ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Rethinking Ways to Provide Library Services to Rural Clinicians, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Cook (2011)

Retinal Hemorrhage: More Than Meets the Eye, B. R. Terry, Gayatri Jaishankar, Jennifer Gibson, and Debra Q. Mills (2011)

Revisiting Our Roots: Realigning Our Practices, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2011)

Risk Factors for Psychological Distress and Impaired Quality of Life In Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for Providing Effective Nursing Care, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Sheeba Anand, Beth Bailey, Nancy E. Reame, and Samuel Thatcher (2011)

Risk Factors for Psychological Distress and Impaired Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Nursing Care, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Sheeba Anand, Beth Bailey, and Samuel Thatcher (2011)

Rural Networking Nuts and Bolts of Participant Recruitment, Florence M. Weierbach (2011)

Rural Parents’ Mental Health Service Delivery Preferences: Overcoming Barriers to Care, J. Ellison, Jodi Polaha, and S. North (2011)

Sage Research Methods Online [workshop], Rebecca Tolley (2011)

See, Hear, Feel and Embrace the Environment: Infant and Toddler Spaces That Inspire, Pamela Evanshen (2011)

Self-Disclosure and Storytelling in Adlerian Family Therapy, James Bitter (2011)

Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle School Children in Southern Appalachia: Data from the Winning With Wellness Project, J Smith, V. A. Carroll, William T. Dalton, and Karen E. Schetzina (2011)

Sharing Sensitive Information with Parents: A Guide for Early Childhood Educators, Teresa Boggs (2011)

Singing a New Song in Tennessee: Rural Health 2011, Florence M. Weierbach (2011)

Small Changes with Big Results: Practical and Low-cost Ways to Enrich Your Early Childhood Environment so It Is Engaging and Inspiring for Young Learners, Rebecca Isbell and Pamela Evanshen (2011)

Small Changes with Big Results: Practical and Low-cost Ways to Enrich Your Early Childhood Environment so It Is Engaging and Inspiring for Young Learners, Rebecca Isbell, Pamela Evanshen, H Lane, and A Baker (2011)

Speech Elicitation Material for Young Children with Cleft Lip And/Or Palate in Mauritius, R. Gopal, Brenda Louw, and Alta Kritzinger (2011)

Sports as an Avenue Towards the Improvements in Performance of Children With Learning Disabilities: A Longitudinal Study, Arnold Nyarambi (2011)

“Spreading the Word” to Your College Campus and Community, C. Culbertson, A. McCloud-Hoss, C. Storey, and Cynthia R. Chambers (2011)

Stability of Lansoprazole in Oral Suspension, J. T. Morrison, James Thigpen, Ralph A. Lugo, and Stacy D. Brown (2011)

Status of K-5 Science in Tennessee, L. Jordan, T. Cheatham, Chih-Che Tai, M. Avdeniz, and S. Gore (2011)

Teaching Children to be Good Stewards of our Earth, Kelli G. Barnett, Noell Brickell, S. Ellwanger, Aimee L. Govett, J. Janaitis, Andrea R. Lowery, and Mary C. Myron (2011)

Teaching Weightlifting Movements, Michael H. Stone and Kimitake Sato (2011)

Temporal Processing in Patients with Tinnitus, B. Haas, Jacek Smurzynski, and Marc A. Fagelson (2011)

Tennessee Books Clubs for Individuals with Disabilities., Cynthia R. Chambers and S. Bottorf (2011)

The Big Five in Reading/Writing Readiness, L. Kathryn Sharp (2011)

The Challenge of On-Line Human Services Courses: Keeping it Real and Relevant, Mary R. Langenbrunner and Jamie Branam Kridler (2011)

The College Student Stigma Study, Desta A. Taylor, Stacey L. Williams, and D. McKelvey (2011)

The Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Listeners with Hearing Impairment, Earl E. Johnson and Dan Bell (2011)

The Early Sign, Gayatri Jaishankar, Macariola Demetrio, and H. Hassan (2011)

The Effect of Noise Exposure on the Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, J. W. Tampas, C. Clinard, and Stephanie M. Byrd (2011)

The Effect of Tinnitus on Gap Detection, R. Hass, Jacek Smurzynski, and Marc Fagelson (2011)

The Effects of a Sub-Maximal Warm-up on Endurance Performance in Trained Male Runners during a 30-Minute Time Trial, Caleb D. Bazyler, Michael C. Zourdos, Bong-Sup Park, Lee Sang-Rok, Lynn B. Panton, and Jeong-Su Kim (2011)

