Surgery Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




17β-Estradiol Inhibits Angiotensin II-Induced Cardiac Myofibroblast Differentiation, Meiling Wu, Mei Han, Jing Li, Xuan Xu, Ting Li, Lingli Que, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, Qi Chen, and Yuehua Li (2009)


4-Acetoxy-2,2-Dimethylbutanoate: A Useful Carbohydrate Protecting Group for the Selective Formation of β-(1→3)-D-Glucans, Hai Yu, David L. Williams, and Harry E. Ensley (2005)


9-Phenanthrol and Flufenamic Acid Inhibit Calcium Oscillations in HL-1 Mouse Cardiomyocytes, Rees Burt, Bridget M. Graves, Ming Gao, Chaunfu Li, David L. Williams, Santiago P. Fregoso, Donald B. Hoover, Ying Li, Gary L. Wright, and Robert Wondergem (2013)


A Comparison of Injury Severity Score and Disposition Between Pediatric and Adult Patients Transported to a Rural Trauma Center Via Helicopter, Edward C. Gray, Megan A. Quinn, John B. Yarger, Seth A. Brown, and J. Bracken Burns


Activation of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2α in Resident Peritoneal Macrophages by Listeria Monocytogenes Involves Listeriolysin O and TLR2, Shahid Noor, Howard Goldfine, Dawn E. Tucker, Saritha Suram, Laurel L. Lenz, Shizuo Akira, Satoshi Uematsu, Milena Girotti, Joseph V. Bonventre, Kevin Breuel, David L. Williams, and Christina C. Leslie (2008)


Activation of Myocardial Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase p110α Ameliorates Cardiac Dysfunction and Improves Survival in Polymicrobial Sepsis, Chuanfu Li, Fang Hua, Tuanzhu Ha, Krishna Singh, Chen Lu, John Kalbfleisch, Kevin F. Breuel, Tiffany Ford, Race L. Kao, Ming Gao, Tammy R. Ozment, and David L. Williams (2012)

Activation of Nuclear Factor-kappaB, Chuanfu Li, Jim Kelley, and Tuanzhu Ha (2006)


Activation of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling Contributes to Hippocampal Neuronal Death Following Global Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion, Fang Hua, Jing Ma, Tuanzhu Ha, Yeling Xia, Jim Kelley, David L. Williams, Race L. Kao, I. William Browder, John B. Schweitzer, John H. Kalbfleisch, and Chuanfu Li (2007)


Acute Pancreatitis of Unknown Etiology in the Elderly, W. Browder, M. D. Patterson, J. L. Thompson, D. N. Walters, and M. A. Malangoni (1993)

Adenosine Prevents NF-κB Binding Activity Induced by Ischemia in Rat Heart, R. L. Kao, T. Ha, L. Liu, W. Browder, and C. Li (1997)


A Highly Specific and Sensitive DNA Probe Derived From Chromosomal DNA of Helicobacter Pylori Is Useful for Typing H. Pylori Isolates, C. Li, D. A. Ferguson, T. Ha, D. S. Chi, and E. Thomas (1993)


Alarming Rate of Substance Use in Motor Vehicle Collisions at an Appalachian Trauma Center, Rebecca Proctor, Melissa P. Taylor, Megan Quinn, and Bracken Burns


Alkali Insoluble Glucan Extracted From Acremonium Diospyri Is a More Potent Immunostimulant in the Indian White Shrimp, Fenneropenaeus Indicus Than Alkali Soluble Glucan, Abdulaziz Anas, Douglas W. Lowman, David L. Williams, Stewart Millen, Srinivas Somnath Pai, Thavarool Puthiyedathu Sajeevan, Rosamma Philip, and Isaac Sarojeni Singh (2009)

Alterations in Plasma Lipoproteins of Stumptailed Macaques (Macaca Arctoides) Fed an Atherogenic Diet, T. L. Raymond, Anthony J. DeLucia, and L. R. Bryant (1982)

An Abdominal Hernia Secondary to Blunt Trauma., J. V. Lewis, R. C. Clapp, and G. M. Testerman (1996)


