College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2013


Recording Review of Charlie Poole with The Highlanders: Complete Recordings, Ted Olson (2013)

Recording Review of Sam Phillips and the Sun Records Legacy, Ted Olson (2013)

Recording Review of The Sanctified Soul of Arizona Dranes, Ted Olson (2013)

The Achievement of James Still, Ted Olson (2013)


The National Storytelling Festival: Words, Music, and Memories, Ted Olson (2013)

The Virginia Dulcimer in Cultural Context, Ted Olson (2013)

When Viewed from the Other Side of the Mountain: The 'Hillbilly' Stereotype in Twenty-First Century Films, Ted Olson (2013)


Effects of Nicotine on Olfactogustatory Incentives: Preference, Palatability, and Operant Choice Tests, Matthew I. Palmatier, Jaden E. Lantz, Laura C. O'Brien, and Sarah P. Metz (2013)


The Effect of Nicotine on Sign-Tracking and Goal-Tracking in a Pavlovian Conditioned Approach Paradigm in Rats, Matthew I. Palmatier, Kimberley R. Marks, Scott A. Jones, Kyle S. Freeman, Kevin M. Wissman, and A. Brianna Sheppard (2013)

Self-Regulation in New Domains: The Reliability and Validity of Scales Measuring Cognitive and Interpersonal Regulation, A. Perkins, J. V. Becker, and Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Managing Multiple Concerns in Pediatric Primary Care: Impact on Time, Dannel K. Petgrave, Kayla McCarter, Courtney Lilly, Natasha Gouge, and Jodi Polaha (2013)


Dorsal Body Pigmentation and Sexual Dimorphism in the Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma Opacum), L. R. Pokhrel, I. Karsai, M. K. Hamed, and T. F. Laughlin (2013)


First Taxon Date and Stable Isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) for the Large Hypercarnivorous South American canid Protocyon troglodytes (Canidae, Carnivora), Francisco J. Prevosti and Blaine W. Schubert (2013)

Story Program of Nathan Gann, Pioneer, Delanna Reed (2013)

Storytelling, Multiple Intelligences and Curriculum Standards, Delanna Reed (2013)

Telling Lesbian Teacher’s Stories through Performance Ethnography, Delanna Reed (2013)

Art Appreciation Lecture and Sculpture Walk Tour, Joshua S. Reid (2013)

The Gender Dynamics of Ariosto’s Tales of Women in Elizabethan England, Joshua S. Reid (2013)


The Relationship Between Negative Life Events and Suicidal Behavior, Catherine A. Rowe, Kristin L. Walker, Peter C. Britton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2013)

Enhancing Brain-Computer Interface Performance in an ALS Population: Checkerboard and Color Paradigms, David B. Ryan, Kenneth A. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, Leslie M. Collins, and Eric W. Sellers

Lipid Profile Reveals Occurrence of Anandamide (A Mammalian Neurotransmitter) in Physcomitrella, Richard Sante and Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Occurrence, Metabolism and Function of Anandamide (A Mammalian Neurotransmitter) in the Moss Physcomitrella Patens, Richard Sante, Sunitha Shiva, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2013)


Longitudinal Comparison of Early Speech and Language Milestones in Children With Cleft Palate: A Comparison of Us and Slovak Children, Nancy J. Scherer, Zuzana Oravkinova, and Matthew T. McBee (2013)


Individual Differences in Nostalgia Proneness: The Integrating Role of the Need to Belong, Johannes Seehusen, Filippo Cordaro, Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides, Clay Routledge, Ginette C. Blackhart, Kai Epstude, and Ad J.J.M. Vingerhoets (2013)


An Exercise to Introduce Power, Edith Seier and Yali Liu (2013)


New Horizons in Brain-Computer Interface Research, Eric W. Sellers (2013)


DNA-PK, ATM and ATR Collaboratively Regulate p53-RPA Interaction to Facilitate Homologous Recombination DNA Repair, M. A. Serrano, Z. Li, M. Dangeti, P. R. Musich, S. Patrick, Marina Roginskaya, B. Cartwright, and Y. Zou (2013)


Associations of Psychological Thriving with Coping Efficacy, Expectations for Future Growth, and Depressive Symptoms Over Time in People with Arthritis, Fuschia M. Sirois and Jameson K. Hirsch (2013)

Self-compassion is Associated with the Practice of Positive Health Behaviours Across Thirteen Samples, Fuschia M. Sirois and Jameson K. Hirsch (2013)

Gothic Interactions: Italian Gothic Translations of Margaret Holford Hodson, Judith Bailey Slagle (2013)


Joanna Baillie and the Anxiety of Shakespeare's Influence, Judith Bailey Slagle (2013)

Paula R. Backscheider: Legacies and Influences, Judith Bailey Slagle (2013)


Introduction: New Answers for Old Questions About the Civil War–Era North, Andrew L. Slap (2013)