The Intertwining Role of Culture and Children’s Book Choice, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)


The New Ibs and Abs of Cancer Medicine, John B. Bossaer (2011)

The Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, J. K. Kelly, Stephanie M. Byrd, and A. Pearson (2011)

The Power of Friendships: Leonardo Bruni as Florentine Diplomat, Brian Maxson (2011)

The Relationship Between Auditory Processing Skills and Disfluencies under Delayed Auditory Feedback in Fluent Speakers, V. K. Guntupalli, S. Venkatesan, Saravanan Elangovan, and V. N. Dayalu (2011)

The Role of Temporal Fine Structure Processing in “Listening in the Dips” of Noise, S. Draper, Sherri Smith, and Jacek Smurzynski (2011)

Think Beyond the Membrane, Eunkyung Song, Ahmad Wattad, Demetrio Macariola, Gayatri Jaishankar, and George Youngberg (2011)

Three Years Teaching Quality Improvement to Family Medicine Residents: Does It Work?, Fred Tudiver, Ivy A. Click, Jeri Ann Basden, and J. H. Strom (2011)

Tinnitus Counseling and Sound Therapy for Veterans with PTSD, E. Graham, Marc A. Fagelson, and J. S. Auerbach (2011)

Training Public Library Workers to be Health Information Providers: an Analysis of a Five-Year Outreach Project by a US Medical Library, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Cook (2011)

Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Biosynthesis in Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2011)

Update on Child Overweight and Obesity Treatment, Karen E. Schetzina and William T. Dalton (2011)

US-Brazil cross-linguistic Consortium in Speech and Hearing Sciences, A. Lynn Williams, Brenda Louw, Ken Bleile, Marcia Keske-Soares, Inge Trindade, and Nancy J. Scherer (2011)

Using Evidence-Based Procedures to Effectively Address Learning and Behavioral Challenges of Young Children With Autism, Pamela Mims, Arnold Nyarambi, and James Fox (2011)

Using Language Corpora in Teaching, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2011)

“Using Live Demonstrations in the Teaching of Counseling Theories and Counseling Process, James Bitter (2011)

Using Multivariate Statistics to Identify Patterns Association Land Use to Fecal Pollution Sources.Similar Creeks in Northeast Tennessee to Identify Patterns Associating Land Use to Fecal Pollution Sources, Kimberlee K. Hall, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2011)

Using Simulation to Augment Clinical Experiences, Wendy M. Nehring (2011)

VEMP Now!, Faith W. Akin (2011)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Owen D. Murnane (2011)

Vestibular Grand Rounds, Faith W. Akin (2011)

Volunteering with a Relief Organization to Provide Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Cook, Biddanda (Suresh) Ponnappa, and Kefeng (Maylene) Qiu (2011)

Volunteering with a Relief Organization to Provide Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2011)

Ways Parents Can Get Involved to Improve their Children’s Literacy, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)

What Is Sport Science?, Michael H. Stone (2011)

Women’s Studies Introductory Course and University Cultural Diversity Goals: Attitude Change Among University Students, Jamie Branam Kridler, L. Good, S. Sun, and K. C. Gott (2011)

Workforce Development in Tennessee: Lessons Learned, Robert P. Pack (2011)

Working Together to Promote Literacy One Book and One Child at a Time: Promising Practices from Research, Kimberly D. Hale (2011)

X-Ray Line Emission from Weak Wind O-Stars, David Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, W. Hamann, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and W. Waldron (2011)

β-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Adult Cardiac Myocytes: Role in Apoptosis, Suman Dalal, Cerrone R. Foster, B. C. Das, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh (2011)

A Campus-Community Partnership for Migrant Tomato Workers' Health, Sharon D. Loury, Ken Silver, and Joe Florence (2010)

Accurate Mass Measurements: Identifying Known Unknowns Using Publically Accessible Databases, J. Little, Stacy D. Brown, and C. Cleven (2010)

ACEs, Polyvictimization, and Psychopathology in High-Risk Youth, Teliyah A. Cobb, Rebecca H. Gilley, and Jill D. Stinson (2010)

A Comparison and Contrast of the NAL-NL1 and NAL-NL2 Methods: Prescribed Frequency Response, Speech Intelligibility, and Loudness, Earl E. Johnson (2010)

