ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2016


Could African and Low- and Middle-Income Countries Contribute Scientifically to Global Cancer Care? The Answer Is Yes!, Abdul Hannan


Misdiagnosis of Cancer as Tuberculosis in Low- to Middle-Income Countries: A Tip of the Iceberg!, Abdul Hannan

Changing Social Work Student’s Perceptions of the Supportive Role of Government, Peter A. Kindle, Michael L. Burford, and Mary A. Caplan

The Effect of the Size of Facial Stimuli on Using a P300 Brain Computer-Interface, Rebecca B. Millard, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, C. M. Coffman, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


Book Review of Claiming the Union: Citizenship in the Post–Civil War South by Susanna Michele Lee, Steven Nash

Interprofessional Research, Training and Outreach: The ETSU Prescription Drug Abuse/Misuse Working Group, Robert P. Pack, Angela Hagaman, Sara Warfield, Jeffry A. Gray, Fred Tudiver, Arsham Alamian, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier

WUnicuspid Aortic Valve- An Uncommon Anomaly With a Common Presentation, Puja Sitwala, Ashraf Abusara, Vatsal Ladia, Vatsal Ladia, Hemang B. Panchal, Charles Raudat, and Timir K. Paul

P300 Event Related Potential Brain-Computer Interface: A Simulation of Random Eye Movements, Caitlyn N. Swymer, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Kelsey N. Shubert, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers

The Influence of Inter-Stimulus-Interval on BCI Performance, Caitlyn N. Swymer, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Kelsey N. Shubert, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers

Submissions from 2015

Epistaxis and Death by the Trigeminocardiac Reflex: A Cautionary Report, Disha Awasthi, Thomas M. Roy, and Ryland P. Byrd

Enhancing Audit Quality: The AIPA’s Six-Point Plan to Improve Audits, Ashley Bentley


House or Lineage? How Intracemetery Kinship Analysis Contributes to the Debate in the Maya Area, William N. Duncan and Jon B. Hageman


Paul Ehrlich's Mastzellen: A Historical Perspective of Relevant Developments in Mast Cell Biology, Jack Ghably, Hana Saleh, Harsha Vyas, Emma Peiris, Niva Misra, and Guha Krishnaswamy

P300 Brain-Computer Interface: Comparing Faces and Size-Matched Non-Face Stimuli, Marissa R. Kellicut, C. M. Coffman, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


The Relative Importance of Various Factors in the Selection of Privately Funded Long Term Health Care Facilities, John C. Keyt and Joseph D. Cangelosi


Synthetic Gene Complementation to Determine off-Target Silencing, Dhirendra R. Kumar


Untreated Isolated Sytolic Hypertension Among Middle-Aged and Old Adults in the United States: Trends in the Prevalence by Demographic Factors During 1999-2010, Xuefeng Liu, Van M. Hoang, Yali Liu, and Rachel L. Brown

Redeeming the Carolina Highlands: Ku Klux Klan Violence in a Southern Appalachian Region, 1868-1872, Steven E. Nash


Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2) Dependent and Independent Effects of WIN55,212-2 on Atherosclerosis in Ldlr-null Mice, Courtney Netherland-Van Dyke, Ward Rodgers, Makenzie Fulmer, Zachary Lahr, and Douglas Thewke

Pulmonary Myeloperoxidase Activity, Tammy Regena Ozment


Who Uses Prepared Foods? Psychographic and Demographic Correlates, Glen Riecken and Ugur Yavas


Aspects of Outshopping: Insights from a European Country, Glen Riecken, Ugur Yavas, and Antti Haahti


The Infant Orienting With Attention Task: Assessing the Neural Basis of Spatial Attention in Infancy, Shannon Ross-Sheehy, Sebastian Schneegans, and John P. Spencer

Utilizing Visual Attention and Inclination to Facilitate Brain- Computer Interface Design in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and College Age Sample, D. Ryan, M. L. Morton, and Eric W. Sellers