"No Regular Marriage": African American Veterans and Marriage Practices After Emancipation, Andrew L. Slap (2013)

The Will and the Way: The Role of Goal-Directed Behavior in Future Care Planning Among Older Adults, Jodi Southerland, Deborah Slawson, Jameson Hirsch, Robert P. Pack, J. Lyness, and S. Sorensen (2013)

The Effects of Motivation on Task Performance Using the BCI., S. A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers

Comparing Fidelity Among Odontometrics and Craniometrics Between Traditional and Three-Dimensional Scanning Data, A. M. Starnes, Myra Miller, and William N. Duncan (2013)


Fetal Nutrition in Lecithotrophic Squamate Reptiles: Toward a Comprehensive Model for Evolution of Viviparity and Placentation, James R. Stewart (2013)

Global Domination Stable Trees, Elizabeth Marie Still and Teresa W. Haynes (2013)

Challenges of Sex Offender Risk Management in Rural Community Settings. In: Jill D. Stinson (Chair), Needs of Marginalized Populations: Rural, Tribal, and Deaf Sexual Offenders, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

DBT in Practice: Part I, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

East Tennessee DBT Implementation Project, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Predictors of Sex Offender Treatment Attrition in Offenders With Serious Mental Illness, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Safe Offender Strategies: An Introduction, and Beyond the Basics, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Safe Offender Strategies: A Skills-Based Approach to Sex Offender Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Safe Offender Strategies: A Skills-Based Treatment Approach, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Sex Offender Risk and Risk Management, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

The Impact of Trauma on Early-Onset Aggression, Sexual Offending, and Psychiatric Symptoms, Jill D. Stinson (2013)

The Role of Self-Regulation in Sex Offending and Sex Offender Treatment: Emerging Research, Jill D. Stinson (2013)


Pedophilia: A Case Study in Empirically Supported Treatment, Jill D. Stinson and Judith V. Becker (2013)

Arrest and Psychiatric Rehospitalization Following Inpatient Sex Offender Treatment: A Comparison of Two Protocols, Jill D. Stinson, L. A. Morrison, and J. V. Becker (2013)

Redefining Borderline Personality Disorder: BPD, DSM-v, and Emotion Regulation Disorders, Jill D. Stinson and Brittany V. Williams (2013)


Geographic Patterns of Early Holocene New World Dental Morphological Variation, Christopher Stojanowski, Kent Johnson, and William N. Duncan (2013)

Identification of Acyltransferases Associated with Oil Accumulation in Avocado Fruit, Ha-Jung Sung and Aruna Kilaru (2013)

Identification of Key Genes Associated with Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis in Avocado Fruit, Ha-Jung Sung and Aruna Kilaru (2013)


Formation of a Single Gold Nanoparticle on a Nanometer-Sized Electrode and Its Electrochemical Behaviors, Peng Sun, Fei Li, Cheng Yang, Tong Sun, Ismail Kady, Benjamin Hunt, and Jian Zhuang (2013)


Bayesian Approach to Dynamically Controlling Data Collection in P300 Spellers, Chandra S. Throckmorton, Kenneth A. Colwell, David B. Ryan, Eric W. Sellers, and Leslie M. Collins (2013)

Effects of Amino Acid Sequence Insertion on the Substrate Preference of a Citrus Paradisi Glucosyltransferase, Benjamin M. Tolliver, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2013)


Hope as a Moderator of Negative Life Events and Depressive Symptoms in a Diverse Sample, Preston L. Visser, Priya Loess, Elizabeth L. Jeglic, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2013)


Ecocriticism's Past and Future, Fred Waage (2013)


Persistence, Reticence and the Management of Multiple Time Memories by Forager Honey Bees, Ashley E. Wagner, Byron N. Van Nest, Caddy N. Hobbs, and Darrell Moore (2013)


A New Machairodont from the Palmetto Fauna (Early Pliocene) of Florida, with Comments on the Origin of the Smilodontini (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae), Steven C. Wallace and Richard C. Hulbert (2013)


Genetic Variants in the Fat Mass- and Obesity-Associated (FTO) Gene Are Associated With Alcohol Dependence, Liang Wang, Xuefeng Liu, Xingguang Luo, Min Zeng, Lingjun Zuo, and Ke Sheng Wang (2013)


Forgiveness and Alcohol Problems: Indirect Associations Involving Mental Health and Social Support, Jon R. Webb, Jameson K. Hirsch, Elizabeth Conway-Williams, and Kenneth G. Brewer (2013)


Forgiveness and Health: Assessing the Mediating Effect of Health Behavior, Social Support, and Interpersonal Functioning, Jon R. Webb, Jameson K. Hirsch, Preston L. Visser, and Kenneth G. Brewer (2013)


Forgiveness, Mindfulness, and Health, Jon R. Webb, T. Dustin Phillips, David Bumgarner, and Elizabeth Conway-Williams (2013)

