ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Hispanic Migrant Farmworker Health in East Tennessee: Interprofessional Education and a University/Community Partnership, Sharon D. Loury (2011)

Hispanic Migrant Farmworker Health in Rural East Tennessee: Interprofessional Education and a University/Community Partnership, Sharon D. Loury and Ardis Nelson (2011)

Hispanic Program of Research, Sharon D. Loury (2011)

Historical Truth, Public Ritual, and Leonardo Bruni’s History of the Florentine People in Renaissance Florence, Brian Maxson (2011)

Home Food Environment and Consumption of Energy-Dense Food among Obese Children in Southern Appalachia, Tiejian Wu, Karen E. Schetzina, William T. Dalton, Fred Tudiver, Hazel Robinson, and Nicole Holt (2011)

Hormone and Adipokine Alterations across 11 Weeks of Training in Division 1 Collegiate Throwers: An Exploratory Study, William G. Hornsby, Chris R. Carter, G. Gregory Haff, Michael W. Ramsey, Andrew R. Dotterweich, N. Travis Tripplet, Charles A. Stuart, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

How Do We Assess Perceived Stigma? Initial Validation of a New Measure, Stacey L. Williams (2011)

How Do We Assess Perceived Stigma? Initial Validation of a New Measure, Stacey Williams and Judy G. McCook (2011)

How Do You Know if Your Child has Metabolic Syndrome?, Jo-Ann Marrs (2011)

Humanists, Knights, Gifts, Guelfs, and Ghibellines in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2011)

ICF-CY: Basis for a Conceptual Model for Interprofessional Education, A. Lynn Williams, Lori J. Marks, R. Barnhart, and Susan Epps (2011)

Immersion into Preschool Preparation a High School Physics Teacher Looks at the Creative Development of Young Children Through an Emergent Inquiry Lens, Jane Tingle Broderick and D. M. Garrett (2011)

Impact of Rural Geography on Treatment Modalities for Patients with Small-cell Lung Cancer, J. E. Freshour, John B. Bossaer, Brian L. Odle, B. Cluck, and David W. Steward (2011)

Implementation of the Go, Slow, Whoa Meal Pattern in Schools through the Winning with Wellness Program, Jodi Southerland, Debbi Slawon, Karen E. Schetzina, and Willam T. Dalton (2011)

Implementing a Process-Based Service Learning Method with Future Educators in the Community, Cynthia R. Chambers, K. Bevins, and J. Littleton (2011)

Improving Brain-Computer Interface Performance: Giving the P300 Speller Some Color, David B. Ryan, N. A. Gates, K. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, L. Collins, K. A. M. Winnen, R. W. Brown, and Eric W. Sellers

Improving P300 Speller Speed and Accuracy with Dynamic Stopping, K. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, D. B. Ryan, K. D. Morton, Eric W. Sellers, K. Caves, and L. M. Collins

Inductive Language Teaching in Large Classes, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2011)

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Michele R. Moser and Janet Todd (2011)

Infant Birth Outcomes Among Substance Abusing Women: Why Quitting Smoking Is Just as Important as Quitting Harder Drugs, Beth A. Bailey, Judy G. McCook, Andrea D. Clements, and Lana McGrady (2011)

Injury Rates Among Division I Baseball Players With and Without SPEC Program Guidance, Jeremy A. Gentles, Brian D. Johnston, William G. Hornsby, Christopher J. MacDonald, Robert J. Elbin, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Innovative Teaching Strategies Within the Curriculum of a Newly Established College of Pharmacy, David Stewart, Stacy D. Brown, Cheri Clavier, and Michael Crouch (2011)

Insights into Storage Oil Biosynthesis: Comparative Transcriptomics of Seed and Non-Seed Tissues, Aruna Kilaru and J. Ohlrogge (2011)


Intervention Intensity for Speech Sound Disorders: How Much and for How Long?, Elise Baker and A. Lynn Williams (2011)

In the Presence of Mine Enemies: Pope Martin V, Florence, Diplomats, and Diplomacy, Brian Maxson (2011)

Introduction to Quality Improvement, Gary E. Michael (2011)

It’s Cool to Be Warm, Renee M. Lowe (2011)

Jumpwise Regression for Channel Selection in BCI: Longitudinal Consistency and Simulations, K. Colwell, D. B. Ryan, S. Throckmorton, Eric W. Sellers, and L. M. Collins

Learning Science Through Exploration- A Practice in Taiwan, Mao-Cheng Lin and Chih-Che Tai (2011)

Lesson Design, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Lesson Design, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Listening with Normal Hearing, Hearing Impairment, and Hearing Aids: An Audiologic Perspective, Earl E. Johnson (2011)

Literacy Workstations: Making Them Work in Your Classroom! (It IS Possible!), L. Kathryn Sharp and M White (2011)

Longitudinal Analysis of Rates of Gesture, Vocalization and Word use in Toddlers with Cleft Palate, Nancy J. Scherer, Sarah Boyce, and G. Martin (2011)