An Anti-Inflammatory Property of Candida Albicans β-Glucan: Induction of High Levels of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist via a Dectin-1/CR3 Independent Mechanism, Sanne P. Smeekens, Mark S. Gresnigt, Katharina L. Becker, Shih Chin Cheng, Stejara A. Netea, Liesbeth Jacobs, Trees Jansen, Frank L. van de Veerdonk, David L. Williams, Leo A.B. Joosten, Charles A. Dinarello, and Mihai G. Netea (2015)


A New Animal Model of Reversible Acute Pancreatitis, Borzou Azima, Race L. Kao, George A. Youngberg, David Williams, and William Browder (1996)


A Newly Developed PCR Assay of H. Pylori in Gastric Biopsy, Saliva, and Feces. Evidence of High Prevalence of H. Pylori in Saliva Supports Oral Transmission, Chuanfu Li, Tuanzhu Ha, Donald A. Ferguson, David S. Chi, Rongguo Zhao, Nikihil R. Patel, Guha Krishnaswamy, and Eapen Thomas (1996)


An Inverse Relationship Between Plasma Carnitine and Triglycerides in Selected Macaca Arctoides and Macaca Nemistrina Fed a Low-Fat Chow Diet, Frank P. Bell and Anthony J. DeLucia (1984)


An Old Idea is a Novel Concept for Supplemental Funding of Surgical Residency Programs, Matthew Dimon, Bestoun Ahmed, Pam Pieper, Bracken Burns, and Joseph J. Tepas


Anterior Pituitary Cells Express Pattern Recognition Receptors for Fungal Glucans: Implications for Neuroendocrine Immune Involvement in Response to Fungal Infections, Kevin F. Breuel, Panagiotis Kougias, Peter J. Rice, Duo Wei, Keith De Ponti, Jiakun Wang, John J. Laffan, Chuanfu Li, John Kalbfleisch, and David L. Williams (2004)


Antioxidant Transport by the Human Placenta, S. Schenker, Y. Yang, A. Perez, Robert V. Acuff, A. M. Papas, G. Henderson, and M. P. Lee (1998)


Application of Aqueous Gel Permeation Chromatography With in-Line Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering and Differential Viscometry Detectors for the Characterization of Natural Product Carbohydrate Pharmaceuticals, David L. Williams, William I. Browder, and Henry A. Pretus (1992)


A Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method for the Quantitative Analysis on a Dry Weight Basis of (1→3)-β-D-glucans in a Complex, Solvent-Wet Matrix, Douglas W. Lowman and David L. Williams (2001)


Aspergillus Thromboembolism From a Mycotic Ascending Aortic Pseudoaneurysm, Afshin A. Skibba, Michael R. West, James R. Evans, Steven P. Hopkins, Simon Maltais, and Daniel S. Rush (2015)

Aspirin Improves the Patency Rate of Seeded Vena Cava Grafts, N M. Vo, L Y. Arbogast, E. Friedlander, . E. Stanton, and B. Arbogast


Assessing the Long-term Patency and Clinical Outcomes of Venous and Arterial Grafts Used in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Meta-analysis, Abdul Waheed, Emily Klosterman, Joseph Lee, Ankita Mishra, Vijay Narasimha, Faiz Tuma, Faran Bokhari, Furqan Haq, and Subhasis Misra


At Low Serum Glucan Concentrations There Is an Inverse Correlation Between Serum Glucan and Serum Cytokine Levels in ICU Patients With Infections, J. Andres Gonzalez, Justin D. Digby, Peter J. Rice, Kevin F. Breuel, W. Keith Deponti, John H. Kalbfleisch, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (2004)


Attenuation of Cardiac Dysfunction and Remodeling of Myocardial Infarction by microRNA-130a are Mediated by Suppression of PTEN and Activation of PI3K Dependent Signaling, Chen Lu, Xiaohui Wang, Tuanzhu Ha, Yuanping Hu, Li Liu, Xia Zhang, Honghui Yu, Jonathan Miao, Race Kao, John Kalbfleisch, David Williams, and Chuanfu Li (2015)