Associations Between Speech Understanding and Auditory and Visual Tests of Verbal Working Memory: Effects of Linguistic Complexity, Task, Age, and Hearing Loss, Sherri L. Smith and M. K. Pichora-Fuller

Performance Comparison of Color-Blink and Grey-White Paradigms in Undergraduates and Age-Matched Controls Using the Brain-Computer Interface, S. A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, T. L. Street, and Eric W. Sellers

A Brain-Computer Interface Study Examining the Performance of Monochromatic and Color Stimuli, T. L. Street, S. A. Sprague, and Eric W. Sellers


Inositol Analysis by HPLC and Its Stability in Scavenged Sample Conditions, Robert M. Ward, John Sweeley, and Ralph A. Lugo

Clinical Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of Visual Scapulohumeral Movement Evaluation in Detecting Patients With Shoulder Impairment, Craig A. Wassinger, Duane A. Williams, Stephan Milosavljevic, and Eric J. Hegedus


Recognition Performance on Words Interrupted (10 Ips, 50% Duty Cycle) With Two Interruption Patterns Referenced to Word Onset: Young Listeners With Normal Hearing for Pure Tones and Older Listeners With Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Richard H. Wilson and Staci E. Irish


Academic Library Core Collection for Celtic and Roman Religions in Roman Britain, Kim Woodring


Book Review: Medieval Haywharf to 20th Century Brewery, Kim Woodring


Proclivity to Donate Time: Do Heavy, Moderate, Light, and Nondonors Vary?, Ugur Yavas and Glen Riecken


Shopping Deliberateness in a Developing Country: An Empirical Study, Ugur Yavas and Glen Riecken

Submissions from 2014

Left-Sided Liver and Right Sided Polysplenia: A 77-Year-Old Patient With Hetrotaxy Syndrome, Parag Brahmbhatt, Bhavesh Barad, Mehul Panchal, Vedang Bhavsar, Saleem Atif, and Lance Klosterman

Reflections from an Undergraduate Student Peer Facilitator in the Team Up for Healthy Living School-Based Obesity Prevention Project, Caroline E. Crenshaw, Diana M. Mozen, William T. Dalton, and Deborah L. Slawson


Gynecologic Malignancies Post-LeFort Colpocleisis, Rayan Elkattah, Alicia Brooks, and R K. Huffaker


Factors Influencing Local Food Procurement Among Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Eastern and Western North Carolina, USA, Jared T. McGuirt, Rachel Ward, Nadya M. Elliott, Sally L. Bullock, and Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts

Report of a Curriculum Used in a Peer-Delivered Intervention to Reduce Obesity of Adolescents in Southern Appalachia and Its Relationship to the National Health Education Standards, Diana Mozen, William T. Dalton, Taylor McKeehan, and Deborah Slawson

Between Slavery and the Want of Railroads: Emancipation and Reconstruction in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash


Book Review of Bloody Breathitt: Politics and Violence in the Appalachian South, Steven E. Nash

Emancipation in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash


Dabigatran Induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis in a Patient With Painful Bladder Syndrome, Helen Otteno, Erica Smith, and R K. Huffaker


Associations of Alcohol Consumption and Chronic Diseases With Sleep Apnea Among US Adults, Yue Pan, Weize Wang, and Ke-Sheng Wang

Utilizing Visual Attention to Facilitate BCI Design, David B. Ryan and Eric W. Sellers

The Effects of Motivation on Task Performance Using a Brain-Computer Interface, Samantha A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


The Role of Antioxidants and Pro-Oxidants in Colon Cancer, William L. Stone, Koyamangalath Krishnan, Sharon E. Campbell, and Victoria E. Palau


Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Challenge for Medical Providers, Mothers, and Society, Jim Thigpen and Sarah T. Melton

The Influence of Upper Body Fatigue on Dynamic Standing Balance, Craig A. Wassinger, Hayley McKinney, Stephanie Roane, Mary J. Davenport, Beatrice Owens, Ute Breese, and Geri A. Sokell