Looking Through a Lens: Arranging the Classroom for Social Learning Experiences, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2011)

Looking Up: Surrender and Church Attendance Across Racial Groups in Southern Appalachia, JonDon Caldwell and Andrea D. Clements (2011)

Measuring Religiosity and Risk in a Prenatal Population: Attendance, Prayer, Influence or Surrender to Predict Developmental Risk?, Andrea D. Clements, Anna V. Ermakova, and Beth A. Bailey (2011)

Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, Michael H. Stone (2011)

Meet the Deans: Getting into Graduate School, Karin Bartoszuk, J. Beck, and D. Magee (2011)

Mentoring Doctoral Students via Internship: Widening the Circle of Pre-Service Education, Renee Rice Moran, Monica T. Billen, Colleen P. Gilrane, and Amy D. Broemme (2011)

Mentoring via Theatre Arts: Building a Supportive Network Middle School Through College, Jamie Branam Kridler and G. Maloy (2011)


Metabolic Syndrome Insulin Resistance is Associated with Discordant Distrbution of GLUT4 and the Insulin Receptor in Fast‐Twitch and Slow‐Twitch Muscle Fiber Types, Charles A. Stuart, Melanie P. McCurry, Anna Marino, Mark A. South, Mary E.A. Howell, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Methodology to Examine Perceived Infertility Stigma among Women, Judy G. McCook and Stacey Williams (2011)

Methodology to Examine Perceived Infertility Stigma among Women, Judy G. McCook and Stacey Williams (2011)

Mindfulness Meditation Training Program Improves P300-Based BCI Performance by Affording Reliable Target Responses, Daniel Ryan Berry, Chad E. Lakey, T. L. Lewis, and Eric W. Sellers

Monitoring the Effects of Chlorination Treatment on Sulfamethazine using LCMS-IT-TOF, Tyler Melton and Stacy D. Brown (2011)

Monitoring Training Loads with a Web Based Athlete Monitoring System, Jeremy A. Gentles (2011)

MSN Online Orientation and Reference Program, Nancy G. Cameron (2011)

Nature Connectivity in Young Adults: Relationships Between Well-Being, Technology, and the Natural Environment, Cheyenne Peavler and Jodi Polaha (2011)

Nature of Science, Connections, Visions and Opportunities, Chih-Che Tai (2011)

New Perspectives of Multicultural Education: Measuring Banks’ Five Dimensions from the Student Point of View, Alison L. Barton and K. M. Coalson (2011)

Non-Invasive P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Use for Brain Stem Stroke: A Case Report, Eric W. Sellers

Non-Normality in Highway QA Construction Data and Adverse Pay Consequences, Mohammad M. Uddin, K. C. Mahboub, and Paul Goodrum (2011)

Non-Normality in Hot Mix Asphalt Quality Assurance Acceptance Quality Characteristics Data and a Proposed Solution, Mohammad M. Uddin and Paul Goodrum (2011)

Occurrence of Fecal Pathogens E. coli 0517:H7 and Salmonella sp. in Relation to Fecal Indicator Concentrations Detected in Sinking Creek of the Boone Watershed, C. A. Manning, Kimberlee K. Hall, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2011)

Oncology Pharmacy: Community Pharmacy Implications, John B. Bossaer (2011)

Oral Histories of Early Practice Nurses, Sharon D. Loury and Florence Weierbach (2011)

Outperforming the Normal Hearing Listener: Super- Listening with a Binaural Beamforming Noise Reduction Microphone Array, Earl E. Johnson (2011)

Overview of Retention Project, Karin Bartoszuk (2011)

P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) use by People with ALS: Effects of Different Stimulus Types and User Strategies, L. A. Scull, S. M. Feldman, T. M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, L. McCane, D. Zeitlin, George Townsend, T. Heiman-Patterson, and J. R. Wolpaw

Packing Your Saddlebags, Putting in the Basics, Susan Bramlett Epps and Joy Fulkerson (2011)

Parent and Provider Perceptions of Use of the NIH We Can! Curriculum for Group Visits In Primary Care to Treat Child Overweight and Obesity, Karen E. Schetzina, William T. Dalton, Alicia Flannery, Nicole Holt, Meagan Aiken, and Fred Tudiver (2011)

Parent Perspectives on Group Sessions in the Parent-Led Activity and Nutrition (PLAN) for Healthy Living Study Targeting Childhood Obesity, Nicole Holt, William T. Dalton, Karen E. Schetzina, Fred Tudiver, and Tiejian Wu (2011)

Parents’ Perceived Stigma of Service Seeking Scale: Initial Findings, S. L. Chandler, Stacey Williams, and Jodi Polaha (2011)

Parents’ Responsiveness and Toddlers’ Early Vocabulary Acquisition, C. Bacon, E. Barding, E. Lowe, D. Williams, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2011)

Partnering with an Area Hospital to Provide Senior Consumer Health Information, Judy Willett, Nakia J. Cook, and Rick L. Wallace (2011)