Active Learning Processes Used in US Colleges of Pharmacy, David Stewart and Stacy D. Brown (2010)

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, Karin Bartoszuk (2010)

Advanced Techniques in Vestibular Assessment: Tests of Otolith Function, Faith W. Akin (2010)

Advanced Workshop on Treating Speech Sound Disorders: From Assessment to Intervention, A. Lynn Williams (2010)

A Longitudinal Study of P300- Based BCI: Examining the Effects of Disease Progression and Classification, C. K. Hauser, G. E. Frye, J. S. Mesa, N. A. Gates, and Eric W. Sellers

American Football: Lessons Learned from Sport Science and Sports Medicine: Strength and Conditioning for American Football: A Brief Overview, Michael H. Stone, Brian D. Johnston, and R. J. Elbin (2010)

A Neonatal Communication Intervention Program for South African Parents, Esedra Strasheim, Brenda Louw, and Alta Kritzinger (2010)

Anytime, Anywhere Training, Leslie G. Adebonojo, Kathy Campbell, and Mark Ellis (2010)

Astrocyte Pathology Associated With Disrupted Glutamatergic Control of Central Noradrenergic Neurons in Depression and Suicide, Gregory A. Ordway (2010)

Athlete Monitoring Considerations, Michael W. Ramsey (2010)

Attentional Manipulations Can Enhance P300-Based BCI Performance, Daniel R. Berry, Chad E. Lakey, and Eric W. Sellers

Audiological Assessment of Tinnitus Patients, Marc A. Fagelson (2010)


Automatic Assessment of Library Resources Utilizing LibGuides, Leslie G. Adebonojo, Kathy Campbell, and Mark Ellis (2010)


Beckett’s Theatre: Revolving and Rewinding Histories, Katherine Weiss (2010)

Behavioral and Electrophysiological Formant-Frequency Gap Detection in Listeners With and Without Hearing Loss, Elizabeth Leigh-Paffenroth and Saravanan Elangovan (2010)

Binaural Performance in Normal-hearing Young Adults Influenced by Short-term Induced Unilateral Conductive and Sensory Changes, Jacek Smurzynski (2010)

Biological Distance Among Victims of Ritual Violence From a Postclassic Maya Templev, William N. Duncan (2010)

Bookmaking Club, Edward J. Dwyer (2010)

Brainy Acts: Active Classroom Teaching Strategies, Pamela Evanshen and Susan Lewis (2010)

Breastfeeding Promotion, Karen E. Schetzina and Julie Ware (2010)

Bringing Family Medicine Residents into the Future: Integrating Evidence-Based Quality Improvement into a Family Medicine Residency, Fred Tudiver, Jeri Ann Basden, and Ivy A. Click (2010)

Bringing Technology to Integrated Care, Jodi Polaha, J. Correll, and J. Ellison (2010)

Building Capacity: Engaging Staff to Deliver Children’s Services Through a New Framework, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey and A. Richesin (2010)

“Building Life Together: Adlerian Principles for Couples and Couples Counseling, James Bitter and Jill Duba (2010)

Challenges of Nursing Education in 2010 and Beyond, Nancy G. Cameron (2010)

Classrooms in the Clouds, Chih-Che Tai (2010)

Clinical Perspectives in Audiology: Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin (2010)

College of Nursing., Wendy M. Nehring (2010)

Colonial Legacies of Eurocentric Schooling and the Construction of Disability in Southern Africa, Arnold Nyarambi and L. Zagumny (2010)

Communication as Key to Quality of Life in the HIV/AIDS Population: The Role of the Speech-language Pathologist and the Audiologist, Brenda Louw (2010)

Communicative Acts and Word Acquisition in Toddlers with Cleft Palate, Sarah Boyce, G. Martin, C. Skinner, K. Wetherholt, and N. Scherer (2010)

Communicative Acts and Word Acquisition in Toddlers with Cleft Palate, Sarah Boyce, G. Martin, C. Skinner, K. Wetherholt, and N. Scherer (2010)

Comparative Descriptors of Applicants and Graduates of Online and Face-to-Face Master of Science in Nursing Education Programs, Nancy G. Cameron (2010)

Comparing Lower-Limb Asymmetries In Ncaa D-I Male And Female Athletes, E. M. Owens, A. J. Serrano, Michael W. Ramsey, Satoshi Mizuguchi, Brian Johnston, and Michael H. Stone (2010)