Use of Diplotypes - Matched Haplotype Pairs From Homologous Chromosomes - in Gene-Disease Association Studies, Lingjun Zuo, Kesheng Wang, and Xingguang Luo

Submissions from 2013

Introduction: Understanding Corporate Criminality: Challenges and Issues, Michael B. Blankenship


Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma Presenting as a Chest Pain: A Case Report, Parag Brahmbhatt, Pranav Patel, Atif Saleem, Rathi Narayan, and Mark Young


Recurrent Adenocarcinoma of Colon Presenting as Duodenal Metastasis With Partial Gastric Outlet Obstruction: A Case Report With Review of Literature, Parag Brahmbhatt, Jason Ross, Atif Saleem, Jason McKinney, Pranav Patel, Sarah Khan, Chakradhar M. Reddy, and Mark Young

The Effect of Task Based Motivation on BCI Performance: A Preliminary Outlook, K. E. Brown, S. Mesa Guerra, and Eric W. Sellers

Defining Corporate Crime: A Critique of Traditional Parameters, Stephen E. Brown and Chau Pu Chiang


Acute Oxalate Nephropathy Associated With Orlistat: A Case Report With a Review of the Literature, Dhara Chaudhari, Conchitina Crisostomo, Charles Ganote, and George A. Youngberg


Hepatic Artery Mycotic Aneurysm Associated With Staphylococcal Endocarditis With Successful Treatment: Case Report With Review of the Literature, Dhara Chaudhari, Atif Saleem, Pranav Patel, Sara Khan, Mark Young, and Gene LeSage

Immediate Effects of Cryotherapy on Static and Dynamic Balance, Matthew Douglas, Serena Bivens, Jennifer Pesterfield, Nathan Clemson, Whitney Castle, Gisela Sole, and Craig A. Wassinger


A Suspected Pelvic Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in Pregnancy, Rayan Elkattah and Brooke Foulk


Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Vulva: A Précis for Primary Care Providers, Rayan Elkattah, O. Sarkodie, H Otteno, and A. Fletcher


Not Quite an Acute ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Venkataramanan Gangadharan, Ahmad Alazzeh, and Terry Forrest


Kounis Syndrome - an Atopic Monster for the Heart, Venkataramanan Gangadharan, Samit Bhatheja, and Kais Al Balbissi


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescents: (Women's Health Series), Michelle Horn and Stephen A. Geraci


Impact of Clinical Pharmacist Collaboration in Patients Beginning Insulin Pump Therapy: A Retrospective and Cross-Sectional Analysis, James L. Ledford, Rick Hess, and Frank P. Johnson


Is the Association of Diabetes With Uncontrolled Blood Pressure Stronger in Mexican Americans and Blacks Than in Whites Among Diagnosed Hypertensive Patients?, Xuefeng Liu and Ping Song


Book Review of Inventing Stonewall Jackson: A Civil War Hero in History and Memory, Steven Nash

A New Birth of Freedom in the Southern Mountains: Emancipation in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Emancipation in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Let Us Begin with the Mountains: Toward An Environmental History of the Civil War in Appalachia, Steven E. Nash


Massive Gastric Dilatation Secondary to Internal Hernia Obstructing the Biliary Intestinal Limb of Whipple Procedure, Pranav Patel, Nisarg Patel, Antwan Atia, Ravindra Murthy, and Mark Young


Indoor Air Quality in Central Appalachia Homes Impacted by Wood and Coal Use, Laura M. Paulin, D'Ann Williams, Charles Oberweiser, Gregory A. Diette, Patrick N. Breysse, Meredith M. McCormack, Elizabeth C. Matsui, Roger Peng, Tricia A. Metts, and Nadia N. Hansel

Enhancing Brain-Computer Interface Performance in an ALS Population: Checkerboard and Color Paradigms, David B. Ryan, Kenneth A. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, Leslie M. Collins, and Eric W. Sellers

