waldron, and N. Cassinelli (2012)


X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Wind Clump Bow Shocks in Massive Stars., R. Ignace, W. Waldron, J. Cassinelli, and A. Burke (2012)

RJA as a Mediator of Temperament-Language Relationships in 15-Month Olds, Misti Jeffers and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2012)


Targeting an Efficient Target-to-Target Interval for P300 Speller Brain-Computer Interfaces, Jing Jin, Eric W. Sellers, and Xingyu Wang (2012)

Perceptions of Smoking Health Risks During Pregnancy: Comparison of Smokers and Non-Smokers, Kevin H. John, Tifani R. Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, Beth A. Bailey, and Lana McGrady (2012)


Modeling the Effects of Introducing a New Antibiotic in a Hospital Setting: A Case Study, Michele L. Joyner, Cammey C. Manning, and Brandi N. Canter (2012)


Book Review of Hillel Frisch and Efraim Inbar (Eds.). Radical Islam and International Security: Challenges and Responses. Tamar Meisels. The Trouble With Terror: Liberty, Security, and the Response to Terrorism., Paul Kamolnick (2012)

Topics in the Middle East, Paul Kamolnick (2012)


Regulation of Task Differentiation in Wasp Societies: A Bottom-up Model of the "Common Stomach", Istvan Karsai and Michael D. Phillips (2012)


The 'Common Stomach' as Information Source for the Regulation of Construction Behaviour of the Swarm, Istvan Karsai and Andrew Runciman (2012)

Analysis of Proposed Revisions to Ethics Code of American Society for Public Administration, Rebecca L. Keeler (2012)

Endocannabinoid System in Plants?, Aruna Kilaru (2012)


N-Acylated Phospholipid Metabolism and Seedling Growth, Aruna Kilaru and Kent D. Chapman (2012)


Lipidomic Analysis of N-Acylphosphatidylethanolamine Molecular Species in Arabidopsis Suggests Feedback Regulation by N-Acylethanolamines, Aruna Kilaru, Pamela Tamura, Giorgis Isaac, Ruth Welti, Barney J. Venables, Edith Seier, and Kent D. Chapman (2012)

At the Core of the Work/Life Balance Myth, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


Book Review of Mothers and Daughters: Complicated Connections Across Cultures, Amber E. Kinser (2012)

Crafting Maternal Truths in Three Persons, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


Editing an Anthology, Amber E. Kinser (2012)

Grit, Flaw, and Mama Moxie, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


Holding On by Letting Go: Personal Agency as Maternal Activism, Amber E. Kinser (2012)

Maternal Impact and the Push for ‘Frequent Family Dinners.’, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


Plotting Maternity in Three Persons, Amber E. Kinser (2012)

Putting It All on the Table: Mealtimes and Stages of Identity, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


The Cost of an Education: Exploring the Extended Reach of Academe in Family Life, Amber E. Kinser (2012)


Classifying Multigraph Models of Secondary RNA Structure Using Graph-Theoretic Descriptors, Debra Knisley, Jeff Knisley, Chelsea Ross, and Alissa Rockney


A Moroccan Remains a Moroccan, Shara K. Lange (2012)

Documentary Production as a Way to Talk about and Engage with Community, Shara K. Lange (2012)


Documentary Production & Documentary Problems, Shara K. Lange (2012)

Jeans & Djellabas, Shara K. Lange (2012)

Spotlight ETSU, Shara K. Lange (2012)

The Documentary, “The Dressmakers,” & Film Screening, Shara K. Lange (2012)


Density Functional Theory Calculation of Refractive Indices of Liquid-Forming Silicon Oil Compounds, Sanghun Lee, Sung Soo Park, and Frank Hagelberg (2012)


Developing an Electronic Repository for Undergraduate Theses, Foster Levy, Rebecca Pyles, Celia Szarejko, and Linda Wyatt (2012)