Patient-Centered Approach to Pain Management, Reid B. Blackwelder (2011)

PCIT training: Applying a Learning Collaborative Model, C. Warner-Metzger, B. C. Reed, John Paul Abner, Janet Todd, and Michele R. Moser (2011)

Physiology of Sprint and Road Cycling, Michael W. Ramsey (2011)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Morbidity Issues and the Psychosocial Impact on Infertile Women, Audry Greenwell, Judy G. McCook, Stacey Williams, Sheeba Anand, and Beth Bailey (2011)

Positive Eating Program for Parents, Teresa Boggs (2011)

Power of Performance Arts: An Inclusive Community-Based Performance Arts Program, Cynthia R. Chambers, K. Buttolph, A. L. Shortt, C. Culbertson, and K. Bevins (2011)

Preferred Learning Styles of Pharmacy Students at Two U.S. Colleges of Pharmacy, John B. Bossaer and Anne P. Spencer (2011)

Prenatal Smoke Exposure and Language Outcomes at 15 Months: Social Aspects of Communication Versus Expressive and Receptive Language, Beth A. Bailey, Andrea D. Clements, Jessica Scott, and Lana McGrady (2011)

Prenatal Smoke Exposure and Language Outcomes at 15 Months: Social Aspects of Communication Versus Expressive and Receptive Language, Beth A. Bailey, Andrea D. Clements, J. Scott, and Lana McGrady (2011)

Prescriptions and Training: Good for People, Pets, and Programmable Hearing Aids - Part I (ABA Tier One Session), Earl E. Johnson (2011)

Prescriptions and Training: Good for People, Pets, and Programmable Hearing Aids - Part II (ABA Tier One Session), Earl E. Johnson (2011)

Pre-service Teachers’ Dispositions: What If They Don’t Have the ‘right Stuff’?, L. Kathryn Sharp and D. C. Moberly (2011)

Promoting Breastfeeding through a Statewide Quality Collaborative, Julie Ware, Karen E. Schetzina, and Peter Grubb (2011)

Promoting Health in Migrant Tomato Farmers in East Tennessee, Sharon D. Loury, Joe Florence, and Ken Silver (2011)

Promoting the Success of Students with Learning Problems in the University Classroom, Lori J. Marks (2011)

Provider Perceptions on Parent-Led Activity and Nutrition (PLAN) for Healthy Living Study Targeting Child Overweight and Obesity, Alicia Flannery, Nicole Holt, William T. Dalton, Karen E. Schetzina, Fred Tudiver, and Tiejian Wu (2011)

Putting a PLAN into Practice for Child Obesity Management in Primary Care., Karen E. Schetzina and William T. Dalton (2011)

Quitting Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: Evidence of Gains Following Cessation by Third Trimester, Beth A. Bailey, Judy G. McCook, A. L. Hodge, Andrea D. Clements, and Lana McGrady (2011)


Quitting Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: Evidence of Gains Following Cessation by Third Trimester, Beth Bailey, Judy G. McCook, Andrea Clements, and Lana McGrady (2011)

Radiography Curriculum Change Update: American Society of Radiologic Technologists, Ester L. Verhovsek (2011)

Reaching the Masses through Your Content Management System, Leslie G. Adebonojo, Kathy Campbell, and Mark Ellis (2011)

Recruitment and Retention of Teachers, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Reduced Health-Related Quality of Life in Overweight Middle School Students Residenting in Southern Appalachia, Kristen Carlosh, Jessica Smith, William T. Dalton, and Karen E. Schetzina (2011)


Reflections on the Impact of a Library-based Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Service, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Cook, and Travis Clamon (2011)

Relationship Decision Factors, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Stigma Among Abused Women, D. W. Hutsell, K. D. Hyatt, D. A. Taylor, and Stacey L. Williams (2011)

Relationships between Family Literacy Practices and Reading Achievement, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)

Relationships between Measures of Jump Performance and Strength Following Three Different Methods of Resistance Training, C. J. MacDonald, Hugh S. Lamont, J. C. Garner, K. Jackson, A. A. Kavanaugh, C. R. Carter, E. M. Owens, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Religious Attendance Versus Religious Surrender as a Measure of Prenatal Stress, Andrea D. Clements and Anna V. Ermakova (2011)

Remembering and Forgetting (un)happier Days in Beckett’s Happy Days, Katherine Weiss (2011)

Research on Autism in Africa: Breaking the Silence, Arnold Nyarambi, Regina L. Enwefa, and Stephen C. Enwefa (2011)

Research on Autism in Africa: Breaking the Silence, Arnold Nyarambi, R. Enwefa, and S. Enwefa (2011)

Research Techniques Using SAS, Billy Brooks (2011)

Rethinking the Role of Clergy as Consumer Health Educators, Rick L. Wallace (2011)

Rethinking the Role of Clergy as Consumer Health Educators, Rick L. Wallace, Bruce Behringer, Grace Ghansah, and Nakia J. Cook (2011)