A Communication Scholarship Showcase – Research Development Committee Joint Workshop, Katherine Weiss (2013)

Extremes and Extremities: The Actor’s Body in Samuel Beckett’s Stage Plays, Katherine Weiss (2013)

‘… gentle light unfading …’: Set and Costume Designs for Samuel Beckett’s Neither, Katherine Weiss (2013)

Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, Katherine Weiss (2013)

The (Dis)appearing Body in Samuel Beckett’s Stage Plays, Katherine Weiss (2013)

‘... zufaellig aus dem Fenster blickend--’: Reflections on Dieter Leisegang’s ‘Vergangenheiten', Katherine Weiss (2013)

Understanding Relationships Between Childhood Abuse, Mental Illness, and Suicidality and Self-Harm Behaviors in a Psychiatric Sample, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Understanding the Relationship Between Weight and Emotion Regulation in a Psychiatric Sample, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2013)

Putative Glucosyltransferase 11 from Citrus paradisi: Cloning, Recombinant Expression in Yeast, and Substrate Screening, Bruce E. Williams and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2013)

A Paradox of Support Seeking and Response Among Sexual Minorities, Stacey L. Williams, Sheri Chandler, and Kathleen A. Klik (2013)


Geometric, Magnetic, and Adsorption Properties of Cross-Linking Carbon Nanotubes: A Computational Study, Jianhua Wu, Anahita Ayasoufi, Jerzy Leszczynski, and Frank Hagelberg (2013)


Impact of Tube Curvature on the Ground-State Magnetism of Axially Confined Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes of the Zigzag-Type, Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2013)


Developing an Interactive Story for Children with Asthma, Tami H. Wyatt, Xueping Li, Yu Huang, Rachel Farmer, Delanna Reed, and Patricia V. Burkhart (2013)


Adaptive Phenotypic Plasticity and Local Adaptation for Temperature Tolerance in Freshwater Zooplankton, Lev Y. Yampolsky, Tobias M.M. Schaer, and Dieter Ebert (2013)

Robert Washburn's Symphony for Band: A History and Analysis, Christian Zembower (2013)

Submissions from 2012


Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions on Mesoporous Silica-Modified Montmorillonite Containing a Grafted Chelate Ligand, Mary Addy, Bradley Losey, Ray Mohseni, Eugene Zlotnikov, and Aleksey Vasiliev (2012)


Effect of Structural Modulation of Polyphenolic Compounds on the Inhibition of Escherichia coli ATP Synthase, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Mubeen Ahmad, Florence Okafor, Jeanette Jones, Abdelmajeed Abunameh, Rakesh P. Cheniya, and Ismail O. Kady (2012)


Erratum: Total Domination Supercritical Graphs With Respect to Relative Complements (Discrete Mathematics (2002) 258 (361-371)), Abdollah Alimadadi, Changiz Eslahchi, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Nader Jafari Rad, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2012)

RCMS 1980-2010: Trends in American Denominations, Christopher Bader and Joseph O. Baker (2012)


Countervailing Forces: Religiosity and Paranormal Belief in Italy, Christopher D. Bader, Joseph O. Baker, and Andrea Molle (2012)


Book Review of Faith No More: Why People Reject Religion by Phil Zuckerman, Joseph O. Baker (2012)


Perceptions of Science and American Secularism, Joseph O. Baker (2012)


Public Perceptions of Incompatibility Between “Science and Religion”, Joseph O. Baker (2012)

Sasquatch: Cultural Mythology Meets the Culture of Science, Joseph O. Baker (2012)

Theism, Sexual Politics, and the American States, Joseph O. Baker (2012)

Trends in Apostasy and Conversion in the United States: 1972-2010, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2012)


Simulation Algorithms for Continuous Time Markov Chain Models, H. T. Banks, Anna Broido, Brandi Canter, Kaitlyn Gayvert, Shuhua Hu, Michele Joyner, and Kathryn Link (2012)


A Comparison of Computational Efficiencies of Stochastic Algorithms in Terms of Two Infection Models, H. Thomas Banks, Shuhua Hu, Michele Joyner, Anna Broido, Brandi Canter, Kaitlyn Gayvert, and Kathryn Link (2012)


An Online Key and Field Guide to the Tardigrades of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina &Amp; Tennessee, USA, North America) With Taxonomic Revisions of Two Species, Paul J. Bartels and Diane R. Nelson (2012)

Fully Automorphic Decompositions of Graphs, Robert A. Beeler (2012)

Peg Solitaire on the Windmill and the Double Star Graphs, Robert A. Beeler and D. Paul Hoilman (2012)

Optimizing P300-based brain-computer interface communication speed via error potentials, D. R. Berry, K. A. Colwell, and Eric W. Sellers

"'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst': Consumption that satisfies," Homily, Lee Bidgood (2012)


Bluegrass and Social Class in the American South, Lee Bidgood (2012)