College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2013

A Series of Studies of Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Rural Primary Care: An Eye Toward Intervention Design, Jameson K. Hirsch, K. L. Walker, S. A. Nsamenang, Catherine A. Rowe, and Kelly C. Cukrowicz (2013)

Lover, partner, and parent in Janies Still's Chinaherry, Thomas Alan Holmes (2013)


Identification of a New Class of Lipid Droplet-Associated Proteins in Plants, Patrick J. Horn, Christopher N. James, Satinder K. Gidda, Aruna Kilaru, John M. Dyer, Robert T. Mullen, John B. Ohlrogge, and Kent D. Chapman (2013)


On the Presence of Eunectes Murinus (Squamata, Serpentes) From the Late Pleistocene of Northern Brazil, Annie Schmaltz Hsiou, Gisele R. Winck, Blaine W. Schubert, and Leonardo Ávilla (2013)


The XMM-Newton EPIC X-ray Light Curve Analysis of WR 6., Richard Ignace, K. Gayley, W.-R. Hamann, D. Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, A. Pollock, and M. McFall (2013)


A Report on the X-ray Properties of the τ Sco Class of Stars., Richard Ignace, L. Oskinova, and D. Massa (2013)


Faraday Rotation Distributions from Stellar Magnetism in Wind-Blown Bubbles., Richard Ignace and N. Pingel (2013)


Child and Classroom Characteristics Associated With the Adult Language Provided to Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dwight W. Irvin, Kara Hume, Brian A. Boyd, Matthew T. McBee, and Samuel L. Odom (2013)

RJA as a Mediator of the Temperament-Language Relationship in 15-Month-Olds, Misti Jeffers and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2013)


Whether Generic Model Works for Rapid ERP-based BCI Calibration, Jing Jin, Eric W. Sellers, Yu Zhang, Ian Daly, Xingyu Wang, and Andrzej Cichocki (2013)

DBT in Practice: Part II, M. Johnson and Jill D. Stinson (2013)


Symbiosis: An Integration of Biology, Math and Statistics at the Freshman Level: Walking Together Instead of on Opposite Sides of the Street, Karl H. Joplin, Istvan Karsai, Darrell Moore, Hugh A. Miller, Edith Seier, Anant Godbole, and Michel Helfgott (2013)


Distance to the Border in Spatial Point Patterns, Michele Joyner, Chelsea Ross, and Edith Seier (2013)


Al Qaeda's Sharia Crisis: Sayyid Imam and the Jurisprudence of Lawful Military Jihad, Paul Kamolnick (2013)

The Egyptian Islamic Group's Critique of Al-Qaeda: A Case Study in Leveraging Fiqh al-Jihad to Delegitimize Terrorism, Paul Kamolnick (2013)


The Egyptian Islamic Group’s Critique of Al-Qaeda’s Interpretation of Jihad, Paul Kamolnick (2013)

The Sharia of Lawful Military Jihad: Sayyid Imam, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, and the Dispute Over the Islamic Legality of 9/11, Paul Kamolnick (2013)


A Career of Research in Public Administration, Rebecca L. Keeler (2013)


Managing Outsourced Administrative Discretion, Rebecca L. Keeler (2013)


Calculating Hyperfine Couplings in Large Ionic Crystals Containing Hundreds of QM Atoms: Subsystem DFT Is the Key, Ruslan Kevorkyants, Xiqiao Wang, David M. Close, and Michele Pavanello (2013)


Calculating Hyperfine Couplings in Large Ionic Crystals Containing Hundreds of QM Atoms: Subsystem DFT Is the Key, Ruslan Kevorkyants, Xiqiao Wang, David M. Close, and Michele Pavanello (2013)

Marijuana to Moss: Discovery of Plant Endocannabinoids, Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Biosynthesis in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Biosynthesis in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Conserved Regulation of Triacylglycerol Biosynthetic Pathway in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2013)


Understanding the Regulation of Oil Biosynthesis in Oil-Rich Tissues for the Purpose of Enriching Plant Oil Content to Generate Biofuels, Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Unlocking the Secrets of Avocado Oil Biosynthesis, Aruna Kilaru (2013)

A Conserved Regulation of Oil Biosynthesis in Avocado, a Basal Angiosperm, Aruna Kilaru, Xia Cao, Ha-Jung Sung, Keithanne Mockaitis, and John B. Ohlrogge (2013)