Attenuation of Cardiac Dysfunction by HSPA12B in Endotoxin-Induced Sepsis in Mice Through a PI3K-Dependent Mechanism, Hongmei Zhou, Jin Qian, Chuanfu Li, Jingjin Li, Xiaojin Zhang, Zhengnian Ding, Xiang Gao, Zhihua Han, Yunlin Cheng, and Li Liu (2011)


Attenuation of Cardiac Dysfunction in Polymicrobial Sepsis by MicroRNA-146a is Mediated via Targeting of IRAK1 and TRAF6 Expression, Ming Gao, Xiaohui Wang, Xia Zhang, Tuanzhu Ha, He Ma, Li Liu, John H. Kalbfleisch, Xiang Gao, Race L. Kao, David L. Williams, and Chuanfu Li (2015)


Attenuation of Cardiac Hypertrophy by Inhibiting Both mTOR and NFκB Activation in Vivo, Tuanzhu Ha, Yuehua Li, Xiang Gao, Julie R. McMullen, Tetsuo Shioi, Seigo Izumo, Jim L. Kelley, Aiqiu Zhao, Georges E. Haddad, David L. Williams, I. William Browder, Race L. Kao, and Chuanfu Li (2005)

Augmentation of Macrophage Glutathione and Enzymatic Activities in Primates Exposed to Tobacco Smoke, J. R. Dunbar, Anthony J. DeLucia, and L. R. Bryant (1978)


Avoided Heat-Related Mortality Through Climate Adaptation Strategies in Three US Cities, Brian Stone, Jason Vargo, Peng Liu, Dana Habeeb, Anthony DeLucia, Marcus Trail, Yongtao Hu, and Armistead Russell (2014)


Baicalein Inhibits IL-1β- and TNF-α-Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Production From Human Mast Cells via Regulation of the NF-κB Pathway, Chia Jung Hsieh, Kenton Hall, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, Guha Krishnaswamy, and David S. Chi (2007)


Belize It: Early Resident Experience in a Global Surgery Rotation, Nandita Rao, John Vance, David Walters, and Bracken Burns


Benefits of Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Transesophageal Eehocardiographic Monitoring in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Patients With Cardiac Disease, Charles A. Portera, Raymond P. Compton, David N. Walters, and I. William Browder (1995)


Beta-Glucan's Varying Structure Characteristics Modulate Survival and Immune-Related Genes Expression From Vibrio Harveyi-Infected Artemia Franciscana in Gnotobiotic Conditions, Biao Han, Kartik Baruah, Dung Viet Nguyen, David L. Williams, Bert Devriendt, Eric Cox, and Peter Bossier (2020)

Binding of an Immunomodulator to the Human (1 → 3)-β-D-Glucan Monocyte/Macrophage Receptor, J. Raptis, A. Müller, P. J. Rice, J. H. Kalbfleisch, J. Kelley, W. Browder, and D. L. Williams (1997)

Biodegradable Bone Wax, M. Williams, W. Browder, G. W. Kao, George A. Youngberg, W. Messerschmidt, and R. L. Kao (1998)


Blockade of myd88 Attenuates Cardiac Hypertrophy and Decreases Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis in Pressure Overload-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy in Vivo, Tuanzhu Ha, Fang Hua, Yuehua Li, Jing Ma, Xiang Gao, Jim Kelley, Aiqiu Zhao, Georges E. Haddad, David L. Williams, I. William Browder, Race L. Kao, and Chuanfu Li (2006)


Blocking the MyD88-Dependent Pathway Protects the Myocardium From Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rat Hearts, Fang Hua, Tuanzhu Ha, Jing Ma, Xiang Gao, Jim Kelley, David L. Williams, I. William Browder, Race L. Kao, and Chuanfu Li (2005)


C. albicans Increases Cell Wall Mannoprotein, but Not Mannan, in Response to Blood, Serum and Cultivation at Physiological Temperature, Michael Kruppa, Rachel R. Greene, Ilka Noss, Douglas W. Lowman, and David L. Williams (2011)


Candida albicans Primes TLR Cytokine Responses Through a Dectin-1/Raf-1-Mediated Pathway, Daniela C. Ifrim, Leo A.B. Joosten, Bart Jan Kullberg, Liesbeth Jacobs, Trees Jansen, David L. Williams, Neil A.R. Gow, Jos W.M. Van Der Meer, Mihai G. Netea, and Jessica Quintin (2013)