The Effects of Motivation on Task Performance Using the BCI., S. A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers


Relationship Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Alcohol Dependence: A Genetic View, Ke-Sheng Wang

Submissions from 2012

Optimizing P300-based brain-computer interface communication speed via error potentials, D. R. Berry, K. A. Colwell, and Eric W. Sellers

A Longitudinal Investigation of Non-Invasive P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface, Kelly E. Brown, David B. Ryan, Juliane A. Armstrong, and Eric W. Sellers

A Longitudinal Investigation of Non-Invasive P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface, K. E. Brown, D. B. Ryan, J. A. Armstrong, and Eric W. Sellers


Comparison of Nutritional Intake in US Adolescent Swimmers and Non-Athletes, Andy C. Collins, Kenneth D. Ward, Bridget Mirza, Deborah L. Slawson, Barbara S. McClanahan, and Christopher Vukadinovich


Classifying Multigraph Models of Secondary RNA Structure Using Graph-Theoretic Descriptors, Debra Knisley, Jeff Knisley, Chelsea Ross, and Alissa Rockney


Book Review of Confederate Outlaw: Champ Ferguson and the Civil War in Appalachia, Steven Nash

Agents of Change: The Freedmen’s Bureau in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Becoming Free in the Mountain South: The Freedmen’s Bureau in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Book Review of After the War: The Lives and Images of Major Civil War Figures After the Shooting Stopped, Steven E. Nash


Book Review of Radical Reform: Interracial Politics in Post-Emancipation North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

Roguish Yankees and Rascally Freedpeople: The Civil War and Emancipation within Cornelia Henry’s Household, Steven E. Nash

The Metropolis of the Land of the Sky: The Civil War’s Impact on Asheville, North Carolina, Steven E. Nash

You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Or Can You?): Civil War Loyalties in Western North Carolina, Steven E. Nash


Erratum: High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Reveals the Special Nature of Wolf-Rayet Star Winds (Astrophysical Journal Letters (2012) 747 (L25)), L. M. Oskinova, K. G. Gayley, W. R. Hamann, D. P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, and A. M.T. Pollock

Visual Attention’s Past Shapes The Future of BCI, David B. Ryan and Eric W. Sellers

Enhancing Brain-Computer Interface Performance in an ALS Population: Checkerboard and Color Paradigms, D. B. Ryan, S. Throckmorton, L. M. Collins, K. M. Caves, and Eric W. Sellers


Endoscopic Management of Biliary Leak Following Gunshot Wound to the Liver, Atif Saleem and Todd H. Baron

Submissions from 2011


β-Adrenergic Receptor-Stimulated Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis: Role of β1 Integrins, Parthiv Amin, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh

Mindfulness Meditation Training Program Improves P300-Based BCI Performance by Affording Reliable Target Responses, Daniel Ryan Berry, Chad E. Lakey, T. L. Lewis, and Eric W. Sellers

Jumpwise Regression for Channel Selection in BCI: Longitudinal Consistency and Simulations, K. Colwell, D. B. Ryan, S. Throckmorton, Eric W. Sellers, and L. M. Collins

Improving P300 Speller Speed and Accuracy with Dynamic Stopping, K. Colwell, S. Throckmorton, D. B. Ryan, K. D. Morton, Eric W. Sellers, K. Caves, and L. M. Collins

Factors Correlating with P300-Based BCI Performance in People With and Without ALS, L. McCane, T. M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, D. Zeitlin, J. Mak, and J. R. Wolpaw

Homework Assignments: Eavesdropping to Enhance Social Skills, Clifton Mitchell


Book Review of A Mountaineer in Motion: The Memoir of Dr. Abraham Jobe, 1817-1906, Steven E. Nash

Book Review of Appalachians All!: East Tennesseans and the Elusive History of an American Region, Steven E. Nash


Book Review of Bluecoats and Tar Heels: Soldiers and Civilians in Reconstruction North Carolina, Steven E. Nash