Unlocking the Secrets of Avocado Oil Biosynthesis, Aruna Kilaru, Xia Chao, Keithanne Mockaitis, and John Ohlrogge (2013)

Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Conserved Regulation of Triacylglycerol Biosynthetic Pathway in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru, John Ohlrogge, and Xia Cao (2013)

Lipidomic Approaches to Understanding N-Acylethanolamine Metabolism and Signaling in Arabidopsis and Moss, Aruna Kilaru, Richard Sante, S. Shiva, and Ruth Welti (2013)

Acting and Performance Techniques to Enhance Presentations, Amber E. Kinser (2013)


At the Core of the Work/Life Balance Myth: Motherhood and Family Dinners, Amber E. Kinser (2013)


Clever Deployments: A Foreword, Amber E. Kinser (2013)

Gendered and Feminist Performances in the Social ‘Theater of Food’, Amber E. Kinser (2013)

Motherhood and Family Meals in Appalachia, Amber E. Kinser (2013)

Mothers and Daughters: The Conversations Continue, Amber E. Kinser (2013)

Identification and Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) in Physcomitrella Patens, Brent Kinser and Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Identification and Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) in Physcomitrella Patens, Brent Kinser and Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Explaining the Link Between Stigma and Self-Compassion, Kathleen A. Klik, Sheri L. LaDuke, and Stacey L. Williams (2013)

Stigma as a Framework for Women’s Infertility, Kathleen A. Klik, Stacey L. Williams, and Judy McCook (2013)

Stigma, Psychosocial Resources, and Health Among Sexual Minorities, Sheri L. LaDuke, Sheri Chandler, and Stacey L. Williams (2013)

Self-Compassion and Perceptions of Public and Self-Stigma, Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen A. Klik, and Stacey L. Williams (2013)


Erratum: Turning Double-Torus Links Inside Out (Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (1999) 8:6 (789-798)), S. Lane, H. Norwood, and R. Norwood (2013)

Opportunities for Engagement: Documentary & Public Health, Shara K. Lange (2013)


Ultraviolet/Optical/Infrared Color Sequences Along the Tidal Ring/Arm of Arp 107, Ryen C. Lapham, Beverly J. Smith, and Curtis Struck (2013)


Habitat Partitioning and Niche Overlap of Two Forest Thrushes in the Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests, Andrew J. Laughlin, Istvan Karsai, and Fred J. Alsop (2013)


Early Warning Systems, Graham S. Leonard, Chris E. Gregg, and David M. Johnston (2013)


Warning Systems, Graham S. Leonard, David M. Johnston, and Chris E. Gregg (2013)

Recombination and Screening of Putative Grapefruit Glucosyltransferase 4 in Pichia pastoris, Peri Loftis and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2013)

Heterologous Expression and Characterization of Putative Secondary Product Glucosyltransferase (PGT)Clones 4 and 11 Isolated from Citrus paradisi, Peri Loftis, Bruce Williams, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2013)


The Ambiguity of Facticity in Heidegger's Early Work, Leslie MacAvoy (2013)


Numerical Models for the Circumstellar Medium Around Betelgeuse, J. Mackey, S. Mohamed, H. R. Neilson, N. Langer, and D. M.A. Meyer (2013)


Effects of Schoolwide Cluster Grouping and Within-Class Ability Grouping on Elementary School Students' Academic Achievement Growth, Michael S. Matthews, Jennifer A. Ritchotte, and Matthew T. McBee (2013)

Increasing Understanding of Wrinkled1 (Wri1) Transcription Factor: Functional Study of Oil Palm Wri1 and Analysis of Wri1 Splice Forms, Wei Ma, Que Kong, Vincent Arondel, Aruna Kilaru, Philip D. Bates, Nicholas A. Thrower, Christoph Benning, and John B. Ohlrogge (2013)


WRINKLED1, A Ubiquitous Regulator in Oil Accumulating Tissues from Arabidopsis Embryos to Oil Palm Mesocarp, Wei Ma, Que Kong, Vincent Arondel, Aruna Kilaru, Philip D. Bates, Nicholas A. Thrower, Christoph Benning, and John B. Ohlrogge (2013)

Claiming Byzantium: Papal Diplomacy, Biondo Flavio, and the Fourth Crusade, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of A History of Renaissance Rhetoric 1380-1620, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of Angelo Poliziano’s Lamia: Text, Translation, and Introductory Studies, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of Contesting the Renaissance by William Caferro, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of Cultures of Charity: Women, Politics, and the Reform of Poor Relief in Renaissance Italy, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of Marriage in Premodern Europe: Italy and Beyond, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of Niccolò Machiavelli: An Intellectual Biography, Brian Maxson (2013)