Candida Albicans β-Glucan Differentiates Human Monocytes Into a Specific Subset of Macrophages, Julia Leonhardt, Silke Große, Christian Marx, Fatina Siwczak, Sven Stengel, Tony Bruns, Reinhard Bauer, Michael Kiehntopf, David L. Williams, Zhao Qi Wang, Alexander S. Mosig, Sebastian Weis, Michael Bauer, and Regine Heller (2018)


Candida Auris Cell Wall Mannosylation Contributes to Neutrophil Evasion Through Pathways Divergent From Candida Albicans and Candida Glabrata, Mark V. Horton, Chad J. Johnson, Robert Zarnowski, Brody D. Andes, Taylor J. Schoen, John F. Kernien, Douglas Lowman, Michael D. Kruppa, Zuchao Ma, David L. Williams, Anna Huttenlocher, and Jeniel E. Nett


Carbamylated Erythropoietin Protects the Myocardium From Acute Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Through a PI3K/AKT-Dependent Mechanism, Xuan Xu, Zhijuan Cao, Bin Cao, Jing Li, Lin Guo, Linli Que, Tuanzhu Ha, Qi Chen, Chuanfu Li, and Yuehua Li (2009)


Carbohydrates From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilms Interact With Immune C-Type Lectins and Interfere With Their Receptor Function, Sonali Singh, Yasir Almuhanna, Mohammad Y. Alshahrani, Douglas W. Lowman, Peter J. Rice, Chris Gell, Zuchao Ma, Bridget M. Graves, Darryl Jackson, Kelly Lee, Rucha Juarez, Janice Koranteng, Sirina Muntaka, Daniel A Mitchell, Ana C. Da Silva, Farah Hussain, and Gokhan Yilmaz


Cardiac-Specific Expression of Heat Shock Protein 27 Attenuated Endotoxin-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction and Mortality in Mice Through a PI3K/Akt-Dependent Mechanism, Wenjun You, Xiaoyan Min, Xiaojin Zhang, Bo Qian, Sisi Pang, Zhengnian Ding, Chuanfu Li, Xiang Gao, Ruomin Di, Yunlin Cheng, and Li Liu (2009)


Cardiomyocyte-Specific Deficiency of HSPB1 Worsens Cardiac Dysfunction by Activating NFκB-Mediated Leucocyte Recruitment After Myocardial Infarction, Yana Wang, Jiali Liu, Qiuyue Kong, Hao Cheng, Fei Tu, Peng Yu, Ying Liu, Xiaojin Zhang, Chuanfu Li, Yuehua Li, Xinxu Min, Shuya Du, Zhengnian Ding, and Li Liu (2019)


Cardiovascular Dysfunction in COVID-19: Association Between Endothelial Cell Injury and Lactate, Kun Yang, Matthew Holt, Min Fan, Victor Lam, Yong Yang, Tuanzhu Ha, David L. Williams, Chuanfu Li, and Xiaohui Wang


Carotid Endarterectomy: Experience at a Community Hospital, Nghia M. Vo, Carlos Floresguerra, Janice Sutter, Scott Watson, Joan Blankenship, and Paul E. Stanton (1990)


Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Fungal β-(1→6)-Glucan in Macrophages, Ilka Noss, Tammy R. Ozment, Bridget M. Graves, Michael D. Kruppa, Peter J. Rice, and David L. Williams (2015)


Cell Wall N-Linked Mannoprotein Biosynthesis Requires Goa1p, a Putative Regulator of Mitochondrial Complex I in Candida Aabicans, Xiaodong She, Richard Calderone, Michael Kruppa, Douglas Lowman, David Williams, Lili Zhang, Ying Gao, Kasra Khamooshi, Weida Liu, and Dongmei Li (2016)


Cholinergic Leukocytes in Sepsis and at the Neuroimmune Junction in the Spleen, David B. Hoover, Megan D. Poston, Stacy D. Brown, Sarah E. Lawson, Cherie E. Bond, Anthony M. Downs, David L. Williams, and Tammy R. Ozment (2020)