Polarization Variability Due to Clumps in the Winds of Wolf-Rayet Stars, Q. Li, J. P. Cassinelli, J. C. Brown, and Richard Ignace (2012)

Recombination and Screening of Putative Glucosyltransferase Clone 4 in Pichia pastoris, Peri Loftis and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2012)


The Commodification of Bluefin Tuna: The Historical Transformation of the Mediterranean Fishery, Stefano B. Longo and Brett Clark (2012)


EEG Correlates of P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Performance in People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Joseph N. Mak, Dennis J. McFarland, Theresa M. Vaughan, Lynn M. McCane, Phillippa Z. Tsui, Debra J. Zeitlin, Eric W. Sellers, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw (2012)


Establishing Independence: Leonardo Bruni's History of the Florentine People and Ritual in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2012)

Humanism and Magic in the Florentine Ritual of Command, Brian Maxson (2012)


Review of Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production, Brian Maxson (2012)


Review of Studies in Renaissance Humanism and Politics: Florence and Arezzo, by Robert Black., Brian Maxson (2012)


Review of Venice’s Most Loyal City: Civic Identity in Renaissance Brescia, Brian Maxson (2012)

The Crusades and the Lost Literature of the Italian Renaissance, Brian Maxson (2012)

The Hornet’s Nest: Humanism, Neighbors, and Hatred in Renaissance Florence, Brian Maxson (2012)

The Vernacular and the Spread of Humanism in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2012)

African American Experiences, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2012)

Congressional Angst: Paving a Legislative Road to the War of 1812, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2012)

Shaping the Nation: Early 19th Century America, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2012)


A Letter From the Coeditors, Matthew T. McBee and Michael S. Matthews (2012)


The Case for a Schism: A Commentary on Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius, and Worrell (2011), Matthew T. McBee, D. Betsy McCoach, Scott J. Peters, and Michael S. Matthews (2012)


Policy Matters: An Analysis of District-Level Efforts to Increase the Identification of Underrepresented Learners, Matthew T. McBee, Elizabeth Shaunessy, and Michael S. Matthews (2012)

Differential Contributions of the Reproductive and Metabolic Features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) to Psychological Symptoms, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Beth Bailey, Sheeba Anand, and Nancy Reame (2012)

Differential Contributions of the Reproductive and Metabolic Features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) to Psychological Symptoms, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Beth Bailey, Sheeba Anand, Nancy Reame, and Samuel Thatcher (2012)


Review of Making Requests by Chinese EFL Learners, Theresa McGarry (2012)

Inductive Teaching for Oral Skills, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinvelle (2012)

Building and Sustaining Research at East Tennessee State University, Cecilia A. McIntosh (2012)


Helodermatid Lizard From the Mio-Pliocene Oak-Hickory Forest of Tennessee, Eastern USA, and a Review of Monstersaurian Osteoderms, Jim I. Mead, Blaine W. Schubert, Steven C. Wallace, and Sandra L. Swift (2012)

Executive Function as a Moderator of Obesity in Infancy, Katherine Musacchio, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and William T. Dalton III (2012)


Effect of Heat Capacity and Physical Behavior on Strength and Durability of Shale, as Building Material, Kamal Nandi, Arpita Nandi, and Tyson Litchey (2012)


Book Review of Confederate Outlaw: Champ Ferguson and the Civil War in Appalachia, Steven Nash

Agents of Change: The Freedmen’s Bureau in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Becoming Free in the Mountain South: The Freedmen’s Bureau in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Book Review of After the War: The Lives and Images of Major Civil War Figures After the Shooting Stopped, Steven E. Nash


Book Review of Radical Reform: Interracial Politics in Post-Emancipation North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

The Metropolis of the Land of the Sky: The Civil War’s Impact on Asheville, North Carolina, Steven E. Nash