Review of The Young Leonardo: Art and Life in Fifteenth-Century Florence by Larry J. Feinberg, Brian Maxson (2013)

Tester: A Story of Class, Academia, Punk Rock, and Generation X, Brian Maxson (2013)

The Humanists and the Emperor in 1452, Brian Maxson (2013)


“This Sort of Men”: The Vernacular and the Humanist Movement in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2013)

Writing, Reciting, Responding, and Recording Diplomatic Orations, Brian Maxson (2013)

A Superior Form of Republicanism: James Elliot's Articulation of Free Labor Ideology and the Inequity of Slave Representation, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2013)


Book Review of “Black Patriots and Loyalists: Fighting for Emancipation in the War for Independence”, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2013)


Book Review of Martha Jefferson Randolph, Daughter of Monticello: Her Life and Times by Cynthia A. Kierner, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2013)


Politics, Love and Longing: The Political Marriage of Sarah Crowninshield, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2013)

The U.S. Constitution and Slavery Debate, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2013)

The Cost Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Consultant Utilization for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Cases in Rural Pediatric Primary Care, Kayla McCarter, Dannel Petgrave, Courtney Lilly, Natasha Gouge, and Jodi Polaha (2013)


Review Of Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition, Theresa McGarry (2013)


Topic Introduction Elements in Single-Gender and Mixed-Gender Social Club Business Meeting in the US, Theresa McGarry (2013)


Extinct Pterygoboa (Boidae, Erycinae) From the Latest Oligocene and Early Miocene of Florida, Jim I. Mead and Blaine W. Schubert (2013)


Soliton Solutions of a Variation of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Erin Middlemas and Jeff Knisley (2013)

Religious Commitment Predicts Substance Use in Pregnant Women, Robert A. Montgomery, Tifani R. Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2013)


Creating Quantitative Biologists: The Immediate Future of SYMBIOSIS, Darrell Moore, Karl H. Joplin, Istvan Karsai, Hugh A. Miller, Michel Helfgott, Anant Godbole, and Edith Seier (2013)


Book Review of Inventing Stonewall Jackson: A Civil War Hero in History and Memory, Steven Nash

A New Birth of Freedom in the Southern Mountains: Emancipation in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Emancipation in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Let Us Begin with the Mountains: Toward An Environmental History of the Civil War in Appalachia, Steven E. Nash


Toward a Methodology of Storytelling Performance Criticism, Caren Schnur Neile and David Novak (2013)


Species Richness of Soil and Leaf Litter Tardigrades in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina/Tennessee, USA), Diane R. Nelson and Paul J. Bartels (2013)


Depressive Symptoms and Interpersonal Needs as Mediators of Forgiveness and Suicidal Behavior Among Rural Primary Care Patients, Sheri A. Nsamenang, Jon R. Webb, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2013)


Behind the Scenes with Appalachian Writer James Still, Ted Olson (2013)


Book Review of Caleb Beissert: Federico Garcia Lorca & Pablo Neruda: Beautiful, Translations from the Spanish, Ted Olson (2013)

Book Review of Ricky Skaggs: Kentucky Traveler: My Life in Music, Ted Olson (2013)

Can You Sing or Play Old-Time Music?, Ted Olson (2013)


Can You Sing or Play Old-Time Music?: The Johnson City Sessions, Ted Olson (2013)


'Can You Sing Or Play Old-Time Music?': The Johnson City Sessions, Ted Olson (2013)

Comparing Global Regions: Appalachia and Catalunya, Ted Olson (2013)


Crinoid Stem and Wilderness Road, Ted Olson (2013)


Film Review of Let Your Feet Do the Talkin’: A Documentary Film about Buckdancer Thomas Maupin, Ted Olson (2013)


Five Works: Bloodwork, Cairn, Fruit Stand, October Morning, Questions, Ted Olson (2013)

He can pierce your heart in a single line': Comparing James Still of Appalachia and Alphonse Daudet of Provence, Two 'Regional' Writers with National Impacts, Ted Olson (2013)

Poetry in Appalachia, Ted Olson (2013)

Publishing Appalachian Writing, Ted Olson (2013)