Civilian Spontaneous Pneumothorax. Treatment Options and Long-Term Results, J P. O'Rourke and E S. Yee


Class III PI3K-Mediated Prolonged Activation of Autophagy Plays a Critical Role in the Transition of Cardiac Hypertrophy to Heart Failure, Peng Yu, Yangyang Zhang, Chuanfu Li, Yuehua Li, Surong Jiang, Xiaojin Zhang, Zhengnian Ding, Fei Tu, Jun Wu, Xiang Gao, and Liu Li (2015)


Coadministration of Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Angiopoietin-1 Enhances Vascularization and Reduces Ventricular Remodeling in the Infarcted Myocardium of Type 1 Diabetic Rats, Samson M. Samuel, Yuzo Akita, Debayon Paul, Mahesh Thirunavukkarasu, Lijun Zhan, Perumana R. Sudhakaran, Chuanfu Li, and Nilanjana Maulik (2010)

Co-Administration of Paraquat and Putrescine to Rats via Miniosmotic Pump: Effects on Lung Glutathione Antioxidant System and PQ Content, J. R. Dunbar, Robert V. Acuff, and Anthony J. DeLucia (1985)


Combination of Single- and Double-Stranded Conformational Polymorphism for Direct Discrimination of Gastric Helicobacter Pylori, Chuancang Jiang, Chuanfu Li, David S. Chi, Donald A. Ferguson, Tuanzhu Ha, John J. Laffan, and Eapen Thomas (1998)


Comparison of the Carbohydrate Biological Response Modifiers Krestin, Schizophyllan and Glucan Phosphate by Aqueous Size Exclusion Chromatography With in-Line Argon-Ion Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering Photometry and Differential Viscometry Detectors, Antje Müller, Henry A. Pretus, Rose B. McNamee, Ernest L. Jones, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (1995)


Comparison of the Outcome of Patient Management with Physician Extenders Only and with both Residents and Extenders, Ted White, Bracken Burns, Matthew Leonard, Christian Nwabueze, and Megan Quinn


Completely Laparoscopic Nonanatomic Hepatic Resection Using Saline-Cooled Cautery and Hydrodissection, Nicholas N. Nissen, Navanjun Grewal, Joseph Lee, Atta Nawabi, and Jeremy Korman (2007)


Concurrent Liquid Chromatographic Separation and Photodiode Array Detection of Retinol, Tocopherols, All-Trans-α-Carotene, All-Trans-β- Carotene and the Mono-Cis Isomers of β-Carotene in Extracts of Human Plasma, Jonathan R. Lane, Lisa W. Webb, and Robert V. Acuff (1997)


Controlled Substance Use and Clinical Outcomes of Elderly Patients After a Fall, Lauren B. Gammel, Matthew Leonard, Hannah Wheeler, Ha Linh, and Bracken Burns


CpG-ODN, the TLR9 Agonist, Attenuates Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury: Involving Activation of PI3K/Akt Signaling, Zhijuan Cao, Danyang Ren, Tuanzhu Ha, Li Liu, Xiaohui Wang, John Kalbfleisch, Xiang Gao, Race Kao, David Williams, and Chuanfu Li (2013)


Current Concepts for the Surgical Management of Carotid Body Tumor, Theron Knight, Jose Andres Gonzalez, John M. Rary, and Daniel S. Rush (2006)


Cytosolic Phospholipase a2 Activation by Candida albicans in Alveolar Macrophages: Role of Dectin-1, Rajinder P. Parti, Robyn Loper, Gordon D. Brown, Siamon Gordon, Philip R. Taylor, Joseph V. Bonventre, Robert C. Murphy, David L. Williams, and Christina C. Leslie (2010)


Cytosolic Phospholipase A2α and Eicosanoids Regulate Expression of Genes in Macrophages Involved in Host Defense and Inflammation, Saritha Suram, Lori J. Silveira, Spencer Mahaffey, Gordon D. Brown, Joseph V. Bonventre, David L. Williams, Neil A.R. Gow, Donna L. Bratton, Robert C. Murphy, and Christina C. Leslie (2013)

Decreased 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate Levels in Blood of Primates Chronically Exposed to Cigarette Smoke, Anthony J. DeLucia, J. R. Dunbar, and L. R. Bryant (1978)