Mesoporous Silsesquioxanes with High Contents of Surface Amine Groups, Kolade O. Ojo, Leonid V. Golovko, Yury P. Gomza, and Aleksey N. Vasiliev (2012)

Appalachia and the World: Comparative Cultural Studies and the Fulbright Experience, Ted Olson (2012)


Book Review of Bill C. Malone: Music from the True Vine: Mike Seeger's Life & Musical Journey, Ted Olson (2012)


Book Review of The Oxford Book of American Poetry: The Difficulty of Anthologizing American Poetry, Ted Olson (2012)


Book Review of The Troubles and Their Aftermath: James B. Johnston's Memories of Northern Ireland, Ted Olson (2012)

Give Me That Old-Time Religion: Faith and Belief in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Appalachia, Ted Olson (2012)

James Still's Short Stories, Ted Olson (2012)

James Still's Short Stories: Voices of the Hills, Ted Olson (2012)


James Still: The Dean of Appalachian Literature, Ted Olson (2012)

Literary and Academic Publishing, Ted Olson (2012)

Louis Armstrong: Ten Recordings of Consequence, Ted Olson (2012)

Recording Review of Jazz: The Smithsonian Anthology, Ted Olson (2012)

Recording Review of Long Gone Sounds: Recent Historical Releases from Tompkins Square Records [Mama, I'll Be Long Gone: The Complete Recordings of Amede Ardoin, 1929-1934 and Aimer et Perdre, To Love & To Lose: Songs, 1917-1934], Ted Olson (2012)

Recording Review of Old Hat Records, Ted Olson (2012)

Recording Review of Vibrant, Playful, Beautiful, and Emotionally Charged: Two Box Sets of African-American Gospel Music [Fire in My Bones: Raw + Rare + Other-worldly African-American Gospel, 1944-2007 and This May Be My Last Time Singing: Raw African-American Gospel on 45 RPM, 1957-1982], Ted Olson (2012)

Recording Review of Woody Guthrie: Woody at 100, The Woody Guthrie Collection, Ted Olson (2012)

Remapping the South: Revisiting the Folklife in the South Series, Ted Olson (2012)

Remembering Arthel Lane 'Doc' Watson, Ted Olson (2012)


Robinson Jeffers: Appalachian, Californian, Poet, Ted Olson (2012)


Ted Olson's Poetry, Ted Olson (2012)


The Bristol Sessions: A Memorable Marriage of Tradition and Technology, Ted Olson (2012)


The Longest Night, Ted Olson (2012)

Transforming Tradition in Appalachia: Three 1920s-Era Field Recording Sessions and Their Legacies, Ted Olson (2012)


Word-weaving in Tennessee: The National Storytelling Festival, Ted Olson (2012)


High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy reveals the Special Nature of the Wolf-Rayet Star Winds., L. Oskinova, K. Gayley, W.-R. Hamann, D. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, and A. Pollock (2012)


Erratum: High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Reveals the Special Nature of Wolf-Rayet Star Winds (Astrophysical Journal Letters (2012) 747 (L25)), L. M. Oskinova, K. G. Gayley, W. R. Hamann, D. P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, and A. M.T. Pollock


In Reply, Yara A. Park, Jessica L. Poisson, Matthew T. McBee, and Araba Afenyi-Annan (2012)


Chlamydia Muridarum Enters a Viable but Non-Infectious State in Amoxicillin-Treated BALB/C Mice, R. Phillips Campbell, J. Kintner, J. Whittimore, and R. V. Schoborg (2012)


Evolution of Growth Habit, Inflorescence Architecture, Flower Size, and Fruit Type in Rubiaceae: Its Ecological and Evolutionary Implications, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Stefan Ekman, Timothy D. McDowell, and Birgitta Bremer (2012)

Stories of Strong Women Presented for Women Cancer Survivor Retreat, Oncology Services, Delanna Reed (2012)

The Balance of Public and Private Identities for Lesbian Teachers, Delanna Reed (2012)