Decreased Mean Platelet Volume Is Associated With Cervical Cancer Development, Wen J. Shen, Shuang Fu, Na Li, Lu Lu Li, Zhi Gang Cao, Chuanfu Li, Tiemin Liu, and Rui Wang (2017)


Dectin-1 Expression and Function Are Enhanced on Alternatively Activated and GM-CSF-Treated Macrophages and Are Negatively Regulated by IL-10, Dexamethasone, and Lipopolysaccharide, Janet A. Willment, Hsi Hsen Lin, Delyth M. Reid, Philip R. Taylor, David L. Williams, Simon Y.C. Wong, Siamon Gordon, and Gordon D. Brown (2003)


Dectin-1 Interaction With Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Leads to Enhanced IL-12p40 Production by Splenic Dendritic Cells, Antonio Gigliotti Rothfuchs, Andre Bafica, Carl G. Feng, Jackson G. Egen, David L. Williams, Gordon D. Brown, and Alan Sher (2007)


Dectin-1 Is a Major β-Glucan Receptor on Macrophages, Gordon D. Brown, Philip R. Taylor, Delyth M. Reid, Janet A. Willment, David L. Williams, Luisa Martinez-Pomares, Simon Y.C. Wong, and Siamon Gordon (2002)


Dectin-1 Mediates the Biological Effects of β-Glucans, Gordon D. Brown, Jurgen Herre, David L. Williams, Janet A. Willment, Andrew S.J. Marshall, and Siamon Gordon (2003)


Dectin-1 Plays a Redundant Role in the Immunomodulatory Activities of β-Glucan-Rich Ligands in Vivo, Mohlopheni J. Marakalala, David L. Williams, Jennifer C. Hoving, Rolf Engstad, Mihai G. Netea, and Gordon D. Brown (2013)


Dectin-1 Promotes Fungicidal Activity of Human Neutrophils, Adam D. Kennedy, Janet A. Willment, David W. Dorward, David L. Williams, Gordon D. Brown, and Frank R. DeLeo (2007)


Delayed Small Bowel Perforation in a Pre-Existing Ventral Hernia After Blunt Trauma, William D. Tucker, Diane Cobble, Christy Lawson, and Bracken Burns


Delayed Ulcer Recurrence After Gastric Resection: A New Postgastrectomy Syndrome?, William Browder, Judith Thompson, George Youngberg, and David Walters (1997)


Dendritic Cell-Derived TSLP Negatively Regulates HIF-1α and IL-1β during Dectin-1 signaling, Matthew J. Elder, Steve J. Webster, Timothy J. Fitzmaurice, Aran S.D. Shaunak, Martin Steinmetz, Ronnie Chee, Ziad Mallat, E. Suzanne Cohen, David L. Williams, J. S. Hill Gaston, and Jane C. Goodall (2019)


Dendritic Cell Interaction With Candida Albicans Critically Depends on N-Linked Mannan, Alessandra Cambi, Mihai G. Netea, Hector M. Mora-Montes, Neil A.R. Gow, Stanleyson V. Hato, Douglas W. Lowman, Bart Jan Kullberg, Ruurd Torensma, David L. Williams, and Carl G. Figdor (2008)


Development of a Water-Soluble, Sulfated (1 → 3)-β-D-Glucan Biological Response Modifier Derived From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, David L. Williams, Henry A. Pretus, Rose B. McNamee, Ernest L. Jones, Harry E. Ensley, and I. William Browder (1992)


Development of Natural Product (1 → 3)‐β‐D‐glucan Polymers as Immune‐stimulating Pharmaceuticals, David L. Williams and I. William Browder (1994)


Differential High-Affinity Interaction of Dectin-1 With Natural or Synthetic Glucans Is Dependent Upon Primary Structure and Is Influenced by Polymer Chain Length and Side-Chain Branching, Elizabeth Adams, Peter J. Rice, Bridget Graves, Harry E. Ensley, Hai Yu, Gordon D. Brown, Siamon Gordon, Mario A. Monteiro, Erzsebet Papp-Szabo, Douglas W. Lowman, Trevor D. Power, Michael F. Wempe, and David L. Williams (2008)


Differential Regulation of Cytokine and Chemokine Production in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Tolerance and Priming, Octavia M. Peck, David L. Williams, Kevin F. Breuel, John H. Kalbfleisch, Hongkuan Fan, George E. Tempel, Giuseppe Teti, and James A. Cook (2004)


Differential Regulation of Lipopolysaccharide and Gram-Positive Bacteria Induced Cytokine and Chemokine Production in Macrophages by GαI Proteins, Hongkuan Fan, David L. Williams, Basilia Zingarelli, Kevin F. Breuel, Giuseppe Teti, George E. Tempel, Karsten Spicher, Guylain Boulay, Lutz Birnbaumer, Perry V. Halushka, and James A. Cook (2007)


Differential Regulation of Lipopolysaccharide and Gram-Positive Bacteria Induced Cytokine and Chemokine Production in Splenocytes by GαI Proteins, Hongkuan Fan, David L. Williams, Basilia Zingarelli, Kevin F. Breuel, Giuseppe Teti, George E. Tempel, Karsten Spicher, Guylain Boulay, Lutz Birnbaumer, Perry V. Halushka, and James A. Cook (2006)


Differential Roles of TLR2 and TLR4 in Acute Focal Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Mice, Fang Hua, Jing Ma, Tuanzhu Ha, Jim L. Kelley, Race L. Kao, John B. Schweitzer, John H. Kalbfleisch, David L. Williams, and Chuanfu Li (2009)


Differential Virulence of Candida Glabrata Glycosylation Mutants, Lara West, Douglas W. Lowman, Héctor M. Mora-Montes, Sarah Grubb, Craig Murdoch, Martin H. Thornhill, Neil A.R. Gow, David Williams, and Ken Haynes (2013)


Differentiation of Helicobacter Pylori Strains Directly From Gastric Biopsy Specimens by PCR-Based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis Without Culture, Chuanfu Li, Tuanzhu Ha, David S. Chi, Donald A. Ferguson, Chuancang Jiang, John J. Laffan, and Eapen Thomas (1997)


Discrimination Between RRR- and All-Racemic-α-Tocopherols Labeled With Deuterium by Patients With Abetalipoproteinemia, Maret G. Traber, Daniel Rader, Robert V. Acuff, H. Bryan Brewer, and Herbert J. Kayden (1994)


Durability of Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy: Comparison With Primary Closure and Carotid Patch Angioplasty, T Katras, U Baltazar, D S. Rush, W C. Sutterfield, L. M. Harvill, and P. E. Stanton


Early Activation of Hepatic Nfκb and NF-IL6 in Polymicrobial Sepsis Correlates With Bacteremia, Cytokine Expression, and Mortality, David L. Williams, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, John H. Kalbfleisch, and Donald A. Ferguson (1999)


Early Activation of IKKβ During in Vivo Myocardial Ischemia, Chuanfu Li, Race L. Kao, Tuanzhu Ha, Jim Kelley, I. William Browder, and David L. Williams (2001)


Early Activation of Pulmonary Nuclear Factor κB and Nuclear Factor Interleukin-6 in Polymicrobial Sepsis, William Browder, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, John H. Kalbfleisch, Donald A. Ferguson, and David L. Williams (1999)


Early Activation of Transcription Factor NF-κB During Ischemia in Perfused Rat Heart, Chuanfu Li, William Browder, and Race L. Kao (1999)


Early Autonomy May Contribute to an Increase in the General Surgical Workforce, Megan A. Quinn, Bracken Burns, and Melissa Taylor


Effect of Macrophage Stimulation on Collagen Biosynthesis in the Healing Wound, Charles A. Portera, Edward J. Love, Luisa Memore, Leiying Zhang, Antje Müller, William Browder, and David L. Williams (1997)


Effects of Nitrofurantoin on the Glutathione Redox Status and Related Enzymes in the Isolated, Perfused Rabbit Lung, J. R. Dunbar, Anthony J. DeLucia, and L. R. Bryant (1981)

Effects of Ozone and Carbon Monoxide on Exercising Humans, Anthony J. DeLucia, J. M. Hunt, and L. R. Bryant (1981)